Stormy Peril

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Stormy Peril Page 21

by Victoria Pinder

  Roger and Harry were inside the house.

  She let the door handle go and ran back down the hall. At the stairwell to the bedrooms, she glanced upstairs. His sister was sick and needed protection from them. Were they here for the money she found on the beach? To kill them? Why didn’t this end?

  She needed to find Raphael. Now. Adrenaline coursed through her. Michaela needed her. She rubbed her arms and raced up the stairs.

  Two heads were better than one, and Raphael would find them. He'd not let them down. She'd tell him later that she was sorry she went too far. First, she'd make sure his sister was okay.


  Kimberly patted Michaela's arms to rouse her gently, but she was out cold. Any second, Roger and Harry might break down the door. Her limbs trembled. She shook Raphael's sister's shoulder to wake her up. Michaela's head turned, and she let out a loud snore. Kimberly's stomach was hard as rocks. What to do?

  Raphael’s sister slept like the dead, and there were people here to kill them.

  Kimberly turned on her heels, and then gazed at the medication at the nightstand. Despite how her feet itched to run, she picked up the pill bottles. She then gulped the rest of the water Michaela had left on the stand.

  The coolness of the water did nothing to stop how dizzy Kimberly felt at the thought that they might be trapped. Sleeping pills? Oh no. No wonder she couldn’t wake Michaela.

  Kimberly's leg muscles tightened. Roger and Harry might stay downstairs and out of the bedrooms. Noise would attract danger. She gripped the edge of the nightstand. On the other hand, they could be on the stairs right now. Her limbs shook. She wanted to run, but she had to stay.

  She glanced around the room. The candles would attract attention, so she quickly blew them out. Raphael would come and save his sister the second he knew the castle was no longer safe.

  Raphael had always saved her. She needed to find a way to keep Michaela and herself safe until he showed up.

  She gazed around the room for any sign that they might be discovered any second. Raphael knew how to use weapons. The house was stacked with his defenses. Her hands were clammy and cold as she reached out to pick up the heavy candelabrum.

  Footsteps clumped up the stairs. Kimberly flinched, but then quickly blew out the last flames of the candles on the other side of the room.

  Michaela was still unconscious. Kimberly backed into the corner of the wall and tried to not make any noise. She held the heavy silver candelabrum to her side as she clenched the center of it. It was the only weapon she had.

  Her heartbeat felt like it exploded as the door slipped open.

  She picked up the candelabrum to wield it as a weapon, as the door closed. Her body warmed, though for a moment she couldn't see who came. Then her muscles relaxed as she stepped forward. Without one word, she crossed the room and hugged Raphael's strong chest. His arms wrapped around her as she tried to breathe. "It's you."

  She stepped back and dropped her arms. He shook his head. "Stay quiet. I have my gun, and I'll get you to a safe place."

  "Meg?" Kimberly's mouth dropped open. "Where is she? Is she safe?"

  Raphael green eyes gleamed in the darkness. "Who is Meg?"

  "Your maid." She covered her mouth with her hand. "Roger and Harry are downstairs. She can't be safe here."

  "I don't have a maid." Raphael showed her the huge rifle in his hand. “I don't want anyone hurt in the crossfire. I came to make sure you were both safe." The gun was longer than her arm.

  Meg couldn't be a figment of her imagination, but there was little time right now to decipher what Raphael had said. She gazed into his almost black eyes. "Try not to shoot them if you can."

  "I don't intend to." He ran his hands through his hair like those words he'd uttered hurt. She rubbed her neck. Perhaps she was wrong in what she had said. It might be easier if they just killed them, but then she felt wicked for that thought. Raphael then offered his hand to her to shake. "If I can get them back in my dungeon, they'll rot there until spring arrives. Will that work for you?"

  She couldn't take back her words now. She'd delay everything. She had to trust Raphael would do the right thing. She shook his hand, and he stepped around her toward his sister. She took a step forward to follow him and announced, "I'll help."

  He stopped short and she marched into his back. "What happened to her?"

  She stepped around his broad shoulders and headed to the nightstand. "Sleeping pills."

  He shook his head. "Not a good plan."

  "I know."

  He turned back to her and handed her the same Taser she’d used earlier on Harry. "Take this. I'll carry my sister to safety, and double back for you."

  She had no intention of separating, but she reached out, and her palm brushed against his calloused hands to take the weapon. "Did you recharge it?"

  She clutched the Taser as he stepped back. "Yeah. It will work."

  She fixed it in the back of her pants again. He turned to leave, but she crossed her arms. "I'll take a gun too."

  He stopped and stared at her hard. "Kimberly, you don't know how to shoot."

  She shrugged, then stood with her feet wider apart. "I can hold my hand steady, and next time you'll teach me."

  He kissed the top of her forehead and shook his head. "No. Keep this room locked. I need to get Mica out, and then I'll come right back for you."

  She was going with him. His gun meant he'd not be able to carry his sister by himself.

  He stripped the blankets off his sister and lifted her in his arms.

  He turned to leave, and she placed the candelabrum on the table. "I should help you. You take one side and I take the other, so you have one arm free."


  She waited until he half turned around. "The last time they caught you."

  He waited at the door. "It won't happen here."

  She wasn't going to wait around for someone to save her. Raphael might get hurt, and she'd not let that happen again. "Michaela will weigh you down. I am going with you."

  He shook his head. "No."

  One-word answers were not helpful, but she kept that comment to herself. "I am going."

  "You'll follow me, won't you?"

  For the first time, she smiled at him. "True. I will."

  A sigh escaped his lips like he'd accepted his fate. Good. He then picked up his rifle. She took Michaela on one side as he lifted his sister. "Fine. Do what I say every second, and we'll move fast if we both carry her."

  His sister was heavier than she appeared. Kimberly held Mica and fought to keep her every breath silent. He opened the door and they slipped out. He then closed the door behind them and whispered, "I'll lock this door."

  “Why?” Kimberly licked her lips and glanced around the hall.

  He whispered, “They’ll think someone’s inside if it's locked.”

  Everything in the middle of the night was black, and her eyes couldn't adjust with any light.

  Raphael took the lead. She held her head high, as he led her down the stairs. She had to stop being afraid, and Raphael was her friend. It wasn't his fault that she'd fallen hard for him, or else she'd have not been so mad.

  Halfway down the stairs, he shoved her hard against the wall. Then he pushed his sister in her hands entirely. She winced, said nothing, and held Michaela up against the wall with her. Then Kimberly's ears burned. She heard footsteps. Roger and Harry had found them. Her heart rose to her throat.

  With her grasp on the other woman so tight, Kimberly's foot slipped on the step, and she banged her heel on the stone.

  Footsteps raced up the stairs, and there was more than one set. Both Harry and Roger?

  Kimberly gripped her Taser in one hand and held Michaela behind her with her body. Raphael stood in front of them both. Kimberly wished she saw in the dark. Then she'd shoot straight. Raphael's rifle had a laser on it.

  “Stop!” he yelled.

  All she could do was press Mica’s head against her hands to prote
ct jer from the shot he fired.

  Something slumped on the floor. Her heart raced so fast.

  Then he shot again. Nothing fell in that nanosecond, and Raphael grunted. "Harry ran. Stay close."

  First he took his sister's side while Kimberly lifted the other. Then he took a step down the stairs, and she followed. This wouldn't be her plan at all, but she held back her usual questions, as right now she was unable to speak. He sped up, and on the third step he pushed her and Michaela into the wall, again.

  Her stomach was rock hard, as she expected something to be launched at both of them. Then the wall moved.

  She held back her scream as Raphael pushed them into the dark secret passage. He slipped in past her and then bolted something with an echoing click.

  She swept her hand across her forehead, and then he took her hand for a second. Their palms together felt right. Then he brushed past her to gather his sister in his arms. She took the other side, and he led her further down the black hallways. "Where are we?"

  He lifted his finger to his lips, and she gazed into his eyes. "Can you stay here by yourself for a minute?"

  The last thing either of them needed was to be alone. "Why?"

  He kissed her hand. "You'll be safe here. Harry knew we were upstairs, but he won't get into the hidden walls."

  Raphael took his sister in his arms, laying her down on something. Kimberly stared into the dark, making out the outline of a bed or mattress. No, a sofa. Her hands brushed against soft fabric. Michaela would be comfortable. "Can't he get a gun and shoot at us if he knows we are here?"

  "No. This hall is safe." Raphael stepped back, and she couldn't make out even a shadow of his body.

  She took a step back in the dark, and she sensed him in front of her. She reached out and touched his shoulder. "Let's go."

  He massaged her shoulder with the hand that wasn’t holding his rifle. "Kimberly, please stay here."

  His voice had an edge. Raphael knew his house. Kimberly's heart thrashed in her chest as she told him, "Okay, go get Harry. I'll stand guard over your sister."

  His hand slipped under her chin. She gazed up and closed her eyes. A moment later, his mouth met hers and he kissed her on the lips.

  He tasted of testosterone mixed with his usual taste of pine trees. Her arms wrapped around him. This moment burned into her and everything else became blurry. Her lips tingled as he stepped back.

  He left before she could say anything. The safe room was the darkest place she'd ever been. Kimberly rubbed her arms together.

  Raphael had twenty minutes or else she'd have to go help him again.


  Kimberly tapped her feet on the ground to help her count the minutes. She brushed her hand on Michaela's arm every twenty taps, but Sleeping Beauty was unconscious. Raphael should have returned already.

  Something must have happened. The Taser behind her back tickled her skin.

  Michaela would be fine if Kimberly figured out how to lock the door. She walked blindly in the pitch black and used the palms of her hands to guide her to a wall. Then she traced the wall toward the outline of a door.

  Confidence surged through her. Her plan to get out of here and help Raphael would work. Her heart raced, but she followed the door to the lock.

  A loud bang reverberated in the air and Kimberly clenched her hands together. Raphael had said this was safe, so she didn't fall to the floor. Instead she pressed her ear to the door and tried to listen. The mumbles of a conversation filtered through, but Kimberly couldn't make out the words. One sounded like a woman.

  Hope surged through her, and she hoped it was Raphael returned. But the conversation continued and no one opened the door. If it was Raphael, then who was the woman? Perhaps it was Meg and she was with Roger or Harry.

  The longer the whispers continued, the more certain Kimberly became. If she opened the door, she'd surprise them both. Then if Meg was there, she could join them in the dark.

  Kimberly's hands shook as she fished out the Taser. Then with her free hand, she brushed her hair back and rolled her shoulders. She swallowed, unlocked the door, and peeked outside.

  Frigid air greeted her and her entire body grew goose bumps.

  Meg told whoever she was talking to, "I do not appreciate having to clean up what you did. You should be ashamed of yourself, young man."

  Kimberly opened the door and grabbed the older woman's arm. Her hand brushed against air, and her fingers turned blue. Meg turned her head and her green eyes seemed haunted. Meg floated forward as she told whoever was with her, "I'm getting my sponge to clean this up."

  Then Meg threw herself into the secret room as it seemed in the corner of Kimberly's eye a man on horseback raced up the stairs. Every limb in her body shook from the cold. Her teeth chattered, but she scrambled to lock the door. Meg kept her head high as she glanced at Mica and asked, "Where is Master Raphael? I thought he'd be with you."

  Kimberly wished she could see the other woman. This safe room needed lights. "He’s protecting the castle. How are you?"

  Meg's green eyes didn't seem alive. "Ahh. You need not concern yourself with me, mistress."

  The word ghost floated in Kimberly's head. Her eyes widened, but she didn't say a word. "Who are you?"

  The coldness didn't scare her now. Kimberly saw how Meg seemed to float rather than stand. Meg stared at her and then said, "Not all the Murphy men choose worthy women. When one woman shows her worth, she earns the amulet you wear around her neck."

  Kimberly had no time for this. Raphael needed her, and honestly, she didn't want to think about what Meg had said. Ever. She tapped her foot on the ground. "Raphael didn't know the significance of this necklace. I intend to return it."

  Meg's voice grew softer. "Master Raphael is in danger. The invaders have laid a trap. I’ve come to warn you."

  Kimberly dropped her hands to her sides. "Two men?"

  Meg seemed to nod. "One is wounded. The ugly one thought I'd nurse his brother."

  Kimberly rubbed her arms and turned back to the door. "I have to go out and help Raphael." She hesitated and stepped closer to Meg. "She's unconscious on the couch. She took sleeping pills."

  Meg reached out and took Kimberly's arm. This time the cold didn't scare her. "I'll stay with her until this is over, then."

  Kimberly led her to the couch and Meg reached out to get her bearings. Kimberly stepped back. "Right."

  Ghosts now protected them. Nothing made sense here. She turned to leave, but Meg grabbed her hand. The ice picks for fingers somehow comforted her as Meg said, "Not the way we came in. Go out the second entrance."

  Kimberly's jaw opened, and her heart raced. "Where is that?"

  Meg reached up again. "Take my hand, miss, and I'll show you."

  Kimberly helped her stand, and the woman led her in the dark. Kimberly's hands were unclenched now. "Meg, are we going to be friends now?"

  Meg huffed, but her tone wasn't as dismissive as it had been. "Don't go making assumptions for the future. We might never see each other again if you’re both safe."

  Meg lifted Kimberly's hand to point to an outline of another door. "The second door will lead you to the hallway that goes up to Raphael's room."

  Kimberly took both of the woman's hands in hers. "Thank you."

  "I'm sure he'd prefer if you stayed. I'd think less of you if you did."

  Kimberly shrugged. "He could be hurt or trapped. I have to go." The room was like a refrigerator. "Thank you."

  Meg didn’t respond with anything except a dead-eyed stare that bored through Kimberly's soul.

  "Outside. He needs to know both men are alive."

  Meg held her hands firm as Kimberly tried to release their hold. "He'd still prefer if you stayed."

  Kimberly reached out and rubbed Meg's shoulder. "I'm going."

  Meg stepped back. "I thought so."

  Kimberly reached up and opened the door. "Lock this behind me."

  Kimberly then nodded at Meg and stepped
into the hall, which seemed deserted. Kimberly went upstairs to his chamber. Raphael had weapons up there. She stayed quiet on the stone steps and climbed as fast as she could.

  She jumped up and unlatched the lock to his door and threw the door into someone's back.

  She squeaked, but then covered her mouth. A large, manly hand grabbed her arm and she shuddered.

  She shook her head back and forth, but her eyes met Raphael's. He pointed his gun right at them. Foul breath invaded her sense of smell and she turned to her right. Pools of blood gathered at Roger’s feet already. He had to know he’d been shot.

  Then Harry's hands went down her spine and grabbed the Taser from the back of her pants.

  No. She couldn't allow Harry to use that against Raphael. She clawed at his hand around her neck to get free, but he aimed with his other hand.

  She then jerked her body as far as she could to get in the way.

  A snap sounded in the air, and then her body shook violently. She couldn't think.

  She hit the floor. Nothing caught her, but she couldn’t control herself. A bullet pierced the air above her.

  Every organ in her body trembled and shook and she had no control over her own body. It was violent, and every part of her felt as though it was burning like hellfire.

  It seemed like an eternity later that Raphael knelt beside her and petted her head. "Everything is good now, Kimberly."

  He kissed her forehead, and the violent, out-of-control shaking she experienced lessened. She met his gaze. His green eyes truly were succulent and sexy as he stared at her.

  Then she closed her eyes and passed out.


  Kimberly woke up to the loud whistle of an ocean vessel. She sat up in her bed and her hands flew to her chest. She was in her princess bedroom again with her blankets tucked around her legs. Her chest was heavy, like she had something pressed against her. There was nothing, though. Another loud horn from a ship that sounded like a moan. Kimberly stumbled out of bed and ran to the window.

  The forest covered most of her view. If she had slept in Raphael's room, she'd be able to see. She'd also kiss him, since she was able to go home. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach. Of course, Raphael likely thought she never wanted him ever again. She hugged her body.


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