Cry Wolf

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Cry Wolf Page 12

by Romy Lockhart

  “You can’t go to the hospital.”

  Oh my fecking God. He’s just as bad as they are.

  “Why the bloody hell not?”

  “You’re not like other people, Maggie,” Sebastian says. “This is going to be hard to accept, and it’s not the way I’d have liked to do this, but it’s time you knew.”

  “Christ. You all came off the same loony bus,” I mutter, shaking my head.

  Theo snorts and I glower at him.

  “You included, you eejit.”

  “Maggie, would you please sit down?” Lukas asks, concern in his tone.

  I grumble under my breath as I sit. “Five minutes and I’m driving myself to the damned hospital.”

  “They’re not refusing to take you to the hospital because they don’t want to help you,” Sebastian tells me. “They just know that once you’ve accepted our mark you’ll heal.”

  Oh holy shite. They’re in some kind of religious cult.

  “And what the fuck is this mark you’re on about?” I swear to Christ, if he brings out a branding iron I’m going to smash his pretty face to hell with it.

  Lukas puts an arm around me and turns my face to his. For a second I think he’s going to kiss me, and as furious as I am, I’d have a hard time resisting.

  “Bastard,” I growl.

  He leans in close to my ear and whispers, “Remember.”

  The room spins a little before I pass out. He catches me, and his eyes are the last thing I see before darkness claims me.

  I’m disoriented when I wake up. There’s a cool breeze around me and I’m outside. In a field, surrounded by darkness. My body feels strange. Smaller.

  Holy shite.

  I sit up, and realize exactly where I am.

  Out in the cornfield the night I saw that woman die.

  Panic swells in me as I hear the ground rumbling. The beast’s footsteps get closer. He killed her, and now he’s going to kill me. I’m frozen to the spot, knowing it’s too late to run. I want to try. I want to fight for my life, but I know I won’t.

  Fate can’t be outrun.

  If I’m supposed to die tonight, I’ll die.

  Just like she did. Tears blur my vision as the creature moves toward me, slowing his pace.

  I swallow, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. Screaming won’t help me now. Pleading won’t stop this thing from ripping me to shreds. I’m dead. I’m so dead.

  I blink and tears fall. The creature comes closer and I see him properly now. He has the head of a wolf, only bigger. His body is huge and all of it is covered in thick dark fur that’s matted through with blood. He stares at me, and his bright blue eyes seem to send a sense of calm into my soul.

  I reach out to pet his head and he leans into my touch.

  I stroke him for a bit, and then he nudges me with his cold nose. There’s something he needs me to do. I don’t know how I know. I just climb over the fence into the farm the field over and steal a spade. The wolf-creature brings the body, dragging it with his teeth.

  I work in a weird kind of daze, digging a shallow grave behind the barn and pouring dirt over the bloodied mess the wolf drops into the hole. It didn’t look like a woman at all when she was dropped in there. I jumped back at first, afraid of the darkness that seemed to seep from her torn body. The wolf assured me with his steady gaze that she was nothing to be afraid of any longer.

  I finished burying her and hid the spade back where I found it.

  The wolf led me back to the spot in the grass where my forgotten daisy chain lay abandoned.

  I petted his head and he allowed it before he lunged at me.

  I felt his teeth pinch my neck. I felt blood spurt out. He licked me, and I passed out.

  I blink awake on the couch, and smack Lukas in the chest as I realize he’s still holding me.

  “Let me go,” I say, smacking him again, this time with my broken hand.

  Pain slices through me and I bite back a scream.

  “We will never let you go,” Lukas assures me.

  It’s oddly comforting and disturbing at the same time.

  “She’s not ready to know any of this,” Sebastian says.

  “It’s too late to take it back,” Theo tells him.

  I look at them all. Three underwear models who are cool with sharing a slightly curvy, extremely lazy woman who has no intention of sharing them with anyone else in turn. Should have known this set up was entirely too good to be true.

  “You’re psychopaths,” I tell them. “Should have bloody well sussed that before now.”

  “Fuck,” Sebastian says, running a hand over his jet-black hair.

  Theo stands and strips off. Lukas draws him a warning glare.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Lukas seethes.

  My body heats on seeing Theo nude. It doesn’t help that he’s fully erect. My thoughts slip to our first time in the kitchen together. How possessive and commanding he was. I bite down on my lip hard.

  Sebastian stares at him in shock. “No...”

  Theo blows out a breath, smiling wryly. “Got to be done.”

  He shimmers and shakes before me, making me blink. Something’s seriously wrong with my vision. He can’t be morphing into something else. That’s crazy.

  “What the hell was in those painkillers?”

  He becomes a wolf-creature and I shiver as his gaze meets mine. Calm washes over me, like it did in my uncovered memory. This isn’t the same wolf. He just has the same ability. I don’t know how I know that, but I do.

  Theo is mine. He wants to protect me. This creature is a part of him. It feels the same way.

  I reach out and stroke his head. He leans into my touch, makes whimpering noises.

  “Holy shite,” I whisper.

  “Everything you saw that night was real,” Lukas tells me. “But there’s more to it.”

  “I was bitten,” I say, taking my hand off Theo to touch my neck. I shiver as I find the spot the wolf bit. It feels sensitive right now, raw. “I remember now.”

  I gaze up at Lukas. “Your eyes are glowing.”

  Man, if those pills were actually painkillers they must have been laced with LSD.

  “That’s because you’re almost ready to be marked,” Lukas whispers.

  “Marked? What does that mean, anyway?”

  “It means I need to do what Theo has done,” Lukas says, moving off me and stripping.

  I stare as he morphs the same way Theo did, becoming a similar creature, though this time one with lighter fur. I gaze helplessly at Sebastian, the only other human left in the room.

  “I don’t understand.”

  He smiles, his vibrant silver tinted aquamarine eyes glowing now too. “You do, you’re just in shock.”

  I do? I let my gaze fall on Lukas. He makes a particularly beautiful wolf. Honey-blond fur and warm yellow-gold eyes. He settles his head on my stomach and peers up at me, whining lightly.

  I stroke his head and he closes his eyes.

  “Well, why don’t you spell it out for me?” I ask Sebastian. “Before you take the notion to show me your other form as well.”

  He tugs at his tie, unknotting it. “We’re shifters. Wolves. We live in packs. We hunt things that wish harm on humans. And we believe in fate.”

  I take in each one of those statements, waiting for something to ring false. None of it does. Oh geez. Am I just as crazy as these nutters now?

  “What else?” I ask, knowing there’s more.

  “We have mates,” he says, his tone heating. “Most wolves have one true mate, or soul mate. They know each other on sight. The three of us never met our mates in the pack. We asked an elder to confirm if we had mates. He said we all had you. A bitten human who was just waiting for us to come and claim her.”

  “This is insane. You know that, right?”

  He smiles at me. “I was dubious myself, but only about you, and only until I met you.”

  “And now?”

  “Now, I’m going to shi
ft because you’re ready to be claimed.”

  “What does that mean?”

  My heart starts to hammer and Theo rubs his nose against my face.

  “It’s a good job you’re cute,” I tell him, shivering at the cold dampness he imparts.

  Sebastian is naked by the time I look back at him. His eyes are as soft as his body is hard.

  “There’s nothing to worry about, Maggie. Let us mark you as our mate and when you’ve accepted the bond you’ll be able to mark us as well.”

  He shifts form before I can ask any more questions. He’s the biggest wolf in the room now.

  Lukas lifts his head and licks my left wrist before he nips me with his teeth. It doesn’t hurt. It just makes my head swim a little. He licks the drops of blood that I feel swelling to the surface. When he removes his mouth, the wound has healed.

  “What the...” I trail off as Theo’s teeth sink into my right shoulder.

  My body starts to heat with desire. I’m being claimed. I’m accepting that these men who can become wolves are mine. The urge to be claimed by them in other ways washes over me, making me moan. Sebastian moves forward and bites my right side, making my hips twitch.

  I haven’t even slept with him yet and he’s willing to swear himself to me for life? Christ, I’ve never been so turned on. He licks me more than once, his eyes closing. I reach out and scratch his ear, making him whine.

  The sexually charged atmosphere I seem to be drowning in refuses to fade, but I suddenly feel too exhausted to even move. I drift into sleep with three sets of protective eyes on me.

  I wake up in bed next to Sebastian’s hulking black wolf. I reach out to touch him and gasp when I flex my fingers and realize my hand doesn’t hurt anymore.

  “I guess I owe someone an apology,” I murmur, as I stroke through the fur on Sebastian’s belly.

  He whines and I lift my hand away, not sure if I should really be touching him like he’s an overgrown dog. There’s still a man inside there, with a pretty solid sexual attraction to the woman who’s stroking him, if the size of his erection last night was anything to go by.

  I move my hand away and he shifts back to human, smoothing the blanket down between us.

  “Sorry, I thought it would be less threatening for you to wake up beside my wolf.”

  “You mean, as opposed to a naked version of the guy I was supposed to be having a first date with before I broke my hand and started shouting at everyone to take me to the damned hospital?”

  He laughs lightly. “Well...”

  I look him over. “The funny thing is this doesn’t feel wrong.”

  “It doesn’t?” he asks, reaching out to take my hand.

  “This was fated, right?” I ask. “We’re mates.”

  It sounds less balls-out bananas than it did before, at least.

  “We are,” he murmurs, bringing my hand to his mouth to kiss it.

  He doesn’t stop there. He kisses my wrist next, and my heart flutters lightly as he grazes the skin where Lukas bit me. It feels like I have more nerve endings there now. It sends a spark of desire through me, making my nipples prick into points and my clit throb between my legs.

  “Holy hell,” I whisper, as he grazes that sensitive spot again, this time with his teeth.

  My back arches and I moan deeply.

  He leans in to my shoulder and grazes it next.

  My thighs slicken with evidence of my desire. I gaze at him helplessly as he runs his tongue lightly over the area Theo bit. My body feels painfully ready for him. A dull ache forms between my legs as my clit continues to throb.

  He leans in and kisses my cheek, before whispering, “Just wait until I touch you where I bit you, Maggie.”

  “I don’t think I can,” I murmur, thrusting my hand down between my legs and moaning as my fingers glide over my slick, throbbing clit.

  He pulls the blankets away. Watches me, and smiles as he moves down to my side. He bites the exact same spot where his wolf bit me. The moment his teeth make contact with my skin, I come. I’m barely touching my swollen clit when I tense and cry out, shattering for him as he lightly grinds his teeth over his mark.

  His low growl as he lets me go is feral enough to make me wonder for a second if he shifted back to his animal form. I open my eyes and find he’s still the delicious underwear model version of Sebastian, though his eyes are glowing as he settles himself between my legs and rubs his engorged cock against my folds.

  “Your eyes,” I gasp out as he rubs his cock against my clit.

  “They’ll look like this every time we mate until you mark me,” he tells me. He continues to rub his cock against me, but when I start to groan he reaches out with his other hand and strokes my side where he marked me. My back arches and I come hard against him immediately.

  He’s grinning when I slide down from my high.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Just wait until I mark you.”

  He laughs. “It doesn’t have the same effect on hereditary wolves.”

  “We’ll see about that,” I tell him. “Are you going to fuck me, or should I just lock myself in the bathroom and touch my side until I pass out?”

  He thrusts into me to the hilt, and pins me down with his big, muscular body.

  “It won’t feel the same if anyone but me touches that spot,” he tells me, leaning to kiss my shoulder.

  It feels good, but I don’t instantly come.

  “Theo bit you here,” he says. “We’re all linked so it’ll feel good if I touch you here, or if Lukas does, but it won’t push you over the edge.”

  “Not like it does when I touch you here.” He grins as he strokes a hand down my side and pinches the right spot.

  My legs clench around him, my nipples rising to graze his chest as the orgasm crashes through me. I’m left trembling under him, breathing heavily.

  “Cheater,” I complain, making him laugh.

  “You’re saying you don’t like the way it feels?” he asks, kissing my neck. “Because your body tells me otherwise.”

  “Of course I like it, eejit,” I tell him. Who wouldn’t love for there to be a switch to instant orgasm on their body? “But if you keep going there, I’m going to think you’ve got no skills to make me come without it.”

  He raises an eyebrow as he seems to consider what I’m saying.

  “No skills?” he murmurs, slowing his thrusts until he’s practically stopped fucking me.

  He moves down my body, pulling his cock out of cunt while I’m still contracting from that last orgasm. He stops at my breasts, and flicks his tongue over my right nipple slowly, before he sucks the point into his mouth and alternates licking and sucking. As foreplay, it would have gotten me nice and wet and ready for more. Now, when he’s already been inside me and I’ve come on his dick? It’s like the most teasing, backwards move ever.

  “That’s nice,” I tell him, stroking his hair, “But it’s not going to make me come.”

  He inches his hand down my side, and I gasp as he gets dangerously close to my orgasm switch.

  I feel him smile before he starts to use his teeth to lightly chew my nipple. I let out a gasp, feeling my thighs slicken again.

  “I take it back,” I murmur. “I think I might actually get off to this.”

  He stops, and moves to my left breast, using his hand on the right. He spends so much time sucking and licking and biting that I know every little touch is going to make me incredibly aroused. I’m drenched and more than ready for his thick cock, but the smirk he wears tells me I’m not going to get it.

  “I’m not done,” he tells me, pulling my thighs apart and burying his face between my legs. His tongue is definitely one of his best assets. He swirls it against my clit until I’m gasping out his name, and wriggling to get my swollen clit out of his persistent touch. He refuses to stop and licks me until I come a second time, screaming and arching my back, thrusting forward into his mouth.

  I catch my breath slowly, and he moves up, his glowing eyes spark
ling with amusement.

  “Are you convinced yet, or do I need to keep making you come so you can be sure I have the skills you need in a mate?” he asks, sounding like his ego is fit to bursting.

  I did not peg this guy as an alpha-male. I was seriously wrong.

  “I don’t know,” I tease him. “You made me come more by cheating. I still need convincing.”

  He grins at me as he shoves his cock into me. It’s so fucking big and seems to expand slightly once it enters this time. Same way it felt with Lukas and Theo.

  “Is that a wolf thing?” I ask, as he pins me down under him.

  “What, rising to any challenge?” he asks, still sounding smug.

  “The way your dick gets bigger after it’s in me.”

  He licks at his lips. “They didn’t explain... Of course they didn’t.”

  “Explain what?”

  “I’ll tell you once we’re done,” he says, slowing to kiss me to shut me up.

  I guess I was doing a lot of talking. I wonder what could be so bad that he didn’t want to answer me. Was he afraid I’d kick him out of my bed? I think it’s a little late for that, considering everything. I’ve basically married these guys in their language or by their laws. However you want to put it, this is a ‘til death do us part relationship now.

  He fucks me slowly, teasing my nipples a little and playing on my marks until I come on his cock, then he speeds up a bit to come inside me. I feel that happen. My bed sheets are pretty much soaked through when he removes his spent cock from me.

  “So, tell me,” I demand, as he pulls me away from the wet patch and wraps us both under the duvet.

  He hugs me close first. “It’s just a thing that happens.”

  Is it my imagination or does it sound like he’s nervous? I stroke his chest.

  “I wasn’t complaining,” I tell him. “Just so you know.”

  He sighs, holding me a little tighter like he expects me to push him away if he tells me.

  “It happens with shifters when they meet their mates.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “We can control it, but only so far.”

  Would he just spill already? I get the feeling this guy here’s going to drive me mad.


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