Broken Devices

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Broken Devices Page 32

by Karen Myers

  “It can wait,” she whispered.

  “Why should it?” He shook his head at her. “Listen to me, Pen-sha. We have a full year before the first caravan can start from the west of sarq-Zannib. Most of what needs to happen can be done by my agents ahead of time.”

  “It’s much too far away,” she said.

  He freed up both his hands to gesture. “Let me explain the distances to you. From here to the harbor at Kwattu on the northeast coast is about fifty-sixty days, via the Kwatka Kote lowlands. I’ve always wanted to see that. Then six to eight weeks by ship to Stokemmi in Ellech. Say you spend a month or two there. That’s six months, now. Then coming back all the way to the caravan base in the west, that’s another five months, at worst.”

  He grinned at her. “See? Plenty of time. Besides, if we’re delayed returning and late getting the caravan started, it’s not like we have any precedent we need to follow. Or competition, yet. We’re only planning a single caravan per year. For now, anyway.”

  She stared at him.

  “Seriously, once the caravan gets going, it will be hard to spend many months away. This may be our only chance for who knows how long to take a long trip like this.” He lowered his voice confidingly. “And, besides, I’ve always wanted to see the Collegium. If we’re going to supply our caravan base with a school—found a real city—we’ll need books and contacts. Maybe even visiting teachers.”

  “What about Munraz?” she asked.

  “If we can pry him away from Baijukti long enough, we’ll ask him. I think he’ll want to come, but it’ll be a long time of travel for such a young man.”

  Penrys reflected to herself that Najud was only eight years older than his apprentice and rolled her eyes.

  “If he doesn’t, we’ll send him up the route of the Biziz Rahr with fast horses to rejoin Rubti, Ilzay, and Haraq. It’s been well under two weeks—shouldn’t be hard to catch them, the rate they travel and the stops they have to make. But it would mean an interruption to his apprenticeship. His choice, but he should come along, don’t you think?”

  “Travel broadens the mind,” Penrys commented dryly.

  “When was Vylkar planning to leave?”

  “He thought to travel as far as Kwattu with Mpeowake, before she takes a different ship back to Ndant. Maybe a week from now, or a little longer?”

  Najud rubbed his face. “That should work, but we’ll be busy. Clothing, trade goods for Ellech, supplies, more horses… and lots and lots of letters, many duplicates to different places to make sure that at least one reaches the intended target. I wonder if Talqatin has a scribe I could borrow for some of that?”

  “How can we afford this,” she asked.

  He gaped at her. “Pen-sha, for the masters of a caravan that doesn’t yet exist, we’re quite prosperous. We still have almost all the gold from Neshilik, herds in quantity waiting for us, and rather large tokens of gratitude from the emperor. More importantly, we’re getting invaluable connections to the merchants in Yenit Ping, with the emperor’s blessing, friends in Rasesdad—strange as it still sounds to say that—by way of Chosmod and Mrigasba, and soon a useful acquaintanceship in Ellech.”

  “And I still have a substantial weight of power-stones,” Penrys said, getting into the spirit of the thing. “And those are highly valued in Ellech.”

  “There, you see?”

  “You sure you want to do this?” she said.

  “What, travel around a quarter of the world to places I’ve never been but always wanted to see?” Najud laughed at her. “I think I’ll manage to enjoy it.”

  A slow smile spread on Penrys’s face.

  “I wonder how many chains I can get out of Tun Jeju, before we leave?”




  Bildaer (BILL-dair)

  One of the companion wizards who accompanies Vylkar to Yenit Ping.

  Elkif (EHL-kiff)

  The daughter of Gialfinnur, who carries on her father’s studies.

  Gialfinnur (GYAHL-fin-noor)

  An old scholar who wrote a book on devices and was banned for yrmkenrolek, crooked learning.

  Innurrys (IN-noor-rewss)

  One of the companion wizards who accompanies Vylkar to Yenit Ping.

  Penrys (Ryssi) (PEHN-rewss)

  The chained adept. Wizard trained at the Collegium of Wizards.

  Preinnur (PRAYN-noor)

  The Ellech ambassador to Yenit Ping.

  Vylkar (VIEWL-kar)

  Senior wizard at the Collegium of Wizards. Patron of Penrys.


  Am Limzu (AHM LIHM-zoo)

  A chained wizard hiding in Yenit Ping.

  Chaik (CHYKE)

  An ancient imperial dynasty, ruling circa seventeen hundred years ago.

  Char Dachi (CHAR DAH-chee)

  Adopted daughter of Char Nojuk. A hidden wizard.

  Char Dami (CHAR DAH-mee)

  Daughter of Char Nojuk. A hidden wizard.

  Char Danau (CHAR DAH-now)

  Adopted daughter of Char Nojuk. A hidden wizard.

  Char Dazu (CHAR DAH-zoo)

  Nephew of Char Nojuk. A hidden wizard.

  Char Nojuk (CHAR NOH-juk)

  Patriarch of the Char family, which specializes in medicines. A hidden wizard.

  Char Pangfa (CHAR PAHNG-fah)

  Granddaughter of Char Nojuk. A hidden wizard.

  Dar Datsu (DAR DAH-tsoo)

  A chained wizard hiding in Yenit Ping. He seems to be ethnically related to Penrys.

  Gen Jongto (GHEN JONG-toh)

  A man on Tun Jeju’s staff.

  Goi Ofa (GOY OH-fah)

  A chained wizard held prisoner in Yenit Ping.

  Jing Tajip (JING TA-jip)

  A chained wizard hiding in Yenit Ping, working as a groom.

  Jut Sejo (JOOT SEH-joh)

  A chained wizard working for the Tsek clan.

  Kit Hachi (KIT HAH-chee)

  A chained wizard hiding in Yenit Ping.

  Lai Tsumai (LIE TSOO-mye)

  A chained wizard held prisoner in Yenit Ping. She seems to be of Rasesni origin.

  Lir Pako (LEER PAHK-oh)

  A chained wizard held prisoner in Yenit Ping. He seems to be of Ndant origin.

  Lembonka Tenstsu Gom (LEM-bon-kah TOON-tso GOM) - Department of Industry

  The heavenly department of Lembonka Tentsu Gom. One of its sub-departments is Toilekja Dugom, to which wizards are assigned.

  Lemju (LEHM-joo) - Heaven’s Lord

  The supreme deity of Kigali.

  Mir Tojit (MIR TOH-jit)

  The majordomo for the Zannib ambassador, in charge of his Kigali staff. Also a member of Imperial Security.

  Nip Jochat (NIP JOH-chaht)

  An officer of Imperial Security in Tengwa Tep.

  Noi Shibu (NOY SHEE-boo)

  The head of Imperial Security for Yenit Ping.

  Paik Kanau (PIKE KAH-now)

  A chained wizard hiding in Yenit Ping.

  Rin Tsugo (RIN TSOO-goh)

  The leader of the hidden brotherhood of chained wizards in Yenit Ping..

  Shwa Uchi (SHWAH OO-chee)

  A hidden wizard.

  Sek Seto (SEHK SEH-toh)

  A chained wizard hiding in Yenit Ping.

  Suimiju (SOOEY-mee-joo) - Lord of the Mind’s Eye

  The deity responsible for the heavenly sub-department Toilekja Dugom, the patron of craftsmen with a high degree of expertise, such as pharmacists, chemists, engineers, and wizards.

  Toilekja Dugom (toy-LEK-jah DOO-gom) - Subdepartment of Useful Knowledge

  The heavenly sub-department of Lembonka Tentsu Gom. Its patron deity is Suimiju.

  Tse Lorping (TSEH LOR-ping)

  A chained wizard held prisoner in Yenit Ping.

  Tsek Anbu (TSEK AHN-boo)

  A wizard, the patriarch of the Tsek family, specialists in military supplies.

bsp; Tsek Okim (TSEK OH-kim)

  A wizard, the cousin of Tsek Anbu, and mother of the imperial bastard Tsek Uchang.

  Tsek Uchang (TSEK OO-chahng)

  A wizard, the son of Tsek Okim and the emperor. A recognized imperial bastard.

  Tun Jeju (TOON JEH-joo)

  The notju, intelligence master, and imperial representative for Chang Zenju’s expedition.

  Wok Limdo (WOK LIM-doh)

  A servant in the Armorers’ Guild.

  Wok Lorchit (WOK LOR-chit)

  A servant in the Armorers’ Guild.

  Wok Panwit (WOK PAHN-wit)

  An officer in the Armorers’ Guild.

  Wok Sojit (WOK SOH-jit)

  An officer in the Armorers’ Guild.

  Wok Tomai (WOK TOH-mye)

  The sister of Wok Tori, second in command of the Armorers’ Guild.

  Wok Tori (WOK TOH-ree)

  The head of the Armorers’ Guild, brother of Wok Tori.

  Zep Pangwit (ZEP PAHNG-wit)

  A guide detached from the office of Imperial Security.


  Ijumo (ee-JOO-moh) - Shark Tooth

  The munduo, or West Wind, of the Ndant wizard delegation.

  Kalavo (kah-LAH-voh)

  The nephew of Mpeowake, missing and apparently converted into a chained wizard.

  Mpeowake (m-peh-oh-WAH-keh) - Sparkling Foam

  The leader of a group of wizards, very senior in her temple.

  Pume Chowe (POO-meh CHOH-weh) - Black Cloud

  The storm goddess who is the patroness of all wizards.

  Toawe (toh-AH-weh) - Coral

  The shimawe, or East Wind, of the Ndant wizard delegation.


  Chosmod (Modo) (CHOHS-mode)

  A senior mage in the intelligence services of Rasesdad.

  Mrigasba (Mrigi) (m-RIG-as-bah)

  A senior mage in the intelligence services of Rasesdad.

  Surdo (SOOR-doh) - The Voice

  The chained wizard-tyrant who wreaked havoc in Rasesdad. The name was given by the Rasesni — his actual name was unknown.

  The Voice

  See “Surdo.”

  Veneshjug (Vejug) (VEH-nesh-joog, VEH-joog)

  Priest and senior member of the Mage Council exiled from Dzongphan. His god is Venesh.

  Vladzan (Vlada) (VLAHD-zahn)

  Device Master (Grakkedo) at the Temple School in Kunchik and member of the Mage Council exiled from Dzongphan.


  Baijukti (bye-JOOK-tee)

  The daughter of the ambassador of sarq-Zannib in Yenit Ping.

  Haraq (hah-RAHK)

  A survivor of the Kurighdunaq disaster, brother of Luram.

  Ilzay (eel-ZYE)

  A friend of Jirkat.

  Kurighdunaq (koo-REEG-doo-NAHK) - World-bow (Rainbow)

  A clan in northwestern central sarq-Zannib, part of the Undullah tribe.

  Munraz (moon-RAHZ)

  An apprentice wizard, nephew of Jiqlaraz, from clan Rashaban, tribe Dhajtawhaz.

  Najud (nah-JOOD) - Lucky, Fortunate

  A master wizard of the Zamjilah clan, in the Shubzah tribe.

  Nazghib (nahz-GEEB)

  A tribe in eastern sarq-Zannib. One of its clans is Umaqlud.

  Qulsharma (kool-SHAR-mah)

  The wife of the ambassador of sarq-Zannib in Yenit Ping.

  Rashaban (rah-shah-BAHN). Three Hills

  A clan in northwestern central sarq-Zannib, part of the Dhajtawhaz tribe.

  Rima (REE-mah)

  A merchant’s widow, from the Umzabul clan.

  Rubti (ROOB-tee)

  Najud’s second sister.

  Shaldaj (shall-DAHJ)

  The father of Talqatin, ambassador of sarq-Zannib in Yenit Ping.

  Talqatin (tahl-kah-TEEN)

  The ambassador of sarq-Zannib in Yenit Ping, of clan Umaqlud, tribe Nazghib.

  Umaqlud (oo-mahk-LOOD)

  A clan in eastern sarq-Zannib, part of tribe Nazghib.

  Umzakhilin (oom-zah-khee-LEEN)

  The zarawinnaj, migration leader, of the Kurighdunaq clan.

  Zamjilah (zahm-jee-LAH) - Eye of Heaven

  Najud’s clan, part of the Shubzah tribe.


  Asuthgrata (AH-sooth-grah-tah) - High Region

  Upland district of mixed grazing and woodlands, famed for its hunting.

  Drosenrolkentham (DROH-sen-rohl-ken-thahm) - Wizard-learning-place

  The Collegium of Wizards in Tavnastok.

  Dunnarfeol (DOON-nar-fayol) - Winter’s House

  The highest mountains in the world, forming the north border of Ellech.

  Ellech (ELL-ekh)

  A northern nation tucked along the southern margin of the Dunnarfeol mountains, with precipitous timber- and grass-covered slopes running down to a deep-water port. Famed for industry and research, with a well-armed merchant navy to seek out new markets.

  Lodentaf Gaer (LOH-den-tahf (Gair)) - Ice-Wealth River

  The river which runs from the Dunnarfeol Mountains past Tavnastok to the capitol harbor city Stokemmi.

  Nachompolek (Lappyri) (NAH-khom-poh-lek LAHP-pew-ree)

  The harbor, where the Lodentaf and Baegyl rivers meet the sea.

  Stokemmi (STOH-kem-mee) - Mother of Cities

  The capitol city, on the east bank of the Lodentaf Gaer where it meets the Nachompolek harbor.

  Tavnastok (TAV-nah-stok) - City of Wealth

  Inland city based on river commerce and industry, in the Asuthgrata region.


  Chalen Tep (CHAH-len TEHP) - Red Light Town

  One of the criminal districts in Yenit Ping, known mostly for gambling and prostitution.

  Chankau Tep (CHAHN-cow TEP) - Thousand Smokes Town

  The “industrial” district of Yenit Ping, east of Mentsek Tep, along the Junkawa. Foundries and manufacturing are the primary industries. It has its own harbor.

  Dimtok Himbun (TEH-gohng HIM) - Ironstone Range

  A range of hills, easy of access except for their southern extent which ends in Tegong Him, the cliffs of which dominate Yenit Ping and support the Imperial district of Juhim Tep. An important local source of iron and other minerals for Kigali, exceeded in quality only by the disputed Galat region.

  Gonglik (GOHNG-lick) - The Steps

  The largest city in the Neshilik region, named for the extensive stretch of rapids and waterfalls on the upper reach of the Seguchi River which inhibit navigation. It lies south of the river and extends to the north at Kunchik, with the first permanent bridge over the Seguchi River, 1800 miles from its mouth.

  Jonggep (JONG-ghep) - The Meeting of Waters

  The largest inland city, at the junction of the two main branches of the Junkawa River: The Seguchi and the Neshikame.

  Juhim Tep (JOO-him TEP)

  The “upper town” district of Yenit Ping on the front tip of Tegong Him. The Imperial Palace and elite temples, associated bureaucratic offices, and the supporting servant and trade districts. Some of the military barracks are inside the northern defensive walls that stretch from the western edge of Tegong Him to the eastern edge, but there larger military encampments to the north of the walls, as well as extensive suburbs and a branching network of lesser settlements that reach all the way out to the first of the mines.

  Junkawa (joon-KAH-wah) - The Mother of Rivers

  The longest river in the world, with two main branches: The Seguchi and the Neshikame. It finds its outlet at Pingmen below the walls of Penit Ying.

  Junlin Tep (JOON-lin TEP)

  The “garden” district of Yenit Ping, west of Mentsek Tep, along the Junkawa. Local agriculture for the city and livestock breeding, especially for the military, is the primary activity. It has its own harbor.

  Jusham Jan (JOO-shahm jahn) - The Low Pass

  Caravan route between sarq-Zannib and central Kigali, west of Jonggep, the Meeting of Waters.

  Kigali (kih-GAH-lee) - La
nd of the Ki Dynasty

  Set in the mid-latitudes of the southern continent, Kigali is a wealthy and hard-working nation with a history of political stability and expansion. The Junkawa River and its hundreds of tributaries provide internal communications, and well-placed ports support its strong mercantile interests.

  Kwatka Kote (KWAHT-kah KOH-teh)

  The eastern rift valley running from northeast Gentu Bay to southeast Pingmen harbor.

  Kwattu (KWAHT-too)

  The busiest port city, in the northeast on Gentu Bay at the mouth of the Kwatna River in the eastern Kwatka Kote lowlands.

  Mentsek Tep (MEN-tsek TEP)

  The “lower town” district of Yenit Ping that includes the primary harbor on the Junkawa, the civic buildings and temples, and the trading and residential districts between the harbor and Tegong Point.

  Neshilik (neh-SHEE-lik)

  The western district of Kigali, surrounded by mountains and traversed by the Seguchi River. Often disputed with Rasesdad.

  Nitsep Tep (NIT-sep TEP)

  A border and market town between Kigali and sarq-Zannib.

  Pingmen Hanjong (PING-men HAHN-jong) - City View

  The bay or series of harbors carved out by the Junkawa River.

  Tegong Him (TEH-gohng HIM)

  The final prominence of the low Dimtok Himbun range, whose terminating cliffs rise hundreds of feet above Nitsep Tep, the “lower town” of Yenit Ping. Juhim Tep, the “upper town” of Yenit Ping occupies the top front of the point where the cliffs are steep.

  Tengwa Tep (TEN-gwa TEP)

  The small city across the Junkawa from Yenit Ping. It is the most important trading town for the Grand Caravan of the sarq-Zannib.

  Yenit Ping (YEH-nit ping) - Endless City

  Capital city, on both sides of the Junkawa River, overlooking Pingmen harbor.


  Shokona Hanjong (SHOH-koh-nah]

  The main bay in eastern Ndant.


  Dzongphan (DZONG-fan) - Temple Quarter

  The capital city, which includes the mother temples of all the gods, in Nagthari.

  Mratsanag (m-RAHT-suh-nahg) - The Wild Ram’s Horns

  The second tallest mountain range in the world.


  Qawrash im-Dhal (cow-RAHSH eem-THAHL) - Well in the Steppe

  The city in the eastern region from which the largest caravan to eastern Kigali originates.

  (Mard) Ussha (mahrd OOSH-shah)


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