by Mezz Mezzrow
Swing, 152
Swingin’ with Mezz, 281, 284, 327
Swing Session’s Called to order, The, 302
Symphonic jazz, 382–383
Symphony music, 133–135
Tabb’s Restaurant, 222
Tack, Frank, 316
Tag, 367
Taking the window, 367
Tanguay, Eva, 29
Taxi wars, 48
Taylor, Freddie “Snakehips,” 251
Tea for Two, 248
Teagarden, Jack, 113, 189, 198, 200, 256
Tell, Red, 21
Temps Modernes, Les (magazine), 404
Terms, 392–401
Teschemacher, Frank, 114, 116, 117, 118–119, 130, 139, 150, 153, 158, 162, 163, 168, 186, 189, 254, 360, 361, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368
That Is How I Feel Today, 301–302
That’s a Mighty Serious Thing, 201
That’s My Home, 271
Thelma (Harlem), 223
Them There Eyes, 274
There’ll Be Some Changes Made, 167, 366–367
35th and Calumet, 285
Three Deuces, 158, 162
Tin Pan Alley, 170
Tip, Tap & Toe, 223
Todd, Mike, 317
Tommy Ladnier and His Orchestra, 387
Too Sweet (Armstrong chauffeur), 225–226
Tough, Dave, 114, 115, 116, 117–118, 120–122, 127, 135, 138, 157, 171, 200, 204, 212, 213, 215, 363, 364, 369, 371
Tough, Dorothy, 139
Travis (Harlem), 223
Tree of Hope, 222–223
Trombanick, Sam, 104, 109
Trombauer, Frankie, 130, 132, 137
Tuberculosis ward, 43–46
Tucker, Sophie, 29, 52, 157
Tuckman, Joe, 21, 34, 35, 145
Turner, George, 21, 26, 30
Twinkle (singer), 27, 28
“Two’s and fews,” 375
Tyranny of expectancy, 409
UHCA label, 168
Uncle Tom, 240
“Unglamorous action,” 380
Unique Quatour de Boyards, 205
Uptown House, 320
Victor Records, 201, 301
Viera, Pete, 166
Violins, dragging, 193
Volodarsky, R., 205
Walker, Frankie, 223, 224–225, 226, 317
Walkin’ the Floor, 280
Waller, Fats, 214, 221, 222, 247, 248, 256, 262, 268, 271, 280, 286, 287, 303
Wampoole’s mixture, 269
Ward, Frankie, 258, 329, 338, 339, 340
Waters, Ethel, 154, 206, 251, 262
’Way Down Upon the Swanee River, 45
Weary Blues, 310, 388
Weatherford, Teddy, 123, 268
“Weaving the four F’s,” 377
Webb, Chick, 270, 271, 275, 286
Webster, Ben, 247, 287
Wells, Johnny, 157
We Shall Walk Through the Streets of the City, 341
West End Blues, 206, 214
Weston, Fitz, 350
Wettling, George, 167
Wheat harvesting, 143–144
When I’m Alone, 256
When the Blue of the Night, 225
When the Saints Go Marching In, 341
When You and I Were Young Maggie, 310, 388
When You’re Smiling, 214
White, Papa Snow, 350
White, Sonny, 302
White City amusement park, 115
Whiteman, Paul, 137, 149, 152, 157
Whitman Sisters, 251
Who, 389
Williams, Bert, 29
Williams, Clarence, 32, 50, 51, 65, 159, 366
Williams, Corky, 247, 248
Williams and Walker, 29
Wilson, Sox, 350
Wilson, Teddy, 285, 287, 304
Wolfe, Bernard, 402
Wolverine, 65
Wolverines, 85
Won’t You Get Off it Please, 256
Woodmansten Inn, 192, 195
World Is Waiting for the Sunrise, The, 389
World War I, 20
Wurlitzer store, 135
Yankee Stadium, 264
Yellow (Pontiac Reformatory), 12, 13, 16, 17, 161
You Can’t Do What My Last Man Did, 268
Young, Lester, 247
Young Woman Blues, 121
You’re Not the Only Oyster in the Stew, 286
Zwerling, Ruby, 269