One Night

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by Laura Greenwood

  One Night

  Laura Greenwood

  © 2017 Laura Greenwood

  All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise – without prior written permission of the published, except as provided by United States of America copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address; [email protected].

  Visit Laura Greenwood’s website at:

  One Night is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. One Night was previously published under the name Daisy Mae Jones.

  Other Books by Laura Greenwood

  Alventia Series (Fantasy)

  Betrayed (Mailing List Exclusive)



  Paranormal Council (Paranormal Romance)

  The Dryad’s Pawprint

  The Vixen’s Bark

  Curtain Call (NA Contemporary Romance)

  What Lies Beneath the Mask


  Touched by Shadow, Caressed by Light

  The Newcomer: Twelve Sci-Fi Short Stories

  Christmas in Love

  Paranormal Standalone

  By Any Other Name: A Retelling of Romeo and Juliet (Urban Fantasy)

  Other Books by Laura Greenwood

  One Night

  Thank You for Reading!

  One Night

  Brie sighed to herself as she got ready for a night out with the girls. She really wasn’t in the mood; then again, she wasn’t really in the mood for anything at the moment, but she couldn’t let the girls know that or they would drag her out of her flat and take her out by force. She fluffed up her light brown hair letting it fall gently against her shoulders. She wasn’t quite happy with the way it fell, but she also didn’t quite have the motivation to do anything about it.

  She swept on a small amount of makeup. It was a miracle she was wearing any at all, normally she found that it was too much effort to bother. She picked up the eyeliner from her dressing table and caught sight of the rejection letter she’d received earlier; just one in a long line of rejections sent from newspapers throughout the Midlands. Brie groaned in frustration. At the rate this was going, she was never going to get a job in her field. She dropped the eyeliner back onto her dressing table with a clatter, and went to the kitchen to pour herself a drink. She needed it, now more than ever.

  The beat of the music in the club flowed through Brie, and she swayed her hips to the beat. There was something to be said for a night of drinking and dancing, and even if she hadn’t wanted to go at first, a night out with the girls had been just what she needed. Despite having graduated near the top of her class Brie was still looking for a job and spent her time waiting tables at a café near where she lived. Not only that, but after having broken up with her boyfriend eighteen months ago, she hadn’t had a steady relationship; just a couple of one night stands that hadn’t really been her thing. Her best friend Diana was determined to get her back out there and find a guy, though Brie wasn’t so sure that would be happening.

  Brie felt two strong hands on her hips, pulling her against their owner’s groin. She didn’t know what it was that made her go with it, but she ground her hips back further into the man’s body and was shocked at the size of the bulge pressing against her. Normally Brie would just brush off a man that acted like this towards her, a throw back to the days when Brie had been with Neal. He’d been insanely jealous and so she’d done everything possible to avoid bringing that side of him out. Chastising herself for thinking about her ex, she brought herself back to the present and to the man growling low in her ear. His voice sent a throb through her body which landed between her legs.

  Spinning around Brie looked up at the man and was pleasantly surprised to discover just how attractive he was. Even taking into account that she had had a few drinks, she could tell his shoulders and chest were well defined, and his dark slightly wavy hair was the perfect length, complimenting his five o’clock shadow. She was hit with the sudden image of being wrapped around this man with her hands in his hair, leaving her panting and desperate for more. Even Neal had never affected her like this.

  The man gave a knowing smile before leaning in to kiss up her neck. “Drew,” he whispered in a low and husky voice when he reached her ear, sending shivers down her spine

  “Brie,” She replied breathlessly. He looked at her with a cocky smile.

  “Nice to meet you,” then he kissed her. Brie had kissed her share of guys since breaking up with Neal, though this was like nothing that she had ever experienced. Each flick of his tongue and brush of his lips sent heat through her, her nipples perking up, desperate to be caressed the same way her tongue was, and she was getting wetter by the second. Moaning into his mouth she broke the kiss.

  “I need…” she broke off, not quite knowing what it was that she really wanted; other than him. Another image of their naked bodies moving together went through her head.

  “Some air?” He asked. It took Brie a few moments for the comment to register, and when they did, she was taken aback by the consideration he was showing. Most guys just seemed to want to take advantage of her. Taking her hand, Drew led her through the twists and turns of the club until they got to the smoking terrace. The cool air hit Brie, sobering her up slightly. As clearer thoughts started running through her head, she started to wonder whether she should actually do what she was considering. Looking at Drew, she couldn’t help but admire him. And she certainly couldn’t ignore the attraction that was brewing between the two of them. Plus, she needed a bit of fun.

  “What do you do, Brie?” He asked, breaking the silence between them. It was still noisy in the smoking area, and she could still hear the music in the background, but it was quiet enough for them to actually talk to one another.

  “I’ve just finished university; I’m looking for a grad job. But at the moment just waitressing.” She answered before thinking, and hoped that he didn’t think that she was too young or immature after she admitted to only just having finished uni.

  “I remember that stage; I was there myself a couple of years ago,” Brie let out a sigh of relief, realising that he understood just fine. “What did you study?”

  “English literature; somewhere along the line I decided I wanted to be a journalist.” She shrugged, unsure why she was telling this to someone that she didn’t know.

  “I’ve heard it’s hard to get a break.” He responded.

  “What about you?” She asked, partly because she wanted to know and partly because she was getting uncomfortable talking about herself.

  “I’m a graphic designer. Logos, banners that kind of thing.” She looked at him in awe. She’d always admired people that could successfully work with computers like that. Especially when all she could do was open a word document. A chill swept through the air causing Brie to shiver.

  “You look cold. Do you want to go back in?” Drew asked her. Brie considered for a moment, unsure about whether she wanted to go back into the club or whether she wanted to stay where she had Drew all to herself.

  “I’m not sure I’m in the mood for dancing anymore,” she said tentatively. Drew put an arm around her shoulders, and she enjoyed the warmth that was coming from his body.

  “I’d give you my jacket but I didn’t bring one,” he chuckled and Bri
e smiled at the sexy sound. It may be the alcohol talking, but everything this guy seemed to do was turning her on.

  “Thanks, but I’m not that cold.” Drew took another step towards her, putting his hand beneath her chin and tipping her face upwards. He closed the short distance between them and the moment their lips touch, something exploded inside her. This kiss wasn’t like the one they’d shared in the club, it was slower and more sensual; their tongues dancing together in a way that only enhanced their pleasure.

  “My place is just around the corner.” His voice was quiet, a whisper against her lips, almost as if he wasn’t sure how she was going to respond. After a kiss like that, her mind was made up. There was no harm going back with a sexy man and having a bit of fun, especially if she let Diana know where she was going. She nodded and typed out a quick text; Leaving now. Tell you all about it tomorrow ;-).

  As they were already in the smoking terrace, they didn’t have to go back into the club in order to leave. Drew walked with his arm around Brie’s waist giving her warmth that had absolutely nothing to do with body heat. They rounded a corner and he pulled her to him, kissing her with more passion than she had imagined possible. Pushing her against a wall his hand trailed up her thigh before pressing against the material of her thong, she knew he could feel how wet she was, but couldn’t bring herself to care. Brie was shocked at her own recklessness, she’d never done anything like this in public before, but there was no denying that something about the situation was turning her on. Drew growled into her mouth, encouraged by her body’s responses. Pulling away from their kiss he told her in a voice laced with desire; “We need to go now. Before I take you here.” His words sent another flood of desire through Brie and she was pretty sure that she wouldn’t have cared if he did.

  It took them five minutes to reach his flat, which was five minutes too long as far as Brie was concerned. His flat was tidy and spacious; he was obviously good at what he did, though the neutral colours of the walls and furnishings told her that he most likely rented. Or had no personal taste, but that didn’t seem likely. She turned back to look at the man she had come home with; studying him closely now that she could see him clearer. His grey eyes were so filled with lust that it took Brie all the control she had to look away and at the rest of him. His jeans were slung low, but not low enough to reveal anything, and were tight enough to show of one of the best asses she had ever seen, and his shirt accentuated a broad chest and shoulders.

  “Done yet?” Drew chuckled. Brie felt her cheeks burn red as she realised that he had known exactly what she was doing, though she was placated somewhat by him looking her up and down with an equal hunger in his eyes. She giggled nervously, a surprisingly feminine sound that she was sure she never made before, and slipped off her heels before slowly pulling her dress over her head. She wasn’t normally this forward, but something about this man, and the situation, was making her feel incredibly sexy and able to do things that she had only ever fantasised about. As she stood there in her black and pink silk bra and thong, inspiration struck. Or, more accurately, she had the perfect combination of alcohol and confidence in her system to begin to play out one of her fantasies. She planned to make this man feel as crazy as she was.

  Perching on the arm of the sofa that had been to her left, Brie opened her legs and trailed a hand up her thigh. Drew’s hooded eyes watched her every move.

  “If you want more, take off your shirt.” Brie surprised herself when she spoke, not knowing what had come over her. But Drew didn’t seem to mind, hastily unbuttoning his shirt. Brie licked her lips at the sight of the hard chest and strong muscles. Deciding that like for like worked best, she undid her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Leaving one of her hands on her thigh, she used the other to take one of her nipples and roll it between her thumb and finger, the sensation sent fluttering all the way down to her clit.

  “Touch yourself.” Drew commanded huskily. Brie shook her head despite the fact that his commands turned her on more than anything she’d ever experienced before.

  “Not until you take your jeans off.” He hurried to obey, taking his socks off with them in a surprisingly smooth motion. Standing up, Brie shimmied her thong down her legs. Now completely naked, she resumed touching her nipples. A longing look passed Drew’s face and she had little doubt what he wanted. Brie looked pointedly at his boxers before he took them off too. Now naked before her she could admire everything, including the large cock that was pointing proudly towards her. Licking her lips, she moved her hands back down to her thighs and up further until they reached her pussy. Making sure Drew was watching, she pushed two of her fingers inside, bucking slightly at the sensation. Vaguely noticing that Drew had taken his cock in his hand and was pleasuring himself at the sight of her, she began to use her other hand on her clit. She knew that once she started, she wouldn’t last long, having learnt just what was right for her in the eighteen months she hadn’t had regular sex. Her orgasm hit, shuddering she let out a long moan, before stilling.

  Removing her fingers from herself she looked at Drew, who was looking back at her like no one else existed in the whole world. The look on his face said that what was coming was not going to be gentle, making her want him even more.

  “Enjoy the show?” She asked, teasingly.

  “Immensely,” he growled taking a step towards her. “But you were very naughty.”

  “Oh?” She asked, equally intrigued and turned on by the sexy tone in his voice.

  “You didn’t wait for me.” He replied. “Do you know what happens to naughty girls?” He asked. Brie shook her head, looking forward to whatever it was he had in mind. Now standing right in front of her, Drew gave her a short kiss.

  “They get punished.” He said in her ear. Another shudder went through Brie. Drew moved Brie until her back was to him. Brie could feel his breath on her neck, making her skin tingle. His hands caressed her skin leaving a trail of warmth on her body. He pushed her over the arm of the sofa and she knew that her arse was on show for him and couldn’t help but feel naughty for enjoying it. Stepping back, Drew stuck two fingers in her pussy without any teasing, though she knew as well as he did that she didn’t need it.

  “So wet,” she heard the rip of foil and knew that he was putting on a condom. The thrill of anticipation swept through her as Brie waited for the moment he entered her. “I’m going to fuck you hard.” With just his words as a warning he stuck his cock into her pussy and Brie let out a short moan. It had been so long since she had had a cock inside of her and she hadn’t realised how much she had missed it. Despite the fact that he hadn’t moved, she whimpered. Unable to stay still a moment longer, Drew began to move, building up the pace until all Brie could concentrate on were the sensations of their bodies moving together and the sound of their short breaths. Drew’s hands were on her hips, their firm grip one of the only things keeping Brie grounded.

  “Who has been a naughty girl?” He asked, slamming his cock into her hard, causing her to whimper again.

  “I have.” Brie squeaked out, knowing that he needed an answer. As soon as she did she felt his hand come down on her arse, not hard, just enough to create another sensation. She moaned as his hand came down again and felt herself pushing back, though whether she was pushing back onto the cock that was pounding into her body or for his hand was beyond her.

  Brie’s pussy began to quiver, and she couldn’t help but get excited, she‘d never actually come through sex, she hadn’t thought that she could. His hand came down on her arse again; it definitely wasn’t hurting, instead, it was adding to the build up inside of her.

  “More,” She moaned, wanting Drew to fuck her harder. She’d never had sex quite like this before, and was desperate for it to continue. She pushed back more onto Drew’s cock, taking his erratic breathing as a sign that he was close too. He groaned and his trusting became more erratic.

  “Fuck. You’re so tight.” He panted, clearly enjoying it as much as she was. He pushed into her har
der, his cock moving within her without much resistance. Brie tried to hold off her orgasm until Drew was about to come, determined to make the most of the situation, especially if this was only a one-time thing. It only took a few more thrusts until Drew came, his deep groan and final thrust setting off Brie’s own orgasm, which was more intense than her first, leaving her mind floating for a few moments after it had done.

  Collapsing into a heap on the floor, Drew kissed Brie on the lips, more sweetly than she expected after how fast and furious the sex had been.

  “Give me half an hour and we’ll go again,” Despite just having had two orgasms in a short space of time, Brie’s pussy fluttered at the thought of yet another round.

  “Hungry?” He asked pulling himself to his feet and she was surprised to realise that she was. Brie nodded and took the hand that Drew offered her to help her to her feet. He passed her his shirt and she pulled it on, doing up some of the buttons but leaving enough undone that Drew would be able to see her breasts if he looked. He scooped his boxers off the floor, pulling them back on as he went to the kitchen. Brie felt disappointed that he had covered himself up and that she couldn’t admire his naked form any longer. He rustled up a couple of sandwiches and gave one to Brie.

  She felt Drew looking her up and down as she ate, starting at her legs and slowly moving up, before finally stopping and fixating on her lips. Despite the fact that she was eating something as unsexy as a sandwich, the way he was looking at her made her feel as if she was the sexiest woman in the world.

  “This is a really good sandwich.” Brie commented awkwardly, breaking the silence between them.

  “If you like the sandwich you should try my steak,” he replied. Brie sat there for a moment wondering if his comment had a double meaning, or if he was inviting her for dinner sometime.


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