The Thing About Love

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The Thing About Love Page 24

by Kim Karr

  Feeling nervous, I fidgeted with my diamond earring as I strode through the house to the foyer. Assuring I could move about without restraint, I’d worn a blush colored jumpsuit and matching ballerina flats.

  Too bad I hadn’t thought about how difficult it was going to be to use the restroom beforehand. It had taken me five extra minutes to put myself back together.

  I sighed.

  I should have just worn the strapless knee-length dress.

  Opening the door, I smiled at the big pots of hydrangeas. The intense antique pink created such a strong statement, I thought, dramatic, romantic, and eye-catching.

  The sound of engines had me jerking my head up, and I watched with nervous jitters as the first caravan pulled through the gates. Three black town cars and two Suburbans carrying Remy and his entourage. The Governor and his wife and his security detail, the groomsmen, and the pastor and Jaxson, along with the groom were all arriving. Finn and Uncle Edward were with them, helping to coordinate the groom’s side of the family.

  It was almost go time.

  Seconds later, they parked next to the vintage Jaguar and I couldn’t believe the ceremony was expected to begin within an hour.

  Nearly five weeks of planning, countless hours spent on this one wedding in hopes of making everyone’s dreams come true, and it was about to commence.

  Still teary-eyed, I patted under my eyes and tried not to think about the fact that I had no more clients after this one. That Easton Design & Weddings had been sold to a franchise, and they took occupancy on Monday.

  Instead, I focused on the now. On the fact that the five hundred or so guests arriving very soon were royalty in their own right. Politicians, movie stars, high-society families. And they were going to be treated to a performance by singer Charlie Puth, who would be singing, “When I See You Again.” It was to be dedicated to Rory’s father. And Lana Del Ray was also coming. Lana Del Ray! She would be singing, “Love” and “Lust for Life,” which were both sure to set the dance floor on fire.

  And to top the evening off, at midnight there would also be a dazzling display of fireworks in the gardens to top those anywhere in the world.

  Wedding guests were not allowed to bring cameras to the ceremony. This was mandated by the Governor’s security detail, but Jaxson, who was the official wedding photographer, would be releasing photos to the news media on a timely basis.

  I waved at Uncle Edward and Finn as they got out of the car. Just then Jaxson snapped his camera. “Looking good,” he said, walking up the steps.

  I smiled at him. “Yes, it does.”

  “I mean you. You look good. Not a sign of nerves anywhere.”

  I watched as Finn and Uncle Edward brought the groomsmen and family over to the pool house. “I’m a nervous wreck on the inside. Are you ready for the bride?”

  He nodded.

  “Okay, let me go check on her and then I’ll come get you.”

  “I’ll be around back.”

  Exhaling for courage, I turned around and headed up the grand staircase. I automatically veered right toward Jake’s room, but then realized it wasn’t him I needed to see. I turned direction and veered left toward Rory’s room.

  Things between Jake and I had been undefined. It’s the only way I knew how to describe it. After the night we proclaimed our love for each other, we never spoke of it again.

  Over the days that followed, I stayed with him at night. Mimi’s condition had continued to decline, and he spent most of his time during the day with her. When I could, I joined them.

  The sex between us bordered on desperate. It was a mix between lovemaking and fucking, but that had happened before I’d said those three little words.

  Last night was the first night we hadn’t slept in the same bed in weeks. After the rehearsal dinner, he went to Remy’s bachelor party, and I spent some much-needed time pampering myself. I glanced down at my nails and smiled. The pretty pink gloss looked perfect.

  My ears perked up as soon as I hit the landing. I could hear the hysteria from here. I picked up my pace and knocked loudly on the bride’s door. When Rory’s maid of honor opened it, she had fire in her eyes.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  My eyes bounced around the room, from one lace bridesmaid to the next fringe-covered one to the one in chiffon, and then to the tall, lone figure standing incredibly handsome by the window with his hands in his tuxedo pockets and his bottom lip in a pout.

  Why was he in here?

  “Remy’s oldest brother hired more than a dozen strippers for the bachelor party last night. Look!” She shoved her phone displaying an Instagram photo, that must have somehow had been leaked, in my face.

  At first, I gave it a quick glance. I’d been through this a dozen times. It was my job to remain Switzerland and neutralize any impending disasters before they happened.

  But then I took the phone from her and studied the photo a bit more. The guys in the wedding party were in the private room of some club seated at a table. Each with a barely dressed woman on their lap, including Jake.

  I wanted to enlarge it. To see if he was turned on. Look at his facial expression. I did not. I was here for Rory. Not myself. Yet, I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering back to last night. To the text he’d sent me around eleven.

  Him: Are you in bed?

  Me: I am.

  Him: Are you thinking about me?

  Me: I am now.

  Him: Touch yourself for me.

  Me: Where are you?

  Him: It doesn’t matter. Touch yourself and tell me if you’re wet.

  Me: Have you been drinking?

  Him: I’ve had my share. Are you doing it?

  Me: Come over and do it yourself.

  Him: Can’t.

  Me: I’ll leave the door unlocked, come over anytime.

  He never did say yes, and he never came over. He called me this morning and told me all the guys passed out in the suite at the Ritz, and I left it at that.

  I glanced toward him. His gaze looked so very male, and as our eyes locked, he didn’t show an ounce of regret. It made my stomach constrict painfully. “It wasn’t at all how it looks,” he sighed as if he’d already been through this.

  Obviously, this was why he was in here.

  “Where’s Rory?” I asked, only just now realizing she was not in the room.

  Twelve girls shouted out different things, but the only voice I heard was his. “She locked herself in the bathroom, and I can’t get her to come out.”

  The wedding planner in me kicked into action. “Everyone out,” I shouted.

  After protesting, they all finally filed out, all except Jake. As soon as the door closed, he was on me. His hands on my hips drew me close. “Nothing happened. They were strippers doing their thing.”

  “I know,” I said, my voice low, steady.

  “No, you don’t. I can see it written all over your face.”

  I lifted my shoulders in a careless shrug and turned away, refusing to meet his dark stare any longer. “Rory,” I pounded on the door. “Come out here, we need to talk about that picture.”

  “I am not coming out. You can tell everyone to go home.”

  I sighed in frustration. “Did you even look at the picture?” I asked.

  “Do you want to talk about this or not?” Jake said.

  Unimpressed by the fact that his tone was bordering on angry, I knocked on the door again. “No, I don’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to,” I whispered. “Rory, please come out and look at this picture.”

  “You’re pissed because I never made it over and I get it, but I passed out with the rest of the guys and then when I woke up, I had to get Remy home.”

  “Or was it because you were hot to get in that floozy’s pants, or panties, I should say.”

  His laughter had me seeing red.

  Incredulous, I whisper-shouted, “It’s not funny. You texted me all hot and bothered and then n
ever replied.”

  He took the phone from my hand and blew the picture up with his fingers. “Look, I wasn’t even paying attention to her. I was texting you when she was on my lap, and then Remy took my phone because the guys had taken his, and went out to the car to call Rory. I never found it until this morning.”

  My heart leaped into my throat when I looked a little harder. He was right. “Oh,” was all I could say.

  Jake threw his head back and laughed. His shoulders were still shaking when the door flew open.

  Rory came out in a white silk robe that had the word ‘Bride’ monogramed on the right breast pocket. She narrowed her big blue eyes at her brother. “This isn’t funny, you manwhore.”

  He didn’t stop laughing. “Rory, just look at the picture.”

  I handed the phone to her.

  “Remy isn’t even one of the guys with a girl on his lap. Look.” She shoved it back my way.

  “I know,” I told her. “That was what I was trying to tell you.”

  “He really does love me,” she grinned.

  Jake was shaking his head. “Can you finish getting dressed, Mimi wants to see you before we all go downstairs.”

  Practically bubbling over, she ran back into the bathroom. “I have to get ready!”

  Jake pulled me to him and I could smell his fresh scent and as soon as I got close, he smacked me on the ass.

  I yelped in surprise. “What was that for?”

  “You know exactly what it was for,” he murmured, and then he slid his tongue in my mouth and I forgot all about the floozy with the big boobs who was sitting on his lap, mostly.

  When Rory finally emerged from the bathroom, I broke free of Jake’s lustful hold and stared at her in awe.

  “You two are too cute together,” she said, and I blushed the brightest hue of pink.

  Jake ignored the comment all together. “Are you ready to see Mimi?”

  She nodded. “Just need help with the back of my dress.”

  In her glimmering white dress, sparkling with silver beads, she looked every bit as beautiful as she was. I rushed over to her and fastened the dainty pearl buttons. Then I stepped back into the room and watched as she swept back her elaborate skirt and stepped out into the room. A new light beamed in Rory’s bluebell eyes. “You were right,” she said to me.

  I inclined my head. “About Remy?”

  She shook her head. “No, that’s old news. About not wearing a veil.” She touched a hand to the band sparkling in her upswept brown hair. “This is a statement piece.”

  I nodded and forced myself to hold back the tears. “It certainly is.”

  Jake strode toward us and held his arms out to both of us, and once we took them, he led us out the door.

  Mimi was sitting in her wheelchair, her portable oxygen tank already connected and ready to go. Matthew was by her side, as were two other nurses.

  In her pale green dress and matching turban, she looked every bit as regal as the status she held. She’d been made up and her lips and cheeks shined a rosy pink. None of that hid the fact that she was barely able to sit upright in her chair.

  As soon as she saw Rory, she burst into tears and took the mask from her face. “Oh, my darling Rory, you look like a princess out of a fairytale.”

  Rory rushed over to her and I tried to grab her skirt to help her, but she was too fast. “I love you, Mimi. I love you so much.”

  Mimi patted her back. “No tears today, my darling Rory. Today is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.”

  “I know,” Rory choked out, “but I can’t help it.”

  “Now, now,” she said. “Straighten up.”

  Rory took a big breath and did what Mimi had told her to do. With trembling hands, Mimi opened the blue silk bag that sat in her lap. “This is for you, Rory. It belonged to my great-grandmother.”

  Rory stared at the diamond necklace from the photo in the parlor with her mouth wide open. “Mimi! Oh my God, I had no idea you even had this.”

  When Mimi tried to unfasten it, she couldn’t, and Jake hurriedly took it from her. He fastened the fire of diamonds around his sister’s neck. “Something new,” he whispered. She fingered the necklace and Mimi looked on at the two of them with pride and joy.

  Jake then took something from his pocket. It was a thin, sparkly pink bracelet, and when Rory saw it, she burst into tears. “You kept this?”

  He nodded. “It’s your something old.”

  I melted right there. He had been listening to me when I went over wedding protocol.

  She pulled it over her wrist and then hugged him.

  There was a knock on the door. “Are you ready for the photos?” It was Jaxson, and as always, he had perfect timing.

  “Yes,” I called. “Come in.”

  I knew Jaxson would capture that iced fire, the lovely lines of Rory’s shoulders, the sweep of her vintage dress, but I also knew he would capture the moment that would mean everything. The emotion between the three of them. The love they shared so easily captured on film to last a lifetime.

  I watched as Jaxson posed them and snapped away.

  “Join us,” Mimi said.

  “No, no,” I argued, with a wave of a hand. “This is for the three of you.”

  “I insist,” she said.

  And I knew there was no arguing with Mimi, so I crossed the room and stood between Mimi and Jake.





  I felt like I belonged there. Beside Jake. And I knew I shouldn’t. I knew things were only temporary between us even though I hated to think about them that way.

  “It’s time.” Roger was at the door looking wistfully at Mimi.

  As soon as she heard his voice, everything about her lit up. That’s when I knew. I knew in my heart that Roger was the love of her life. The man she couldn’t have so many years ago and maybe never had since.

  “Yes,” she said, and when she spoke her voice was thin and fragile. “I think it is time.”

  Roger took control of the wheelchair, and together we all went out into the hallway. Mimi and Rory took the elevator, and the rest of us descended the stairs.

  The moment came quickly.

  The groom took his place, and Mimi was wheeled to her reserved place right up front.

  I turned to gather the bouquets and pass them out as Uncle Edward lined the bridesmaids up, who had all settled down and were smiling very flirtatiously for Jaxson.

  When I got to Jake and Rory, I felt my knees go week. He looked so incredibly handsome and she looked like a princess straight out of a fairy tale. “Rory, you really do look stunning,” I told her.

  “Oh, don’t.” She waved a hand in front of her face. “I didn’t think I’d get all choked up at all, but I’m right on the edge of doing it twice.”

  “One breath in, one breath out,” I ordered. “Slow and easy.”

  “Thank you, Jules.” She looked over at her brother and drew in a ragged breath. “She’s so perfect for you. You could join me and we could have a double wedding.”

  “Don’t.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “I need to be able to walk down this aisle without wanting to knock you off your heels.”

  She laughed. “I can always count on you to say the right thing, brother.”

  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “You look beautiful. Dad would be proud.”

  At that she started to cry for the second time. I looked at Jake, at the man he was, the good man who didn’t want to believe he was, and sucked in a breath.

  “And two . . . go.” Uncle Edward said.

  Oh crap!

  I quickly wiped the tears from Rory’s eyes and stepped out of the way. “Go, go,” I urged as the music changed.

  “I’m impressed,” Uncle Edward told me as Rory and Jake started down the aisle. I looked up at him. “Everything went so smoothly. You really are fantastic at this, Jules. I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

  My e
yes filled with tears and I threw my arms around him. “Thank you,” I said softly, and I meant it for more than just the compliment. I owed him so much. “Wedding planning comes naturally, it’s all the rest I have trouble with.”

  “You are going to be great at whatever comes next.”


  I didn’t want to think about that.

  “I think we’ve all earned this.” I pulled back to find Finn with a bottle of pink champagne in his hand that he naturally confiscated from the fountain out in the main tent. The label read Cupcake Champagnes. I’d left the liquor ordering to Finn, so I was surprised to see that. I thought they only produced wines.

  “Later,” I said with a wink, and then I hooked my arms through his and Uncle Edward’s. “Right now we have to watch our bride get married.”

  From the back, I watched as Jake gave his sister away and took his place near Mimi. When he reached for her hand and squeezed it, I let another tear roll down my cheek. She looked so very frail.

  I hated that he had to lose her.

  I hated the circle of life.

  And I hated death most of all.

  As the ceremony concluded, and after the bride and groom came down the aisle, I threw confetti at them along with the other guests.

  Everyone then began milling around in the garden, and I stood and watched for a bit. It was a garden party to top all garden parties.

  Jaxson was standing over near the pool, and I walked over toward him. “Hey,” I said.

  He looked at me with a sadness in his eyes I hadn’t seen in a very long time. “Hey.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  He gave me a slow nod. “Perfect. Just about to take family pictures outside. Are you coming?”

  I shook my head. “Go ahead. I’ve been in enough photos.”

  “Oh, come on, you have to join them. I haven’t gotten to take any shots of just you and the man who has obviously stolen your heart.”

  “Jaxson, please don’t look at it that way.”

  “Hey,” he said, “Do you think if the two of you get married, you could use those monogramed towels we got for our engagement party?”

  I knew he was joking.

  It was his nature.

  Yet, it stung.

  I reached for his hand, but he placed it on his camera. “Jaxson, I never meant to hurt you.”


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