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by Dria Andersen


  Dria Andersen

  ©2016 Adrienne Andersen

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters and events in this work are figments of the author’s imagination.


  I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to my family for their unwavering support throughout this process. I mean seriously, I know I was scatterbrained and distracted, but you guys tots put up with it. I started the process of this book with one kid and in the years it’s taken to research and write it, we had another along the way. To my husband and mother in law, you were amazing about giving me time I needed to write and I can’t thank you two enough. To my sister Tina, thank you for always reading my stories, no matter their state. I really truly love and appreciate your support and encouragement of my writing. To my awesome friends and Beta readers, thank you guys for all your feedback! And finally to everyone who picked up a copy of this book and any before it, thank you! To the readers specifically who have reviewed my book, a million thanks, I’ve used the feedback to improve my writing and I appreciate you being a part of my journey.


  It has taken me a few years to work on this book. I researched gods and goddesses from all over Africa to bring my story to life. Some of the names have been used as they appear in their legends, and some have been changed to fit into the world and mythos I’ve built. It has been done with the upmost respect for the culture, and I hope you enjoy.




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  Chapter 1

  BLACK BOOTS, check.

  Short, tight black skirt, check.

  Liliana adjusted her corset for maximum cleavage and took a deep breath. She pulled the heavy cross on the end of her chain up to her painted lips for a kiss, praying she could pull this off, her sister's life depended on it.

  The black building loomed, and trepidation skittered down her spine. This was the last club on her list, the last link to her sister. Four years, and countless clubs later, Liliana was exhausted. One way or the other she had to get answers. She didn't think she could keep up the charade any longer. Hunters dogged her heels in every city she'd stopped. She'd barely escaped New York. Hopefully though, she was hours ahead of them and would have the time she needed.

  She took a deep breath and forced the tension from her body. Loose and limber, that was the only way to get through this last stop. Fluffing out her short curls, she began her sashay toward the club known as Haven.

  Getting into this one had proved the hardest yet. As it well should, it was the Amanda's headquarters, security was tight. She'd managed to wheedle a guest pass from a guy who owed her a favor. He made it clear when he gave her the guest pass that he didn't know her if something went down tonight.

  Liliana blew out a disgusted breath. "Coward," she muttered. It wasn't a big surprise, Sergio’s main motivation was money. He held no loyalty to her, or any of his other customers. If the situation turned to shit he would've been useless to her in a fight anyway. It didn't matter. She could take care of herself, had been doing a fine job of it for years. Though, the years were catching up to her.

  Her heels crunched loudly on the gravel in the make shift parking lot. It had taken her an hour to drive outside of the city of Atlanta to reach this Haven. It looked like an abandoned factory, and were it not for the amount of cars in the parking lot, she'd have thought Sergio had set her up. A small line formed outside of the club, which didn't surprise her. It was same at every other Haven she'd visited. There were no lights, no music, nothing to betray the building for what it was, yet a line of eager people waited to get in. Liliana ignored the wolfish stares and catcalls as she walked to the back of the line.

  The bouncer at the door was a huge linebacker of a man, tall and wide. His dark brown skin was smooth, his muscular shoulders and arms gleaming in the moonlight. The sleeveless shirt he wore did nothing to hide his built chest and flat abs, nor did it disguise the power pouring from him. Liliana shivered as she received the brunt of his gaze. His eyes were hazel with a circle of glowing green ringing the irises. He checked IDs of the guests as they passed, but his gaze kept straying to her. By the time she reached the front of the line, her hands were shaking. No matter how many times she went through this, fear of discovery dried her mouth.

  "ID." His voice was deep, a rumble of thunder on the clear summer night.

  Liliana fumbled with her small clutch pulling out her pass. The bouncer eyed the pass, and then eyed her, his chiseled features serious. He spared a cursory glance at her bare arms then back up to her face. She fought not to squirm under his scrutiny. Finally after several tense moments he handed her the pass.

  "You got trouble written all over you, shorty," he told her. "I ain't in the mood for trouble, ya' hear?"

  With a sharp nod, she moved quickly into the building. She shuffled behind a group of giggling females down a dark hallway. The music was dim, but it shook the building. A door opened and her eyes widened. Music filled up the space in the hallway rattling her chest. She went through the door and stopped in shock. Liliana's skin tightened, tingled, and an odd hum moved across her nerve endings. Lust was the setting for tonight and if her body was any indication, it was ripe in the air. It was the magic of Haven at play, but damn if she could stop her body from responding.

  The place was cavernous, not at all what she was expecting from its appearance on the outside. Though the door she'd come in was street level, where she stood was at least one or two hundred yards above the dance floor. The metal grate of the floor allowed her to see the dancers. The spotlights surrounding them were various shades of red, brushing over the crowd, painting the half-naked bodies in its rosy shades.

  She walked over to the railing and stared down at the crush of bodies undulating and swaying to the heavy bass line of the rap music blaring from the speakers. She looked up and spied railing that indicated at least three more levels above the main floor. Goosebumps chased up her arm as she thought of what went on in those upper levels. It seemed this Haven spared no expense. From the smooth hardwood floors to the silk damask covering the booths surrounding the dance floors, opulence was the name of the game.

  She walked over to the bar that lined the wall, her hips swaying to music, that on a normal day she would never listen to. Hungry stares followed her movements as she climbed onto a bar stool and crossed her legs. A shiver worked down her spine at the friction the motion caused between her legs.

  She panicked at the lack of control over her body and quickly erected mental shields she'd spent her life perfecting. But try as she might, the magic beat against her tired body, battering her shields.

bsp; Fighting proved to be useless.

  Every sweep of eyes across her body was a caress, pushing her purpose further to the back of her mind. If she didn't get a hold of herself it would be near impossible to carry out her plan in here tonight.

  She leaned over the bar, motioning for the bartender. Her lips kicked up into a seductive smile before she could catch herself. The bartender was fine. Shirtless, his brown skin gleamed under the light.

  He swaggered over to her and flashed straight white teeth. "What can I get you?"

  "Rum and coke." The alcohol probably wasn't a good idea, but she couldn't muster up enough alarm to change her order.

  Whatever magic was in the air was powerful. Sexual energy pulsed through her body, every beat of the music throbbed against her skin. The other Havens she visited were nothing like this one. Liliana reached for her drink gratefully, and tossed a twenty on the bar, waving away the change. The bartender gave her a smile that promised he would be back and went to serve the next customer.

  Liliana rolled the cold glass against her chest to cool off. She brought it to her lips and gulped down half the glass's contents.

  Big mistake.

  Heat bloomed in her chest, burning a path down to her stomach. A pleasant buzz suffused her mind and she relaxed. It had been months, maybe even years since the last time she'd felt able to do so. Downing the rest of her drink, a side of Liliana she'd kept dormant for years awakened.

  Awakened and decided that tonight was a night for impulses.

  Thoughts of her sister surfaced, guilt niggled, but another wave of magic washed through her and swept worries about Kita away. Liliana closed her eyes, and breathed deeply, valiantly making the effort to fight the magic. The tangy scent of sex, the mixture of perfumes, musk and sweat assaulted her senses.

  Her nature rose, power she'd purposely dampened surfaced. The urge to do something reckless rose and took over.

  "You look amazing."

  Liliana turned to face the voice shouting to be heard over the music and smiled. Wearing a pair of tight leather pants, and tight black t-shirt, he was certainly great to look at. When was the last time she'd fed? Months, at least. Surely once she had, her senses would return, the shields righting themselves.

  She cocked her head to the side… he'd do. "Let's dance."


  LEO SLAMMED THE DOOR to his brother's office thoroughly lectured and two kinds of pissed. He'd just spent the last thirty minutes having his ass chewed by his brother Xavier, same subject as always: Leo took too many risks, he never checked in, and on and on. His brother was a champion worrier, and an even better nag. His long legs quickly put distance between the two of them.

  "Damn it. Why you gotta be so hard headed? The shit you do is unnecessary, Leo." Xavier shouted down the hall after him. Work in the dimly lit caverns halted and the banging in the kitchen next to them stopped as the employees paused to stare at the spectacle that was sure to come. Fighting between him and his brothers was nothing new.

  He stopped and took a deep breath, wrestling his already shredded patience. He turned and faced his older brother. "As long as the job is done, the how shouldn't matter. I've been hunting Demis on Earth for over a century."

  "That's not the point." The sharp planes of Xavier's face were illuminated in the hallway sconce above his office door. It highlighted the furious expression darkening his eyes.

  "What is the point, bro? I don't need a lecture every time I take a risk, it's my job. You wanna take it from me?" It was an empty threat. No one could do Leo's job and they both knew it. He was Death's Messenger, responsible for hunting down and taking Demis sentenced to death to Azrael, their Hell. The things he saw and did…No. No one could do his job. Not and stay sane.

  A small stab of guilt hit him at the hurt that flickered in Xavier's eyes.

  "You know what, Leo. Fuck you. Do what you do." The door slammed behind his brother.

  Leo shook his head and headed back down the hallway spoiling for a fight. He growled at one of the bartenders backing out of the supply closet taking pleasure in the fear that leapt into the servant's eyes. He snatched a bottle of liquor from him and opened it with his teeth. He took a long drag, thankful for the potent heat.

  "No, you know what, Leo? I'm not done." Xavier barked from behind him.

  Leo kept walking, refusing to face his brother. He lifted his middle finger instead. Xavier cursed, and the employees in the hallway snickered. Again, same old fight, different day. Haven's employees were used to the screaming matches, and they found a great amount of amusement in it.

  Leo gave them a dark look that had them scrambling. Yeah, they were amused, but they still had a healthy fear for Death's Messenger. Glasses clinked as the busboys rushed out of his path.

  He knew flipping his brother off would have Xavier in a rabid state of mind. He needed to get lost, and he knew the perfect place. His brother refused to come out during club hours, so the dance floor would be a safe enough place to hide. It was Saturday, Sensual Saturday to be exact, he could lose himself in a beautiful woman and by the time he got home, his brother would be over it.

  He stomped down the corridor and rounded the corner. He took the stairs two at a time to reach the entertainment level. He nodded to the bouncer at the door separating the back rooms from the rest of the club. Opening the gilded door, lust immediately swamped him. He drew the energy in with a deep breath, taking it and feeding it through his body. Instantly he thrummed with power. His vision became sharper, every shadow dissipated as his gaze swept the dance floor. He knew his normal gray eyes would be silver warning others a predator was at large.

  Leo smiled as hands brushed his body, women on either side drawn to the danger, as he sauntered through the crowd. He laughed out right as one bold woman reached over and cupped his crotch. He grabbed her hand and twirled her around. Dipping her low, he kissed her deeply, drinking in the lust she fed him. He pulled back a moment later and moved her to the side. He wanted a willing female, but it was in his nature to hunt.

  He so enjoyed the chase.

  The woman pouted prettily, dismissing Leo as easily as he had her. There would be many takers for what she offered tonight.

  He bopped through the dance floor letting the music enter his head and drive out the B.S. of the day. A woman backed into him, her hips grinding into his and Leo threw up his hands to give access. Her pants were skin tight, the rest of her covered by an intricate web of string, barely hiding the good bits. Leo grabbed her waist and started dancing. Sensual Saturday was in full swing at Haven, and he would enjoy the lust that filled the air.

  A fine mist sprayed from the ceiling as electronica blasted over the speakers. To the left and right of him, both women and men were shedding their tops on the crowded dance floor. Leo felt the power spike in the club, the lust doubling. It swept away inhibitions while those who could, fed off the energy. He looked up at the mirrored windows of the private rooms lining the third floor. Behind nearly all of them stood powerful beings taking the energy in, and pushing out just enough magic to sustain the sexual haze the humans reveled in. Judging by the crowd, the Demis would be well fed this night. And the humans…

  The majority of them would get lucky. High off the lust and magic, they would leave the club and have the best night of their lives. It was how they kept the club packed, people clamored to get into Haven hoping to recreate that night over and over again.

  Leo removed his wet shirt and tossed it into the crowd. The Roots song 'Rising Up' came on and he let the music and magic sweep him away.

  "'I got something you been waiting for'" Chrisette Michelle sang, her voice echoing through his mind right as a vision with short cropped black curls snagged his attention.

  Curvy hips moved and swayed captivating Leo. Her short skirt and tank top displayed brown skin the color of fine whiskey and twice as potent. He hardened instantly, his erection swelling, pushing against his leather pants. Her eyes lifted and Leo was trapped in their depths. Ti
lted up at the corner, her eyes held just the right amount of mischief, of daring. It was a siren's call and one Leo knew he had to answer.

  She lowered her eyes and turned her back to him, hips working, tempting him closer. A coy peek from over her shoulder tightened his dick, and dried his mouth. She ran her fingers through her short hair, her full lips lifted in a smile.

  Yeah, she knew he was feeling her.

  He moved closer, shoving humans aside as he made a beeline to her. She turned around colliding with his chest. Her hand lifted, touched, tracing the thin trail of black hair leading down his abs.

  No words were exchanged, their eyes met, burned, heightening the awareness between them. Heat pooled in his abdomen as his hands skimmed the smooth skin of her narrow waist, a light caress that aroused him further. Her skin was silk, warming under his touch. Her mouth opened on a sigh and he took full advantage, stealing her lips in a kiss.

  Ask him how they got to the hotel, he didn't know.

  How they got a room? Hell if he could remember.

  When their clothes came off? Damned if he cared.

  Oh, but the feel of her when he slid in. Oh Gods, he could write a book about it. The way the walls of her sex clenched around him, pulling him deeper. The greedy nips of her teeth on his shoulders.

  Yeah, he remembered that.

  Little puffs of air brushed his ear as her whispered cries urged him on. Ahh, the silky skin of her thighs as they slid against his. Long legs wrapped around his waist, heels digging into his back as she met his thrust, he remembered that too. Memories of the way her back arched, her breasts lifted in the air, her lush mouth parted in ecstasy would be burned into his brain.

  He would never forget her scent as long as he lived. Peony and moonlight, he'd never look at nighttime the same way again. Leo clenched his teeth, squeezed his eyes shut as he fought to keep his human skin. His hands tightened on her hips as his beast fought for dominance.


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