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Haven Page 13

by Dria Andersen

  “Tell me what happened yesterday with your mother.”

  She sighed. “I don’t know how to describe the relationship between my mother and me without sounding childish.”

  “Childish or not, tell me.”

  “My mother has always liked my sister better.” She held up her hand to stall any argument. “I know people say that as hyperbole, but I mean it. She’s always worshipped Kita, and tolerated me. If you don’t believe me, any number of our servants can back me up.”

  “I wasn’t going to say anything.” He leaned back in his chair and rested his hand on her back. “Finish telling me.”

  Liliana shrugged. “My whole life, I’ve never been able to do anything right for her. I was too loud, too common, and too clumsy. She used every opportunity to tell me how I was an embarrassment to her and our family. She takes everything I do as a personal affront. Bottom line, she was mean to me and her friends encouraged it. By the time I’d reached maturation I stopped going to social events with my family. My life got a whole lot easier after that, let me tell you. If it weren’t for Bea, I don’t how I would’ve made it through childhood.”

  “And yesterday?” He prompted.

  “She said it should be me missing instead of Kita. I mean, not a surprise, but it hurt all the same. I’m done letting my mother talk to me like that. My years on Adro have helped me find my self-confidence. No way am I letting her tear it down again.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when she came in.”

  “It’s better that you weren’t. It was embarrassing as hell.”

  Leo sighed. “Don’t worry about your mother. As soon as we’re done with the di êjê, we’re leaving and you won’t have to deal with her if you don’t want.”

  She smiled. “I can’t wait.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Starving.” She whispered, looking into his eyes.

  He cleared his throat, adjusting her on his lap. But, not before she felt his hardness pressing into her hip.

  “No time for that. There are women here from the palace who want to go over plans for the di êjê. They’ve been waiting for an hour now, so their mood is…not nice. Since we’re moving it up, they’re a little peeved by the lack of time for planning.”

  She groaned and looked down at her appearance. She’d had no plans to get dressed for hours. She’d hoped to talk Leo back into bed for the rest of the morning. Mistress Yoru was probably behind the brigade of women waiting for her. She dreaded sitting through another etiquette lesson, but she didn’t have a choice. According to her mother, gossip had her blowing up a market stall, no need to add further fuel to the fire. She would pass her remaining days on Legba with zero incident. Even if she had to suffer through the next few hours with the archivist and whatever other servant she brought along to torture her.

  “Let me at least wash my face and change my clothes.”

  “Also, the stuff you bought while we were out was delivered.” He pointed at the bags over in the corner of the sitting room.

  She scrunched up her face. “I’d forgotten about that stuff. Most of it was gifts for my family. I’ll go through it later.” Much later.

  He shrugged. “I’ll take you to the conference room, I have plenty to do to keep me busy. Do you need me to stay for the planning?” The grimace on his face said he’d rather not.

  She was touched he volunteered. “I can handle it. Are you okay with simple?”

  He pulled her into his chest. “Were it up to me, we’d be bonded already somewhere locked in a room.”

  A thrill of heat went through her body. Gods, but the man had a way about him. She cupped his cheek and kissed him, moaning at his taste. He opened her robe, his hands spanning her waist.

  He pulled back, nibbling on her lips. “Don’t start nothing.”

  “Just a little something,” she murmured, resuming her kiss.

  Their tongues danced, the heat building between them. A knock on the door interrupted their play. Leo growled, the menacing sound its own turn on.

  “Go.” She stood, closing her robe. “I’ll get ready.”

  Liliana quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth, smiling as she heard Leo grumbling about the interruption. He continued to surprise her and she actually looked forward to their mating. She found herself excited about their life together. She was anxious to get the ceremony part done so they could leave Legba.

  The whole way to the conference room, Liliana held Leo’s hands, marveling at the difference a few days made. He had been mad as hell at being mated, and now, he scowled at any male they passed in the hallway. A large frosted glass signaled their arrival at their destination. The large conference table inside the room was another clue.

  She frowned at the women gathered in the conference room. Taking a deep breath she dropped Leo’s hand. Only a few more days to get through the traditions. It wouldn’t be so hard. Expecting Leo to leave her at the door, her eyebrows winged up in surprise as he charged through the door.

  “What are you doing here?” His voice was brusque as he halted at the oak table separated him from the women.

  Liliana studied the one he’d addressed, her expensive clothing standing out amongst the palace workers gathered in the room. A Cagyn, the female’s onyx skin was supple, the copper lines running through her skin pulsating with power. Her long jet black hair was partially pulled into a small bun on the top of her head, while the rest skimmed the back of her silk dress in a shining curtain.

  “Leonalph.” Her voice was deep, gravelly in a way that should’ve been unattractive, but made the mysterious woman sexy. Cagyn pheromones laced her voice, making Liliana mad with jealousy.

  She stepped closer to Leo.

  “I ask again, mother, what are you doing here?” He stabbed a finger onto the table.

  Mother. She sucked in a breath of surprise.

  “The di êjê, Leonalph. According to the harpy who hunted me down, the mother of the groom is required to speak with the bride before the ceremony. Impart wisdom.” The smirk on the woman’s face seemed to make Leo madder.

  Mistress Yoru sniffed in offense, and Liliana couldn’t help but like the woman a little bit for getting under the archivist’s skin.

  Years of etiquette training moved Lily from Leo’s side, extending her hand before she could process the motion. “I’m Liliana Marcolev, mate to your son. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  His mother sized her up before clasping Lily’s hand in a strong, but gentle grip. “A pleasure, Liliana. I’m Sharine Tegan, mother to Leonalph, whether he likes it or not.”

  Leo growled.

  Wanting to stall an impending scene, Liliana waved the palace servants from the room. Hell or high water, she would not be responsible for more gossip getting back to her mother.

  She turned to him, placing a hand on his chest. “We’re fine here, Leo. You had errands with which to occupy yourself, right?” Social tone and accent in place, Liliana knew how to play the game. Despite what her mother or any other thought. She waved a hand in front of his face to break his eye contact with his Sharine.

  Leo glanced down at her, blinking. “I can stay here. I don’t want to leave you alone with her.”

  “Well, pesky customs dictate otherwise.” She pasted on her most cordial smile, turning back to face his mother. “I’ll be fine. I promise.”

  He stared at Sharine another full minute in silence before he nodded. “I’ll be in the surveillance room, call me if you need anything.”

  “I will.” She grabbed his face to bring his attention back to her. “Hey, I can handle it.”

  He lifted a finger and pointed at his mother. “If you so much as…”

  “Enough, Leonalph.” Sharine cut him off. “What do you imagine I can do to your mate in full view of the palace servants?”

  Liliana groaned and turned. Sure enough, the women all stood at the glass wall making no attempt to hide their curiosity. Her mother would hear about it for sure. Luckily for her, she
didn’t have to go back to home and be subject to the disappointed stares. Why did these things happen to her?

  Leo gave his mother one last forbidding look. Kissing Lily’s hand, he left the room, taking the majority of the tension with him.

  “I would apologize on behalf of my son, but seeing as how you’re mated to him, you’d best get used to his temper.” Sharine waved her hand towards a chair.

  Liliana sat, curiosity burning through her.

  “My son and I haven’t spoken in years. As you can see, he prefers it.”

  At a loss for words, Liliana clasped her hands on top of the conference table. Sharine had no problem filling the silence. She went on as though input from Liliana was not needed.

  “Now, according to tradition, I’m supposed to tell you all about how to take care of my son.” Sharine sat across from Liliana, fidgeting with the gold bangles climbing her arm.

  “I’m not one for tradition. If you’re uncomfortable with this, we can skip the formalities.” Lily certainly didn’t want to stir up anything that could potentially hurt Leo.

  Sharine waved away her concern. “I don’t have any insight to give you on my son. What I can tell you though is to be careful.”

  Lily sat back in her chair in surprise. “Leo would never hurt me.”

  His mother nodded. “You’re absolutely right. He’d never lay a hand on you, and for the most part, should treat you wonderfully. Except…”

  Liliana’s back stiffened. “Except what?”

  “Leonalph has wanted to be in the Amanda for as long as I can remember.” A small nostalgic smile tilted her lips. “He followed those soldiers around asking a million and one questions. Gods, he was such a sweet and serious child.” She cleared her throat and shook away the smile. “Now that he’s mated, he’ll lose his position.”

  “I’m aware of that.” Defensiveness added a snap to her voice.

  Sharine nodded. “Of course you are. What you’re unaware of is the bitterness that accompanies the loss. Bitterness he’ll take out on you.”

  She folded her arms on her chest. Leo would never hurt her, and the certainty in his mother’s voice would not shake her faith in him.

  “Right, you’re sitting their smug because you know Leo so well, right? If you knew half the way his father...” The woman took a shaky breath. “The head of the Amanda used to be able to hunt. Did you know that?”

  Liliana shook her head.

  “Yes, Ranolph enjoyed the hunt. It gave his beast an outlet. He would take his men out and hunt down those who committed crimes. At least the ones who weren’t sentenced to death. He loved that job, and because he was mated, he was required to give up that part of it.”

  “Leo is not his father. Our relationship will not be the same.”

  “Whatever you say.” Sharine stood and adjusted the skirt of her dress, her bangles tinkling with the motion. She leaned forward, arms on the table. “Call me when you’re pregnant, stuck at Haven, unable to leave.”

  Lily frowned. “Mates or not, the Amanda can’t hold me hostage.”

  “No?” The nasty smile on her face gave Lily chills. “Is my son not charismatic enough to suggest you stay inside the walls of Haven for your own good? He cares so much for the safety of his mate, surely you won’t object to a couple of guards keeping watch over you.”

  She thought over the conversation they’d had just yesterday. “You’re wrong.”

  “Am I, sweetie?” Sharine stood straight, shaking her head. “Those Tegan men can be quite persuasive. My bitterness is living proof of how charming they can be.”

  Fed up with the conversation Liliana stood. “Is that the ‘wisdom’ you came to impart?”

  Sharine laughed, genuine amusement lighting her face. “Oh no, my dear. I only thought to give you a little warning for appearance sake. In actuality I’m here to stir shit up. I’ll try not get any of the splatter on you.”

  Liliana frowned in distaste. Leo’s mother just smiled and left the room. Gods, why did these things happen to her?

  Chapter 14

  LILY WIPED THE STEAM FROM the bathroom mirror hours later. Her wet hair trailed her back, the darkened colors still bright against the white towel wrapped around her chest. Rivulets of water chased each other down her shoulders dampening the towel. Leo crossed his ankle and leaned against the door jamb watching her. She rolled her shoulders and sighed. She brought her wet hair to the front using another towel to dry it. Exhaustion rode her shoulders slumping them as she attempted to towel dry her hair.

  He must have made a sound, because her head popped up, her eyes catching his in the mirror. He came up behind her and took the towel from her. Moving the hair off her neck, he laid a small kiss to her shoulder. Without saying a word, he rubbed the towel along her head, pulling her hair into it and rubbing vigorously. The need to care for Liliana was a compulsion. He wanted to make her feel better, and selfishly he could admit, caring for her would also calm the beast raging through him.

  Once he heard the shower stop, something compelled him into the bathroom.

  Finished with the towel, he tossed it aside. Spotting a hair brush next to her hand resting on the counter, he grabbed it and held it up. She nodded at his unspoken question. Starting at the bottom of her hair, he methodically worked through the tangles, much like when he brushed through his hair in his Eshu form. She sighed in pleasure as he reached the crown of her head. He brushed in long, sure strokes, massaging her scalp. His brows furrowed in concentration as he worked through her hair. He said nothing as he brushed the tangles out, the intimacy in the action robbing him of words.

  He’d sensed her aggravation from the moment he’d picked her up from the conference room. Her stiff gait as they walked back to their temporary quarters told him all he needed to know about how the planning went. He imagined dealing with anyone from the palace was stressful, especially after the day she’d had. Then to add his mother on top…. Just the thought of his mother alone with Liliana pissed him off. He could well imagine the nastiness she’d shared with his mate. Lily said nothing about it though, and that worried him.

  Finished with the tangles, he braided her hair starting from her nape. He moved the braid to her front, once again baring her neck to him. She adjusted the towel knotted on her chest, the motion sensual in the silence enveloping them. He then kissed her neck, wet kisses, dragging his teeth along her neck. Days ago he’d cursed having a mate, now with her in front of him, her vulnerable beauty reaching out to him, he couldn’t imagine life without her. He nipped her neck, using his teeth, telling himself he wouldn’t break the skin. Her moan did nothing to help his self -control though. What it did do was channel the tender feelings from moments ago into hot, drugging passion.

  One hand gripping her waist, he used the other to release the knot holding the towel over her breasts. It pooled at her feet, its thump the only sound other than her heavy breathing. Humming in approval, his hands skimmed her curves, tracing across her budding nipples. Her breath caught, encouraging his exploration. He licked a path up her neck to her ears. He trailed his fingers lower, ghosting over her stomach with the lightest touch. He reached her center and looked into the mirror at her. Their eyes met and she let out a rough exhalation, nodding her consent. Slowly inserting his fingers, satisfaction spiked through him when she shuddered. She closed her eyes, leaning back into his chest.

  “Uh-uh.” He bit her ear lobe. “Watch.”

  Her eyes popped open, the lids hooded as she watched him slowly stroke his fingers in and out of her. He studied her face, picking up the pace of his fingers. Her orgasm was right around the corner if her choppy breaths were anything to go by. Her body tensed, and a long moan left her parted lips. He used his thumb to stroke the numb of her clit and she exploded. Gods she was beautiful. He turned her face with his other hand, kissing her deeply. Her body went limp, weak with satiation. He lifted her up and carried her to their bed. Neither of them exchanged words. He lay her on the bed naked, tucking her under th
e covers. He brought the blanket up to her chin, hiding her beautiful curves from himself, in an attempt to keep temptation away.

  “I’m going to take a shower first, then I’ll join you in bed.” He leaned over her, braced on his arms.

  She nodded her assent, her eyes lowering as sleep overtook her. She stirred as he lifted from over her. He stood still until she’d settled back to sleep. Leo walked back into the bathroom, setting the water on a comfortable temperature. Shucking his clothes, he entered the warm stall, grateful for the water beating down on his tired body.

  He leaned his head against the tile, his breathing harsh puffs of air. His body was tight with tension, both from the stress of the last few days, and the lust thrumming through his blood stream. He could do nothing about the stress, but the lust was easily assuaged. Taking his length in his hand, he pictured Liliana’s face as she orgasmed a few minutes ago. He vividly saw her full lips parted, her head thrown back in ecstasy. He moved his hand up and down, wanting those lips wrapped around his shaft. He imagined her cheeks sunk in as she pulled him deeper. Her scent surrounded him from her earlier shower adding to the memories of her breathless cries. It all crowded his mind sending him over the edge. He came with the thought of her blanketing his thoughts. He sank to the tile floor, his body spent.

  He released his human skin, letting go of the magic keeping his body constrained. Finally relaxed, he leaned back against the wall, letting the hot water pelt him. He’d nearly lost Liliana. Agony at how close he came to losing her seized his breath. Pictures of the damaged stall threatened to take over his relaxed mood but he banished the thoughts. He’d find the person behind the threat to her and he would end them. There was no other recourse. No other outcome was feasible to him or his beast. He’d spent hours going over every bit of surveillance they’d had available in the market and hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary.

  He wished they were on Adro. He’d be able to look through the Oras and find out exactly who casted the spell. Since the magic was based on the Earth’s magnetic field and their realms were merely ghosts of the Earth, the field didn’t reach them. Thus no Oras. He didn’t realize how heavily they’d come to rely on them. He growled in frustration. Old fashion hunting would take longer, but hard work never scared him.


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