Darker Shades of Scarlett

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Darker Shades of Scarlett Page 3

by Olivia Morgan-Gaines

“You’re damn right, you are one of the coolest people in this place.”

  “I don’t know about that. Anyway, I must get on with some work.”

  “Let me help you?”

  “What time is Mr. Funck due into the office?”

  “Around ten, maybe a bit later.”

  “Right, then yes, you can help me. First, go and tell his people where you are so they can find you if they need to. Make sure you check back there every twenty minutes, don’t make them have to look for you, okay?”

  “Got it. I will do that right now. Can I bring you back one of your cups of tea,” she laughs at her almost perfect English accent.

  Scarlett laughs too, “Yes sweetie that would be lovely.”

  Mia leaves, giving her breathing space and time to organize her day. Checking her emails, she finds her 9.45 am meeting has been pushed back due to Peter being out of town. The executive who she was due to have a session with had been re-assigned to oversee a project which Peter had pushed forward late the previous afternoon. She sends out another scheduled appointment for confirmation.

  Her heart rate increases as she opens her email. As she checks, the fifth message is from her master, she must stop using that title at the office even if it is only inside her head.

  She reads three messages before getting to Peter’s. She can hear her heart pounding in her ears. She opens his email. It’s not an unusual thing to have an internal email from him, she sometimes gets three of four in a day. Today was different, she hadn’t seen him in over 24 hours, and was suffering withdrawal. She wanted to see him badly. She would do anything for him. If he asked her to strip naked in front of the whole office, she would do it.

  Much to her disappointment, the message was merely a request, that she should take notes for a meeting in his office with an outside consultant on a new account he had set up during the week. She must tone this down a few notches and stop being so naughty.

  She coasts through the next half a dozen messages, making notes as she reads each one. Then she noticed an email from Steve. Why was he emailing her, it wasn’t that she minded, but she is curious? His email read…

  Hi Miss Scarlett, I just wanted to let you have my email address. Sorry to email you at work, perhaps I could have your personal email address?

  Why not she thinks, he is harmless and such a sweet guy. A minute later she has logged into her Google email account and sends him a short message, giving him her details.

  Mia taps on her office door which is closed. She is one of the only people on this floor, or perhaps the entire building who shuts her door and sometimes locks it, it was the nature of her work at the company.

  “Come in Mia.”

  Pushing it open she peers around. “How did you know it was me?”

  “I have x-ray vision!”

  They laugh.

  Mia comes to her side of the tidy desk and places the tea on the coaster, brushing her leg against Scarlett’s thigh.

  “Mia, please respect the boundaries.”

  “Yes madam.”

  She is a little shocked but manages to stop it from showing on her face.

  “What did Mr. Funck’s people say?”

  “They asked if you could spare me, because they have some tasks they want me to do. They told me to ask you nicely, it seems that his people down there really like you and Mr. Peerson’s people think the same. I would really like to get to know you better, Scarlett you are an amazing woman.”

  “Steer away from office gossip, it can seriously harm you.”

  “I will. You know I studied clinical psychology at college?”

  “I do yes, I’ve read your file.”

  “You have, what did it say, and why are reading about me?”

  “I can’t discuss it with you.”

  “I know I didn’t go to Harvard or Cambridge University like you, but could I be your assistant?”

  “It doesn’t work like that.”

  “Could you be my mentor?”

  “Mia, you should leave now and do your work. We’ll talk about this another time.”

  “You’ll consider it?”

  “I didn’t say that now go and be professional.”

  She exits, closing the door behind her leaving Scarlett to glance back at her computer screen. Steve had has already replied, it reads:

  I would like to invite you to see a show which my boyfriend Kevin and I are taking part in. It is only an amateur event, and will be obscene. It’s revealing and live, if you understand my meaning. The show is by invitation only, and it would be an honor if my two favorite lesbian friends can come to watch us make love on stage.

  She leans back in her chair and laughs, but is in a state of shock. Shit! The thought of watching two men fuck made her light-headed. She wonders whether she should lock the door and pleasure herself right now. Abby was going love it. She was going, period. It was a once in a lifetime event and she wouldn’t want to miss it.

  She sends him a teaser email. Two minutes later the reply arrives.

  You’d love it.

  She can’t resist any longer and types…

  We will be there, BIG boy!

  I hope it is a big one, she thinks and hits send. A minute later…

  Here’s a picture for you, one I had on file, as you can see it’s of me holding Kevin, who’s holding me!

  She clicks on the attachment, it opens in a browser, and not on her machine.

  Fuck me! They’re huge! God, you guys have such small hands

  Now you know what you are missing by having a vagina.

  She considers the message she so wants to send him…I want you and Kevin to take turns fucking my ass, but thinks better of it and sends something else.

  Ha ha, now piss off, I have work to do!

  His final email reads…Okay, I understand. I’ll send out an invite to this email address later tonight. I’ll leave you in peace, Steve

  Focusing, she gets into work mode and streams through her tasks without interruption until Bryce Peerson, Abby’s father, the owner of the company, and her boss calls her for some advice. They talk for about twenty minutes and he thanks her for her time. She is receiving a salary which is three times more than someone in her position should get, without the bonuses and other perks she received from the company, and he was thanking her.

  She replaces the handset, and gazes at it feeling on top of the world - Bryce Peerson did that to her. She wasn’t sexually attracted to him, unlike his son-in-law, but she did feel special after having talked with him, he was an important person and of course, a billionaire.

  Her door flies open, and Peter storms in, locking it behind him. She rises from her chair, her mouth open in amazement.

  “Hi, I’ve missed you, we need to talk.”

  “Not here, not like this, it’s dangerous.”

  “It’ll be fine.”

  “No, leave before someone sees you, please!”

  “Scarlett, we talk nearly every day in my office, today it’s in your office, calm down.”

  “I can’t. Get out.”

  “You want me to go?”

  She didn’t but desperately wanted to take her clothes off and bend over for him.

  “Peter, I can’t have you here.”

  “Everyone else in the company can come to you, why should it be any different for me?”

  “Because for one, people come to you and not the other way around, and secondly, you shouldn’t be seen in this position, I mean with my door locked.”

  “But you lock the door with everyone else, it’s your rule, right?”

  “It is yes, but my point is, I come to your office to advise you of others, people come here for personal reasons and I don’t think it’s right for you as the CEO to be seen in my office for personal reasons, regardless of what it might be.”

  “You have a point, but I’m here now, and no one saw me.”

  “The fact you are saying that shows just how crazy you are right now.”

p; “I’m mad about you.”

  “Peter, we need to be careful. This type of behavior at work could ruin everything, and I don’t want it to end.”

  “Nobody saw me because no one comes down this end of the building unless they have to. You wanted an office away from the rest of the staff. I mean, other’s fight tooth and nail to get an office with the best view and you are the complete opposite. I agree the view of the river is great, but it’s not the best.”

  “If you are happy with your people staring out of the window all the time that’s fine. But I have work to do, and I like rivers, it reminds me of London.”

  “I heard they found a dead body floating down the river a few days back.”

  “It’s just one of the perks!”

  They laugh.

  “So, you needed to talk.”

  His expression had changed, “Yeah, last night I….”

  “Slept with a woman?”

  He slumps into a chair, “How the fuck did you work that out? I know you’re like Sherlock Holmes but how did you….”

  “Because I sent her. Was it discreet enough for you master?” Shit, she shouldn’t call him master at the office. Hopefully, she had set herself up.

  He leans forward rubbing his chin, “Yeah. Yeah, it was, and you arranged it?”

  “I did, and we should never talk about it again, not to Abby, never.”

  “Why did you do it? I’m concerned about this.”

  “It wasn’t just a random act. The girl in question is no common whore, she is a high-class companion and only has three clients.”


  “Yes, and perhaps another word would be more appropriate. She is a friend of mine from university back in England. She charges $10,000 per night and….”

  “You had to pay her?”

  “No, I did her a favor. She only has three clients and only spends two weeks a year with each of her gentlemen. It’s not the most exciting sex she has ever had, and the agency she works for have strict rules about who she sleeps with and has to…well…sneak around. When I told her about you, she wanted to know more, and when she saw your picture, she begged me to go with you.”

  “I still don’t understand why you did this for me?”

  “You could have said no.”

  “So, you were testing me?”

  “Not testing, no. I was putting you in a position where I could ask you to do something for Abby and me, but she can never know about it.”

  “I don’t like you behaving this way, Scarlett. I’m having doubts about….”

  “Please, listen to the whole thing before you make up your mind. It’s not ideal having to tell you at work. I planned to explain tonight at home when we were alone.”

  “How were you going to do that with Abby around?”

  “She owes me. I was going to ask her for some alone time with you.”

  “What does she owe you for?”

  “Abby has come to terms with the thing that’s been bothering her. You asked her to speak to me and get her head straight. I did exactly that. You’ll be happy to know she wants to go to the party.”

  “That causes another problem, we only have two tickets. I’ve tried to get another one, but haven’t been able to.”

  “Well, let’s deal one thing at a time.”

  “What do you mean? You have some tell signs too you know. I’m getting concerned with this Scarlett. I don’t like being in this position with you or anyone else.”

  “Peter, I am not trying to manipulate you. I am doing the right thing for all of us, for our relationship. So please, let me explain from the beginning, it will make more sense.”

  He leans back in his seat and waits for her to begin.

  “Two years ago, you and Abby were at the same party that I attended.”

  “What!” he jumps forward.

  “Let me explain everything first, then you can ask as many questions as you like. Give me a few minutes to make two calls and then we can talk for as long as you want until this is settled, agreed?”

  He nods in acknowledgment.

  In her first call, she cancels her 11.30 appointment. The second one has Peter on the edge of his seat.

  “Yes Mr. Funck is with me in my office, we’re discussing some small contract issues, would you be a darling and arrange for some coffee to be brought up to my office. Thank you.”

  She ends the call, and directs him over to the small meeting table, with a view of the river. Unlocking the door, she retrieves some files and spreads them across the table to set the scene.

  Someone knocks on the door, “Come in.”

  “Hi, where would you like this coffee, on the table? Hello, Mr. Funck, it’s nice to see you back in the office.”

  “Yes, on the table will be great, thanks, Sweetie.”

  Peter’s PA carries the tray over to them, “I made you your favorite tea.”

  “Thank you. How is John, is he feeling better?”

  “Yes, he is much better, he’ll be back at work next week, thankfully.”

  “That’s great news. I will see you for lunch on Thursday?”

  “Perfect. Please let me know if you need anything else.”

  “There is just one more thing. Peter and I have some urgent matters to iron out so if you can hold his calls, for now, that would be good.”

  She glances at her boss, who nods. She leaves the room.

  Scarlett waits behind the closed door and listens as the sound of high-heels click clack down the corridor and gradually fade. She re-locks the door and turns to him.

  He tilts his head and smiles, “Bryce struck gold when he found you or was it the other way around?”

  His smile fades and her heart sinks. She must tell him her story, he is officially in her office with a witness and no suspicion. She could outsmart anyone when it came to getting her way.

  “Tell me about the party two years ago, how much do you know?”

  “I know everything, and more than Abby.”


  “I was there at the party, and it’s when I saw you for the first time. Right then I decided you were going to be my master.”

  “This whole thing, our relationship, is of your making?”

  “No. It took about two years for things to happen, and it’s the only way I wanted it. I could have made a move on you a lot earlier, but I didn’t want too.

  I followed you around the party all evening. When you and Abby parted, she was unaware you followed her, or that you set it up so she would suck you off and think it was someone else. So, if we are pointing fingers at one person manipulating another, then it would be you too.

  She explained what had happened at the party, Abby knows nothing about me being there. At the time, we were all strangers. What she did that night as been eating away at her for two years. I have convinced her with a little suggestion that it was, in fact, your penis she had in her mouth, and she is back to normal.”

  “You are saying you hypnotized her?”

  “That’s a bit of a big jump, but you are close to the truth. She was already in a trance-like state, so the suggestion was a perfect fit. Because it was true and what’s more she said it tasted and felt like you in her mouth.”

  “Run that by me again, does she actually know it was me?”

  “No, but she is now convinced that out of all the men there, and no matter how random the event was, you stuck your cock in her mouth. She neither wants to confirm it or talk to you about it. She has settled the events in her mind and has moved on.”

  “So why have you put me in this position? You have set me up for blackmail.”

  “I’m glad you see it that way.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, because it’s the worst you could think, and I wouldn’t want you coming to that conclusion at a later point when I wasn’t there to tell you it wasn’t my intention.”

  “What are your intentions then Scarlett?”

  “You already know that sought you out, and
here we are today. I need you to understand my side of the story, in case you might come to the wrong conclusions, which I know you won’t. You have the intelligence to see things as they sit, you’re not clouded by biased or untrue facts.”

  “Go on, tell me your story.”

  “Two years ago, I saw you for the first time and made up my mind. You were married, and I checked you out but wasn’t in a hurry. I was in a relationship with a lesbian couple at the time, they were at the party two years ago, too. I had been working as a consultant analyst when my Harvard professor put me forward for a job at this company. The second interview came to an abrupt halt, then restarted when your father-in-law came into the room, he had been watching through a two-way mirror.

  He invited me to lunch for my third interview, if you could call it that. At the end of the meal, he gave me an envelope which contained his terms. I stuck it in my jacket pocket, and he laughed. He wanted me to read it. I asked him why, because it was in a sealed envelope. He laughed then left. I sat there for half an hour wondering what to do next. His offer was still sealed in the envelope in my pocket.

  As soon as I left the restaurant my phone rang, it was him. He told me to throw the offer away, and when I was ready to give him the figure I wanted, I would be hired. I left it for two weeks before responding. I finished my consultancy assignment and came here to see him. He was happy to see me immediately and invited me into this office. We signed a contract, and I have been here ever since.

  At no time did I plan this part. I knew you were the CEO and all I had to do was wait. Bryce hired me, I didn’t make this happen.”

  “You chose me then, but what about Abby?”

  “I gradually got to know you both and found Abby was very much like me. I needed to get to know her and then decide whether I should forget you and move on. If I liked Abby that much, and if we became just friends then you were not to be my master, that was my decision.”

  “Bryce gave me the guest lodge as part of my employment package, just across the hill from you. I didn’t spy on you, well perhaps a little stalking on the train, but no one knew. I never compromised your privacy at any time.


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