Wicked Prince Charmings: Blue Saffire & Co. Fairy Tales

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Wicked Prince Charmings: Blue Saffire & Co. Fairy Tales Page 3

by Blue Saffire

  “I don’t have a dress.”

  “What do you think I’m making the calls for? Off with you. Go shower the day away and I’ll be over in twenty.”

  I go to argue, but she gives me a firm look. I guess I’m going to the ball after all. I sigh and turn to push into my apartment.

  “What a day.”


  “Wow,” I whisper as I look at my reflection staring back at me.

  I thought I was in awe when Ms. Randell arrived with four clothes racks pushed in after her as she made her way into my living room. Now I’m just floored. I can’t believe it’s me.

  The strapless blue gown shimmers with silver and is beaded with crystals at the top. It’s breathtaking. The wide skirts sway when I move. My hair and makeup are flawless.

  Ms. Randell brushes all my natural curls into a ponytail and creates the sleekest curly bun I’ve ever had. A far cry from the blowout I wear to work. I can’t even believe she got my curls to spring back and behave for her.

  I feel like a princess.

  “I always knew this crown would fit you perfectly,” she chokes out at my side.

  I turn to her to find tears in her eyes. I lift a hand to lightly touch my collarbone. It’s odd. I’ve never seen this crown before today. Yet Ms. Randell looks at me as if this is something she’s longed to see.

  “It’s very pretty,” I say. “Maybe I shouldn’t wear it. I don’t want to lose it or something. It looks expensive.”

  “I won’t allow it. You will wear it to the ball. It’s yours,” she says firmly. “Now, where are those shoes you’ve been talking about?”

  My cheeks hurt from the smile that comes to my face. The one thing that hasn’t been ruined about tonight. My shoes. I lift my skirts and move to the shoe box.

  “Oh, my. Those are breathtaking.”

  “Yes, they are. I had to have them,” I reply as I hold a silver strappy sandal in my hand.

  “Quick, let me help you get those on,” she says.

  I sit on the bed and she gets down on the floor to help put my shoes on. My phone vibrates on the bedside table. I pick it up to find a message that the car is downstairs waiting.

  “Oh, I forgot all about the car coming. They’re here. I’m the last pickup. I better go,” I say as she finishes buckling the last strap.

  I stand and she draws me into a tight hug. “You enjoy yourself. This is what your mother and father would have wanted for you,” she whispers, her voice filled with emotion.

  I pull away and get ready to ask her how she would know what my parents would want, but my phone buzzes again. It’s one of my workers letting me know the driver is impatient and acting like a dick.

  “I have to go. Thank you for everything.”

  “It’s was my pleasure. I hope this evening is all that you imagined and more. Make sure to enjoy yourself.”

  “I will as much as work will allow,” I say.

  “But you’re off tonight. No one will know it’s you. Since the evil ones wanted to handle this evening, let them. You go as a guest and enjoy time with a handsome Prince, if you catch my drift.”

  I pause for a moment. She has a point. I could very well go through with being a guest this evening and no one would know. The staff riding with me wouldn’t say a word if I asked them not to. They can let me know if there’s an emergency or something.

  This way I can find the Blakes and salvage their event before my stepsisters and stepmother lose the entire account. The idea starts to take root. I like it more and more by the second.

  A handsome prince. She has no idea how right she is in that statement. Again, I think of what I found in my research.

  “I might just do that.”

  Chapter 4



  “Why me?” I huff and groan into my hands.

  I had to send my staff ahead of me in two Ubers. Our car broke down, leaving me on the side of the road because even with the two Ubers there wasn’t enough room for me, especially not with this big dress on.

  “I’m so sorry, ma’am,” the driver peeks his head into the back window to say. Funny how his tone has changed. “My boss said he’s rushing a car here for you. It’ll be the same, you’ll have to leave the event by midnight. I’m sorry about that.”

  “At this point, I should just go home,” I mutter.

  I’m still stewing in the back seat thirty minutes later when the door opens. The driver gives me an awkward smile as he holds out his hand.

  “Your ride is here. It’s a beaut.’”

  I sigh and take his hand to climb out. I stop in my tracks as the black and blue Wraith comes into view. It’s not what I was expecting at all.

  “I’ll have you there in no time, ma’am,” the new driver says.

  “Thank you.”

  I melt into the seats as I sit inside the car. I truly feel like a princess. This day has continued to go from one extreme to the other. I’m liking the results.

  I almost forgot how breathtaking the location is. As the car starts the drive over the bridge, I look down at the water crashing against the stone wall below. It gives such a majestic feel to the bridge and the castle-like structure on top of the cliff on the other side.

  “This is one pretty place,” the driver says before releasing a low whistle.

  “Yes, it is.”

  When we roll up to the front of the castle there aren’t any cars ahead of us. It looks like I’m the last guest to arrive. The photographers and reporters are still milling around—I’m sure waiting for whatever scoop they can get once the guests are all drunk and reckless.

  Everyone starts to come alive once the car comes to a stop. I inhale trying to still my beating heart. I don’t know what I was thinking. I shouldn’t be here.

  “Can you give me a few seconds?” I plead with the driver before he can get out.

  “Sure, whatever you need. You look exquisite, by the way. They’re sure to take some amazing photos of you.”

  That doesn’t serve to help my nerves or my pounding heart. I get ready to tell him that we should leave, but something catches my eye as the doors open in wait for me.

  Step one and step two are mingling with the guests and not handling the party as they should be. I know it’s them because of those ugly overpriced dresses they insisted on buying. I had to hear about them for weeks. As if seeing them wasn’t enough to make me gag.

  My blood is boiling. If they mess this party up, I’ll kill them both. I need to get inside and make sure the clients are happy. This is still my family’s business that I need to protect.

  “I’m ready,” I say as I fortify my nerves.


  I step out onto the balcony to fume all by myself. She’s not here. I’ve stopped every worker with a clipboard to ask for their boss and they keep pointing me in the direction of those vile women.

  When I asked for the one that gets shit done, I was told she has the night off. I’m so pissed. I could be in my apartment with her brown thighs around my neck if my mother would have followed my directive.

  “Fuck,” I mutter.

  The flashing of lights gets my attention below. Looking down, my breath is stolen away. A beauty in a strapless blue and silver dress climbs from the back of a Wraith. She’s stunning, even with her face covered.

  I squint. Could this be her? I would think so if it weren’t for that regal air of this woman and the confidence that oozes off of her. The little beauty in that office this morning had a shy air about her, none of this self-confidence.

  The woman walks to enter the castle, cameras still flashing to capture her beauty. As if knowing my eyes are on her, she stops and looks up over her shoulder. I feel this pull to get to know her. Narrowing my gaze, it occurs to me that I just might already know who she is.

  Yet, I still don’t know her name, which occurred to me only an hour ago. My mother hasn’t a clue either. I’m growing more intrigued with my little vixen.

  Even fr
om this distance she has a pull on me. When she drops her head and turns for the castle entrance again, I know it’s her. For the briefest moment that shyness appears.

  I turn and head back inside. I need to get down to the lower level and find her. However, once inside I run into my mother and Bianca. I’ve been avoiding this woman and her daughters like the plague.

  I don’t want to hear a word from her mouth. She smiles and it grits my nerves. She doesn’t need to wear a mask because that phony persona does enough to cover her face.

  “Princeton, is that you? You look dapper.”

  “No, you looking for someone else,” I reply and keep moving.

  My mother gives a low chuckle as I go, but she’s doesn’t call me on my shit. I jog down to the first floor and move through the crowd toward the doors. They’re closed once again.


  I push through the thick crowd, but I’m losing time. I have no way of finding her in this throng of people. Or so I thought.

  Right as I think my luck has run out, the crowd opens as if hearing my frustration. There she is. Everyone stands and marvels at the gorgeous woman that walks through the opening.

  The crown on her head catches the light. She looks like a true queen. Her head is held high as she moves forward. As if having a mind of their own, my feet lead me toward her.

  She’s more breathtaking up close. Her breasts are so inviting in her gown. There’s a glow to her dark skin.

  The music seems to get louder as we draw nearer to one another. Our eyes connect through the masks. The silver and blue of hers framing her gorgeous face perfectly.

  “You’re stunning,” I say as we stand before each other.

  “Thank you.”

  “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of knowing your name.”

  She tilts her head to the side. Her lips turn up into a mischievous smile. I suck my bottom lip into my mouth thinking about how delicious her plush pillows will taste.

  “It’s a masquerade ball. It’s the point to be anonymous.”

  I grasp a hold of her waist and pull her into me. “Have it your way. I’ll have it before the end of the night.”

  “So much confidence.”

  “I always get what I want.”

  “Hm, okay,” she murmurs with a smile on her lips.

  I twirl her around the dance floor feeling the eyes of everyone on us. I could care less about their gazes. I’m entranced by the creature before me.

  She fits my arms perfectly. Her soft breasts have molded to my front. Her scent has my mouth watering. I’ve yet to pinpoint what she smells of, but it’s as enticing as she looks.

  “Do you often outshine your clients at their own parties?” I tease.

  “I am a guest just as you are. I haven’t come to outshine anyone. I’ve come to enjoy an enchanted evening.”

  “Okay, if that’s the way you want to play it. You are a guest just as I. Therefore, you can come with me for a stroll in the gardens. I hear they have truly enchanted them for this evening,” I reply.

  A moments hesitation cross her face before she looks around the ball. She releases a heavy breath before turning back to me with a nod. I give her a crooked grin.

  I offer my elbow to lead her to a set of doors lining the back wall. They’re all open to lead out into the lighted grounds. Once we step out a gasp leaves her lips.

  I’ll admit, I’m impressed myself. The back of the castle has been transformed into something magical. Lights are strung everywhere, twinkling with a sort of pulse of their own. The thought of fairies and magical beings pops into my head like I’m a small boy who believes in those things again.


  “You can say that again. Beauty for Ashes does amazing work,” I say with a hint of humor.

  “Yes, they do. You can tell this was done with love.”

  I smile at her words. She moves to straighten a string of lights before she catches herself and tugs her hands back. It’s interesting to see her marvel at something of her own creation. I have no doubt she had a hand in this. It’s like watching parents view their child for the first time.

  We walk deeper into the backyard, entering the garden of mazes. The path narrows creating a more intimate surrounding. Lights continue to lead the way and create a majestic ambiance.

  “It’s awe-inspiring isn’t it?” I say.

  “It’s beyond my wildest dreams,” she whispers.

  “Makes you want to make a wish for the impossible or to believe in the impossible.”

  She turns her face up to peer at me through her mask. “That sounds a bit deep.”

  “Does it? Are you telling me that you don’t have a wish you want to come true.”

  She shrugs her delicate shoulders. “I don’t have time for wishing. I’ve had to make things happen in my life. Wishing is for those not willing to do.”

  I frown. “Are you calling me privileged?”

  “I wasn’t.” She chuckles. “But if the shoe fits.”

  I catch her around the waist as I step through to an opening with a water fountain in the center. Music floats through from unseen speakers, causing me to sway her body with mine.

  “I’ll have you know I’m willing to work for what’s mine.”

  “Are you?”

  I draw her closer and drop my gaze to her lips. I lean in to kiss her, but she raises a gloved finger to press against my mouth, halting my movement. I look into her eyes questioningly. I know she has to feel this charge between us.

  “Showing that entitlement, are we?”

  I chuckle. “Maybe. Or maybe I just know a beautiful woman when I see one. I’m not one to play games. If I see someone I’m interested in, I make it known.”

  “Noted,” she says and goes to remove her finger.

  I nip it before she can pull the digit back. The way her breasts heave, causes me to hold it for a moment. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips and I have to suppress a groan.

  I release her finger and place my forehead to hers. “What’s your favorite color?”

  “My favorite color?”

  “Yes, I’m working for what I want,” I reply with a grin.

  Her musical laugh fills the air. She runs her hands up my back as I tighten my hold on her, still swaying us to the music. I back away to watch how her face lights up.

  “You’re breathtaking. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  Her laugh sobers. “No, not really. Not in a long time.”

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  “And you can tell that through a mask?”

  “Are we forgetting I’ve seen you without it?”

  She gives that sweet mischievous smile again. “Are you truly sure about that?”

  “Ah, yes, I almost forgot. We’re playing along with the theme tonight. Actually, it’s refreshing to be someone other than—other than who I am.”

  “Perfection is such a hard life,” she teases.

  I place my fingers under her chin. “You find me perfect?” I breathe the words as I brush my thumb across her lips.

  “I didn’t say that,” she says softly.

  “Why, yes. I think you did. You implied at the very least. So, we’re both in agreement that we make a perfect connection. Something worth exploring.”

  She laughs that beautiful laugh again. I can’t help brushing my fingers across her exposed cheek. She’s… wow. I feel like I have a goddess in my arms.

  “My favorite color is blue. I love truffle and salted caramel ice cream, but it’s a seasonal flavor, so like many things in my life, it’s been snatched away too soon. I’m happy with the simple things in life, but I work hard to have the better things as well.”

  I grin, loving that she’s opening up to me. I lift her hand to my lips and kiss her fabric-covered fingers before lacing our hands together. I get lost in her gaze for a moment.

  I should be alarmed by this deep connection I feel to her. I blame it on the night. We are pretending after all. Tonight I’m a simpl
e, ordinary man. I allow myself to care for once as she sucks me into her world.

  “Gray, I like the color gray. I love chocolate ice cream. However, I love to eat it with vanilla. There’s something about watching the chocolate run and drip over the vanilla. It makes me enjoy eating it more.”

  The fire that ignites in her eyes is exactly what I’m looking for. Her body softens a little more and she sags into me. I begin to stroke the bare skin on her back. My fingers itch to release the strings of her gown.

  “Are you a dog or cat person?” she asks.

  “Allergic to both, but I’ll pet a pussy if given the chance.”

  Her well-arched brow lifts over the mask. “In that case, I’m allergic to dogs as well.”

  I release a deep laugh. We continue to banter back and forth. I truly enjoy the time we spend together. I haven’t had a woman hold my interest like this in so long, if ever.

  Her wit and challenging personality keep me on my toes. I’m very much enjoying the chase as I get to know her. I want to know more with each minute that passes.

  “You mentioned loss earlier. What’s the story behind that?”

  “Excuse me,” she says, looking at me in confusion.

  “Your words referenced ice cream, but I could tell there was more to it.”

  “Oh,” she says as realization lights her eyes. “That’s a long story.”

  I look at my watch. “I have nothing but time.”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t,” she says looking at my watch. “Oh my God, I have to go.”

  “What? Wait.” She turns, lifts her skirts and begins to take off. I grab her arm to stop her. “Wait, what’s the rush?”

  “I have to go. My ride. I had a great time but I need to leave,” she says in a rush and pulls from my grasp.

  A clock chimes loudly somewhere in the castle. I take off after her. With all I’ve learned about her, I still don’t know her name. We can’t end the night like this.

  Chapter 5


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