Wicked Prince Charmings: Blue Saffire & Co. Fairy Tales

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Wicked Prince Charmings: Blue Saffire & Co. Fairy Tales Page 36

by Blue Saffire

  I turn without a word and jog down the stairs. I need to leave. I have to be able to process this without those hurt brown eyes staring back at me.

  “That’s the problem with you young people. Your asses always runaway,” Mrs. Johnson says as she sits under a floor lamp in her yellow armchair sipping at her mug. She gestures to the chair next to her for me to sit.

  “I don’t have time for this.” I start to walk toward the front door.

  “It’s a good thing I made time for you and all the money I sent.”

  That stops me in my tracks. “Excuse me?”

  “Who do you think prevented the social worker from keeping you apart?”

  I swallow, my throat becomes dry. My head is reeling. I turn to look her in the eyes.

  “How do you think you got your first job in software engineering?” she probes.

  She gestures again to the chair next to her. “Sit, Mr. Wulf.”

  I start to feel hot, it’s like the walls are closing in on me. I take off my jacket and sit.

  “She’s always loved you, the boy from Lower Penndel.” My heart skips a beat when she says those words.

  “I remember that night when she came home, begging me to find you and take care of you.” She sips her coffee. “How could I say no? I’m her grandmother. She explained it all to me. My heart was rendered and ever since, I’ve kept my eyes on you.”

  “When I was locked up, you were the one who bailed me out?” My heart races. I always wondered who cared enough to pay the bail.

  I will forever be grateful to Cian and his brothers. They kept Jay and Soren safe until I was released and the case was thrown out.

  “Not my most shining moment, I was so late finding you. It took me three months.” She shakes her head. “When I found you, you were in jail, so, yes, I paid the bail.”

  It’s like I’m drawn into a bubble. Everything intensifies around me. The clock on the wall ticks loudly in the background. Someone slams a door outside. Red is pacing above us.

  “My Jasmine would have loved you. She should’ve left that man sooner. I always felt he murdered her. I just never could prove it.”

  I’m going to make Joel Huntsman pay, but I can’t tell her that. He’s the scum of the earth. The more I learn the more I want him to disappear.

  “I was so proud when you went to college and you’ve done very well for yourself.”

  I feel indebted to this woman. “I can pay you back now.”

  “You want to pay me back? Go upstairs, drop your guard, and have my granddaughter tell you the truth.”

  She shoos me with her hands. I inhale and get up to go back to her room. When I get upstairs, I find Red whispering to the baby.

  “No one is going to hurt you this time. I’m stronger than before and so is your daddy.”

  “That I am.” I move to sit on the edge of the bed with my back to her. Our reflection comes into view in her grandmother’s vanity.

  “Tell me everything, please.”

  She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “I didn’t abort the baby, Ethan, I lost it.”

  Just like that my soul grows heavy and I want to know more.


  “I was so happy. We were going to have a baby. Dad seemed supportive. Everything was going fine until that day.”

  “Are you okay?” Ethan asked as we entered my home.

  I was young, in love, and pregnant. I was also frightened, but I was more than okay.

  My dad greeted us as we stepped into the foyer. “You look tired, I’ll send up some dinner and tea.”

  “I already had dinner, but the tea sounds divine.”

  We went up to my room. I entered my bathroom to draw a bath and returned to the bedroom to undress. Ethan sat on my floor. My chair still had books piled on it that I planned to read.

  “Have some tea,” he offered, calling my attention to the tray my father had sent up.

  I drank it while Ethan started searching online for baby clothing. He had gotten a new job that paid more. He had yet to tell me what it was, but everything was going our way and we were happy.

  When I went to get into the bath, Ethan followed, taking a seat on the bathroom floor this time. We talked about the baby and all the things we wanted for our future. We were both so excited.

  Later that night, after he left, I started to feel a bit woozy. I cried out for my dad. After that all I remember is opening my eyes to Ethan’s.

  “Hi, Red,” he whispered.

  My body felt tired and heavy. “Baby?”

  “The baby is fine; you just had a dizzy spell. We’re in the hospital.”

  My throat felt like sandpaper. “I want to go home.”

  Thankfully, I was sent home that night.


  “Hey, where are you going? Can’t you stay with me?” I asked as I made myself comfortable in my bed.

  “Can’t, I have work,” he replied as he collected his car keys and wallet.

  “Ethan, its 11:40 p.m. where are you working?” A part of me already knew the answer, but I needed him to say it.

  “Come on, Red. Now isn’t the time.”

  He leaned in to give me a kiss, but I blocked his face. “Where are you working?”

  “Red, come on. I gotta go.” He bit his bottom lip as worry filled his eyes.


  He stood to leave, but I pulled him back down. “I’m not up for drama tonight, Red.”

  “Drama? What has gotten into you? Where are you…”

  He focused on the ground, and I saw it all. The new gold chain, the new black hoodie. “You’re selling drugs for Jimbo.”

  He scratched his head. “Only for a little while till we get stuff for the baby.”

  “You are using blood money to get my baby’s stuff?” I screamed. “I want none of it.”

  “Come on, Red.”

  “Keep it all!”

  Rubbing his forehead, he uttered. “I can’t do this right now.”

  “Fine, leave and if you continue working for Jimbo we’re done.”

  He reached for me. “Baby, come on.”

  “Just leave and come back when you’re done selling drugs.”


  “Get out!”

  “Red, I don’t wanna fight.”


  The entire room got quiet, he opened the door and left. The sound of his engine started outside and I didn’t see him for four days. My dad took care of me. He got me my favorite Thai green papaya salad, and pineapples. I also had lots of tea and cookies.

  On the fourth night, while I waited for Ethan to appear, I felt the first stab that twisted my insides. No one was home. I grabbed my phone and I rushed to the bathroom.

  The pain in my stomach made the veins in my head feel like they wanted to pop. Cold sweat broke out on my hands and face. My heartbeat became irregular.

  I started to pray. “Lord please don’t let me lose my baby.”

  I squeezed my legs tightly together as if to hold on for my baby’s life. I called 911. The ambulance came and got me.

  One D and C later, after my inner walls had been scraped and my body became an empty shell, my baby was gone. No one can prepare you for a miscarriage, no one will ever understand my pain.

  Ethan didn’t show up to the hospital. I couldn’t call because my dad had my phone. I just curled into a ball and cried my heart out. I didn’t protect my angel. I didn’t feel like I was fit to be a mom.

  On that bed I questioned God, wondering why he would make me suffer. My insides felt cold and empty. I just wanted to die right along with my baby.

  A few days after they discharged me. I asked my father for my phone as I stood in his office. He sat in his dark brown leather armchair, reading his paper and smoking his wooden pipe. I hated the scent of tobacco, it smelt like stale urine and dried bacon.

  “He called, you know. At least twenty-three times. He wants to meet up at Litchfield,” My father muttered, soundin
g amused.

  I took my phone. “You read my messages?”

  “I pay for that phone, so they’re my messages too.”

  I glared at him. I hated when he got like this. I knew something bad was coming. All I wanted was to be left alone.

  “What do you want, Dad?”

  “Simple. End it with him or I end him and his family.”


  “Look at the opportunity, Amelia. You can start over. You’re only seventeen.”

  “I’m not ending it.”

  “You’re not understanding. I’m not asking you, this a demand.” He folded his papers and stood.

  “I will send his mother, stepfather and him to jail for possession and distribution. Then, I will send the other two pieces of trash to separate orphanages. End it!”

  “Why are you so mean?”

  “Because my stupid slut daughter is dating a fucking drug dealing street punk.” He took a drag of his pipe and puffed it in my face. “His sister wants to go to college; I can block every avenue for her to succeed all because you’re being stupid and selfish.” He sneered at me.

  “Social services will have a field day with this case. I’ll make sure to attach his name to a couple of murders and robberies. I will have him spinning in jail for life.”

  “Okay, I’ll end it.” I felt so hollow.

  “Oh, no, no, child. I want to be there when you end it.”

  I wanted to throw up. Olivia was at Grams house; I wish she could’ve been with me. I was helpless.

  “Tell him you aborted that child, make sure he hates every part of you.”

  “Make sure he hates every part of me.” The words tasted bitter on my tongue.

  “Make your arrangements, we will be waiting for him. Don’t be a disappointment to me like your mother. Their lives are in your hands.”

  With that he left.

  “So, I went up to Litchfield, vowing to protect you even if it hurt and I ended us.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice is laced with rage and pain.

  “I was a teenager. I felt the world was on my shoulders. I didn’t want to see you hurt.”

  We remain silent, neither of us touching. The truth does that to you. It robs away all speech.

  “I told Jimbo that night I was no longer willing to be his runner. With the money I had remaining I bought you a gold ring from Ms. Luce’s diamond store,” he says, his gaze focused on the wooden floor.

  He lifts me up and pulls me on his lap. “This baby is ours; no one is going take this away from us. I promise.” I lean in and kiss him. Pouring out all the love I have for him in that one kiss.

  “What are you going to do about my father?” I ask with concern.

  “I know you love him, but Red, you gotta trust me. He’s not a good man.”

  I bow my head. “I know. Whatever you do, I trust you.”

  Chapter 16

  Poisonous People


  Soren is back at work in the house. Jalyn has Keegan and they’re in the penthouse suite office. I need to calm the fuck down before I head that way.

  I want that motherfucker dead hanging on a spit, with a blazing fire underneath him. My mind plagues me with Red’s miscarriage. I attended all her doctor visits, she was healthy, the baby was fine. How did it happen?

  All I know is her father was involved. He best pray he wasn’t because I’m going to rip him limb by fucking limb.

  My phone rings. “Hello?”

  “You are one determined motherfucker. I will give you that.” The angry voice comes over the phone.

  “Hello, Huntsman.” I revel in his misery.

  “You got her pregnant again?”

  “That’s what happens when two people fuck often. When was the last time for you? You sound uptight.”

  I know he wants to reach through phone and strangle me. I don’t care if Red and I haven’t been at it the way we used to. I love rubbing that shit in his face.

  “I promised her that I will be civil. I sent her a comfort basket with tea and fruit. To relax her.”

  I entered my penthouse suite. “I’m still trying to figure out your purpose for calling me?”

  “I will take you down, before this month is through,” he shouts.

  “I promise to take you down with me.” I hang up the phone.

  Jalyn and Keegan were watching TV. “Hey, bro,” Keegan says. Soren taught him this “bro” and it’s not leaving him any time soon.


  Keegan grins and turns back toward the TV. Jalyn gives me her full attention and replies. “Nothing much, I’m taking Kee to see Mom on Friday. I saw Cian, we had lunch yesterday.” She smirks and sips from her cup.

  I’m not in the mood for teasing. “Kee, let me talk to Jay for a min.”

  He bounces off the couch and heads into the bedroom. Jalyn put down her cup. “Okay you’re giving me the ougeez.”

  “What the hell is an ougeez?”

  “It’s Kee’s words, seriously, what up? Our stocks didn’t fall. I was watching this morning and—”

  “Red is pregnant.”

  She jumps up from the chair. “Oh my goodness, I’m going to be an auntie! Wait, you are going to be a daddy. Have you told Soren,” she squeals.

  I love that she’s excited, I want to be, but I can’t help that part of me is holding back because I’m waiting for the shoe to drop. I’m afraid to be happy.

  “What’s wrong? I know the baby is yours? Wait, is this part of your revenge plan shit?” she hisses at me.

  “I thought about it, but no. I don’t think any of my revenge was ever for Red. At least, it’s definitely not my intention now.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  “Let me tell you the story.”

  Thirty minutes later, my sister is in tears blowing her nose into tissues. “Eth, let her come here, we can protect her.”

  I shake my head. “I’ll keep her safe, but something else is bothering me.”


  “I was with Red that night, she was happy and fine before I left. Hours later we were in the hospital.”

  Jalyn picked up her mug and sips it. “It could have been something she ate.”

  “But what?”

  I was lost. “What the hell are you drinking.”

  “Don’t laugh it’s a Chinese diet tea. It’s making me go the bathroom so much—”

  Everything just clicked into place in my head. “It’s the fucking tea,” I bellow.

  I grab my phone and call Red. “Come on, baby, pick up the phone.”


  “Baby, did your father send you a basket?”

  “Hi, sugar, yes he did and a card. What’s wrong?”

  I debate on whether or not I should tell her now. “Don’t drink the tea, Red.”

  “Oh come on, you think my dad would poison me?” she chortles.

  “Baby, do you trust me?”


  “Well, don’t drink the tea. I’ll have a courier over for the basket.”

  She sighs into the phone. “You’re so extra, Ethan Wulf. I won’t drink the tea. Send your people over.”

  “See you later.”


  I hug Jalyn. “I think you just saved my baby’s life, Jay. Call the courier and have him send that tea to Penndel labs. I want to know what’s in it. Today.”

  Joel Huntsman

  I tried with my children. I sent them to the best schools that money could offer. Two girls of color doing all the things that the world says they shouldn’t.

  How do they thank me? By falling in love with the children of our oppressors. I can’t stand by and watch it happen. I will destroy it all.

  Just when I thought everything was going my way that imbecile waltzes back into town acting like he owns the place. I have a plan to leave it all behind. As much as it hurts me to sell my flagship company, I have to get rid of it.

  The FBI has started an
investigation on the supplying of Flakka and Fentanyl in Penndel. I’m selling my company to Cian Reed. I will serve as mayor for four more years.

  Then, I’m gone, never to be seen again. It’s the best plan. This acquisition is going to be a quick one, I’ll reap all the benefits. I will be remembered as a great mayor.

  That little bitch daughter of mine thinks she can beat me. I always wanted boys, but their mother and her stupid womb only gave me silly girls.

  I’ll wait, and watch Ethan Wulf crumble while taking pleasure in knowing that I was the cause of his greatest downfall.

  Chapter 17


  Cian Reed

  My boy’s girlfriend is pregnant, and I’m about to help take down her father. I hate scum. I abhor people that take advantage of women, or anyone who’s weaker than them. I’m waiting in the office of Joel Huntsman, taking in the exquisite coastline of Penndel Heights.

  There’s a lighthouse in the distance. I can see the sea caressing the shoreline. Everything about this view says peace. Too bad this view won’t be providing any peace for Huntsman after today.

  Earlier that genius, Ethan Wulf, gave me a pen that will allow me to record, and transmit all of our conversation to where he and some FBI agent are waiting to break this case. They’re friends of my brother, Hunter, that were more than willing to help.

  The chestnut doors burst open as a handsome tall gentleman walks in with his hand outstretched. “Good morning, Mr. Reed,” he says cheerily.

  I stand and shake his hand. “I know you’re surprised to see me earlier than planned, but a matter has come up in Florida and I must be there before 2:00 pm.”

  “It’s such a pity, I booked the best seats at Petite Italie—”

  “The contract can always be signed a month from now if you like,” I counter, sensing that he’s desperate.

  “Oh no. Please, let’s begin.”

  “I was shocked that you didn’t want your lawyer here.” I open my black leather folder and hand him two copies.


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