Wicked Prince Charmings: Blue Saffire & Co. Fairy Tales

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Wicked Prince Charmings: Blue Saffire & Co. Fairy Tales Page 40

by Blue Saffire

  “Are you serious? You know I’m trying to save up.”

  “I don’t give a shit. If you want to live free without paying a damn thing, take your ass back to that white boy and let him finish beating on you.”

  I cringe at the mention of Scott. Our agreement was so perfect, and then, I once again made the worst decision of my life and it all got messed up.

  “Fine,” I consent. She knows she has me where she wants me. “I get paid in two weeks.”

  “Good,” she says turning back to the television. “I guess we’ll see you back here in two weeks.”

  I have to bite back my retort. There is no need to argue with her. She won’t budge on this. This is how Tasha operates, just because she knows I don’t want to go back to that house, she’s going to make sure I have to.

  I grab Tyrie’s hand and head out of the living room, turning away from the sick mother and son on the couch. As soon as we enter the bedroom, both boys rush to hug their brother.

  “Mase, hurt.” Tyrie points out his brother’s injuries. I will say, Kyro did a great job at cleaning them up. They don’t look as bad as when I first walked in.

  “I’m okay, Rie. I promise.” Mason calms his brother.

  “I’m going to run a bath for him,” I say pointing to Tyrie. “Then, I will come back and clean his bed.”

  I step into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Once I turn on the water and add the bubble bath like he likes, I sit on the edge of the tub and let today’s events catch up to me.

  My shoulders shake as the tears fall down my face. This wasn’t even the worst that I have witnessed in this house. I have come home to Tyrie lying in his own filth after being tied to his bed. Having blisters on his knees and hands from sitting in that closet for days before the boys could get in touch with me. When I lived here, I took most of the punishments for them.

  If that meant going without food, being locked in that damn pantry, getting hit, or being put out of the house for a night and having to sleep on the back porch. Whatever it was, I dealt with it so long as they didn’t have to. Now, because I’m not here every second of every day, I can’t protect them. It eats me up that Mason feels that it’s now his responsibility.

  I’ve weighed the thought of reporting Tasha a million times in my head. But the way the system is set up, there is a larger chance the boys will get split up. Not many people will take on Tyrie and his condition. And though Kyro may go to another home, Mason will more than likely be sent to a group home because of his age.

  And maybe selfishly, I won’t report her because if the boys are moved, I may never get to see them again. That is why my list is so important. The moment I have everything checked off, I’m coming for my brothers. I’m reporting everything she put us through.

  I don’t look up when the bathroom door opens, I already know who it is. This is our routine. After I took my punishment, he would come into my room and check on me.

  “She’s not going to let you stay, is she?” Mason says from behind me.

  I turn toward him, wiping my face. “No, not tonight. But I’ll be back in a few weeks to stay for good.”

  He walks further into the room and sits down across from me on the toilet.

  “How much more do you need to check off our list?” I smile at his usage of the word our.

  “Let’s see, obtain a home with at least two bedrooms.”

  “Nope,” he says in answer to the things I have done.

  “Must be 21 years of age or older.”


  “Must have a regular source of income to support my own monthly expenses.”

  Mason pauses. “Did you get the job?” His hesitant question brings a smile to my face.

  I nod. “Yes, I got the job.” At least I had some good news to share today.

  “Check,” he says proudly.

  “We’re almost there, Mase. I promise you, I’m doing everything I can to get you guys out of here. The moment I get my own place, I’m going up to your social worker’s office and filling out the paperwork for you three. Just bear with me.”

  He stands up from his seat and walks over to me to place a hand on my shoulder. Trusting brown eyes stare back at me.

  “I believe in you, Bri. I know you will do all you can for us. I love you.”

  And cue the tears again. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and gives me a hug. I wish I could say forget the idea of fostering and just adopt them out right. That’s what I truly want to do.

  But even if I magically had the money to adopt, I still would need a place to stay. This job means everything to me. It has the ability to solve all my problems.

  That’s why I can’t get sidetracked. No matter how attractive Wei is or how connected I feel to him, I need this job more than anything. Plus, I’m done looking for love.

  I’m a hundred percent sure, that it doesn’t exist outside of family. I will never allow that meaningless emotion to lead me ever again. I have made that mistake for the last time.

  The bathroom door opens and Kyro along with a very naked Tyrie walks in.

  “I got Rie ready for his bath,” Kyro announces proudly.

  “Good job.”

  “Dude, cover yourself,” Mason jokes with his brother. Tyrie only laughs as he grabs us all in a tight group hug. We all go willingly, despite the fact that he is completely nude. “Rie, I love you,” Mason says with his face smooshed into my shoulder. “But if your penis touches me, I’m kicking your butt.”

  I erupt into laughter and Kyro joins me.

  Chapter 4

  No Love


  I stayed with the boys as long I could before Tasha told me to leave. I packed my small duffle bag with my measly belongings and headed back to the home I shared with my friend, Scott.

  Since I moved out of the house with Tasha, I’ve worked a few places. One of the most lucrative was at a call center. That’s where I met Scott. He was my boss and four years older than me. We hit it off the first time we met. He was nice, friendly, and always helpful.

  We ended up becoming close friends. He was someone I could rely on. When the call center shut down, he and I were both out of a job.

  However, his college degree and job experience got him back on his feet quickly. I, on the other hand, struggled to find decent work. Then my roommate at the time decided to move in with her boyfriend.

  I couldn’t afford the place she was renting on my own nor did I have time to find another roommate. I was desperate. So, when Scott offered me to move into his three-bedroom home with him until I got on my feet, it was a blessing.

  My hands are shaking as I stick the key into the door, I realize my blessing was more of a nightmare. Soon as I walk into the house and shut the door, his footsteps alert me that he’s coming.

  “Bri? Is that you?” Scott calls out before he appears, around the corner into the living room.

  I allow my bag to slide down my shoulder and hit the floor.

  “You came back?” he takes a step toward me and I hold up a hand.

  Once upon a time this man was my best friend. He was like a big brother, always protective of me. He wanted to know where I was going, who I would be with, and when I would be coming back. One night changed all that. One very bad decision ruined it.

  “Yeah, I’m back, for now.”

  “Come on, Bri. You can’t still be angry with me.”

  “Oh no, trust me, I’m past angry.”

  His gray eyes have the audacity to look hurt. Scott is an averagely attractive man. He has those “boy next door” good looks.

  Not bad on the eyes at all. Golden blonde curly hair that he keeps cut short along with slight facial hair. Gray eyes accented with his black square-framed glasses.

  I’ve always thought he was cute. After getting to know him and forming a bond with him, his looks grew on me. I started to find his basic looks more appealing. I won’t say that led me to make that decision six months ago, but it did help. However, the
things I know about him now, completely turns me off from him.

  “You know I didn’t mean to hurt you. I love you.”

  There he goes again, throwing those three words around as if they mean anything. I learned at a young age that love doesn’t humiliate you or make you feel bad, it also doesn’t hurt. Why do people think that just by declaring those words they have a right to treat you like shit?

  “You have a very odd way of showing it.”

  He turns away running his hands through his hair roughly.

  “You’re making me out to be the bad guy. I allowed you to move in with me when you had nowhere else to go. I even let you live here rent free until you were able to save up money.”

  “Yeah, and neither of those things give you permission to put your hands on me.” I raise my voice to match his.

  Silence follows our outburst. We have come a long way from the two people that moved in with each other a year ago. Even before that night happened—the night I found myself in his bed—things had started to change. Again, I was searching for something that doesn’t exist. I was so blinded by my need to feel wanted and desired, I let my guard down, giving my body over to someone that never should have had it.

  One day I will learn that sex doesn’t equal love.

  “You’re right,” he says, sighing. “I acted badly. I should never have hit you.”

  Damn right.

  “But you have to admit, you were being unreasonable.”

  I jerk my head back as if his words literally pushed it.

  “Unreasonable?” I ask to clarify the bull crap that just came out of his mouth. “Wanting to better myself and get a job so that I can take care of my brothers is unreasonable?”

  “You don’t need some job with crazy hours. I will take care of you. I told you we should get married and foster the boys. Hell, I’ll even help you adopt them.”

  If I were being selfless, his offer wouldn’t be a bad idea. I mean, it would be a faster route to get the boys away from Tasha’s bad environment, but I would just be bringing them into another toxic one. Scott doesn’t even like the boys.

  He complains the entire time they are here. He hates that I give them so much attention. Plus, I’m a strong believer that once a person shows you who they are, believe them. Scott isn’t going to magically change. If he hit me once, he will do it again. I’m not going to give him a second chance.

  “I don’t want to marry you. I want to do this on my own.”

  He scoffs and shakes his head. His nostrils flare as he glares at me.

  “You’re not qualified for that job. They’re never going to give you a job like that making that much money with no college experience. Baby, I’m offering you everything you could want.”

  Yeah, but at what cost? I don’t worry about pointing that out to him. Instead, I answer with the truth.

  “Good thing you weren’t the one doing the hiring. I got the job.”

  That look crosses his face again, the one that had me running out of here in the middle of the night with a black eye. I take a step back. I need a place to sleep tonight. If Scott turns me down, I literally have nowhere else to go. However, I would sleep on a park bench before I let him put his hands on me again.

  Just as fast as that look comes, it disappears and a smile turns his lips up. “That’s great. I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it all along.”

  And now meet Dr. Jekyll. I swear I didn’t know this about Scott before moving in with him. He can go from the sweetest most understanding friend, to an abusive asshole in the blink of an eye. When we were just friends, I would laugh and call his mood swings quirky. It seems I overlooked a lot of things with him.

  His behavior proves I need to get out of this house. It isn’t just the mood swings. Scott is possessive, controlling, and jealous. Hell, it’s because of him I applied for the overnight caretaker job.

  “We should celebrate,” he says cheerfully. “When do you start?”

  “Tomorrow. I’m just here for one night.”

  He shakes his head. “Come on, you know you can stay here as long as you need.”

  He won’t suck me back in again. Not this time. I plan to spend my nights at work and my days hanging with my brothers. If I get my way, I won’t have to see Scott at all.

  “I just need a place to stay for the night.”

  He tosses his hands up in the air and lets them fall back down at his side. “You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?” I don’t reply because I’m sure the words hell no wouldn’t go over well with him.

  “You’re always welcome at my home, Brianna. Even just as a friend.”

  “Thank you,” I say in honesty. At one time, I liked to believe we were really good friends.

  “Cool,” he says with a huge smile. “Now come on, I’ll help you put your bags away.” He walks up to me and grabs my bag off the floor. “We can order us some pizza and catch up on our shows,” he calls back over his shoulder and then heads down the hallway to my very temporary room.

  Despite what he thinks, I’m still only staying one night.

  “Thank you, Wei and Mr. Zhong, for getting me out of this psycho’s house,” I mumble to the empty room, and then follow Scott.

  Chapter 5

  The Last Time


  “Something has you in deep thought.” Zhong’s voice pulls me out of my musings.

  Looking down, I find my dear friend watching me from the doorway of my room.

  My large webbed wings flap, dispersing the air around me as I lower myself from the large skylight built into the ceiling. Once my feet touch the marble floor, I tuck my wings, folding them at my back. My magic transforms them into a black tunic.

  “I feel her,” I explain as I approach him and greet him in the old way. Placing my hand on his shoulder and touching my forehead to his briefly. I step away and walk over to the wet bar in my large tower room. “Every time she thinks of me, I can feel the tug of our bond.”

  Since the first time this curse was placed on me, I have always suffered the most from it. Though my mate can love another, I cannot. The bond between myself and my mate is usually one sided and weak.

  I can always feel her, but only in passing. And the mate usually has to speak my name for that to occur. However, this time, it is different. This time I can feel her so strongly that it pulls my spirit form to her.

  “Today I witnessed the horrors of her finding a young boy in a cabinet. I felt her love for the child and her hatred for the woman that she calls Tasha. Never has the bond been so strong or so clear, and never have I been pulled to a mate with just a thought of me.”

  Pouring myself two fingers of scotch, I take another glass down and pour one for Zhong. This could either be very good, or very bad. As always, my love and desire for my mate grows increasingly with time. The longer that time stamp stays, the more in love I fall with her. If my love grows greater than where I am now, what will I do if she rejects me for her wish?

  “These things happen with curses I suppose,” Zhong states, walking further into the room to grab the glass I hold out for him.

  His reply is odd and a bit suspicious, but I don’t think much of it.

  “Why aren’t you asleep, old friend?” I ask instead.

  “I don’t rest well these days.”

  “Then have a drink with me.” I announce holding my glass up for a toast. Zhong lifts his as well and then we both take a sip. “They don’t make it as well as they did in the old age.”

  We both share a laugh as we think briefly on those times. Once the laughter dies down an awkward silence surrounds us, I ask the question that I put off earlier.

  “There is something you aren’t telling me?”

  Zhong takes another drink from his tumbler and then turns away from me. “Do you remember when you won that sword?” he asks drawing my attention to the large 12th Century Jian.

  “Yes. It was the Battle of Muye. We helped Zhou defeat Shang.” I cock my hea
d to the side to study him. “Why do you ask?”

  Zhong does not reply. He walks around the vast room. He has done well with my fortune. He’s invested in many technologies that have benefitted me. With that fortune he has purchased me this incredible home. The large mansion stretches out over seventy acres of private land. It’s surrounded by tall trees that are perfect for a large dragon needing to stretch his muscles.

  However, this room is by far my favorite. The ceiling is as tall as a seven-story building. On the walls are my tapestries and war victories. In the middle of the room is a large custom-made bed the size of two California Kings. It is very reminiscent of the canopy style beds of the Victorian era, with its dark mahogany wood and detailed wood carvings.

  “That day,” Zhong continues to say. “We fought alongside men that had never stepped foot on a battlefield. We were outnumbered and out-trained. They were terrified and many thought they wouldn’t live to see the next day.”

  I do not stop his retelling of the story. He has a point to get across and I want to hear it. “I told you we should tell the men that there was nothing to fear. That the mighty dragon Longwei would protect them. Yet you said if you tell a man the outcome of his future, he will alter it, either inadvertently or on purpose.” Finally, he looks to me and there is hesitancy in his gaze.

  “What is different about this time, Zhong?”

  I am not a man to be coddled. I do not need him withholding information from me. Though I have been cursed, and the gold shackles around my wrist limits my powers, I am still the mighty dragon.

  He downs the rest of his scotch and then places the empty glass down on the wet bar in front of me. “If she doesn’t choose you this time, you will not get another chance.”

  “How long have you known this?”

  “I discovered the caveat in the curse not long after the last mate sent you back to your statue. This girl is your final mate.”


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