Awaken Online: Precipice

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Awaken Online: Precipice Page 35

by Travis Bagwell

  Riley glanced behind her, eyes flashing angrily as she caught sight of the cultist. “I saw that he was still in his cage when I logged back in. I figured we might need a new healing totem.”

  “Huh,” Jason said. He hadn’t considered that idea. “That’s actually a great plan.” Jason destroyed two zombies and quickly summoned one last minotaur using the rest of his bones. He then ordered his zombies to strap the man to the skeleton.

  “What are you doing?” Bert asked in a quavering voice, as his hands and feet were bound to the bull creature. He was nearly naked, Frank and Jason having stripped him of his robes to use as a disguise. Jason could see the man’s chest heaving as he anxiously observed the undead creatures around him.

  Jason almost felt guilty. Almost.

  Riley approached Bert slowly, drawing an arrow from her quiver. “We don’t plan to do anything worse than what you did to the villagers you captured. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure your life won’t be entirely wasted.”

  With one sharp movement, Riley stabbed the man through the hand. Bert let out an involuntary scream of pain that was quickly cut off as Jason ordered his zombies to gag him. Red energy soon began to pulse from the wound, and a thin red mist filled the area around them. Bert eyed the pulsating red droplets with wide eyes, struggling not to look at his hand.

  Jason didn’t feel bad for the cultist. He had witnessed the mutilated bodies in the Masters’ laboratory. It was clear to him that Bert deserved much worse. Still, it was strange to see the casual ease with which Riley had stabbed the man. Even Frank’s eyes had widened slightly.

  “Are you guys ready?” Jason asked, trying to change the subject and shift the attention away from the muffled moans of the gagged cultist. Riley took her time piercing the man’s remaining extremities in some form of unholy crucifixion.

  Frank turned away from the cultist who had slumped against the skeletal minotaur. “I guess so. Let’s go get ourselves killed!”

  Riley gave a curt nod and started toward the northern end of the city, returning to the entrance to the Hydra’s den. Jason ordered his troops forward. A few minutes later, the group was walking down the narrow tunnel and out onto the ledge overlooking the room. The sound of water crashing into the lake echoed through the chamber.

  Unsurprisingly, the Hydra was nowhere to be seen. Jason assumed it had returned to the lake. He was also working under the theory that its injuries had healed after their death. He might as well plan for the worst.

  Jason lined up his catapults on the ledge, a cultist zombie taking its position on the bucket of each of the four machines. The extra ammunition lined up in the hallway behind Jason with the mages. He then ordered four of his Master zombies to stand in front of the siege weapons, their skin crawling and warping. Each of the Masters shifted into a hulking beast, thick plates covering their arms and torso. Jason’s plan was to use their shapeshifting abilities to shield the catapults from the area of effect damage of the Hydra’s attacks.

  I hope it doesn’t come to that, he thought darkly.

  “So we’re going to send Frank, the remaining six Master zombies, and the healing totem down into the room,” Jason explained, then turned to Frank. “Your primary job isn’t to do damage to the Hydra. At least not immediately. I just need you to piss it off and keep its attention.”

  “Great,” Frank muttered. “I’m the decoy again.”

  “Hey, you’re good at it!” Jason grinned.

  Next, he turned to Riley. “You have a choice. You can go down with Frank, or you can stand up here with the siege weapons.”

  Riley frowned, glancing between the room below and the defensive line standing in front of the catapults. “I’ll go down with Frank,” she finally decided. “If I can get a clean shot on one of the heads, I can keep its attention down there. That seems consistent with your plan.”

  “Good point,” Jason said. “Let’s do this thing then. Remember, once the Hydra is weakened, don’t hesitate to attack with everything you’ve got. If we can sever or incapacitate at least one of the heads, we might have a shot at this.”

  Frank and Riley both nodded and then headed down the steep trail leading to the base of the cave, the Masters darting after them. As the healing totem passed Jason, he glanced at Bert. “Have fun,” Jason said with a grin and smacked the man on the shoulder. Bert moaned at him around the gag. He could only imagine that the cultist was trying to wish them luck.

  Jason watched carefully as Frank and Riley made their way into the cave. The light mage standing beside him continuously cast Light Heal on Bert, causing him to flash white every few seconds. Jason ordered his healing totem to hang back near the bottom of the trail leading into the cave, and he assigned one Master to defend it. A large boulder at the bottom of the trail provided a small amount of cover. Hopefully, this would be a safe area that the others could retreat to if they needed to heal.

  As Frank’s small group approached the lake, the Hydra made its appearance again. It lumbered forward, water cascading off its body in waves while its serpentine heads darted through the air. Jason glanced up at the ceiling, mentally marking the stalactites that hovered over the lake and the shore. He had carefully adjusted the position of the catapults to aim at the larger crystals.

  Then the Hydra’s heads suddenly stopped their erratic movements, focusing on the small group in front of it. Frank lifted his axes into the air, shouting at the monster, “Come and get me!”

  Taking advantage of the beast’s momentary pause, Riley’s bow hummed repeatedly and arrows lanced toward the Hydra. A lucky first shot penetrated one of the creature’s eyes, and it roared in fury. The green head retaliated, motes of emerald energy collecting in its mouth. Spears of rock erupted from the floor around the small group. However, Frank and Riley had learned their lesson from the first fight, and they were already running by the time the Hydra cast its spell. Frank leaped over the spikes, while Riley tumbled out of the way.

  They had done their job well; all four heads were now focused on the Masters and Jason’s two friends. The zombies immediately began shapeshifting, assuming nimble canine forms that were able to dodge the bolts and streams of elemental energy that poured from the Hydra.

  The red head focused on Frank’s moving form, a jet of flame rocketing toward him. The air rippled from the heat given off by the spray of fire. Frank grinned as he saw the attack, his legs sprouting dark black fur and his shins caving inward. He leaped to the side, traveling nearly a dozen feet and landing with a heavy thump.

  Jason didn’t have time to sit around and watch the fight. He mentally ordered his catapults to fire while his hands danced through the practiced gestures of his Corpse Explosion. Four black-robed cultist zombies flew toward the crystals hanging from the ceiling. As soon as the catapults were empty, the minotaurs pulled the arms of the catapults back down, and new cultists moved into position.

  With a frustrated grumble, Jason could see that his timing was off. Two cultists slammed into the crystals with a sickening crunch before Jason could finish casting his spell. The zombies promptly slid off the slick surface of the stalactite and fell onto the Hydra waiting below. Fortunately, the bodies of the other cultists exploded as they touched the crystals. Dark energy and shrapnel cascaded from their bodies and the sound of the blast echoed through the chamber.

  Shit, Jason thought. They didn’t break the crystals. He could just barely make out faint cracks in the surface of the material, but the blast hadn’t been enough to bring down the stalactites.

  The Hydra’s blue head turned to the ledge where Jason stood, alerted by the sound of the explosion. Blue energy collected between its teeth and panicked thoughts flitted through Jason’s mind. If the creature froze his catapults, then they were done for. The Masters standing before the siege weapons tensed their muscles, readying themselves to take the brunt of the blast.

  As the icy energy was about to discharge, a dark bolt shot through the air, connecting with the creature’s mouth. A vortex of
dark energy exploded in the air, severing the serpentine tongue in a shower of green blood and causing the Hydra to flinch back.

  Silently thanking Riley, Jason fired again. Zombies soared over the Hydra and exploded against the ceiling. After the second wave, the crystals began to break and fall, jagged shards raining down on the Hydra. Not anticipating the falling projectiles, the creature didn’t have a chance to cast any defense spells. Yard-long lengths of crystal impaled its body, showering the area around it in green blood.

  “Now,” Jason screamed, trying to get Frank’s attention.

  His friend’s large form darted forward on canine legs, followed closely by the other Masters. Frank roared from deep within his chest, his voice echoing through the cavern. The sound mixed with the rumble of crumbling and cracking crystals and the pain-filled cries of the Hydra. As he neared the injured creature, Frank jumped through the air and landed on its back. His bladed axes bit into the neck of the blue head again and again.

  Riley moved to support Frank, her fingers dancing along the string as she released several glowing red arrows in rapid succession. She aimed for the area around Frank, and her missiles struck the Hydra’s exposed wounds with uncanny accuracy. Soon a thick red mist filled the floor of the cave, droplets of blood hanging off the bare skin of Frank’s arms and healing the burns caused by the creature’s caustic blood.

  With a final cry, Frank’s axe severed the Hydra’s blue head, the long neck falling to the cave floor with a thundering crash. The creature thrashed in pain, and the other snake-like appendages let out tortured howls. Then all three of the remaining heads focused on Frank.

  “Run, Frank!” Jason screamed. Frantically, he ordered more cultists onto the catapults. Maybe he could provide a small distraction and wound the creature further.

  Frank dived to the floor as a mixture of stone, electricity, and fire consumed the space he had just occupied. Riley peppered the remaining heads with black missiles, trying to distract and disorient the creature. Meanwhile, Jason ordered the Masters on the cave floor forward, using them as fodder to draw attention away from Frank. They swiftly shifted between different forms, their claws and pincers tearing at the exposed flesh of the Hydra.

  As Frank ran away from the creature and huddled by the healing totem at the back of the cave, Jason ordered another wave of zombie fodder into the air. The former cultists streaked through the room, crashing into the crystal ceiling as Jason completed another round of Corpse Explosions. The blasts rocked the ceiling, causing more shrapnel to fall onto the Hydra below. One missile sliced into the neck of the red head, pinning it to the floor. Another large segment of crystal crashed down on the green-headed serpent, trapping it underneath the heavy weight.

  Jason felt a tremor pass through the floor of the cave and glanced up. He could see that most of the crystals that had been hanging over the Hydra had already been destroyed. However, now a large crack was forming in the ceiling, rivulets of water pouring down into the room.

  Another blow might bring the whole ceiling down, he thought. That might kill the Hydra, but I’d lose the creature’s heart.

  Jason turned back to Riley and Frank where they huddled near the healing totem. “It’s up to you two,” he said softly, knowing they couldn’t hear him over the commotion in the room.

  Frank stood slowly, flexing his muscles as his skin repaired itself. Riley stood beside him, parts of her leather armor were singed black, and icicles had formed along one cuff, evidence of several close calls. The pair both looked at the Hydra with grim expressions. Then they started moving.

  Frank and Riley darted toward the injured creature as its remaining unencumbered head frantically tried to cast bolts of lightning. A series of deafening booms reverberated through the room and blinding streaks of electricity forked toward Jason’s teammates. He ordered a Master forward, its decaying body leaping into the path of the bolt. A burnt husk dropped to the ground.

  Then Riley and Frank were within melee range. Riley’s daggers appeared in her hands, glowing a vibrant, gruesome red. Her blades ripped into the creature’s flesh and sliced long lines across its body. Seeing that this was ineffective, she glanced at the pinned red head where it thrashed on the floor. She raced toward her new target. Her blades swept forward, piercing the creature’s eyes in a rapid-fire series of blows as she flipped over the creature to avoid the flames that spewed from its open mouth. The red appendage soon fell limp under her attacks, a dagger driven into its skull.

  Jason heard a roar echo through the cave and glanced back at the Hydra’s body to find Frank slamming his axes into the yellow neck over and over. His arms shifted and blurred as he strained to attack faster and harder. Green blood rained over his body, sizzling where it touched his flesh.

  The yellow head realized it was dying, but wasn’t easily able to attack its target. It opened its mouth, pointing its head directly toward the ceiling and electricity coiling around its tongue. The energy kept growing, swiftly becoming too bright to look at directly. Jason covered his eyes, his mind wheeling in confusion as he considered what to do. His eyes darted to the catapults. In a sudden burst of inspiration, he ordered two of his minotaurs to adjust the angle and direction of a catapult as a third pulled down hard on the arm. A cultist leaped onto the bucket.

  “Fire,” Jason screamed, his voice filled with desperation.

  The zombie rocketed through the air toward the yellow head while Jason’s hands twisted through a familiar sequence. Dark energy pooled and collected along his hands and ran up his arms before shooting across through the room. Jason held his breath as he watched the shadowy energy chase his zombie through the air.

  The world seemed to slow for a moment. Jason could see the black-robed cultist hurtling toward the yellow head, partially obscured by the dark energy of his spell. Frank stood on the creature’s back with both of his blades held high and his eyes wild. Riley stood off to the side, her bow drawn and a black arrow pointed at the yellow head.

  Then the world sped back up. The zombie slammed into the yellow head as Riley’s bolt left her bow. Then Jason’s Corpse Explosion and the Vortex Arrow struck simultaneously. The explosion was deafening. Tendrils of dark energy lashed through the air, ripping at the Hydra’s flesh. The collected electricity shattered and forks of blinding white light struck the ceiling and floor at random. Frank was blown from his feet, his body flying several yards away.

  As the combination of dust and blood that filled the air began to settle, Jason could see that the yellow head had been completely blown off. All that was left was a bloody stump at the end of a long serpentine neck. Green blood gushed from the creature’s wound, and its hulking body lay unmoving on the floor of the cave.

  System Message

  You have defeated this dungeon’s boss.

  Dungeon complete!

  Chapter 25 - Chosen

  Alex opened his eyes. He was standing on the same makeshift wooden stage. However, the world around him had taken on an ethereal cast, motes and streamers of blue energy swirling through the air. He looked at the center of the platform and saw his own haggard form bent over a wooden block, the executioner heaving his huge axe into the air. Then Alex glanced at the crowd. Many eyes were filled with tears, the townsfolk looking on with mouths agape and screams of protest welling in their throats.

  “Well, that was certainly interesting,” a feminine voice spoke from behind him. “I’m beginning to wonder if you enjoy losing your head,” the Lady added in a mocking tone.

  Alex grimaced but held his tongue. He turned to the Lady. She was robed in her usual white toga, her gaze focused on the nail file she was running across the tips of her fingernails. “Let me be frank,” Alex said shortly. “I need a miracle.”

  The Lady didn’t acknowledge his request. As he was about to repeat himself, she finally replied, “There is some power collected in Grey Keep - a product of the religious fervor you have stirred up in the masses. I have sufficient energy for one small act I suppose.�

  Then she raised her eyes to meet Alex’s. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

  Alex hesitated. He had given this some thought, trying to anticipate the best step to incite a rebellion. Yet after experiencing the forgotten memory of his mother earlier that day, he no longer felt confident about his choice. His goal in this silly video game paled in comparison to what he had witnessed. He wasn’t even certain why he was doing this anymore.

  “I want you to resurrect me on stage,” Alex replied in a subdued voice.

  The Lady snorted. “So you want to start a war in the middle of the market? That is certainly within my power. In fact, it would be interesting to watch the peasants kill one another.”

  She gazed evenly at Alex, one of her delicately manicured eyebrows raised. “However, you don’t seem certain of yourself. I detest hesitation. Let me make this as straightforward as I possibly can. You have a choice. I see two paths that you may take.”

  “Two paths?” Alex repeated in a confused tone.

  “Yes, two,” she replied in irritation. “Would you like for me to spell it?” She took a deep breath before continuing. “As I was saying, you may choose between the Path of the Warrior and the Path of the Saint.”

  “I don’t understand,” Alex said, his forehead wrinkling with uncertainty.

  The Lady sighed in exasperation. “Perhaps I overestimated your intelligence. It may be easier to simply show you.”

  With a wave of the Lady’s hand, the world around Alex began to crumble and crack, slowly fading to black. Then a new scene popped into existence. He looked around himself in confusion, realizing that he was still standing on the stage in the marketplace. Yet now he held a weapon composed of golden light in one hand. Blood drenched the tip of the sword and sizzled in the bright flames cast by the blade. A massive battle was being waged in the courtyard. Men and women traded spells and missiles as the shouts and screams of combat echoed over the courtyard.


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