Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2]

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Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2] Page 8

by Candace Smith

  At dawn the next morning, the entire tribe was bustling with excitement. The Indians always hosted the celebration because they were midpoint between the two settlements. It also reinforced their friendship with their Protectors.



  Mike was tethered to an outside post by the stable. “These will be long days for you. You’ll be standing as a proud stallion. Remember that as the hours go by. It will be a test of patience and strength.” Yellow Hawk checked the tracers one more time. “You’ll be watered and fed. Other than that, we‘ll see very little of each other for the next three days. You‘ll be stalled at night.”

  That was all the explanation Mike got. He heard war hoops of cheer as Patrick’s Clan arrived. An hour later, he was aware Wind Seeker had approached with some other people. Mike, eyes staring straight ahead, had been lost in thoughts of what a life with the Indians and Gentle Wave would be like.

  Wind Seeker walked to his side. “This is our stallion, Patrick.”

  Mike caught a glimpse of a tall, blonde man who reminded him a little of Nathan. He could also see the tall blonde woman by his side.

  “Lucien may have made a mistake letting this one go,” Patrick said. “He’s got a proud bearing. I think I would have kept him. The settlements need leaders.”

  Mike stood even straighter. At least this Vampire realized his qualities and agreed the almighty Lucien was a fool. Patrick caught the slight move.

  Constance spoke up. “From what you’ve described of this Ariel person, well, I don’t see how such a fragile woman could have hoped to be with this one. Look at his tall stance. No, this one needs a woman with strength by his side. His woman should be a leader in her own way.”

  Mike was hoping Wind Seeker would tell them about Gentle Wave. She was waiting for him. He was going to be with the dominant female. It’s what he deserved.

  “I suspect when Lucien and Ariel see him, they’ll realize their mistake,” Wind Seeker said, and they wandered off.

  When they were out of Mike’s hearing range, Wind Seeker said, “Thank you. Yellow Hawk says he still sees anger in the stallion’s eyes. He’s come a long way on his journey and will make a good man for the tribe, but he has to let go of his ghosts.”

  Patrick chuckled. “He must have been a real asshole on the trip up the mountain.”

  “He was,” Wind Seeker confirmed. “I’m hoping Lucien has realized Ariel’s his mate by now. It was obvious to me when I watched how he was with her. She has a gentle way about her. I could see her distress when the stallion was a dog. I think it will help her on her own journey with Lucien if she can let go of her ghosts. When she sees the stallion’s pride, it should help.”

  “It might be easier if I bring her over,” Constance offered. “We can talk for awhile until she’s comfortable with me. I know she’ll be confused when she sees the stallion, but I think I can explain it to her. If she knows he’s passing a hard test and will be rewarded and taken into the tribe, she’ll let go.”

  They all agreed this would be the best way to help Lucien with his new mate. When they reached Wind Seeker’s cabin, Shining Star was rocking their new son. “Would you like to hold him, Constance?”

  “I’d love to.” Constance sat and the baby was placed in her arms. “How great is this one, Wind Seeker?”

  “He is your great, great, great, great, great nephew,” Wind Seeker counted on his fingers. Wind Seeker liked to joke with Constance about how great he was. He imagined his son, and his son’s son, would continue the tradition.

  Constance smiled down into the little black eyes. The baby gurgled and waved his arms with delight as she played peek-a-boo with him … with her fangs. Every time they burst down or flew up into her gums, he laughed. She still felt a stab of pain that she would never hold a child of her own.

  Black Horse rode over to them. “Lucien’s Clan is about ten minutes out.” Wind Seeker mounted and rode out to greet them.

  Constance handed the baby back to Shining Star. “He’s a handsome one, Shining Star. I‘ll bring Ariel over later to meet you.”

  “Thank you, Constance.” The proud mother went back to rocking her baby.

  Constance and Patrick greeted the other Clan as they arrived. They were both struck by the look of adoration in Lucien’s eyes when he introduced the little woman who’d been riding with him. There was no doubt, she was his mate. As they greeted Nathan, Justin, Nicholas and Damon, they were alarmed to see the same expressions.

  “Patrick, I think there’s more going on here than just Lucien and Ariel,” Constance whispered.

  “I think you’re right.”

  “You don’t think they’ll try to join the Clan’s together again, do you? We can’t split everyone up. Six abductions on the flatlands would be noticed, no matter how well planned they are.”

  “No, Constance. I don’t know what Lucien has in mind. I think out of courtesy he’ll offer to let us rejoin them, but we’ve been apart for two centuries. It would be an uncomfortable contest for leadership. He won’t argue when I turn him down. As far as what’s planned for the rest of the Vampires, I don’t know. By all rights, they should be allowed to start their own Clans. Let’s see what he’s come up with.”

  Constance took Ariel by the arm and showed her the Indian village. When she held Shining Star’s baby, Constance stood behind her making the baby laugh with her fangs. Ariel thought the baby had a delightful manner.

  They slowly made their way toward the stable and Ariel saw Mike for the first time. She stopped and stared in horror. Her former lover of two years was hitched to a post. Reigns were tied to some round ring that kept his mouth open and the straps trailed down his back. In addition to the tracers attached to the back of the collar, he now had two running down his chest through the nipple rings, separating around a slight erection and tied to the ring below his testicles. He was staring straight ahead. “Oh my god, Constance,” Ariel breathed.

  Ariel didn’t know when Constance had taken hold of her arm to gently massage her wrist. “Calm down, Ariel. He’s okay. He’s much too valuable for them to ruin him. He is being trained in obedience and patience.”

  “Constance, he doesn’t deserve this brutality. I don’t understand.” Ariel was crying quietly. She realized she didn’t want Mike to know she had seen him so humiliated.

  “Walk with me Ariel. I knew you needed to see him, but now I want you to listen to what I say to you.” Constance led Ariel back to the trees in a secluded area close to the Clans. “Many years ago, it was my older brother the Indians received from the Clan. He started out as a dog and worked himself up to stallion just as Mike has done. He was actually rewarded for some task to have achieved this.”

  Constance explained the captives go through several stages to become a man and join the tribe. Each stage stripped them of bad habits and thoughts they brought with them from the flatlands, and taught them strength and pride. She told her how her brother ended up with a pretty Indian wife and something they couldn’t have, children. He’d been happy. She assured her Wind Seeker was guiding Mike so he could fit in. “He has a goal and a purpose. The Indians reward and punish just as our Clansmen do. It’s only their methods that are different. Within a few years you’ll see he’s a proud Indian with a family to care for. I promise you, Ariel.”

  Mike had noticed Ariel when he glanced sideways. She stopped a distance away with the woman, Constance. Mike smiled as much as he could manage knowing Ariel could see his proud bearing. He was sure Constance would let her know what she’d lost when she threw herself at Lucien. He hoped Lucien would pass by and notice how he’d screwed up when he let the Indians take him. He couldn’t wait until they saw him next year as a man, with Gentle Wave standing by his side. You fucked up, Lucien, the stallion chuckled. The ghost was gone.

  Gentle Wave moved through the village and the settlement campsites. She’d heard through gossip about Ariel. She wanted to get a look at her and see how she compared t
o the stallion’s former choice. She hid behind a tree when she saw Patrick and Lucien following Constance and another smaller woman.

  As they approached, Gentle Wave’s eyes filled with tears. Ariel was beautiful. She was petite as compared to Gentle Wave’s taller, fuller figure. She had reddish hair with a blonde stripe around her face that fell to her waist in waves, instead of the stupid straight black shroud hanging down her own back. As they got closer, she groaned at the gray-blue eyes. All Gentle Wave had were the Indian’s black marbles.

  She hid behind buildings and watched them walk through the village. Shining Star’s baby wrapped his fist in Ariel’s hair and laughed. Even the baby adored her. Gentle Wave was getting more depressed by the minute. When the women neared the stables, she prayed Mike wouldn’t look over and be reminded of his former love.

  She saw Mike straighten. He’d seen Ariel and was showing her what a proud stallion he’d become. Gentle Wave swiped at the tear that had spilled. Ariel was so shocked by his proud transformation, she was staring at him with her mouth hanging open. Please, please don’t want him back. Gentle Wave watched the two women walking away, conspiring to steal her stallion.

  Gentle Wave couldn’t take it. She would beg the stallion to choose her even if she had to remind him how his other love had disgraced him by choosing the Protector for awhile. He might forgive Ariel for that just to get her back.

  Gentle Wave snuck in through the back of the stable and approached the stallion, standing where she could quickly hide behind the wall if he sent her away. She’d be too humiliated to join the celebration if that happened. Now that she was near him, her courage faltered. All she could think of was him choosing Ariel.

  “Stallion,” Mike heard a whisper from behind the stall wall. He couldn’t tell who it was, and couldn’t move to see. “I’m not supposed to talk to you until you’re a man,” the voice continued.

  Gentle Wave slowly came around the corner. Mike could see she was upset and had been crying. Had someone hurt her? He gripped his hands into fists behind his back at the thought.

  The Indian looked down. “I’ve seen Ariel. I know you have too. I saw how proud you stood for her.”

  Mike thought he heard her sniffle. “She’s beautiful, with all her colors.” She cleared her throat. “I know I only have the colors of the Indian.” Gentle Wave was quiet, trying to figure out how to continue. So far, she’d managed to remind the stallion that Ariel was proud of him and was adorned with beautiful colors, where as she was all Indian black. Darn, what could she say to make herself sound like she had some worth?

  “I’ve been told I might be Shining Star’s replacement as dominant woman, if Turning Leaves goes with the flatlander.” Great, now he knows I’m the second choice.

  All of sudden, Mike understood. Gentle Wave was worried he still had feelings for Ariel. Here he was naked, standing as a stallion, and Gentle Wave thought she wasn’t good enough for him. Mike tried to speak, and it was all garbled. The only thing not strapped down, were his legs. He reached out with his foot and ran it gently down her calf.

  Gentle Wave wasn’t sure if the stroke meant he felt sorry for her. She decided to bring it all out in the open. If he didn’t want her, she’d be humiliated, but she would survive. The thought of seeing his blue eyes smiling at Ariel and not her, twisted her stomach.

  Gentle Wave scooted closer to him and squeezed her eyes shut. “I will wait for you to be a man, if you want me to.” There. She said it.

  Mike’s mouth would have dropped open if it wasn’t already pried that way. Here stood the most beautiful woman in the tribe, offering to wait for him to finish his journey, not even knowing if he could. Then, he imagined he’d start out at the bottom. He wouldn’t have any feathers. He didn’t even know how he could earn any. Yet, she was standing there with her eyes closed and crying.

  Mike endured the pulling of the tracers and leaned over, rubbing his head on her cheek. Her eyes slowly looked up with uncertainty. “You would have me wait?” Please say yes, please.

  The smile that couldn’t reach his mouth, did crinkle his eyes. Gentle Wave’s heart lifted and her tears fell faster. “I’ll wait for you, stallion. You’re going to be such a strong warrior, the strongest in the tribe.”

  Mike was bewildered that she felt this way. She could have her pick of almost any warrior, and yet she was choosing someone she’d only seen as a dog and a horse. He began to panic. He had to be a man soon before she changed her mind.

  Gentle Wave reached her arms around his neck, careful not to pull on the traces. He felt her soft lips brush his cheek. “I am the happiest woman in the village.” Then she giggled. “I better leave. If I’m caught speaking with the stallion, it might make your journey longer.” Again, she saw the blue eyes smile.

  She gave him one more quick kiss and disappeared into the stable. Mike didn’t even care that he was rock hard.

  Yellow Hawk smiled from where he stood behind the corral gate. They would be a good, strong couple. The stallion would be a proud man. He waited until he was sure Gentle Wave left before going over to water the stallion. He flicked the hard penis. “My wife hasn’t been here, has she?”

  The stallion whined. “Hmmm, then you’re either in love with the wall or the thought of how much fun the stable can be.”

  The stallion whined louder. “There are at least six more young warriors who’d love to get a feather.” The stallion whined and stomped his foot. “Settle down, it‘s just a little Injun humor.” Yellow Hawk untraced him so he could drink.

  Mike desperately wanted to tell him about Gentle Wave and find out how quickly he could be a man. The gag made it impossible. Yellow Hawk could see his agitation and naturally knew the reason for it. Part of the journey was patience, making the goal so much more worthwhile.

  Yellow Hawk walked back to the teepee. Whispering Wheat was talking to Misting Waters and Raining Thunder and telling them about the decision to send Turning Leaves to the settlement. Even though Turning Leaves had tried to interfere with their relationship, they were still sisters. Whispering Wheat wasn’t sure what she’d do if Misting Waters was set against it.

  Yellow Hawk sat down and didn’t interrupt his wife. “Anyway, that’s how your father and I feel about it. What do you think?”

  Misting Waters looked up to her boyfriend. He kissed her on the cheek. “Misting Waters and I have discussed this, too. We both agree the decision to send her to the settlement is a good one and not just because of what she tried to do to us. It’s like you said. She manipulates the tribe. You know what she tried to do to the stallion, and how she got Gentle Wave to mess with him when he was a dog. The stallion is going to be a good man for the tribe, a strong man. I’m afraid if Turning Leaves sees this, she’ll use him.”

  Yellow Hawk spoke. “I don’t think that should figure into it. She could cause them trouble, but the stallion has already been on the receiving end of Turning Leaves’ games. I think he’s figured her out. I also know he has strong feelings for Gentle Wave. It might be because he’s heard she could be dominant female, in which case, if it goes to Turning Leaves he might choose her. That’s another reason we think it would be better for the tribe for her to go. Misting Waters, how do you feel?”

  The girl squirmed. “I wish her the best of luck on her journey, and hope she finds the path to the people again. I don’t think she can do that here. She’s too busy with her orchestrations.” There were tears in her eyes, but her words were sincere.

  “I think you should talk to Patrick, Yellow Hawk. Make sure he doesn’t mind her coming to the settlement. Be honest. Tell him what she’s like so they don’t have any surprises when she gets there.”

  “He may not want her. You know how the Vamps are. They like things running smoothly.”

  “It may depend on how much the flatlander cares for her. Patrick might be swayed by that.”

  Yellow Hawk found Patrick under the trees with Lucien. Their women were sitting with a circle of friends not too fa
r away. “Patrick, can I speak with you a minute.”

  Lucien started to rise. “No, please stay. This won’t take long and your input might help.”

  Patrick raised an eyebrow. “I take it this concerns your daughter and Robby?”

  “Yes, Whispering Wheat and I have discussed this at great length. Do you have confidence the flatlander cares for her?”

  “Head over heels. She orders him around like a puppy and he adores her.”

  Yellow Hawk winced. “That’s only part of her charm. Look, we want to send Turning Leaves to the settlement.”

  Patrick and Lucien exchanged glances. “Really, Yellow Hawk? I thought you were considering bringing Robby up here.”

  “He’d be a valuable addition to the tribe, that’s true. The problem is with my daughter. Whispering Wheat and I don’t want her going to the settlement without you knowing a few things about her.”

  Yellow Hawk explained his daughter’s propensity to manipulate situations, sometimes, just for the fun of it to watch what happens. “I know it’s childish. She’s so bad at it and unable to pick her allies that she always gets caught. Unfortunately, she’s let these games take her off her journey.”

  “What happens if this infatuation with the flatlander is another game? I don’t want to see him unnecessarily hurt,” Patrick said.

  “If Turning Leaves believes he’s an important man in the settlement, she’ll want him.”

  “All our citizens are important,” Patrick replied. Lucien nodded. The people of the settlement were all precious to him.

  “I’d like to make the announcement tonight. I’m not going to warn her. It will appear her mother and I are giving her what she wants. If you welcome her to the settlement in front of the tribe and both Clans, she won’t back out. She’ll be unprepared to come up with a reason and still save face.”


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