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Fallen-Angels Page 4

by Ashlynn Monroe

  His firm lips found the curve of her neck and she shuddered at the sensation. Justice began to awkwardly release the buttons of his shirt. She let her fingers dance across his bare chest, feeling the firmness of his hard-earned muscles. There was something heady and surreal about touching him. She slid her hands up to his shoulders, and pushed his shirt off over his arms, letting it fall to the floor.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her body to his, deepening the kiss. She felt her breasts flatten against the wall of his body and her arms began, unconsciously, to tangle around his neck. Her fingers slid into the silk of his dark hair and she let the taste and texture of him infuse her with a passion she hadn’t known she was capable of feeling. Steel pushed her back against the bedrolls and she heard the jingling of his belt as he deftly undid the buckle. Then the swish of the canvas coming off his legs. She wondered if he still had his boots on, and bit back her sudden urge to giggle. He grasped the leather waistband of her tight, black pants and began to pull them down over her hips and buttocks, and then off her thighs until finally she was as naked as Eve.

  Steel ducked his face to her chest, and with a sudden flush, she felt an urge to cover her bosom. At least until his warm mouth found one of her nipples. He sucked at it, a quick bite causing her to arch her back and cry out. She didn’t know what she was supposed to be doing, and so just let him take the lead, an arrangement Steel seemed perfectly content with. His mouth traveled to her other breast and she felt his large hand sliding down her body and over her flat stomach. Sucking in a desperate breath, she felt his hand travel between her legs, where his large thumb discovered her clit. He moistened the digit with her essence and began to make languid circles around that nub. An electricity that she hadn’t known spread through her body. Before she realized what was happening, her hips bucked uncontrollably. She arched her back and cried out, clinging to Steel in helpless desperation as she rode the wave of pleasure. No wonder sex is so damn popular, she thought mindlessly.

  Steel paused and Justice tried to sit up. He glanced up at her, surprised, before dropping his mouth down to her stomach where he began to trail hisses across her skin, toward where his fingers had been. Justice felt the sense of invasion all the way to her toes and for a moment tried to move his head away. He glanced up and smiled his perfect smile before his lips began to lick and suck at the spot once more. She felt that amazing sensation building inside of her again and she whispered his name, his real name, in a soft plea. He hauled himself up to his knees and she felt the head of his very hard and large cock pressed against her, invading her body. He pushed gently into her tightness and suddenly she felt him go very still.

  “Jesus, woman, you should have told me. I thought—” He sucked in a breath. “Oh, hell I thought you’d done this before.”

  Hurt smothered the earlier feelings of amazement and, to her embarrassment, Justice felt her eyes fill with tears. She had finally decided to let a man have her body, and now he didn’t want her. She was mortified. He growled a very masculine growl and kissed her again, lips crushing to hers, cock still precariously lodged in the tight warmth of her body.

  “Justice,” he finally whispered brokenly. “I’m so damn sorry. I’m not the kind of man who can make you sweet promises, or give you anything. I’m a drifter, not good enough for a woman like you. I shouldn’t be your first.”

  Understanding came into her mind and she rubbed her hand against the stubble of his strong jaw. “I don’t need sweet promises. Please, Jeremiah, I want this. You. Make me feel like that again.”

  He let go of his pent up breath and with a pure, primitive sound in the back of his throat, he began to kiss her again. He skillfully worked his fingers between their bodies and the motion of his nimble actions caused the need to build in her again. When she cried out he thrust into her body. A sharp pain caused her to push at him, she wanted to get away.

  “Shh, let me make it better, let me give you pleasure again. This is the only time it will feel like this for you, I promise.”

  Justice relaxed slightly. He was still inside of her, letting her body adjust to his invasion. He began to massage the sweet spot again and soon her pain faded to nothing. Unable to stop, she began to move her hips against him and he groaned. When the perfect pleasure began to shake her again he began to slowly move inside of her, his fingers never stopping what they had begun. She shuddered against him, screaming his name. An animalistic sound rumbled in her ears and to her embarrassment, she realized the long, low cry had come from her own throat. It was too late, she let herself cry out again and his thrusts became faster and harder, the movement inside her smoother and faster, drawing her climax out further until she felt him stiffen for a moment.

  “Justice,” he panted. The emotion in his voice made her shiver, and then his deep masculine exclamation filled her ears as he came inside of her. He lay down next to her, breathing hard as took her into his arms. Enveloped in his embrace, with her cheek pressed to his warm sweaty chest, Justice began to drift off to sleep. She suddenly gasped as she remembered the scorpion, and began to sit up. Jeremiah wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back. His words rumbled out of his chest and she felt them as he spoke.

  “You sleep now, Justice. I’ll stay awake, and see that no harm comes to you.”

  Feeling the security of his promise, her eyes fluttered and she felt sleep drag her down as his arms tightened protectively around her.


  It was almost dawn. Justice awoke, feeling mystified at the soreness in her body. Then the events of the previous night came flooding back to her, and her cheeks heated with a blush. Looking up, her eyes immediately caught and held Steel’s handsome gaze. When he spoke, his voice was soft and warm.

  “Good morning, Beauty. How are you?”

  She detected a note of honest concern and his noble consideration made her duck her head to hide her small smile.

  “Right as rain. Did you get any sleep?”

  She felt guilty for having slept well while he lay awake guarding her from the critters in the night.

  He smiled. “You snore like a banshee, woman! I didn’t have to worry about scorpions or anything else because you scared them all away.”

  Now blushing fiercely, she smacked his shoulder playfully.

  He threw back his head and laughed. “No, you didn’t really snore. I couldn’t sleep. I was too busy looking at you.”

  She hoped that blushing wasn’t becoming a new bad habit. She sat up and Jeremiah turned away and headed into the kitchen. Before she could begin to dress, he was back with fresh water in a ceramic basin. He handed her a rag and left again. She was surprised by his thoughtful foresight, the water was even warm, obviously he’d had it ready. She washed her body as well as she could, feeling wonderfully fresh as the cool morning air dried her skin. Jeremiah returned with a parcel this time. He handed it to her with a smile.

  “I knew you’d agree, so I picked this up on my way here. The wife of the shop keeper helped me with the sizes. I hope she was right. I described you as well as I could.”

  She untied the string around the brown paper. Inside there was a small jacket, a chemisette, and full skirt in a light egg shell blue. He had the appropriate under garments and even a hairnet trimmed with ribbon. She touched the white high button boots lovingly. Normally she wore pants and a corset with nothing over it but her trench coat and hat, which were like a second skin. It was intimidating, playing dress up and pretending to be a respectable woman.

  Jeremiah must have noticed her hesitation because when he spoke, his tone was full of promise. “Justice, you have every right to be a woman. Put them on, I’ll be waiting outside. Leave your pack and clothing here, we’ll come back for everything.”

  He stepped out the door. She began to awkwardly dress herself in the strange clothing, resisting the urge to call out for help. She didn’t want him to know how inexperienced she was with respectability. The weight and the heat of the new ensemble made her glad
that she could be herself again tomorrow.

  She stepped out into the morning sun, waiting hesitantly for Steel’s response. He stopped what he was doing and a wide smile spread across his face. He hurried over to help her down the steps. Frowning, she knew that if she were in her typical clothing he would never have felt the need to be a gallant gentleman. Obviously feminine power worked in mysterious ways. Steel pulled her to him and kissed her with a tenderness that she hadn’t expected.

  “Ms. Smythe, are you ready to go respectably rob a train?”

  She replied back with a smile, “Mr. Wall, I do believe I am ready to do just that.”

  Chapter Five

  Justice waited nervously with her ticket, and her sand and rock filled bags. A friendly looking young man picked up the bags with an "oomph". He glanced over at her, surprise widening his eyes.

  She addressed him in her best sweet Texas darling accent.

  “It’s going to be an awfully long trip. My poor old mother is very ill and I’m going up to tend to her. Thank you for your kind assistance.”

  He managed to smile, even with the strain of the weight he carried, and replied in a thickly accented voice, “My pleasure, Miss.”

  Justice nodded, the conductor punched her ticket, and she took a seat in the very back of the train, feeling an immense sense of relief when the train finally whistled, hissed, and pulled away from the station.

  She tried not to look uneasy, sitting and watching out the window in anticipation of the little town that would mark the moment she was supposed to stand and make her way to the caboose. Steel would be waiting only a few miles down the track, and by then she needed to be waiting outside the back door with her suitcases full of money, ready to take one helluva leap of faith into his arms. She hoped he was as good on a horse as he claimed to be. Otherwise, her days of being a rich woman would be very short lived.

  A portly man sat down beside her. It took all of her self-control to be polite as he tried to start up a conversation with her.

  “Hello, Miss, where’s your chaperone?”

  Using her best sweet tone of voice, she batted her eyes as she spoke, “She became ill at the train station and had to stay behind, but the conductor will be looking out for me. Please don’t trouble yourself over my situation, sir.”

  “I’d be honored if you will allow me to watch over you, Miss.”

  The way he said ‘Miss’ made it obvious that he wanted her to supply him with her name, and the look in his eyes made it more than obvious that he wanted to get to know her much better, wearing much less clothing.

  “I am so grateful for your kindness, but I would hate to trouble you.”

  She noticed that they had just passed the town that was her cue to go to the baggage area of the caboose. The portly man continued to insist that he fulfill the role of chaperone. It was time for drastic measures.

  “Oh my, Sir, I don’t think the motion of the train is sitting well with me. I must hurry out for some air before I embarrass myself.” She darted away from the man, rushing to the back of the train, hoping he would be polite enough not to follow her. Looking back, she breathed a sigh of relief—the man hadn’t been quite noble enough to deal with potential vomit.

  Greatly relieved, she found the baggage area empty and she quickly began to look for the large crates marked fragile. They were sitting near the back, just as Steel had said they would be.

  Justice took the small crowbar out of her purse and, and with some difficulty, managed to loosen the lid. Gazing warily into the box, she saw the money and her small cry of joy made her look back with caution. She dumped out one suitcase of rocks and sand and began refilling it with money. She set it near the door when she finished and began to work on the second case.

  When it was almost full, she heard a sound and decided not to press her luck. Closing and locking the bag, she opened the caboose door and soon had both bags ready to toss. She saw the railroad sign painted with a big black “X”, easy to confuse for common graffiti, and tossed the first case. Wind whipped her hair and the motion of the train made her stop and hold onto the railing, afraid for an instant that she was going to fall. With a deep breath, she tossed the second bag more carefully. She didn’t see Steel anywhere. For an instant she worried that she had been duped, but the sound of hooves to her right made her turn. It was Steel, pounding toward her. Carefully, she made her way to the other side of the landing and readied herself for his signal to jump.

  Suddenly a hand clamped down on her arm. Startled, she jumped and nearly fell. It was the conductor, trying to drag her back inside of the caboose, his eyes blazing with anger.

  Justice slapped at him and shrieked in terrified outrage. He grabbed her arm, slapping a handcuff to her before she had the chance to stop him. Looking out the still open door she watched as Jeremiah’s horse slowed down and then stopped. He grew smaller and smaller before the conductor finally slammed the door shut. The jig was up, and Justice’s luck had finally run out.

  Jeremiah was going to cut his losses and escape with the money that she had stolen for him, she realized, feeling like the queen of fools. He had played her and played her well. She had been so taken in, she had even spread her legs for the bastard! Apparently a man could use a pretty face to his advantage as well as a woman could.

  The conductor began to shout questions at her, demanding the names of her accomplices and if they were on the train. Giving Jeremiah up would do her no good. He was long gone.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about sir. I stepped out to get air and you accosted me,” she cried, hoping the conductor hadn’t seen the flying luggage.

  “Don’t give me that little lady! I know who you are!”

  He shoved one of her wanted posters in her face.

  Why did the conductor have her poster? She wondered if she had been set up.

  Her portly friend, the unwanted chaperone, stepped up behind the conductor. He flashed his badge. His voice was firm and unfriendly when he spoke this time.

  “You don’t think we would transport this much money without protection. It took me a moment to recognize you, but as soon as I did, I knew why you had gone running this way. Who are you working with?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  The ranger slapped her painfully across the face.

  “I cannot abide lying females,” he huffed. “Tell me who you’re working for.”

  He slapped her again, harder this time. She could feel her eye beginning to swell. She spit the pooling blood out of her mouth and answered him, dangerously calm and steady.

  “It takes a mighty brave and noble gentleman to slap a woman who’s chained up and can’t defend herself. I’m glad to see that the great state of Texas has a fella like you on the job.”

  He reddened, and pulled back to hit her again. She braced for the impact.

  The conductor spoke quietly, “Sir, if you do that again, I’ll be forced to stop the train and have you thrown off. There is no good cause to hit the woman. She won’t talk any louder with her mouth swelled shut.”

  Justice could taste the blood where his first blow had split her lip. She was thankful that the conductor had the good sense to stop the man or she’d never make it to Austin in one piece. The ranger was clearly angry, but he stepped back.

  For the rest of the trip, the ranger, the conductor, and Justice all sat in uneasy silence in the caboose. Justice could see that the conductor didn’t trust the ranger enough to leave him alone with her, and for that she was grateful. The ranger clearly resented her earlier refusal to answer him, and his anger that a woman had stolen money right from under his nose was written in the hateful glint in his eyes.

  Justice laid her head back and drifted. She wished she would have missed this particular train. Steel was probably in another county by now—happily ready to spend the money alone. His plan to dupe her had been brilliant. She had to give Steel credit for his ingenuity. Why had she let his delicious body and handso
me face convince her that this was a good idea? She bit her lip to keep herself from growling her frustration. She was only sure of one thing—she would never see Steel Wall again.

  Chapter Six

  Steel had clearly left her to rot. After her brief meeting with a court appointed attorney who seemed to have a problem speaking to anything but her breasts, Justice’s hope was completely gone. She knew that the jury and the judge already had their minds made up and the trial was only for show. She could hear and see the workers erecting the gallows from her cell. The lazy bastards obviously didn’t want to walk far to carry out her sentence. She slammed her open hand against the cold stone wall and growled in anger. This only accomplished making her hand sting and drawing unwanted attention from the lecher in the next cell over.

  “Hey, baby, if you lean that nice little ass against the bars I can give you one last good fuck before you die.”

  “Thanks again for the offer, asshole, but I think the first fifteen times I told you to shut up might have been enough.”

  He laughed as if she had said the funniest thing in history and went back to sitting on his bunk and talking to himself. Justice went back to the window and resumed watching them building the gallows, wondering morbidly if they had a lot of experience. Would they knot it right and break her neck quickly, or would she suffer and choke, strangled slowly for a crowd? A loud sobbing near her cell door interrupted her terrible thoughts, it sounded familiar.


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