A Night at Tears of Crimson (Tears of Crimson Vampire Nightclub)

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A Night at Tears of Crimson (Tears of Crimson Vampire Nightclub) Page 8

by Michelle Hughes

  “Drive over about nine,” he forced himself to speak calmly even as his body was demanding he take her like the animal he was. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly before taking her hand and walking over to the driver's side of her car. "Go before I change my mind," backing away he watched her slide into the seat, thankful that she had enough common sense not to argue.

  He stood there as still as a statue as she pulled off and it took everything she had not to turn the car back around and beg him to take her to his home now. It was madness to want him that desperately, she knew that subconsciously. He was her boss, and now her landlord to boot. If things didn't work out it would be really awkward for her to continue working for him, no matter what he had told her earlier.

  The truth if she was going to be honest with herself, she was willing to take that chance, because she had never in her life felt this way about any other man. It was as if she had been pulled completely into his soul and wanted to stay there for eternity. It took the entire drive back home to get her mind off of her desires concerning Rafe, and back on the excitement of moving into the villas. Without know how she did it, she managed to focus on the move.

  She returned home and immediately started packing. With everything she packed it made the move seem more real. It felt like she had been living in some dream world for the last hour with Rafe, and she needed some reality. It was a little after eight in the morning but she wasn't tired at all. She knew tonight, without doubt, she was going to be in Rafe's bed. That thought filled her with another round of desire and more than a little trepidation. With the upcoming move and the date later tonight, it was no wonder that she felt full of energy, she pondered.

  A part of her, the side that she tried very hard to push back, questioned what she was thinking. She was considering sharing his bed when they had only just met a few months ago. Her grandmother’s face came to mind and she had to silently ask her forgiveness, but she wanted this man more than she'd ever wanted anyone in her entire life. Forcing her doubts away she began to load the SUV.

  It was a little after nine in the morning when she finally loaded up the last of her things. She had kept the cardboard boxes from her move in here, because it had never been her plan to stay long. Six months had definitely been entirely too many nights here, she thought to herself. She decided to try and at least catch a few hours’ sleep, because even though she didn't have to work tonight, she still wanted to be rested for Rafe. Within minutes of closing her eyes, she was out like a light.

  She dreamed about the villa and then laying in Rafe's arms and enjoying his touch. The club found its way into her dreams. None of it seemed meaningful but it was definitely peaceful. The blare of sirens below her window forced her to awake and she glanced at the clock. Four in the afternoon already, she sat up quickly thinking the clock was probably wrong. But it wasn't, she noticed picking up her watch off the side table and saw the time. She was definitely getting in a habit of sleeping days away, probably because of her later hours now.

  She walked downstairs to find her current landlord and knocked on her door softly. The woman opened the door with curlers still in her hair and a warm smile. After she invited her in they sat down at her dining table and she offered a soda, which she accepted. Cara didn't know her landlady that well, because she hadn't really taken the time to make the effort. Normally she just dropped her check in the mailbox each week. She didn’t have a contract, so there weren't any legal ties that needed to be worried about. She explained that she would be leaving today, and since her rent was paid for the week there was no reason to feel guilty.

  The woman told her she was sorry to see her go, and that if she ever needed a place to stay she was welcome back here. She thanked her and got up to leave. She truly seemed like a nice woman and perhaps, she should have tried to get to know her better before, she couldn't help but think. That was water under the bridge, she thought beginning to haul boxes down to her small SUV. It was sad that everything she owned actually fit in the back, shaking her head she decided there was no use pondering on that issue.

  She had never been a pack rat, and really enjoyed keeping things tidy, so it definitely made for less baggage for the move. She drove with giddy excitement to the Villa's. Every mile was one step closer to a new life. As she pulled into the empty lot in front of her new home, she saw Dante watering some plants out in his front yard next door. He waved to her and she waved back smiling like an idiot.

  Dante called out to Michael before walking over and immediately helping her bring the boxes inside. Michael joined them and it took under an hour to get the entire back unloaded. Slamming the back door on the SUV she smiled at how much work they'd got done in such a short time.

  “So we're neighbors now,” Dante said with a smile, “if you ever need anything you just let me know.”

  "Hey don't forget me either, darlin', " Michael winked and grinned, "I'm always here if you need anything."

  Cara was flattered by all the attention. "Thank you so much guys, I know it would have taken me forever without your help.

  "That's what friends are for bebe," Dante smiled again, "Michael and I live right next door, so you don't be worryin' none about being safe."

  "Yep darlin', we take care of our own around this place," Michael grinned. "By the way Rachel lives at the condo next to mine and Dante's, and Angela all the way on the end." He really didn't want her to worry about moving to a new place.

  She thanked both the men again and spent a few more minutes talking with them, before they excused themselves. They were both working shifts at the club tonight, and told her they needed to get ready. She smiled and walked back in her house trying to get as much as she could organized. Making a list of things she would need, now that she had her own kitchen she knew finding the shopping center was going to be a priority. She actually loved to cook and thought it was going to be sheer heaven not to have to go out to eat every night. .

  Angela showed up as soon as she finished writing her shopping list, and she invited her in. She was so excited that she grabbed Angela's hand, showing her around her new home. “Is your place furnished the same?” she questioned curiously.

  “Pretty much the same as yours, except for the colors,” she smiled as she allowed Cara to lead her around. “Everything in my house is done in black and white. Before I forget, Rachel wanted me to tell you she couldn't stop by because she's going to be gone most the day,” she informed Cara, “what do you have planned?” With an energy that was all Angela, she plopped down on the couch putting her feet up on the table.

  “Well I've got tons of stuff I need to get at the grocery store,” she giggled, “feel like joining me?”

  Angela rolled her eyes sarcastically but then laughed, “Just what I always wanted to do on my day off, but let's go.”

  Cara could tell she was only joking around, and was glad that she was coming because she wanted to find the closest shopping mall. They took Angela's car because she definitely knew the area here better. She was excited to discover that there was a discount grocery and strip mall only ten minutes away. They both grabbed a buggy once inside the store and loaded them to the max.

  “So what are your plans tonight?” Angela asked as we were driving back home.

  “I'm actually meeting Rafe tonight at his house,” she whispered shyly.

  Angela gasped softly and let out a sigh, “Wow, you go girl.”

  Cara didn't want to make a fool out of herself but she had to ask her a few questions. “Does he normally date his employees,?” she asked quietly as they pulled back into her parking spot at the Villa's.

  “Hon, you don't need to worry about that at all,” she said with a warm smile, “as far as I know he's never dated anyone from the club.”

  She let out a huge sigh of relief, but couldn't help but wonder why he would choose her when he was surrounded by gorgeous women like Angela.

  “Listen, I'm going to go unpack all this stuff,” Angela stated kindly, “why don't you come
over when you're done?”

  "I'll do that, there are a few questions I'd like to ask you when I get there," she felt her face redden as the thought of asking Angela about sex filled her mind

  "Something tells me this is going to be an interesting conversation," Angela laughed. "Hurry up and get done girl," with a wink and wave she walked out quickly needing to get her own things put up.

  She got her things in from the SUV as fast as she could, then began arranging them where they went. It was so exciting to see her refrigerator and cabinets full of food she could cook. She had to buy everything, from pots, pans and silverware to cooking utensils and glass ware. The room she had before just didn't require those things. She set things to rights and finally made it to Angela's place.

  Angela opened the door with a smile and ushered her in. "It took you long enough," she grinned and led her toward the couch. "I'm going to grab us a glass of wine and you can question me to your heart's content." She had no idea what her friend needed to discuss, but it was so exciting having her here, she honestly didn't care.

  She wasn't quite sure how to bring up the sex topic with Angela, it wasn't something they had ever discussed before. She nibbled on her lip nervously as her friend made it back and took the glass of wine she offered thinking it might help.

  "Uh-oh, I know that habit," Angela smiled noticing her friends’ nervousness, "why don't you just get it off your chest honey?"

  Taking a deep sip of the red wine, she nodded. "Well, um how long have you known Rafe?"

  So this is what she was worried about? Angela thought. "A little over seven months sweetie, before the club opened, I worked for him trying to get it organized, what's bothering you?"

  “God, there is no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to say it,” she mumbled in aggravation still finding it hard to open up about her sexuality, or lack thereof.

  "Honey, you know you can tell me anything," Angela encourage sensing how hard this was for her, "you know I won't judge you."

  Taking another deep breath she nodded and forced the words from her lips. "I'm still a virgin, there I said it." She knew her face was probably redder than sin, but she needed to know how to please Rafe. "I, well I'm kinda hoping that changes tonight." Lifting her eyes to her friend she waited for her reaction with more than a little trepidation.

  Angela tried to hide her shock sensing how hard it was for Cara to admit this to anyone. She couldn't remember meeting anyone her age that had held out so long. "Well sweetie that's not the end of the world." She smiled, wanting to put her at ease. "Does Rafe know?" she knew her employer pretty well, she thought and doubted it would be a deal breaker for him.

  "I think he does," she didn't remember actually ever telling him, but from the way she acted he just assumed he knew the truth.

  "Then what's the problem hon?" Sex wasn't that big of a deal to Angela, of course she recalled losing her own virginity at 12 to some guy at a skating ring. It really hadn't been that big of deal, she recalled, more bother than anything else.

  "There really isn't a problem, I just don't know how to make things perfect for him tonight." She felt so inadequate, and it terrified her that he would find her lacking.

  "Oh honey, that's not something you're supposed to be worrying about your first time." She smiled and shook her head. "It's his job to make sure you enjoy tonight."

  "But what if I bore him, and he never wants to see me again?" That was her true fear, she thought honestly.

  Angela wasn't sure how to word this is a way that her friend would understand, so she just gave it to her straight. "Honey, most men care only about getting off, I don't think you have much to worry about in that area." She didn't mention that it was probably going to be a huge ego boost for him being her first lover, men in her opinion, seemed to enjoy that kind of thing.

  She could only hope that Angela was right, but she still wanted to please him. "So if you were me, what would you do to make sure he, well, um, enjoyed himself tonight?"

  Angela felt right in her element with this conversation, and she spent the next half hour watching Cara's face turn bright red as she gave her all the way she could please him. "I have something you have to wear tonight," she grinned mischievously and grabbed Cara's hand leading her upstairs to her bedroom. "Let me find it," she motioned for her to sit on the bed as she rummaged through her closet.

  She waited patiently as Angela looked for whatever it was she was searching for and allowed her mind to go over all the things her friend had told her. She doubted she would have the nerve to do most of them, and her hand trembled nervously wondering if she was truly ready for this. Reminding herself that she was twenty-one, and it wasn't likely that she'd ever be more ready than she was now.

  "Here it is," Angela grinned and pulled out a slinky red dress that she had no doubt would have Rafe drooling over Cara.

  The dress was very sexy and barely existent. She took it from her hands and wondered if she'd have the nerve to wear it, then chided herself. What did she have to lose? “Are you sure you don’t mind?” it was an incredible garment and looked costly, she thought.

  “I bought it hoping I would lose a few more pounds but it never happened, so take it,” she smiled, “it's not like I don't have plenty.”

  They talked for a few more minutes before she told her it was time to go home and get ready. They hugged and Cara made her way back to her place. She hung the dress up in her closet and found some black heels that would go nicely with the dress and set those out for later. Feeling like a teenager about to go out on her first date, she started the water for the huge bathtub and slid into the warm water hoping it would calm her nerves. After washing her hair and shaving, she reclined in the huge tub until the water grew chilly. Shivering at the temperature she bathed the rest of her body.

  With a sigh, she got out and wrapped up in a huge towel. Drying off briskly she then used her favorite rose scented lotion. She decided tonight to let her chestnut hair hang loosely and took the hair dryer to the long locks. She put on her makeup skillfully, wanting to look her very best for Rafe. Rummaging through her drawers, it only took a few minutes to find a silky pair of black panties with a matching bra. She slid on a pair of black hose, then the dress and stood back looking at her reflection in the mirror. She knew it was going to take a lot of guts to wear this for him.

  The dress had short sleeves that barely caressed her shoulder blades. It plunged indecently down in the front and she discovered that wearing a bra just wasn't going to happen, so she removed it. Fortunately, she thought to herself, her breasts were full and stood proud without the aid of the help.

  The outfit showed off entirely more of her body than she was accustomed to, but admittedly showed off her curves to the full advantage. The dress hugged her small waist tightly, before flowing down in soft folds. There was definitely no bending over in this dress, she told herself. Sliding on the only three inch heels she owned, she walked back to the full-length mirror studying her reflection. The first word that came to her mind was Siren, the red of the dress and the indecent cut definitely demanded attention. Nibbling on her lip again, she honestly wasn't sure she had the nerve to pull this look off.

  "You can do this Cara," she told herself before moving over to her makeup drawer and pulling out some red nail polish. This wasn't a color she normally wore, but she had fallen in love with this at the Boutique Du Vampyre and considered it an impulse buy. She polished her long nails and fanned them to dry quickly. After her nails dried, she went over to the jewelry box her granny had given her on her sixteenth birthday, and removed a small delicate gold chain and matching dangling gold earrings. Both items had been a gift from her granny and just having something of hers made her feel calmer. She slid them on then sprayed a small amount of her favorite perfume, Ed Hardy, on and inhaled deeply. It smelled so sweet and fragrant that it brought a smile to her face.

  Grabbing her gold watch, she slid it on glancing at the time. She definitely had to wear the dress now. T
ime had definitely gotten away from her. Forcing herself to take a deep breath she grabbed her purse and walked out to her ride before she could change her mind. She got in quickly, not wanting Dante or Michael to see her dressed this way.

  6 Tears of passion

  She pulled into the driveway that led to the mansion. There was a circular drive and it was all made from cobblestone. It reminded her of some ancient castle of days long ago. Two torches were lit at the bottom of long stairs leading up to the door, and for reasons she couldn't explain, a shiver of apprehension moved through her body. Quickly, she made it around to the front and parked her car. She didn't take time to pay attention to the beautiful fountain or landscaping in the center of the driveway. She was so nervous it took every ounce of her bravado to make a quick walk to the door. She pushed the doorbell, wiping her hands down her dress nervously, and it chimed in dark eerie tones. She was a little shocked when a huge man wearing a dark suit answered the door.

  “Miss Cara?” He glanced over the young woman certain this was who his Master was awaiting.

  She nodded slightly, feeling her hands tremble even more, as he opened the door for her to enter. The man before her was a giant and even though he was dressed impeccably, there was something about him that seemed dangerous. He had huge, broad shoulders that were emphasized by the business suit he wore. She guessed his age to be around the mid-fifties, but there something about him that spoke of how well he could defend himself. The thought crossed her mind that he had probably been a very handsome man in his youth, and if she had to guess many women still found him very attractive.

  His eyes never moved from her face and he held open the door as the girl walked in timidly. Not much surprised Calvin, but the little lady before him, even in the promiscuous dress, had an air of innocence about her that left him confused.


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