Hush: Family Secrets

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Hush: Family Secrets Page 4

by Blue Saffire

  “Come here now,” he commands in a growled demand.

  His command snaps my feet into action before my mind can catch up. I move across the room in just my panties, bra and the heels he purchased. His eyes hungrily roam my body, but I am too turned on to be embarrassed.

  As soon as I am within arm’s reach his arms shoot out to grab me, bringing me flush with his rock hard body. His hands are warm as they roughly drag up my back then around to my front to grab a hold of my breasts. I moan as I fit perfectly in his large hands, not too much but no space left unmolded to his hands.

  His hands move from my breasts to cup my face. He stares into my eyes for what seems like forever as I pant for him to give me more. “You are mine Valentina,” he growls.

  I whimper my assent. I just want him to kiss me. As if reading my mind his lips descend upon mine and devour my lips. It is like he is sucking whimpers from my mouth. My fingers go to the short hairs at his nape.

  My belly is trembling in anticipation as his hot kisses pool desire throughout my veins and my belly. He forces his tongue in my mouth and locks it around mine before searching every corner of my mouth. It is hot and possessive. I love it.

  I’ve never wanted to be owned so much. He releases one hand to reach between our bodies. Seconds later I hear the sound of my panties being ripped from my body. Uri tosses them over his shoulder before using the same single hand to unclasp my bra from behind my back.

  My bra falls to the floor and Uri closes the thin gap between us. We are now skin to skin. His body is so warm and hard. I whimper as his erection presses into my belly.

  Swiftly he bends at the knees. Before I even get a good grip on him with my legs he is thrusting into me. I throw my head back crying out, but it doesn’t stop him. His hands are holding my ass tight as he pumps in and out of my body.

  “Yes,” I cried. “Yes Uri.”

  “Fuck, you’re so damn gorgeous,” Uri growls. “You look amazing on my cock, Love.”

  I feel my walls contract around him at his words. I squeeze my eyes shut because I’m so full and he is driving into me so hard. It feels good and I don’t want him to stop. I’m so wet I know I am dripping all over his balls. I have to be. They are so heavy and large that they are slapping up against my pussy with each of his hard thrusts.

  I lock my legs around him tighter and dig my heels into his rock hard ass. Uri growls not taking his eyes off me. I love the intensity in his blue depths.

  “Don’t hold back Valentina. Give it to your man,” he grunts.

  I don’t hesitate. I am more than ready to fall over the edge. My body answers his demand and I scream loudly with pleasure I have never known.

  “What the hell,” I pop up in my bed, panting, soaking wet and trembling from an actual orgasm. What has that man done to me?

  My chest is heaving, that dream was so real. It has been at least three weeks since the engagement party and that man is a constant on my mind. I can’t stop thinking about the hum that ran through my body as his lips brushed my skin.

  I had tried to ignore both Uri and Raphael for the majority of the evening. I used Uncle Valentine and a couple of cousins as buffers for most the night. It was when Angela decided to get in the middle of the dance floor to give a long winded speech that my plan went to crap.

  Of course she had to call us all up to stand with her as she gave her proud mama rant. Luca looked amused as he watched me roll my eyes the entire time. He whispered something in Shannon’s ear that made her blush and smile.

  I still made a note to threaten him before the night was over. I tuned Angela out to take in the extravagant party being thrown for two people who just met merely hours ago. The ballroom had been turned into a winter wonderland. I am just waiting for Elsa to pop out any moment. Once again Angela’s doing.

  Guess it doesn’t matter that Shannon actually hates winter. My thoughts wonder off to what my mama would have pulled together in order to announce my engagement. Things would have been very different. I would probably have been like Shannon with stars and hope in my eyes.

  My mind drifts to Uri. I wonder if my father would have considered him if things were different. I turn to look in the last place I saw Uri but he is not there. I am surprised at my sudden disappointment.

  I am brought back into the room by applauses. Angela looks right at me as her lips curl into an evil little smile. I narrow my eyes at her as she once again lifts the mic to her lips.

  “And now we are going to have a family dance,” Angela sings into the mic.

  Bitch, I think as I realize she is probably just doing this because I am the only one up here without a partner which will exclude me from being a part of the family dance. Typical.

  Too bad my father seems to be in a really good mood tonight. Usually when he is not he calls her on her crap. He’d ream her till Friday for a stunt like this. However right now he looks like he is feeling like the king of the world.

  Just as I turn to exit the dance floor too pissed to be offended or embarrassed, I collide with a hard chest. I look up into the blue eyes I had been searching for moments ago. His arms go around my waist immediately as the song begins to play.

  Uri pulls me in so close I doubt anyone can tell where he begins and I end. It feels so natural I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck. I curse my body for reacting to him without my permission.

  I am quickly losing the battle with my body as his scent takes over my every thought. He smells and feels so good my mouth waters. He dips his head to whisper in my ear.

  “I am a patient man, Valentina. When I want something I get it,” Uri says against my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

  “I have just as much patience. I will wait patiently for you to get tired of chasing me,” I say brightly.

  “I chase no one, Bella,” he rumbles in my ear. “I will have you. I can feel how soft your body has become in my arms. It makes no sense in fighting this. You of all people understand the inevitable.”

  “How old are you Uri? What do you want with me,” I lift a brow at him.

  “I am thirty eight, how old are you?” he asks staring me in the eyes for my answer.

  I am lost in his eyes for a moment before I find the answer to his question. “I’m twenty five.”

  “You are woman enough,” he says and gives me a full megawatt smile.

  It is the first full smile he has given me and it blows me away. His teeth are straight and brilliant white. His whole face transforms with it. He should smile more it makes him look younger. Not that he looks anywhere near thirty eight. I would have pegged him for thirty two, thirty five the most.

  “What happened to your girlfriend? She looked pretty pissed off when I left the shoe store,” I change subjects.

  “You happened. She was not my girlfriend anyway,” he shrugs.

  “She didn’t seem to feel that way,” I frown up at him.

  “You are adorable when you frown,” he chuckles. “I wonder what faces you’ll make when you are beneath me.”

  I bristle and falter a bit in my steps. He is a great dancer, we have been gliding around the dance floor as if on a cloud. Images of me trapped beneath him assault me and to my surprise I am turned on.

  “I will never be beneath any man,” I hiss.

  This time Uri stops. His eyes search my face and I kick myself for showing so much emotion. Uri sees too much. I am never this vulnerable for anyone. Not even Uncle Valentine.

  I turn my head away but he traps my chin between his fingers. Turning my head back to his appraising gaze, he finishes his search. When he is satisfied he brushes his thumb over my lower lip.

  “Will you tell me what happened?” he asks in a calm voice that is deceptive to the storm raging in his eyes.

  “No, I’ve delivered death to the one responsible. You need not worry,” I say heatedly before pulling from his arms, the song has ended anyway. I feel Uri’s arms wrap my waist once again before I get too far.

  “This is not finish
ed, my little one,” he whispers in my ear before placing a gentle kiss behind my ear.

  I shut my eyes as a shiver rocks my body. Just that single soft kiss has my body on fire. I need to get away from this man he makes me want things I shouldn’t.

  As I step away from Uri my eyes catch sight of a livid Raphael, with Gio whispering something in his ear. Raphael’s eyes are locked on me as they blaze with rage. I smile at him. You’re good for something, I think of Uri as I walk away.

  And for three weeks now Uri has been a constant in my life in one way or another. He is constantly in my thoughts and if that isn’t enough he insists on accompanying Luca to the house daily. I try to avoid him but he won’t let me.

  When I try leaving the house he offers to take me wherever I am going. Uri is smart. He knows if he offers in front of my father he will insist, so I have been stuck on more than one occasion with Uri as my unwanted escort.

  It wouldn’t bother me so much if I didn’t want him to be there. Yesterday was the first day he didn’t show up. I was so bummed out the whole day. I’d dressed up just for him against my better judgement.

  He had mentioned loving the color yellow on me, so I made it a point to dig through my closet for everything I owned that was yellow in order to please him. Don’t ask me why I want to please him. I still don’t want to marry him.

  Although honestly, I think I have lost because I do want to kiss him, badly, very badly. His full lips call to me from beneath that sexy facial hair. I can’t help but think about how it tickled my skin when he kissed behind my ear.

  I huff at my scattered thoughts giving up on sleep. I wish I could give up on thoughts of Uri. Where the hell was he yesterday? He went from being a bug up my ass to not even showing up.

  To make things worse that weasel Raphael just happened to stop by yesterday to drop off his never ending offering of flowers and some stupid gift. He so conveniently showed up right at dinnertime. My father graciously invited him to stay for dinner.

  Best part of the night was watching Luca give Raphael dirty looks. He even growled at him a few times. I may learn to like my soon to be brother in law. When dinner was over, Raphael tried to corner me but Luca and Shannon came to the rescue with plans we supposedly already had.

  I was so grateful to the two. If my father would have forced me to spend time with that weasel I would have snapped. His presence made me ten times more pissed off with Uri.

  Once I am showered and dressed my curiosity wins out. I’ve wanted to know more about Uri since I first laid eyes on him. Today I am going to get those answers. Uncle Valentine owes me a favor. He is the only one I can trust to get me answers without making a big deal out of it.

  I mean I can totally justify wanting the information. This man is in my home every day. I should at least know where he really lives and what he does other than close the curtains on undesired problems. I have a right to know about Uri the man, not Uri the killer.

  Besides, I know from experience you can’t trust the rumors passed around on a man like Uri. I mentally berate myself again because I can’t believe I am spending this much thought and energy on this man.

  I should be running in the opposite direction of all things Uri. If I had any sense I would pack a bag and get the hell out of here before things get out of control. My father hasn’t mentioned my engagement in sometime, but I see how he watches me with Uri.

  It is only a matter of time and I don’t plan on being around when the time comes. There are so many reasons why I should never marry. If Uri knows what’s good for him he will just walk away now.

  “Why the long face,” my father’s raspy voice startles me as I absentmindedly walk the halls of the house.

  It was my intension to go find my Uncle. My father’s eyes dance over my face in thought. I don’t have a heart to tell him what is going on in my head. All the reasons he should just forget about trying to marry me off.

  I shrug my shoulders. “A lot on my mind, what’s up papa?” I respond painting a smile on my face.

  He waits a moment still searching my face before he answers. A look crosses his face that I know so well. He has just made a decision on something. I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

  “Come walk with me, Tina,” I smile at the nickname only close family used to use. I haven’t heard it on his lips in so long. It soothes and stings at the same time.

  It reminds me of a soft girl, of happy times, before my world turned black. Some people don’t remember much from their early years of life. I wish that was the case for me. I think I remember too much.

  I loop my arm through my father’s and place my head on his shoulder. My father is not a very tall man. He is just an inch or two taller than me, but his broad shoulder is comforting right now as my thoughts and emotions swirl within.

  “I know I haven’t done the best for you,” my father says gently as we enter the gardens behind the house.

  “You did the best you could,” I murmur.

  “My best was not enough. I love you, Valentina. I loved your mother and sister very much as well. I should have done a better job protecting you all. To this day I work to right my wrongs,” my father pauses as his voice becomes thick with emotion.

  “Have you ever wondered why I did not fight your uncle on teaching you to be like him?” he asks after a moment and clearing his throat.

  “I guess,” I say softly.

  “A part of me knows your uncle is one of the best at what he does. A part of me believed that if you could protect yourself I would never lose you the way I lost your sister and mother. When he convinced me it was best for you I agreed because I had peace in knowing it wouldn’t be so easy to take from me again,” he said as he stopped to turn and look me in the eyes.

  “I think I understand,” I reply with a weak smile.

  “I’ve made too many mistakes. This time I plan to do right by you. I have decided on a match for you,” he pauses again and presses his lips. He looks away from me for a moment causing my unease to grow. His words are cutting through me at this point. He can’t be serious. I was supposed to have more time to get myself together and get out of here.

  “My first choice would have been Uri. It was Uri, but he is just too unpredictable. Uri does what Uri wants. He has taken off without a word. I need someone more stable for you. Someone that understands family,” he turns to look me in the eye now.

  “Raphael has wanted to wed you for a very long time. He has been constant in his intention for you. I will be making it official in three days. You and Raphael are to be engaged,” my father says with all traces of emotion gone.

  “No Papa,” I gasp. “No!”

  “Tina, this is for the best. If Uri can leave so easily without a word than this was not a serious matter to him,” my father says firmly.

  “Then find someone else, anyone else. Don’t do this. You can’t do this. The Giordano family isn’t even at our level for you to be serious. Papa, please!” I plead with him.

  His face is an unchanging mask. “It will be made official in three days. The engagement party will be after your sister’s wedding. You need stability and someone to care for you,” my father says the last part more gently.

  I clamp my mouth shut. I know how important this is to him and the family. Shannon was right neither of us ever really had a choice. I just always liked to think that I did.

  My mind is racing. I can’t marry Raphael Giordano. I hate that man. He makes my skin crawl. I am suddenly furious with Uri. How could he just leave? Why did he just leave? Did I do something wrong?

  I know I haven’t been the most receptive to having him around but he was growing on me and I have started to let my guard down. I am startled and confused by my sudden heartache. I feel my heart calling for Uri and my mind is screaming to know why he just left.

  “Papa,” I whisper. “I think this is wrong. Uri would have been better for me, but if this is what you want,” I turn away quickly as I feel tears building. I haven’t cried in
so long I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop once I start.

  “If he were the better choice he would have shown it,” my father says before turning and leaving me in the garden.

  I don’t know when I started to pace. I am floored with the turn of events. I absolutely loath Raphael, I hate the way he looks at me, I hate his smug way of talking to everyone, I hate that he has been so sure this would happen and I hate that my father doesn’t see all this.

  Where the hell is Uri? As that thought sinks in my blood begins to boil. How dare he just walk away? As my mind starts to work overtime a plan locks into place. I am not like Shannon. I won’t take this laying down.

  I already live in one prison. I will not be put in another. Uri has some answers for me and I am going to get them. I have three days and three days will have to be enough because there is no way I am marrying Raphael Giordano.


  Uncle Valentine came through once again. He was not only able to give me a full file on Uri but he was able to tell me exactly where to find him. I wasted no time at all packing my bag and jumping on a plane. I have already lost a day, but I won’t let that stop me.

  My father will probably be pissed when he realizes I have boarded a flight to London. I just need to hear for myself that Uri left because he doesn’t care. I want him to tell me what was so important that he left without a word.

  My sources told me to try Uri’s night club first. He has a number of lofts and homes here. It seems he doesn’t keep to just one of them so here I am sitting in a rented Audi waiting for Uri to show up at his club.

  The place looks popular. There is a ridiculous line outside and I can hear the music pumping. It looks like a posh club to get into. I’ll worry about that when the time comes.

  Almost two hours go by before a car pulls up and Uri’s large frame steps out of it. I would know it was him from a mile away. My heart leaps in my chest much to my own churning, that is until a leggy blonde steps out of the car and wraps herself around his arm.

  Uri places his hand on the small of her back and leans to whisper something in her ear. She is so much taller than I am and much thinner. I am pissed. He left me for this blonde ostrich. My fingers itch for my gun.


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