Rebirth (Game of the Gods Book 1)

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Rebirth (Game of the Gods Book 1) Page 25

by L. Fergus

  “Quite the contrary, actually. I’m enjoying this complete change in surroundings and enjoy learning new things. The Empire is rather stale, unfortunately.”

  “My homeworld was always in a state of flux, both humans and the planet itself.”

  “I’ve meant to ask you about the title Vicereine. Where did you get it?”

  “I don’t remember the exact details. Snowy said when I took over watching my homeworld I chose it because I didn’t want to be a queen or emperor. I didn't own it, I just played in it. I knew the unknown planet belonged to the UEE Emperor, and I was just taking care of it until the UEE arrived to take it back. I guess they didn’t like what they found.” She sighed heavily.

  “I am so sorry. I should save this for later. I don’t want to ruin your happy buzz.”

  “No, it’s fine. I’m good at compartmentalizing. As I said, I was going to go straight to the bridge from here.”

  Case nodded respectfully. “Well, let me be the first to apologize for what you’ve been through. From everything I’ve heard you’ve been treated badly, and that is unfortunate. Whoever this Galina person is, she will pay for it.”

  “I believe she is Command General Galina Lyakhova, the Deputy Secretary of the Political Bureau.” All of Kita’s senses were alert. Why does a freighter pilot care? And what revenge can she extract?

  “Political Bureau clout means nothing to me. She can’t hide. She will answer for such a mistake. She has cost the Empire a serious resource.”

  Kita noticed Case’s accent changing from a spacer’s to that of a region of Texas on Earth. It was very similar to Cross’ but more sophisticated. Kita kept her body neutral while her mind worked furiously for an answer on who Case could be, to wield such power to not fear the Political Bureau. The answer appeared. “You’re a Bush.”

  Case cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. “I’m impressed. My real name is Casey Bush. The Emperor is my great grandmother.”

  “How in the Crushing Depths did you come to be a pilot on a junk freighter way out on the edge of UEE space?”

  “Bad habits and a very big independent streak. My father gave me a choice: straighten up and fly right or get out. I chose to get out. I spent some years goofing around and blowing all my money. Like every good junkie, I hit bottom, and I went to rehab. When I got out, I begged my father to pay for me to become a pilot.”

  Kita groaned inwardly. “If they hated me before, they’ll really hate me now. I took you right from under them.”

  Case put up a hand. “I chose to come. I had a good idea you were wanted. Yes, my family won’t be happy, but that’s for me to work out. I just thought you should know who’s on your team before we go any further.”

  “I will make sure you’re protected.”

  “I don’t want special protection. I can take care of myself. I grew up on a ranch in Texas and can ride, rope, shoot, and punch cattle with the best of them as well as hold a hell of a tea party or southern belle ball. I’m not tactically trained like Cross and Hawke, but I can shoot. Get me some range time with a sidearm and rifle, and I can take care of myself.”

  “Dallas comes first, but I’ll inform Hawke. Do they know who you are?”

  “I told them earlier. Jess is a mess over it.”

  “I bet,” Kita said softly as she looked up at the ceiling.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Kita looked back at Case. “About life’s little quirks. Snowy’s going to think this is funnier than the blazing suns. It also means there are three members of royalty aboard this ship, and everything that comes with that.”

  “I like to think I’ve outgrown the phase you and Cotton are in.”

  “Outgrown or haven’t had a worthy opponent?”

  “The only opponent I enjoy anymore is the Nothingness of FTL space. Those games I leave to those who have nothing better to do.”

  Kita chuckled. “And I agree with you. I don’t usually play games in such ways. I prefer to orchestrate on a much grander scale but to get into that position you have to start somewhere. Playing games with that long-eared varmint is a good way to start.”

  Case laughed. “I haven’t thought of that cartoon in decades. I’m sure Cotton wouldn’t appreciate being compared to that particular rabbit.”

  “She has a good sense of humor. She compared me to a bird on their world with a big head, naked body, and two sets of black and gold wings. I’d say we’re even.”

  “You two are going to be fun to watch.”

  Kita smiled slyly. “That invitation still stands.”

  “I think I’ll stay out of that particular slow motion cataclysmic collision.”

  “I have another important question for you. What happens if they go to war with the Empire?”

  Case sat up a straighter. “Are you questioning my loyalty to you, my friends, to the dogs, or my family?” she said harshly.

  “You don’t have to tell me. It’s fine. I guess I should be going.” Kita uncrossed her legs.

  “Sit,” Case ordered, then her face softened.

  Kita raised an eyebrow but sat back down.

  “Don’t play games with me. I’m not your bunny rabbit. Don’t even think about using me as a hostage. I won’t—”

  “That is a true insult,” Kita snapped. “I would never do such a thing. I consider you a friend. If you don’t feel the same way, that’s your choice. I do not hang my friends out to dry, and I try to be as open and as honest as I can. I just asked because if I need to get another pilot trained for Dallas, I need to start and if the need arises to get you back into Empire space safely.” Kita stood up angrily. “I will see you when I see you.” Her formal qipao changed back to her cross top. She tossed the other bodysuits she’d used on the table.

  “Kita,” Case called gently.

  Kita refused to answer.

  Case stood up and chased after her. Kita opened the door to leave.

  “Do not leave,” Case said firmly.

  Kita looked at her and glared. “I do not answer to you.”

  “If you’re my friend, hear me out.”

  Kita let the door close. “Speak, quickly.”

  “If you want to get into a princess bitch fight, I surrender, you win.” Case held up her hands. She vanished and reappeared between Kita and the door.

  "You want a whole new type of fight?" Kita said with a frown.

  Case grew a baseball-size piece of ice above her hand. She juggled it around her hand. "I’d lose. I've seen what you can do. I don't know how you were able to weaponize nanites, but it’s impressive. Mine are almost all defensive, in case of attack or if I want to leave without being noticed. I know fifty years ago they were researching it. The program never got past my grandmother’s elite guards. Too many challenges to overcome. It’d be interesting to find the person who developed them. That kind of power shouldn't be unleashed.”

  Kita scoffed. "If you don't use the power someone else will. It’s best to seize it for yourself. If you choose not to use it, that's one thing, but it's better than having it hang over your head like the sword of Damocles."

  "I don't suppose Snowy knows the answer?"

  "It's possible."

  "I'm not going to take it home. It's just general curiosity, and I know you have to be curious about yourself."

  Kita mulled it over. "Ok, fine. But you've got to do me a favor."


  "The working pilot baggy jumpsuit and braid exploding from the back of your head is fine when you're working on the freighter. But, when you're not, and you're going to hang with me, everyone's got to look their best. When I make an entrance, I want all eyes on me, and I want to let everyone know the place belongs to me."

  Case gave Kita a curious look. "Where'd you hear that little speech from?"

  Kita shrugged. "I don't remember. Why?"

  Case shook her head. "Nothing. I used to know someone who gave a similar speech, but there's no way you'd have met her. I don't suppose I can borrow some of
those hair products you have?"

  "You don't have to do it now. It's just for the future."

  Case lightly slapped Kita on the face. "Sugar, you're not the only one who can go a while without sleeping or eating."

  "I guess I won't be lonely at night anymore." Kita smiled as she left for her room.

  "You'll have to take that up with your bunny rabbit," Case said, following.

  Kita gave the bag of hair products to Case. Absentmindedly she followed the woman to the shower room.

  "So, what's it like growing up a Bush?" Kita said as she leaned against the door frame.

  Case gave Kita a sideways look. "If you're going to come in to watch, at least close the door."

  "Oh, suns," Kita said, blushing. "I'll, ah, meet you in the common room. Sorry."

  "I don't care. I just don't want one of those boys wandering in. They need all the blood they can get in the heads on their shoulders."

  Kita laughed as she closed the door. "For boys, they're not a bad group. I have to admit I have little experience with teenage boys, except for my brother."

  "I thought you had kids?" Case asked as she stripped down.

  "I did, do, but they're all Angels, so they're all girls."

  "I don't know if I could survive in a group of alpha females with powers similar to yours. A bitch fight takes on a whole new level beyond pulling hair, scratching, and breaking nails."

  "I wish I could remember so I could tell you one way or another."

  "You have my interest. How does a human become you? It's an insane amount of biomechanical and genetic engineering."

  "Do you know anything about that?"

  Case laughed. "I wouldn't be able to freeze the shower if I didn't. I have an advanced degree in it, but I never used it. It's been useful as a pilot. I understand how the interface works and why. Though I was sure I'd fried all those brain cells by the time I became a pilot."

  "So why didn't you use it?"

  "Probably the same reason you didn't stay at home and became an assassin Angel. Home life sucked. A million things that you've got to remember to do or say. You can't be yourself. It's worse than being an imperial guard, those poor bastards that can't move for their entire shift. The only acceptable escape was being a socialite. Which is fine, until you're no longer running your life, but life is running you. Sometimes you have to hit bottom before you see who and what you are.

  “I was extra stubborn. I spent almost twenty years dragging on the bottom. When I started clawing my way out, a young pilot brought me up to the cockpit of a shuttle. I think he thought he was going to score, but instead, I talked him into showing me how to fly. I don't think I ever did reward him for it," Case said with a laugh.

  "I'm sure that's not how he tells it, pig," Kita scoffed.

  "So, it's not my imagination. You really don't like men or males of any species."

  "I have my reasons," Kita muttered.

  "Care to share?"

  "Raped as a child. Bastard didn't realize I was sixteen becoming—"

  "Becoming an Angel?"

  "Becoming a monster."

  "Monster how?" Case asked as she stepped out to towel herself off.

  “Growing up I killed for the fun of it. I’d hunt down anyone who looked at me wrong. My father’s last breath was to call me a monster. It made me realize what I had become. Since then, I’ve developed some self-control.”

  "So you have rules?"

  "Yes, they're not set in stone or anything, but it's a balancing act between desires and goals. You're taking this extremely well, for a human. Cotton took it like I told her I had two hands. I'm curious to know what I'm missing about the Verisom.”

  Case ran some hair product through her hair. "Like all royal families there are some black, black sheep," she said, bent over at the waist. "I've heard of and seen mild examples of the evil a human can do. I'm not scared by it, and I stopped being repulsed a long time ago. Toward the end it was just 'ugh, do we have deal with this again?’ Unfortunately, it's not like you can institutionalize them. That’d ruin our public image. So, treatment is in-house. Thankfully, it was never in my house."

  "My parents just covered it up like nothing was wrong. Not that they had much to do, I usually took care of the bodies."

  "So, what's your body count?"

  "One thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight."

  "I'd ask if you were joking, but I know the answer. I suppose anymore that's a drop in the bucket."

  "I remember everyone I've killed or has died because of me. It's... a very large number, let's leave it at that."

  "It weighs heavily on you?"

  "Yes and no. I don't care that I killed them. I remember them because it's my way of trying to simulate the guilt and shame that should come with it. The ones that do cause me to pause and frown are all those who have died in my service. They deserve to be remembered by someone. Many are forgotten, except by me, and they all deserve far better than that."

  Case brushed her hair out and tied one side back, and the other fell alluring over her face. She motioned for Kita's makeup kit. "That is a highly respectable thing to do," she said as she worked through the steps of applying makeup. "It is something I think our, ah, the UEE doesn't do enough of. The Shadow Fleet isn't supposed to exist, but even if a Political Bureau or Legionnaire dies it's no big thing. Often, families aren't notified for months, years, or ever."

  "The people that serve you loyally deserve everything you can give them. They kept their part of the deal, and you must keep yours."

  Case gave Kita back her kit. "I'm beginning to see why they don't like you." She shook out a bodysuit.

  "Why's that?"

  "You're making them look bad." Case sealed her bodysuit and shaped it to black combat fatigues and boots, with a tight white sports bra on top.

  "Hawke is going to freak."

  "Eh, if he gets antsy I can always make the top into a jacket. But I thought this went well with the general environment of the ship. I just need to find a pair of pistols."

  "I know just the place."

  They crept down the hallway to Hawke's room. Grasping hands, they phased inside. On the table, Hawke had all of his collected weapons laid out neatly.

  "Ugh, he would sleep naked," said Case.

  Kita held a finger to her lips as she crept up to the sleeping man. She took out her compact and set the color to purple. With a feather light touch, she drew two elephant ears and eyes on either side of his penis. Case motioned for the kit. She took out the lipstick and set it to a neon green color. After applying it to her lips, she kissed the tip of his penis leaving a big set of lip prints. Satisfied with their mischief, they helped themselves to Hawke's guns then vanished back to the hallway.

  "We've got to stop by the galley and get something to wash my mouth out with," Case said, sticking out her tongue.

  "He's going to be so pissed when he wakes up," Kita giggled and gave her a cleaning cloth for her lips.

  "He's going to blame you. He doesn’t know I can phase."

  "It wasn't me," Kita said innocently. "So, will those work?"

  "These are nice, not my daddy's fifties, but I'm betting these Diamock shooters pack a punch."

  "If we've got time before shift starts we can go down to the range."

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They went to the door and hurried to the elevator. They nearly knocked Cotton to the floor.

  "Babe," Kita exclaimed happily. She jumped into the Verisom’s arms and kissed her.

  "Kita, this is a surprise. I was coming for you."

  "We're going to go talk to Snowy. I was going to call you to join us."

  "Us?" Cotton looked at Case suspiciously.

  "Just me," Case said, revealing her full face.

  "Your pilot?" Cotton said with a disapproving look.

  "She's fine," Kita assured her. "She's one of the big bitch club."

  Cotton blinked and twitched an ear asking Kita to explain.

're not the only princess aboard," Case said and smiled.

  "Excuse me?" Cotton said, her whiskers twitching.

  "Case is part of the royal family back in the UEE," said Kita. "Directly related to the Emperor."

  "Why is she here?"

  "Because I like to pilot, I don't really care much for my family, and this seemed to be an adventure worth having," said Case.

  Cotton frowned.

  "Oh, don't be like that," said Kita. She put her arms around Cotton and kissed her several times. "You're the only one I want. Case and I are just out having fun and causing some mischief before we go back on duty in a couple of hours."

  "It better be just fun and mischief," Cotton said flatly.

  Kita didn't know Cotton’s subtle expressions to tell if she was mad or something else.

  "I’m joking. It’s fine," Cotton said with a smile and poking Kita in the ribs.

  Kita jumped and squeaked.

  Case burst out laughing. "Neptune's rings, that was adorable."

  Kita playfully slapped Cotton's arm and kicked the control panel with her foot and the elevator door closed.

  “Hey, Snowy,” Kita said excitedly when the big cat appeared.

  Snowy yawned. “Ok, this time, I was sleeping. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better. What’s up?”

  “We’ve got some questions for you.”

  “We?” Snowy asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Kita zoomed out. “Us.” Kita hugged the others at the same time.

  “Oh, Princess,” Snowy made a few sounds while wiggling her nose and ears. Cotton reciprocated.

  “Hey, what about me?” said Kita. “I don’t speak bunny.”

  “I’m telling her how wonderful you are,” Cotton said and kissed Kita on the cheek.

  “I want to tell her how wonderful I am.”

  Snowy laughed. “She hasn’t changed much. Good luck, Princess. You’re going to need it.”

  “What did you tell her?” Kita demanded playfully of Cotton.

  “I told her you’re mine, and she said I’ll have my hands full. I told her I’m not blind, and I can handle you. She then laughed at me, but promised to answer any questions and offered support when I need it.”


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