Rebirth (Game of the Gods Book 1)

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Rebirth (Game of the Gods Book 1) Page 41

by L. Fergus

  “I have three people by my side. That’s all I need. Let them try and stop us.”

  “Where are you going to go? It’s a space station. There are no hidden reefs or forgotten stations in which to hide. Come make a deal. Not everyone sees it as you think.”

  “Then let them come find us. If I had been in their place and someone had done what I’d done, I would be begging Sheppard to find them and bring them to me. If it were a she I’d make her an Angel. If it was male, I’d have another bear. If it were a whole bloody ship, I’d put it under my personal flag and put them to work.”

  Snowy sighed. “You’re not far off. Some want to do something similar.”

  “We don’t want that. We are not some caged birds to be shown off. They think we’re weak and powerless. Let them come find out how wrong they are.” The four Angels turned as one, brandishing fists of steel, ice, fire, and mass acceleration.

  Kita raised her fingers ready to snap as her heat shield closed over the four. A hurricane force wind blew Snowy inside the shield. The cat reached out and grabbed Kita’s fingers.

  “You’d kill your own girlfriend?”

  “Why isn’t she out here arguing?”

  “Because she’s inside arguing with her queen, while Hali argues with her elder. The Diamocks are confused. They don’t understand why you left. You let that stupid old lion get to you. The Kita I knew wouldn’t have let that happen. You three should know better. I know you want to present a unified front because you don’t want to be bullied or plowed under. But you need to think. We console, play, and greet as a group, so we need to think like one, too.”

  “Fine, but I’m blowing them up if I don’t like their answer.”

  “That’d be a bloody good assassination,” said Valor.

  “Don’t give her any ideas,” Snowy told the tiny Angel.

  Kita put her arms around Snowy and squeezing her tight. “I miss that fur.”

  “Hush. You’ve got bunny fur,” Snowy said quietly.

  “Quick, save them from themselves,” said Defiance. “Group hug.”

  “Ooph,” Kita gasped as the others squeezed her and Snowy.

  “Come on, let’s get back and think of an excuse for why you left,” said Snowy.

  “She had to go to the bathroom,” said Valor.

  “I haven’t had to go to the bathroom since I was PL,” said Kita.

  “Maybe that’s why you’re cranky.”

  Kita corralled Valor around the neck and noogied her gently.

  “If you’re not careful I’ll bite your ankle,” Valor said as she fixed her hair.

  “At least you know your place,” said Defiance.

  “I can bite some other places, too.”

  “Kneecaps,” said Sheppard.

  The entire group laughed.

  The doors to the ballroom blew open with a bang. The temperature in the room plunged below freezing. Sheets of water jetted into the room, froze, and hung in the air. A laser beam cut the sheets into pieces. The scraps formed a pile in the center of the room. A set of icicles rose from the floor. The sheets joined and settled on the other set of icicles to form a curved couch with a sloped low back perfect for sitting with wings.

  Kita entered the room and flung a pair of fireballs at the pile of ice. The ice burned like a campfire. The Angels entered behind Kita and moved to sit on the couch.

  Ignoring the different leaders’ looks, Kita walked to the giant red ball and reabsorbed it. She squatted down next to the table of the Diamocks.

  “Sorry, Admiral, General, we needed a moment to talk among ourselves. We’re very interested in continuing our relationship with your people, military, and government.”

  Vink touched Kita’s shoulder. “We understand, Vicereine. We’re very interested in discussing what we can offer each other. And don’t worry about Lear. The cat sits on money and thinks he can buy the rest of us. We’ll pull some of our ships protecting his shipping lanes to remind him.”

  “What’s out there that he should worry about?”

  “Pirates, raiders, both independent and corporate, and if something happens we come to their aid,” said Verk.

  “He has definitely gotten under my feathers.”

  “Normally we wouldn’t deal with him directly, to remind him of his place. He’s going after you because he can’t get at us. Let us make you a formal offer, and he’ll back down.”

  “Thank you.”

  Verk smiled at Kita. “I think you have a personal visitor.”

  Cotton stood waiting. “Oh, you know about that then, ma’am?”

  “You can’t miss the kiss of the year between the Verisom war hero and our own.”

  Kita shrugged innocently. The female Diamock patted Kita’s hand. Cotton gently tugged Kita over to a corner.

  “Can you please tell Case to turn up the heat?” Cotton said, her teeth chattering. “I know it’s you and not an environmental system problem.”

  “Oh? I didn’t notice. We don’t feel hot or cold.”

  “Squirrel nuts, you know about it.”

  Kita created a sheet of flame and put it around Cotton. “Better?”

  “For me. Everyone else in the room is freezing, too.”

  “Then let them say something.”

  “They won’t let you think you have power over them.”

  “Case can really drop the temperature in here if that’ll help them believe we carry power.” Cotton shivered with a frown. “What’s bugging you?”

  “Are you really going to work for the Diamocks?”

  “I haven’t gotten any other offers, just dirty looks. Plus, I do have a ship and a crew that belongs to them. And, Snowy ranks high with them. They see us how we want to be seen. They seem to understand the best way to hold onto snow is with an open hand, unlike the rest of these fools, who want to crush us in their fists. They’ll find out we’ll melt right on through. Why, do you have another suggestion?”

  “I was hoping you’d come to Verisom.”

  “Your queen shot me a look that suggested I should be plucked, battered, and fried. That’s not very inviting.”

  “I’ve been working on her. You’ve got my ship, you don’t need the Diamocks.”

  Kita sighed. “There’s more than just a ship. It’s how we’re seen, how we’re treated. The freedom to do what we want.”

  “So you’re going to the most controlled society in the galaxy?”

  “We haven’t made our deal yet. If we don’t like it, we’ll walk.” Cotton ears twitched disapprovingly as she looked at the ground. “Why, what was your dream?”

  “That you’d come live in my Warren.”

  “And your ship?”

  “Lease it out to the highest bidder.”

  Kita frowned. That’s not what she wanted at all. “I still have to unlock and find the rest of me. I’ll be searching all over this galaxy and maybe others. I need a ship.”

  “Then use mine.”

  “You don’t want to come?”

  “Kita, it’s dangerous out there. We could have been killed today. I can’t shake off being shot three times. I’m a warrior, but not a super warrior like you Angels. Where do I fit in? Look at them.”

  The other Angels cuddled on the couch, enjoying the fire. “What’s wrong with it?”

  “You’re all so smugly confident. That’s what everyone hates.”

  “I think we’ve earned the right to be.”

  “No, you have the power to be. Have you earned the right to be?”

  “Yes. Here and for a long time before. I think you can be one of us, but there’s no room for doubt. Ask any of the others. Take some time and think about it.” She kissed Cotton on the cheeks and left for the fire at the center of the room.

  Kita opened her arms. The flames climbed to the ceiling and spread across it. When they reached the walls, they crawled down to the floor. “I was told some old bones were cold. If I could produce warm milk and blankets, I would.” She looked at Lear. “Tell me, Leatus, h
ow old are you? Fifty, sixty? I’m so bad at guessing the age of cats. How about you, Cauliflower? Cotton says bunnies don’t live to be that old. So, forty, fifty?”

  The elder bunny didn’t look amused.

  “How about you, Elder Statesman?” she asked the Aurorian.

  “I’m thirty-six,” said Hali.

  “And how old do you think I am?”

  Hali shrugged.

  “Early thirties,” said Cotton.

  Kita looked at Snowy. “Damn. Have I begun to wrinkle?”

  Snowy giggled. “Finally time for a facelift.”

  Kita rolled her eyes. “I understand why you think that. Angels play hard and act young. For a very good reason. Time means nothing to Angels. We still have our babies. Valor and Defiance are under a hundred. Sheppard’s just a smidge over…”

  Sheppard laughed. “Why, thank you.”

  “Trying to be nice.” Kita bowed. “But we have our elders, too. I’m over ten thousand years old. And we won’t get into how old Snowy is…But she’s ancient.”

  Kita jumped as a mild bolt of electricity struck her. Snowy sat back with a smug smile as the others in the room looked at her in amazement.

  Snowy put her arm around Sheppard and looked at Verk and Vink. She shrugged. “Sorry, but I have to keep some secrets for myself.”

  The pair of Diamock’s exchanged curious looks.

  Kita rubbed her butt where the bolt had hit her. It didn’t take much to give her a real jolt. Kita waved the other Angels over to her. Kita and Defiance waved their arms. Flame and ice vanished as the temperature returned to normal.

  “Do not think for a moment—,” said Sheppard.

  “That we’re here to gain your respect—,” said Valor.

  “We act this way because—,” said Defiance.

  “Except for one, we don’t respect you—,” said Snowy.

  “Your kingdoms, empires, and nations will fall—,” said Kita.

  “And we will still be here,” the Angels said together. With Snowy in the lead, the Angels left the room.

  Cotton wondered what to do. Kita was being exceptionally difficult at the moment, and it only made her position harder. The Diamocks nodded at each other. They got up and marched toward the door.

  “Where are you going?” Lear asked them.

  “When they were talking about respect, I doubt they were talking about any of you,” replied Verk sounding amused.

  “You would dare slight us by helping them?” Lear roared.

  “Kita earned the respect of a crew and became captain of the ship in a matter of days, she defeated the enemy fleet with a single ship, and Snowy speaks highly of her. If you have any reports on them, then you know they barely eat or sleep, each is a trained warrior, they can operate in space without gear, and they each have more and stronger abilities than a squad of Aurorians. Whatever Kita wants is worth the price if she comes when called.”

  “Even if it means giving her absolute freedom?” said Cotton.

  “She can keep Mauler, and her friends are more than welcome. They are a force in themselves. It’s a team that only comes together in generations. And to them, it seems to be normal.”

  “Kita may be a media darling now, General, but she seems to be the type to crave the attention,” said D’asora. The woman looked at Cotton for emphasis.

  Cotton’s ears flushed.

  “We’ll worry about the media, Elder. And what she does with her personal life is her choice. No Diamock is looking into yours. Who are we to get into other species’ reproduction lives?”

  “We won’t forget this,” Lear growled.

  “Do what you all feel like you need to do,” said Vink. “We feel we have a combat and morale multiplier worth having.” The two Diamocks left.

  The scene had all the hallmarks of Kita: a flipped table and tossed chairs, the angry faces of leaders, and the abandoned tables of allies. She was like a tornado. Cotton’s faith was shaken. Her heart hurt. She wasn’t sure if she wanted any part of Kita.

  “Cotton, I hope this shows that I’m right about dumping that creature,” said Cauliflower. “She’s nothing but trouble and chaos.”

  Cotton bowed her head to her queen. She wanted to talk to Hali, but the Aurorian was gone.

  Kita and the other Angels stood at the end of the hallway. Valor was making her best impression of King Lear while Hali approached.

  “And what does the pretty want?” said Defiance.

  “I, ah…I wanted to officially join your team.”

  “This isn’t the army,” said Sheppard. “And we’re not recruiting.”

  “Well, yes, I know, but I worked with you before, and I thought since you knew me…”

  “I know your name and rank, and you know which end of a pistol not to look down. That’s kind of it,” said Kita. “People don’t volunteer to work with me, I ask them to join me. You haven’t given me any reason to think you’re special. You don’t even seem to be a good diplomat.”

  “That’s because I don’t want to be a diplomat. I liked being an operative. I did it as long as I was able before being forced to retire into the diplomatic corps. I’m driven to fight, not negotiate. But, there’s little room for that on Aurora. I’m a Diamock trapped in an Aurorian body.”

  “Ew,” said Valor.

  “Not really, I share the Diamocks’ love of fighting and combat. I don’t mean…”

  “We know what you mean, including Jess,” said Kita. “As interesting as that is, that doesn’t prove much.”

  “Give me a pistol and a target, and I’ll hit it. I’ll take on Onyx one-on-one if you want. I’m not scared.”

  Kita tapped her finger against her cheek. “Do I really need you, though?” Kita looked at Sheppard. “Do you have your knife and pistol?”

  Sheppard silenced the pistol and handed them to her. Kita gave the pistol to Hali. She created three balls of water.

  “You mind freezing these for me, love?” Kita said to Defiance.

  Defiance put her lips together and blew on the water.

  Kita laughed at the other Angel’s sultry style. “Damn, they’re ice, not dice.”

  Defiance smiled and shrugged. “She’s going to need the luck.”

  “Hit them,” Kita ordered, tossing the ice down the hallway.

  Hali fired four times and hit all three targets.

  “Not bad,” said Kita.

  “Kita, she just hit three moving one-inch balls with a pistol she’s never held before. That’s impressive,” said Sheppard.

  “This is the real test.” Kita flipped the knife in her hand and offered it to Hali. “My people don’t let fear stop them. I want a piece of Lear’s mane. Bring it to me. Go.”

  Her hand shaking, Hali took the knife and walked down the hall staring at it.

  “At what point does common sense override overcoming fear?” Snowy asked with a chuckle.

  The Angels watched as Hali passed the two Diamock Politburo members. Kita greeted the pair.

  “We’re very interested in discussing an arrangement,” said Vink.

  “We are as well,” said Kita with a smile. “But it might have to include asylum for a member.”

  Verk’s quill’s moved to display disapproval. “Which member and why?”

  “We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  The two Diamocks looked at each other.

  “I doubt it will lead to anything. If you’re finished here, we can leave.”

  “You’re not going back in?” said Vink.

  “Should I?”

  “It’d be wise to let them know you’re finished with them. If you don’t mind, we can tell the other powers any further inquiries can be directed to us. If it’s a negative one we can drown it in more bureaucracy than an Aurorian can dream up in a decade.”

  “Do you really think she’ll do it?” asked Valor.

  “If she does I’ll personally train her to be an assassin,” said Kita.

  A door down the hallway banged open. Hali
came running out, a giant tuft of Djinn mane in her hand. Djinn and Verisom guards came sprinting toward the Angels.

  “Case, let’s see if they can skate,” said Kita, pointing to the floor.

  Defiance coated the hallway with ice. The guards hit the ice and landed in a heap. Defiance encased them.

  Hali sprinted to a stop in front of Kita. “Is this enough?”

  Kita took the fistful of hair and laughed harshly. “I wish I could’ve seen that crusty old bastard’s face. Welcome to the sorority, sister. Only one in a million would have the stones to do this.”

  “You didn’t think I’d do it?”

  “Most people would’ve turned it down outright,” said Snowy. “Others would freeze at the door. A few might enter the room and chicken out. Only you have skinned a cat.”

  “I guess Kita’s got a new assassin in training,” said Valor.

  “If she wants,” said Kita.

  “If I want to be an assassin?” said Hali.

  “We’re also counterespionage agents and thieves. Every once in a while, we might get a mission of humiliation. The fact that you took the mission is enough to show your loyalty to our group.”

  Hali beamed with pride. “I won’t let you down.”

  “Just do your best, train hard, be loyal to the group, and be yourself,” said Sheppard.

  A load roar came down the hallway as Lear and his assistants appeared from the door. The lion spotted Hali and gave a wall-shaking roar as he ripped his suit off and dropped to all fours. He and his assistants charged toward Hali and the Angels.

  “Took him long enough,” said Kita as she moved to the head of the group. She blocked the big Djinn’s path with her wings.

  Lear scrambled up to be face-to-face with Kita. “The Aurorian is mine,” he snarled.

  “No, she’s mine. If you want her, you have to come through me.”

  The lion roared and slashed at Kita with his large paw of a hand. Kita flopped down on the ground, her face burning from a trio of deep gashes from the Djinn’s claws. Before she could get back up, a lighter, higher pitched cat scream rang down the hallway.

  Snowy leaped over Kita, hitting Lear’s massive chest. Lear stumbled as Snowy screamed and snarled while standing over Kita. Her long metallic claws slid out from the top of her hands. She swiped at the Djinns, driving them backward.


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