Gate of the Gods: Book 5 of The Windows of Heaven

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Gate of the Gods: Book 5 of The Windows of Heaven Page 63

by K. G. Powderly Jr.

  Civilizations reach points of no return also. Pretending it is not so will not make it go away. It is what it is.

  The argument that temporal sin does not deserve eternal punishment will not wash. We are eternal beings, and even if we were not, the claim still would not fit reality. If a man murders another man in a fit of rage that only takes a few seconds, does that mean his punishment should only take a few seconds? What about the chain of cause-and-effect unleased by his “momentary lapse”? What about the fatherless children who will now grow up less supervised, at greater risk because the victim’s widow must work full time just to feed them? The cycle goes on.

  (Fortunately, this is not crippling. God brings good from evil. Single parents, please don’t lose heart at my illustration—I’m only showing that there really is no such thing as a “temporal sin.”)

  My point is that, bad as the bad news really is, the Good News is greater. We simply live in a generation that has forgotten how bad the bad news is, and so cannot often fully appreciate the Good News for what it is. My hope is that my little stories, which are based on greater ones, will help us all understand and appreciate.

  Thank you for your kind attention,

  K.G. Powderly Jr.

  Suggested Reading

  For a general understanding of science philosophy issues, and why science and faith are not totally separate and mutually exclusive domains in real life (even among Secularists):

  Pearcey, Nancy R. & Thaxton, Charles B. The Soul of Science, Crossway Books (1994), Wheaton, Ill.

  Eastman, Mark M.D., and Missler, Chuck. The Creator Beyond Time and Space, The Word for Today (1996)

  Colson, Charles, and Pearcey, Nancy, How Now Shall We Live? (1999) Tyndale House

  Mortenson, Terry, The Great Turning Point, (2004) Master Books

  Powderly, K.G. Jr. One Faith – Many Transitions: World-views in Church History, Iuniverse (2002)

  For understanding an alternative approach to microbiology and biochemistry that rejects evolution on “secular” scientific grounds:

  From the point of view of scientists who are grappling with this issue without advocating Creationism, see Michael Denton’s Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (Adler and Adler – 1986)

  For a look into the growing realm of “Intelligent Design” biological theory, see molecular biologist M.J. Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution (The Free Press – 1996).

  How Intelligent Design arises logically from secular academic Information Theory: Werner Gitt’s In the Beginning was Information (CLV – 1997)

  On Noah’s Ark:

  Noah’s Ark: Thinking Outside the Box, Tim Lovett, Master Books 2008

  Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study, John Woodmorappe, ICR Books

  Dating and interpreting the fossil record in general, human fossils in particular, and the advanced condition ancient man:

  For the fossil record of Flood geology, see Faith, Form, and Time by paleontologist Kurt P. Wise Ph.D. (Broadman & Holman, 2002)

  The Genius of Ancient Man, Don Landis, Master Books, 2012

  Thousands Not Billions: Challenging an Icon of Evolution, Questioning the Age of the Earth, Dr. Don DeYoung, Master Books 2005, (A layman’s overview of the Radioisotopes and Age of The Earth [RATE] experiments.)

  Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No! by biochemist Dr. Duane T. Gish (1995 - ICR Books)

  The same problem with human fossil transitions is covered exhaustively in Marvin L. Lubenow’s updated Bones of Contention, (2004 – Baker Books)

  For an excellent in-depth analysis of the statistical and ideological pitfalls involved with the reasoning used in modern radio-isotope dating methods by an expert in the field, read:

  The Mythology of Modern Dating Methods, by John Woodmorappe, ICR Books (1999)

  The Genesis Flood, by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris, (1961 – Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.)

  Earth’s Catastrophic Past: Geology, Creation, and the Flood, Dr. Andrew Snelling, (ICR Books, 2010)

  For understanding an alternative scientific approach to cosmology and astronomy:

  Starlight and Time, by physicist Dr. D. Russell Humphreys (1994), Master Books

  Starlight, Time, and the New Physics, Dr. John Hartnett, CMI Books

  Astronomy and the Bible, by astronomer Dr. Donald B. DeYoung, (1989), Baker Book House

  For historical and fossil evidences that men and “dinosaurs” coexisted:

  Cooper, Bill; After the Flood, ©1995 New Wine Press, W. Sussex,

  Dragon Accounts in Historical Documents and the Bible,

  Eric Lyons, Kyle Butt, Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans, Parts 1 and 2, Apologetics Press 2008

  Also by K.G. Powderly Jr.

  Dawn Apocalypse Rising – Book 1 of The Windows of Heaven

  The Paladin’s Odyssey – Book 2 of The Windows of Heaven

  A Broken Paradise – Book 3 of The Windows of Heaven

  The Tides of Nemesis – Book 4 of The Windows of Heaven

  One Faith – Many Transitions: World-views in Church History 2nd Edition (Non-fiction)

  The Ancient Landmarks of American Culture: Why Some Things Should Never Be Moved (Non-fiction) (limited edition)

  Canticles for the Seven Churches (devotional) coming soon




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