Elusive Hope

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Elusive Hope Page 30

by Marylu Tyndall

  “Do not call me that.” Hayden seethed, snapping hair from his face. “Now leave before I finish what I started the other night.”

  Patrick held up his palms. “You would murder an unarmed man?”

  “You would ravish an innocent woman?”

  Magnolia didn’t know whether to be elated that Hayden had come to her rescue or frightened at the ensuing battle. She scanned the clearing for something with which to strike Patrick.

  Hayden took a step toward his father, hands fisted at his sides. “Go!”

  One corner of Patrick’s lips twitched. “Very well. Calm yourself, boy. I’m leaving.” Straightening his coat, he tipped his head toward Magnolia and started away. Hayden unclenched his fists and glanced at Magnolia. Just one tiny glance that took his eyes from Patrick for but a second. And the beast took advantage and slugged Hayden across the jaw.

  His head jerked to the side. He stumbled backward. Yet even before Hayden recovered, he pummeled his father in the chest, knocking the man off balance. Grabbing his coat to keep him upright, Hayden slugged him in the stomach. A left and then a right before landing a final blow to his head. The vile man once again fell to the dirt.

  Patrick rolled across the leaves,reaching inside his coat. Scrambling, turning, grunting, he finally leapt to his knees. Blood seeped from lips that formed a slow grin—a devilish grin that seemed to have a life of its own in the flickering light. Plucking a pistol from within his coat, he leveled it at Hayden. Hayden froze. The gun cocked. Magnolia’s breath halted. Patrick pulled the trigger.


  The sharp crack of Patrick’s pistol reverberated in Hayden’s ears. Magnolia screamed. Gun smoke pinched his nose. Sweat dribbled down his neck as a numbness crept up his legs, his thighs, and onto his torso. He patted his chest, searching for the wound that surely must be there, all the while wondering why he felt no pain. Perhaps the absence was God’s way of sparing those who were dying from last-minute agony. Yet, when he raised his hands, no blood appeared on them anywhere.

  His father had missed.

  Dashing to Hayden, Magnolia seemed equally shocked, her teary eyes scanning him from head to toe before falling into his arms. He absorbed her like a root absorbed water, her feminine scent wiping away the anger and smoke from his nose. It was good to hold her again.

  Tossing down his gun, Patrick cursed and drew a knife.

  Nudging Magnolia behind him, Hayden faced his father. “Killing your own son? I thought at least that was beneath you, Patrick.”

  “You’ve become a nuisance, Hayden. Besides, you already tried to kill your own father, so what does that make you?” Moonlight glinted on the blade as he flipped the knife expertly in his hand. “And it appears you’ve stolen my lady’s affections. An insult that cannot go unchallenged.”

  Fingers twitching at the chance to put an end to this, Hayden slowly drew the knife from his belt. He could kill his father right here and now. And what better excuse? The man had assaulted Magnolia and shot at Hayden. No one would blame Hayden at all.

  Patrick circled him, his eyes obsidian in the darkness—empty, hard obsidian that reminded Hayden of the vision of Julianne, the way her eyes had changed, the presence of evil surrounding her.

  “Stop this at once! Both of you!” Magnolia shouted, her voice broken and desperate.

  Patrick charged, his blade gleaming. Hayden sidestepped then barreled into the man’s side, sending them both to the ground. Round and round in the mud and leaves they went. Patrick groaned and grunted, his spittle spraying. Pain sliced Hayden’s arm. Releasing his father, he leapt back and jumped to his feet, holding back the blood beneath his sleeve.

  “Hayden, no!” Magnolia cried.

  Patrick bounced up with more agility than his age should have allowed. Brushing leaves from his coat, he stretched his neck. A malicious grin alighted on his lips. “How does it feel to have your father’s cast offs?” He gestured toward Magnolia.

  “How dare you?” Magnolia stomped her foot, bent to pick up a rock, and tossed it at Patrick. He ducked, chuckling. Groaning, she went off in search of another while Hayden assessed his enemy.

  “If you’re fool enough to release such a treasure what is that to me?” Hayden dove for the man, seeing nothing but the path from his knife to Patrick’s heart.

  But Patrick blocked that path with a quick thrust of his arm and then twisted to ram his blade toward Hayden’s stomach. He would have succeeded in planting a fatal wound if Hayden hadn’t lunged backward. As it was, Patrick’s attack loosened the knife from Hayden’s hand. It fell with an ominous thud to the dirt. Heart in his throat, Hayden searched the ground to retrieve it, but darkness kept it hidden.

  “Aha!” Patrick sauntered toward him, his expression one of ravenous glee.

  A flash of blue calico blocked him from view. “Stop this nonsense, Patrick!” Magnolia pounded on his father’s chest. “He is your son. You beast! You horrible beast!”

  Hayden charged toward her. Foolish woman. The man would take no thought to kill her if she became a nuisance. He reached out to shove her aside when Patrick grabbed her wrists and locked them together. “Ah, my dearest, how utterly quaint.” She tried to kick him, but he sprang out of her way. “The woman fights better than you do, Hayden!”

  The sight of Patrick’s knife gleaming in the moonlight so close to Magnolia’s throat kept Hayden in place. “Leave her be. Your fight is with me.”

  “As you wish.” Patrick released Magnolia with a violent shove, sending her crashing to the ground in a puff of skirts.

  Fury took charge. Hayden fisted Patrick in the stomach. His groan was but momentary. Leaning over, he grabbed something from the ground and then rushed Hayden. Hayden could barely react before something struck him over the head. His vision clouded. His legs liquefied. And he dropped to the ground, fighting to keep conscious.

  Tossing a rock aside, Patrick pounced on him, jamming Hayden’s shoulders into the dirt. Overhead, branches and leaves spun around a sprinkling of stars. He heard Magnolia’s faint sobs. A glimmer flashed in his eyes and pain seared his neck. His father’s face filled his vision, crinkled in rage. “Why did you have to find me? Why didn’t you leave me alone? Now, you force my hand.”

  Hayden knew it was all over. His father would kill him. God help me!

  His head began to clear. His strength returned. His father still hovered over him, knife to Hayden’s throat, hesitating. Was there some goodness in the man after all?

  “Sorry,” was all Patrick said before he inhaled as if to gather strength for the task. In a burst of energy, Hayden kneed him in the groin and shoved him aside. Moonlight flashed on the knife as Hayden plucked it from his father’s hand and held it to his throat.

  “One move. One breath. And it will be your last.”

  Lantern light circled them as if they were performers in some gruesome play.

  Terror etched across Patrick’s eyes.

  This was the moment Hayden had waited for his entire life. The moment he had planned, sought after, dreamed of during long, sleepless nights. This was the moment he would honor his mother’s memory. This was the moment he would have his revenge.

  The blade quivered over his father’s coarse skin.

  Magnolia groaned. Her skirts swished. If the man had hurt her!

  A stream of blood trickled from the tip of the blade. Just another inch and Hayden would cut the artery that fed this vile man’s brain.


  Forgive? Had Hayden heard correctly? Forgive the death of his mother? Forgive the years he’d spent on the street, eating scraps not fit for rats. Forgive the frostbite and lice and sores and a belly that had clawed up his throat at the mere scent of food. Yet…hadn’t God forgiven Hayden of all his wicked acts? Until now, Hayden had no idea how difficult that task must have been for God—forgiving those who hurt Him, who reject Him and renounce Him. Sending His own Son to die in their stead—Hayden’s stead.

  Hayden swallowed, gripping the
knife tighter. Could Hayden send someone he loved to their death for this man? No.

  But what of justice, God?


  Patrick swallowed, deepening the cut. His breath heightened.

  Hayden’s fingers trembled. Sweat dripped onto his father’s chest. Hayden was not God. Not even close. He couldn’t forgive him.


  He ground his jaw together so hard he thought it would burst. But still he waited, seeking the strength of his new Father. If God was inside him somewhere, that strength would come.

  And it did. Pity replaced anger. Sorrow replaced the need for revenge. And he shoved off his father and stood.

  “Go.” He waved the blade toward the jungle. “Go!”

  Patrick struggled to rise and, without a word, dashed into the leaves.

  After ensuring he was gone, Hayden searched for Magnolia but found only a lump of shadowy skirts. Terrified, he knelt beside her reaching for her, praying she wasn’t injured. Arms emerged from the darkness and looped around his neck. “Oh, Hayden, I thought he would kill you.”

  “So did I.” He chuckled, feeling the blood trickle down his neck beneath his shirt. “Are you hurt?”

  “I must have hit my head. I couldn’t move. By the time I was finally able to sit, you held a knife to Patrick’s throat.”

  “Can you walk?”

  “I think so.”

  Hayden wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her to her feet. She stumbled and leaned on him as he led her back to the creek and lowered her to a boulder. Grabbing the lantern, he examined her head. No blood. Just a slight bump. The sight caused his anger to rise again. He forced it down.

  “I’m all right, Hayden, but you…” She touched the bloody gash on his arm and gasped when she saw his neck. Pulling a handkerchief from her pocket, she dipped it in the creek and dabbed the wound, her face puckering in angst.

  He stayed her hand and engulfed it in his, searching her eyes, longing for things to be the way they used to be. She cupped his cheek, running her fingers over his jaw. “You didn’t kill him. It’s what you’ve always wanted. Why?”

  Releasing her hand, Hayden stood. He drew a deep breath and stared at the moonlit water whirling and bubbling down the creek bed. “I’ve come to realize revenge only causes more heartache. Forgiveness is better.” He shifted his shoulders and smiled.“Quite freeing, actually.”

  “Forgiveness? I never would have expected you to say such a thing.”

  “God has changed me.”

  “God? Now I know I’m dreaming.” She stood and pressed the cloth to his arm. “We should have Eliza look at this.”

  He placed his hand over hers. “You took care of me when I had far worse injuries.”

  Her eyes lifted to his, liquid sapphires brewing with turmoil. “Would that we had never left the jungle, Hayden.”

  He’d give anything if that were true. If they could both go back to a time before Patrick appeared. Before everything changed. But they couldn’t. And despite her care for him now, despite the look of love burning in her eyes, they never could. “I’m leaving Brazil.”

  Jaw dropping, she jerked from his touch. “Leaving? Why?” But then her hand was on his again, sudden joy lighting her face. “Take me. We’ll go together. Like we planned.”

  Hayden shook his head and looked away, not wanting to see the pain in her eyes—not wanting to see his own pain reflected there. “I can’t.”

  “I don’t understand.” Her voice etched with desperation.

  Hayden made his way to the creek and stared over the water flowing past in peaks and valleys, much like his life. “Every time I look at you, I see you in my father’s arms.”

  “Well stop seeing that, you stubborn fool! And see me only in your arms.”

  “Would that it were that easy.” He faced her and was sorry he did. She’d never looked so lost, so completely and utterly lost. Not because of the dirt blotching her face. Not because of her hair tumbling over her shoulders. But because of the look of desperation, of hopelessness in her eyes. “You are a constant reminder of him. I’ve wasted fifteen years thinking of that man. I need to forget him for the next fifteen.”

  “He and I were engaged less than a year. Nothing untoward happened between us.”

  “I know that.” Against his better judgment, he caressed her cheek. So soft. He never wanted to forget it. “You are a lady through and through.”

  She leaned into his hand and closed her eyes. A soft sigh spilled from her lips. Before they drew tight and she tore away from him. “So, God helps you forgive him, but you cannot forgive me!”

  “There’s nothing to forgive, Princess.”

  “You have no right to call me that. Not anymore.” She took up a pace, bunching her skirts with her fists.

  Hayden sighed. “I’m truly sorry.” More sorry than she knew. For if he didn’t leave soon, he was sure he’d toss aside his resolve and take her in his arms. But now he’d sparked her temper. Good. Her ire would aid him greatly.

  “Sorry?” She shot him a feral look. “You are no better than my father—punishing me for succumbing to Patrick’s charms!” A tiny vein pulsed in her neck. “And just like Patrick, you ask to court me one minute and the next you trample my affections beneath your traitorous hooves. You think you are different from your father. You are not!” She halted, spearing him with her contempt. “You are a man who lures women to fall in love with you only to break their hearts.” The anger faded and the tears began. Grabbing her skirts, she took the lantern and darted from the clearing. Leaves swallowed her up like darkness swallowing light.


  James plopped the open book down on Blake’s desk and pointed to the lines of Hebrew he’d finally managed to translate. “You need to know this.”

  “What? More ancient prophecies? More riddles we can’t solve?” Blake laid down his pen and rose, stretching the kinks out of his back. “It’s far too beautiful a morning for such dismal tidings.” He glanced out the window where the rising sun flung spires of emerald through the jungle, stirring its creatures to life. “Besides, we need to weed the fields before it gets too hot. Then we can work on more irrigation troughs and start on the cane mill.” Blake studied him. “You haven’t slept, have you?”

  “No.” James rubbed his eyes and stared at the elegant Hebrew letters. Letters that couldn’t have been penned by anyone other than a Hebrew scholar or a learned man. Certainly not the cannibals who had built the temple. “I had to figure this out.”

  Circling his desk, Blake shoved the book aside and leaned back on its surface. His eyes filled with concern. “You’ve become far too obsessed with these ancient fables.”

  James cocked a brow. “That’s what they say about the Bible too.”

  Blake frowned. “Indeed.” He glanced at the page and released a heavy sigh. “But this is not God’s Word.”

  “No. But it means something. I know it. I feel it in my Spirit. Something important.”

  “Very well.” Blake rose and walked to the window where a breeze brought the scent of mandioca cakes and boiled banana. James’s stomach stirred. He’d been so caught up in the translation, he had skipped supper last night.

  “What have you discovered?” Blake turned and gripped the back of his chair with both hands.

  “From what I can gather, the judgment of the Four refers to four beings of enormous power. The first half of the book describes a battle that took place. The Four lost the battle, were judged, and then locked beneath the earth in chains.” He glanced up at Blake. “The same story told by the pictures painted along the tunnel walls.”

  “But you don’t know that for sure. Thiago could have guessed or even fabricated the story to match the book.”

  “He didn’t know what was in the book.”

  “Hmm.”Blake stared at the ancient manuscript.“So, I assume these beings were locked in the alcoves we found in the bottom chamber?”

  “Yes. But, as you saw, th
eir chains are broken. Do you remember their names?”

  “Deception and Delusion.”

  James nodded.

  “So, you’re saying these beings were freed somehow?” Blake asked.

  “That’s what I’m thinking.” James ran a hand through his hair, trying to curb his excitement. “Haven’t we all been seeing visions lately? Delusions? Deceptions?”

  Blake huffed. “Oh, come now, you don’t think…”

  “I do.” James took up a pace, something He’d been doing all night long. “Something or someone has been reading our minds, conjuring up visions from our past, visions that are meant to torment.”

  “I don’t know.” Blake released the chair and rubbed his sore leg. “It sounds a bit farfetched. So, why can’t we see these beings?”

  “They live in the spirit realm…like angels and demons.”

  Blake snorted. “And the other two?”

  “Hopefully still locked up.” James halted as a breeze stirred the papers on Blake’s desk. “You do remember that Graves was digging farther below.”

  “Humph.” Blake eyed him with understanding. “All right, let’s say I believe this nonsense. How were these powerful beings freed in the first place?”

  “I’m not sure. But I believe this next section”—James planted a finger on the open page—“will tell me. I just can’t quite decipher it.” He scratched his head.

  “And you think Graves is trying to release the other two?”

  “I wouldn’t put it past the man.”

  Blake rubbed his chin, lines furrowing on his forehead. “Continue your translation and keep me informed if you discover anything else. A year ago I would have laughed at all this, but now after what I’ve seen, after my encounter with God, I do believe there is another realm we cannot see.”

  “Indeed, the Bible speaks of it often.”

  “As I have discovered in my readings.” Blake’s smile soon faded beneath a sigh weighted with responsibility. “Speak about this to no one but me.”


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