Libby’s Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Libby’s Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  The next hour was busy despite her trying to relax and rest. The nurses were in and out, changing fluids and checking her vital signs. Finally, things settled down, and she drifted off to sleep, only to fall into a dream about that night and the glint of the attacker’s knife. She woke screaming, sitting straight up in bed.

  Both Devin and Levi lurched to help her as she struggled from the wisps of sleep still dragging at her.

  “Easy, hon. You’ll hurt yourself. Lie back down. We’re here. Nothing is going to hurt you,” Levi assured her.

  “I’ve got you, babe. Just relax and don’t think about it anymore.” Devin squeezed her hand.

  A nurse hurried in to see what the commotion was about and checked her dressing to be sure she hadn’t opened up her wound before leaving them alone once again. This time when she drifted off, she didn’t dream.

  Chapter Eight

  “For the thousandth time, I’m fine, guys. If I get tired, I’ll take a nap.” Libby sighed as the two men hovered close by as she walked around their home.

  It was huge compared to her tiny apartment and radiated comfort and peace. She still felt a little uncomfortable moving in with them but knew she’d be safe there with them. She’d never worried about being attacked before, but now it was foremost in her mind, especially with her being pregnant.

  “Levi will be with you while I’m gone. You tell him if you need anything, babe. He’ll be in the office working, but anything you need, you tell him.” Devin squeezed her shoulders then leaned down and kissed her. “I’ll be home tonight.”

  “Have a good day at work. I’ll be just fine,” she assured him.

  She watched Devin walk through the door and close it behind him. Levi linked her hand in his and squeezed.

  “Want to sit in the office with me for a while? We’ll finish setting up your things tomorrow so you can get back to work once the doc says you can,” Levi said.

  “I don’t understand why I can’t return right now.” Libby couldn’t stand to not have something to do. She wasn’t one to sit around reading magazines.

  “A few more days won’t hurt,” Levi assured her. “Why not look online at baby things? As soon as you feel up to it, we’re going to decorate the nursery for you. You’ll need to tell us what you want.”

  “Janice and I talked about it some while I was in the hospital. I’m leaning toward primary colors with numbers and letters incorporated into the décor. I’ll look online for some ideas. It won’t matter if it is a girl or a boy that way,” she said.

  “I’ll set you up in the office, and you can surf to your heart’s content. Don’t forget that if you get tired you need to rest. Don’t overdo it the first full day you’re at home,” Levi said.

  “I won’t.”

  He nodded as he led her into the office. They’d set up her computer on a table in one corner of the room they used as an office. They planned to get another desk, but the card table worked for now. Libby let Levi settle her at the table and warmed when he left her with a kiss on the forehead. He sat behind his desk and got to work on whatever they did concerning their contracting business.

  Libby spent over an hour or so exploring nursery ideas on the Internet. She’d found a couple of rooms that were close to what she wanted and had saved them to the desktop to be able to refer to them later. She stretched and winced. She’d been sitting in one spot too long. Her chest ached with the movement.

  “You okay, honey?” Levi asked from across the room.

  “Yeah. Just stiff. I’m going to walk around a little then sit on the couch until lunchtime.”

  “Want me to get you something to drink?” he asked as he stood up.

  “No. I can get my own drink, Levi. Stop babying me,” she said.

  “I like taking care of you, hon.”

  “Remember the talk we had about smothering me?” she asked.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll back off.” He frowned but sat back down. “Just remember that all you have to do is ask and I’ll get whatever you need.”

  “I know, Levi.”

  Libby walked back into the living room then into the kitchen. Just being up and moving around helped the stiffness. She poured a glass of tea and sat at the bar drinking it. She really wasn’t used to sitting around with nothing to do. Maybe she could settle down enough to read for an hour or so.

  She refilled her glass of tea then climbed onto the couch with her e-reader and searched for a new book to get lost in. It wasn’t hard to leave her troubles behind as she devoured the sexy romance she’d picked out. The author had created characters she instantly fell in love with.

  When Levi cleared his throat sometime later, she had to tear her eyes away to see what he wanted.

  “That must be one hell of a good book. I’ve been standing here for nearly five minutes waiting on you to notice me,” he said with a chuckle.

  “I love reading. Sorry. I tend to get wrapped up in the book and forget about everything else,” she admitted.

  “Ready for lunch?” he asked.

  Her belly growled loud enough Levi could hear. She felt heat burn her cheeks, but Levi only grinned.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” He offered her his hand to help her to her feet. “Just sandwiches. Hope that’s okay with you.”

  “Sounds great. I think I’m starved if my belly growling is any indication,” she said.

  The rest of the day flew by as she alternated reading and walking around the big house. By the time Devin returned that evening, she was going stir-crazy. She really needed to get back to work or she was going to go crazy. Yeah, she seemed to need two-hour naps in the afternoon, but she could work around that.

  “The answer is no, babe. The doctor said no work until he clears you. You see him on Friday. If he okays it, you can start back on Monday,” Devin said.

  “I’m going crazy with nothing to do. I can only read so much before it gets boring, too,” she complained.

  “I know, but we aren’t taking any chances. That damn knife nicked the sac around your heart. That’s serious business, babe. Try to relax for a few more days,” Devin said.

  She sighed, knowing he was right, but hating it all the same. She didn’t see how working would endanger her or the baby since all she did was sit behind the computer. She wasn’t lifting anything or doing anything physical.

  Libby was certain she’d go crazy by the time Friday arrived. She’d surfed the net and researched everything she could about babies and pregnancy to keep herself busy. They guys had several pregnancy books they’d evidently bought right after they’d found out they were going to become dads. She’d already looked through them.

  It had warmed her heart that they’d gone out and bought the books so soon after having found out about the baby. It was another reason to care about them. They took the baby seriously and wanted to know how to make sure she was healthy and the baby cared for. She wasn’t sure most men would have gone so far as to have read books on the subject. Especially men who weren’t married to the mother of their baby.

  I’m falling for them. They’re so good to me. I just know they’ll make wonderful fathers.

  They’d probably be overprotective as hell, but that could be a good thing in the world they lived in. She’d just have to remind them that bubble wrap wasn’t necessary when they stepped over the line.

  The idea that she was falling in love with them didn’t scare her so much as thrill her. They were good men. She just wasn’t sure how loving two men could work. Evidently living with them wasn’t impossible since she was already doing that, but time would tell if it would work long term. Anything could happen in the coming months. Especially once she started getting larger as the baby grew.

  She rubbed her rounded belly and smiled. She couldn’t wait until she could feel the baby kicking. Right now she felt the odd little swimming motions that took her breath. It wasn’t something the guys could feel though.

  I wonder how they’ll react the first time they feel the baby kick?

  That thought brought a smile to her face. She was positive they’d be just as excited as she would be. They were as excited about having a child as she was.

  Libby couldn’t stop thinking about the future and what it would hold once the baby came. Would they still want her to live with them once the baby came, or would they have gotten tired of having her under foot? She sighed. It wasn’t going to do any good to worry over something that hadn’t even happened yet. Only time would tell. Until then, she’d enjoy the special attention and the feeling of being safe in their home.

  * * * *

  Levi looked in on Libby as she slept. He wanted her in between him and his brother instead of her sleeping alone. They’d given her the master suite in hopes that in time they’d all three share it. The last few weeks had been amazing having her there with them, but the sexual tension between the three of them was threatening to drive him insane. Devin was a growling bear at work according to their crew. He didn’t bring it home with him, but Levi knew he was struggling with the need to hold and make love to their woman.

  “She okay?” Devin asked when he’d returned to the living room.

  “Sleeping quietly. She hasn’t had a nightmare in nearly a week now. I’m hoping that’s behind her,” he said.

  “I wish they’d catch that motherfucker so she doesn’t have to worry at all.”

  “Me, too. I hate the worried look she gets when something reminds her of the attack. She says she doesn’t hurt anymore, but I think there’s still a twinge when she moves a certain way that brings it back to her,” Levi said.

  “She’s my world, Levi.”

  “Mine, too.”

  “I want to hold her in my arms at night when she sleeps,” Devin said.

  “Yeah. I hear you. It’s driving me crazy to have her so close without actually having her in the bed between us.”

  Devin rubbed the heels of his hands over his eyes then stretched. “I’m not waiting any longer. This weekend we’re going to talk to her about it. Tell her how we feel.”

  “I don’t want to drive her away, brother.” Levi felt a prickle of unease at the thought.

  “All she can say is that she isn’t ready for that. We have to try. It’s eating me up inside not to be able to hold her close, make love to her.” Devin shook his head.

  “Are you falling in love with her?” Levi finally asked.

  “You know I am. Hell, I’m probably already there. She means the world to me. I want to see her happy and know that part of her smile is for me,” he said.

  “We need to tell her how we feel,” Levi said.

  “It’s too soon. She’s just getting over a serious attack and being injured. I don’t think it would be a good idea to lay this on her so soon.”

  “At the very least we need her to know that we’re serious. Not just about the baby but about her, as well. I don’t want her to think that the only reason we want her around is because of the baby,” Levi said.

  “Do you really believe she thinks that?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not like we’ve said a lot about how we feel about her to her.”

  Devin frowned as if he were trying to remember something. “I hadn’t thought about that. You’re right. We need to make sure she knows that we care about her, as well as the baby.”

  Levi stood. “I’m calling it a night. I’ll see you in the morning. Look in on her before you go to bed, okay?”

  “I will.” Devin leaned his head back against the recliner. “I’m going to sit up a little longer. I’m not all that sleepy right now.”

  Levi left him in the living room to return to his room down the hall from where Libby slept. He pulled off his clothes then stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. After adjusting the water temp, he stepped into the pulsing spray and groaned at how good it felt against his tight muscles.

  Thoughts of Libby’s plush body intruded as he soaped up and rinsed off. He could remember how soft and comfortable her body was when they’d made love to her all those months ago. Even now, though she’d lost a few pounds after her attack, she looked like a piece of heaven to him. He wanted to hold her, kiss her, and make slow, soul deep love to her.

  Levi groaned and grasped the base of his stiff dick, squeezing it as he remembered how good it had felt to sink deep inside of her tight pussy. She’d tasted so damn good. Everything about her had been perfect. His balls ached as he stroked from base to tip then back down again.

  It didn’t seem to matter that he’d jerked off nearly every night to thoughts of her. He was still hard for her all day long. His cock jerked in his hand as he pictured her naked and writhing between him and Devin. He tugged on his shaft harder and tighter as he spread the precum from the slit at his tip down the length of him. Fuck but he was hard for her.

  Each stroke burned as he grew closer and closer to completion. His ass cheeks tightened as his balls burned with the need to shoot off. He reached between his legs and squeezed his balls, rolling them in his hand as he jerked at his dick, the need to come like molten steel pouring through his balls and filling his cock.

  When he finally erupted, cum boiled from his balls up his rigid shaft to shoot into his hand and on the shower wall. He braced himself with one hand against the cool tiles as his toes curled and his ass muscles clenched. He felt the climax throughout his entire body.

  And still it wasn’t enough because it wasn’t Libby.

  Chapter Nine

  Libby could tell that something was up with the guys. It was Saturday, and both men were at home with her and the tension in the house was thick enough she could cut it with a knife. For the last few days her skin had felt hot and itchy as if she needed something but didn’t know what it was. Though she slept well at night, she wasn’t nearly as rested as she should have been. It had to be the worry that the man who’d attacked her still hadn’t been caught. She didn’t know what else it could be.

  “Feel like a picnic today, babe?” Devin asked out of the blue.

  “A picnic? That sounds like fun,” she said, her face relaxing into a broad smile.

  “We could go over to the lake and find a spot that’s shady,” he said.

  “I’d love it. I’ll put together some sandwiches,” she said, standing to head to the kitchen.

  “No. I don’t want you to have to do anything. We’ll pick up a bucket of chicken and all the fixings on the way.”

  “On the way where?” Levi asked as he walked into the living room.

  “We’re going on a picnic,” Libby told him.

  “Great idea,” Levi said. “Where to?”

  “Thought we’d take her out to the lake. Should be quiet and the fresh air will do her good,” Devin said.

  “I’ll go change into something comfortable. How long until we leave?” Libby asked.

  “Will twenty minutes give you enough time?” Devin asked.

  “Plenty. I’ll be ready in ten.” Libby was thrilled at the chance to get out of the house for the afternoon.

  Though the guys had been wonderful, she’d ached to go somewhere just to get out for a few minutes. This was perfect. She hadn’t been on a picnic in years. Maybe since she’d been a teenager. It would be relaxing and fun. Maybe she could even entice the guys to kiss her more than the quick pecks they’d been giving her. She longed to have their arms around her, loving her. So far, they’d been perfect gentlemen, making her skin crawl with need but never giving her the sexual attention she longed for. It had to stop, or she’d go insane with longing.

  Libby pulled on a pair of shorts that came to just above her knees and a loose-fitting blouse that allowed room for her belly that was slowly inching out now. It wouldn’t be long until she’d have to figure out a different way to sit at the computer to work because her belly would be in the way.

  “I’m ready,” she announced ten minutes later.

  “You weren’t kidding.” Levi laughed.

  “I can’t wait. It’s been ages since I’ve been out of the house,
” she said.

  “Let’s go then,” Devin said.

  They stopped by a local diner and picked up the order Devin had called in while she’d been changing clothes. He’d even ordered a gallon of sweet tea to go with the meal. Libby could already feel the tension ease from her shoulders as they drove toward the lake Devin had mentioned.

  She sighed with happiness as the guys spread out a blanket near the lake under a tree and set out the meal. Libby let them help her out of her shoes and settle on the blanket. They laughed and ate the fried chicken and potato salad, washing it all down with the sweet tea. There was even apple pie for dessert. She hadn’t had so much fun in a long time.

  She looked around as they ate and realized they were in a sort of semicircle of shrubs so that they were sheltered from the rest of the area. She felt safe and slightly hidden away from the world.

  “This was amazing, guys,” she told them as she stretched out on the blanket and leaned back on her hands.

  “It was good, wasn’t it?” Levi agreed.

  “Nice and quiet out here. Haven’t been here in years,” Devin said. “Forgot how peaceful it is. Used to see people fishing off the banks but no one does that much anymore.”

  Libby yawned. “Sorry. All this fresh air has me ready for a nap.”

  “Go ahead. We’re here. You’ll be safe,” Devin told her, stretching out beside her.

  Levi lay on her other side, reaching down to take her hand as he settled next to her. She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face. She liked this. Liked being between them. Liked that they were holding her hands and wanted to be there with her. Libby could easily get used to their touch, their attentions.

  She’d closed her eyes for a few seconds that seemed to turn into more as she dreamed that Devin and Levi were making love to her there next to the lake. Their warm, solid hands ran up and down her arms, her sides as they teased her into a burning bundle of need. She’d never felt so alive as she did between them. They awakened a wildness in her that only they seemed to touch and ignite.


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