Libby’s Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Libby’s Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  “Never, babe. Just a little disappointed. We can wait as long as you need to. All that matters is that you and the baby are safe and healthy.” Devin held in the sigh. Yes, he was disappointed, but she hadn’t said no.

  “Don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready to go to bed,” Levi said.

  Devin smiled when Libby yawned. She was definitely ready. They’d worn her out on their picnic. He couldn’t wait to snuggle down in the bed with her between them. They’d crossed one hurdle. She’d give in soon and say yes to marriage, as well. He wanted to know that if anything happened to one of them she’d be taken care of and would inherit their assets. They’re job wasn’t exactly dangerous, but accidents happened on the job.

  They followed their woman to the bedroom where she changed clothes then watched as she climbed into bed, scooting over to the center of the bed as they stripped. Neither of them wore anything to bed. The fact that she did didn’t matter. She was still getting to know them. They’d have her sleeping in the buff in no time.

  “What’s the most comfortable way for you to sleep, babe?” he asked once all three of them had climbed in.

  “On my side,” she said.

  “Turn over and cuddle up with Levi. I’ll snuggle with you from behind,” he told her.

  “Wait. I want to say goodnight to the little peanut,” Levi said.

  “Peanut? I know you didn’t just call my baby a peanut,” Libby said.

  “Peanut, butterbean, it’s how I think of him right now. He’s a tiny little thing floating around inside you,” Levi said with a broad smile.

  “Whatever. It might be a girl you know,” she said.

  “God help us if it’s a girl,” Devin said. “We’ll be fighting off the boys wanting to date her.”

  Levi bent over her belly and kissed it. “Night, little one.”

  Libby’s eyes brightened with what Devin was sure were tears. He hated it when women cried. He didn’t know what to do when they did that.

  He rubbed her belly with his rough hand. “Sleep well. If you’re a girl, I’m never letting you date.”

  “Devin!” Libby squealed.

  “I’m serious. She’ll be at least thirty before I let her out of my sight.”

  “Don’t listen to him, hon. He’ll give in the first time she pouts and bats her eyes at him,” Levi assured her.

  “You guys are terrible. I’m going to sleep now.” Libby turned over and wrapped an arm over Levi’s chest.

  Devin wished he was the one she was cuddling close, but he’d spoon up next to her once she got settled. He scooted up close behind her and wrapped his arm over her waist, flattening his hand against her belly. He loved the little bump there and gave it a few strokes before he settled down and closed his eyes.

  She smelled amazing. Her scent was a mixture of something floral that she’d bathed in and the sweet musk that he associated with her. He couldn’t get enough of it and inhaled deeply with his face close to her neck.

  Despite being tired and having yawned almost nonstop earlier, Devin couldn’t go to sleep. He thought about all the things they needed to do over the next few months. With there being two of them, he had no doubt they’d be finished with the nursery in plenty of time, but he wanted to make the entire house seem open and welcoming to Libby, as well. They’d decorated it with themselves in mind. Now that they had a woman in their lives, he wanted the place to reflect her, as well.

  I never thought I’d worry about decorations. I’m completely gone over her.

  He stopped and thought about it. He loved her. He honestly loved her. How had it snuck up on him without him realizing it? When had it happened? Devin realized that she was the most important thing in his life next to his brother and now the baby. He honestly loved the woman and wanted to make her happy.

  As if admitting to himself that he loved Libby was all that had kept him from going to sleep, Devin drifted off seconds later.

  * * * *

  Libby gaped at the two men the next Saturday morning. Surely she’d heard them wrong. Men didn’t like shopping.

  “Um, Libby? Say something. Do you feel like going shopping for the baby?” Levi asked, his brows knitting together so close they nearly met in the center.

  “Yeah. I feel fine, guys. But are you sure you want to go shopping? I mean do you like to shop?” she asked.

  “Honestly,” Devin said, “no. But we want to go with you to pick out what we’ll need for the baby. That means shopping.”

  She laughed, her mouth widening as she did. It meant a lot that they were willing to brave the whirlwind of a trip to the stores with her. They really were unique as well as drop-dead gorgeous. How had she ended up so lucky as to have them for a baby daddy? Uh, well, daddies. Of all the men this could have happened to, she’d ended up with sweet, caring men.

  “If you’re sure. I need to get a few more clothes, as well. These are beginning to get too tight. My bump is growing,” she told them.

  “That’s fine,” Levi said. “I researched baby stores and a couple have a maternity section in them as well as everything needed for a nursery.”

  Libby watched as he pulled out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and opened it up. He’d printed out a list of stores with their addresses. They’d planned this out in detail, which spoke volumes about their insistence of being a part of everything dealing with her pregnancy.

  I’m falling hard and fast for these two. How do I know they won’t change later once the new has worn off? Can I trust them for the long run?

  She’d have to wait and see. Falling in love with them hadn’t been something she’d thought she’d have to worry about when she’d first set out to tell them about the baby. She’d just hoped they would want to be a part of the child’s life as she grew up.

  She. I just know it’s going to be a girl. I need to start thinking of girl names.

  She’d buy a baby name book and circle the ones she liked the best. Then she’d enlist the guys in helping pick the right one out. She was sure they’d like that.

  “So are you ready now, or do you need to do something first?” Levi asked.

  “Let me change my shoes. I don’t want to wear sandals shopping. My feet will start to hurt with standing on them for very long.”

  Libby hurried across the living room and down the hall. She looked through her shoes and found a comfortable pair of tennis shoes and slipped them on, shaking her head at the bump that would soon make it hard, if not impossible, to put on her own shoes. What would she have done if she hadn’t moved in with the guys? She knew they would be more than happy to put her shoes on for her.

  There was no use thinking about what-ifs. She was living with them, and so far, they were all about taking care of her and the baby. She’d embrace it and pray things didn’t go sour later down the line.

  “I’m ready,” she declared, walking into the room where the two men waited.

  “Great.” Devin pulled the keys to the truck from his pocket, and Levi ushered her out of the house and helped her into the truck, fastening the seatbelt around her himself.

  Libby felt the flutters of excitement at going shopping for the baby. She pushed aside the sliver of anxiety that seemed to haunt her that they hadn’t caught her attacker yet. She was safe with Levi and Devin.

  They stopped at the first store on Levi’s list and found the baby bed he’d said was the safest there. They also bought a playpen and the car seat he liked, as well. Though they consulted with her, they pointed out the safety ratings and strongly suggested their choice was the best. Really, she didn’t mind since she wanted the best for her baby, as well.

  The second store had a bassinet she fell in love with since it rocked. It would be perfect for their bedroom so the baby would be nearby for the first few weeks. This store housed a full-size maternity section where she found three outfits in the next size up from what she was wearing now. She was sure she’d outgrow them soon enough, so she didn’t see any reason to get more than the three,

despite the guys insisting she needed more.

  “Guys, I’ll need a larger size in a few weeks. I’m not wasting money on more. This is all I need,” she admonished them, sticking her hands on her hips.

  “I still think at least one more outfit would be a good idea,” Devin said, his face falling into a frown so that there were creases at the corners of his mouth.

  Devin was so cute when he pouted. She was sure he wouldn’t appreciate her saying he was pouting, but he was. Levi just rolled his eyes when he didn’t get his way, but Devin pouted or fumed.

  By the time they’d hit half the stores, Libby was exhausted and hungry. Though she’d eaten a good breakfast, walking around shopping had fast consumed all her energy.

  “I need a rest break and something to eat. I’m hungry enough to eat an entire cow,” she said.

  Her stomach growled as if punctuating her words. Then the baby did a little flutter that had her rubbing her belly in wonder. She loved feeling her move around inside of her.

  “Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?” Levi asked, grabbing her elbow.

  “I’m fine. Just hungry. What’s close by?” she asked.

  “There’s a deli just down the street. I’ll get the truck, and we’ll drive down there,” Devin said.

  “I can walk. Walking is good for me. There’s no need to go to all that trouble, Devin.”

  “Nonsense. You’re tired. That’s a long walk. Stay here, Lib. I mean it.” Devin eyed his brother then strode through the door of the shop toward the truck.

  “I really wish he wouldn’t baby me so much. I’m not breakable,” she said.

  “He worries about you. I worry about you. You’re so independent that we’re scared you’ll try something you shouldn’t,” Levi said.

  “Like what? All I do is work and sleep and eat.”

  “Like overwork, forget to eat, or pick up something that’s too heavy.”

  Libby rolled her eyes. “I’m not stupid. I don’t always forget to eat. The baby reminds me pretty regularly.”

  “Well, I’ve had to stop you from working twice now when I realized it was after lunchtime and neither of us had eaten. It’s okay for me to skip a meal, but you can’t afford to do that.”

  Levi rubbed his hand down her arm then linked his fingers through hers. Libby swore electrical sparks passed between them. She felt warm all over and wondered if he felt it, too. Her nipples, already sensitive from the pregnancy, tightened even as her pussy grew slick with desire. She felt like a giddy schoolgirl holding hands with her crush instead of a woman about to have a baby. She hazarded a look under her lashes and saw that Levi was rubbing his other hand against his pant leg.

  Yeah, he felt it, as well. She couldn’t stop the smile that curled the corners of her mouth upward. It made her feel good to know that Levi was that affected by her when both men did naughty things to her body just with a look, never mind a touch.

  “There’s Devin with the truck,” Levi said, pulling her from her musings.

  The deli proved to be a jewel. She had a ham and cheese sandwich with pickles. Lots of pickles. She loved the things despite having disliked them before she got pregnant. As far as cravings went, unless she developed something else, pickles were a tame treat, though Devin worried that they would drive her blood pressure up.

  She’d promised that if her pressure went up at any of her doctor’s appointments she’d cut down on them. He wasn’t satisfied. He wanted her to cut them completely out.

  Not. Going. To. Happen. She would go mad without them. She was absolutely positive.

  After lunch they hit two more stores before Devin called a halt. He insisted that she was pale and needed to lie down for a while. By three they were back at the house, and she’d been relegated to the bed while they unloaded the baby things. She’d warned them not to put them together yet, as they still needed to paint and decorate the room without everything in the way.

  Devin had quickly agreed while Levi had looked disappointed like a little kid being told he couldn’t play with his Lincoln Logs until after dinner. He looked so cute when he sighed and stuffed his hands into the pockets of the jeans.

  “How are you feeling?” Devin asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Fine. I guess I was tired, but I had a good time. Thanks for taking me, guys.”

  “Get some sleep. We’ll wake you up in a couple of hours. You probably should have come home an hour ago,” Devin said.

  “Really. I’m good. A quick nap will refresh me, and we can plan what to do about painting the nursery,” she said with a wide yawn.

  “You’re not painting the nursery. We are. You can’t be in the paint fumes,” Devin said.

  She huffed out a breath but knew he was right. He was only looking out for her safety and the health of the baby. Still, she wasn’t about to let them domineer her.

  “Just because I cave on a lot of things you say, Devin, don’t think you can boss me around about everything.”

  Levi burst out laughing while Devin’s mouth fell open.

  “Are you calling me bossy?” he demanded.

  “Yes. You’re bossy.”

  “She has you pegged, Devin. You are.” Levi took a step back when Devin punched him in the arm.

  “I’m just worried about you, Libby. I can’t help watching out for you,” Devin explained.

  “I appreciate that, but you take it too far sometimes. Let me make my own decisions. Then, if you don’t agree, we can talk about it, but stop telling me I am or I’m not going to do something.”

  His jaw tightened as he seemed to grit his teeth. Finally he nodded. “Fine. I’ll try to be less bossy. I’m not making any promises. I’m used to making decisions that people follow. I don’t normally negotiate those decisions.”

  “Thanks for trying. That’s all I want is for you to realize how demanding you can be. I’m not one of your employees, Devin. If this relationship is going to evolve, we have to all work together to make that happen.”

  “I want that, too, Libby,” Devin said, looking down at his feet before staring into her eyes. “I want that, too.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “What time did you say your appointment was?” Devin asked.

  Libby shook her head with a smirk. “You’ve asked three times now. We’ve got plenty of time. It’s not until ten thirty. Calm down.”

  “I think he’s more excited than you are,” Levi said.

  “And you’re not excited?” Devin wanted to punch his brother.

  “Of course I am, but I’m not the one obsessing over it.” Levi leaned over the front of the seat, shooting a pointed stare at him.

  “Sit back and put your damn seatbelt on. I don’t want a ticket because you’re acting like an asshole,” Devin said.

  “I’m not acting like an asshole. You are.” Levi sat back, and Devin watched him fasten his belt in the rearview mirror.

  “I think we’re all excited because today is the ultrasound day. Now that I’m nearly five months they can see the baby and be sure everything is going okay in there.” Libby seemed to bounce in her seat despite the seatbelt firmly in place.

  “I just don’t want to be late and they want to reschedule the visit,” he mumbled.

  They pulled into the parking lot of the doctor’s office, and Levi jumped out of the backseat to help Libby down. Devin walked around the front of the truck to join them as they strode toward the door of the building. He was nervous but not because of being late. He was worried that something would be wrong with the baby or that Libby would have high blood pressure or a number of other things that he knew from the baby book he’d been reading. So much could go wrong during a pregnancy. It scared him. Libby and the baby meant the world to him. He couldn’t stand it if something happened to either one of them.

  After checking in, they sat together in one corner where a TV was on the cooking channel. He thought that was a poor choice since most pregnant women needed to watch what they ate. He rifled through the maga
zine choices and found one that was apparently there for husbands and boyfriends of the women since it was a hunting mag.

  A nurse finally called them back after they’d waited nearly thirty minutes. She did a double take when both of them stood to accompany her.

  “Um, Libby. You’re having your ultrasound today. Did you want both men to come back with you?” she asked.

  “Yes. They’re the father. Well, one of them is anyway.” Libby’s bright smile made Devin smile, as well.

  It was the first time he’d felt like smiling all morning. She wasn’t going to make one of them wait outside while the other one got to see the baby. And, most importantly, she didn’t seem embarrassed about wanting both men to accompany her.

  I want the entire world to know she’s our woman. I guess that makes me an asshole since the world won’t approve, but there it is.

  He waited with Levi and Libby in the exam room. The nurse had weighed her, taken her blood pressure, and pulse. Then she’d instructed her to sit on the exam table and wait for the doctor. Levi helped her up on the table while Devin walked over to the nurse before she walked out the door.

  “What was her blood pressure? Is it too high?” he asked in a soft voice.

  “It was 110 over 75. That’s a good pressure,” she told him with a smile.

  He breathed a sigh of relief. That at least was something. He prayed the rest of the visit would go that well.

  It wasn’t long before the doctor walked in and smiled at them. Evidently he’d been clued in by the nurse because he didn’t show any sign that the two men waiting in the room bothered him.

  “How have you been doing, Libby?” he asked with a broad smile.

  “Good. The morning sickness is pretty much gone. I get a little queasy some mornings, but that’s about it,” she told him.

  “You didn’t tell us that,” Devin said, frowning.

  “I’m pregnant. I’m going to have some nausea from time to time, Devin. It’s nothing.”

  “She’s right, son. It’s not unusual for a pregnant woman to have nausea from time to time as long as she isn’t throwing up all the time. If that happens, call and make an appointment to bring her in to be checked.”


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