Libby’s Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Libby’s Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  She was halfway through her meal when Devin slammed into the house through the back door cursing and muttering to himself.

  “I take it things weren’t good at the site,” Levi said. “What was wrong?”

  “The wrong cabinets were delivered, and the fools still tried to put them in anyway. They knew better. I don’t know why they can’t think for themselves without us looking over their shoulders. I’m deducting the cost of those things from their fucking pay. We can’t send them back now, and the correct cabinets won’t be in for another week now.”

  “What did Doug have to say?” Levi asked.

  “Not a damn thing. He wasn’t there. Told the guys he’d be in later. He’s gone after this. It’s the last straw,” Devin said.

  “Come have some breakfast, Devin. You need to calm down. There’s nothing you can do about it for now,” Libby said.

  “I’m not fucking hungry.” Devin stomped off into the other room.

  Libby sighed. When he was upset about things, he tended to fume in the office away from everyone. She wished he wouldn’t get so wound up over things, but she had to admit he had good reason to be upset.

  After breakfast, Libby sought him out, carrying a cup of coffee for him. He was sitting at the desk typing. By the way he was typing, she figured it was a scathing email to the company about the wrong cabinets. She set the mug next to him then massaged his shoulders from behind. Her belly nearly made that impossible, as it brushed against the back of the chair.

  Devin sighed and turned the chair around to position her between his legs.

  “I’m sorry, babe. I’m just so fucking angry right now. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

  “You didn’t. You were just angry about the situation. I know that. Now turn back around and drink your coffee while I massage the tension out of your shoulders. You’re so tight I’m surprised you can even type.”

  Devin chuckled. “You’re too good to me, babe.”

  He turned back around and typed with less anger than before. Libby smiled. He was slowly relaxing so that he had fewer and fewer outbursts around her. She smiled at the knowledge that she was helping him in some small way. Getting as upset as he used to do wasn’t good for his blood pressure.

  By the time he’d finished his email and had made a good dent in his coffee, Devin was all but moaning at her touch. He turned his chair around once more and pulled her onto his lap. He gently pulled her down to his mouth and kissed her. He brushed feather-light kisses across her lips before probing the seam of her lips with his tongue. She opened to him and marveled at the careful way he was with her. His arms went around her, pulling her in close as he plundered her mouth with more force. She loved it.

  When he pulled back, he kissed her forehead then helped her off his lap.

  “Up you go, munchkin. Now I’m hungry.

  * * * *

  They watched movies most of the afternoon, taking a break when she had to go to the bathroom, which was often. During one of those breaks, Levi made popcorn to go with their drinks and the movie. She loved those times with them. It felt good to relax and just be with them.

  “How’s my Kimmy doing in there?” Devin asked, placing a hand over her stomach.

  “She’s resting right now. She gets active the closer to bedtime it gets. Sometimes I’m positive she does it on purpose,” she told him with a smile.

  To her surprise, Devin leaned over and rolled up her top to place a kiss on her belly. “Kimmy girl, you’ve got to let mommy get some rest at night. Settle down in there.”

  Libby burst out laughing at the sight of him talking to her belly. He looked up and winked at her. These were special moments to her. Soon afterward, Levi returned with fresh drinks and the bowl of popcorn.

  “What did I miss?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” they both said with huge grins.

  Levi shook his head and restarted the movie. Libby enjoyed the same kinds they did but balked at war movies. They tended to be too gory for her. She didn’t mind the action flicks because most of the killing was mild compared to the others. She definitely didn’t like slasher movies.

  When the second movie was over with, she stifled a yawn. Despite having not done a damn thing, she was tired. She’d taken to napping in the afternoon. It had become a habit.

  “Someone’s sleepy,” Devin said.

  “You guys have spoiled me making me take naps in the afternoons,” she said.

  “They’re good for you.” Devin helped her up while Levi walked ahead of them to pull back the covers.

  “Up you go.” Devin picked her up and sat her on the edge of the bed so he could take off her shoes. “Want one of us to lie down with you for a while?”

  “That would be nice. I like it when you hold me until I go to sleep,” she admitted.

  “I’ll clean up the living room,” Levi said. “I got to sleep with her yesterday.”

  Devin removed his boots and climbed up next to her, spooning behind her and draping one arm over her chest just below her breasts and above her protruding abdomen. At six months it was sticking out there.

  “Go to sleep, babe. I’m right here.”

  It took her a little while to finally drift off, but before she did, she reminded herself how much she loved the two men who’d taken her and her baby in stride. She needed to tell them but hesitated in case they didn’t feel the same way about her. The last thing she wanted was for them to feel trapped by her. Once the baby came, they might expect her to move out.

  Despite Devin saying he wanted to marry her, she couldn’t help but feel like he’d only done it as a point of pride, making him offer to marry her. She didn’t want them to feel like they had to. She wanted them to want that with her. The fact that he hadn’t brought it up again worried her. Libby drifted off with worry carrying over into her dreams.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Libby rubbed her expanding belly and groaned. At nearly eight months now, she felt like a watermelon had sprouted in her abdomen. She couldn’t wait for the day when she’d have her body back to its normal self. She couldn’t wait for her baby to be born, and most of all, she couldn’t wait to see how the two men in her life reacted to two a.m. feedings and changing diapers. Just the thought of Devin attempting to deal with baby poop was enough to send her into a fit of giggles as she stretched to reach her computer’s keyboard to work.

  “What has you laughing?” Levi asked from the doorway.

  “Nothing. Just thinking about the baby and how much she’s going to change all our lives.”

  “Can’t wait to hold her, hon. How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “About as good as I can feel with this basketball sitting on my bladder. I have to get up every few minutes and pee.”

  “Well, that sucks,” he said, smiling.

  “Yeah, it does. What are you doing home so early?” she asked checking the time on her computer. “It’s only three.”

  “Wanted to see you more than I wanted to work,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “You can’t both keep leaving work just to check on me. I’m only a phone call away if you want to check in on me,” she said.

  “Guess you haven’t looked outside. It’s raining. We’re not far enough along to have the roof up, so we can’t do anything inside yet.” Levi walked over and reached down to place a kiss on her cheek.

  “Wow. You’d think I would have noticed that it was raining. Guess I’ve been too busy to realize it. Where’s Devin?” she asked.

  “Taking a shower. He got muddy picking up all the tools and putting them away. I managed to avoid the gunk for the most part.”

  “So you didn’t just come home to check in on me. Good. I don’t need you guys hovering over me all the time.”

  Libby looked down and noticed he was in his sock feet. No doubt he’d left his boots outside. She smiled. It was something about the men she appreciated. They didn’t track up the house when they came home from work. Of course the refused to allow her to lift a han
d at housework, but it was still nice to know that they had some common sense about some things.

  “Wish they made a desk that fit a pregnant woman. My little girl is in the way. I even tried to balance the keyboard on my belly, but it just rolls from side to side that way.” She blew out a breath, making her bangs fly up.

  “Maybe you should go ahead and put in for maternity leave,” he said.

  “No. I want to work right up until time so I’ll have more time with the baby before I have to start back to work.” Libby absently rubbed her belly in slow circles.

  “You know you don’t have to work at all. We can take care of you, hon. At least until the baby is born. Take a leave of absence and then go back after you’ve had time to bond with the baby and heal after giving birth.” Levi brushed her hair behind her ear.

  “I’d go stir-crazy if I didn’t have anything to do all day,” she told him. “Work keeps me occupied. I need that.”

  Levi shook his head. “I don’t see why you don’t want to relax and enjoy putting your feet up for a few weeks. You don’t have much time left, hon.”

  Libby smiled at the thought that they wanted to continue to take care of her and the baby later but still worried that they’d change their minds after the baby came. Babies came with a lot of needs like those two a.m. feedings and dirty diapers. She couldn’t wait to hold her little girl in her arms though.

  “I’m fine, Levi. Go take a shower when Devin finishes. I have another hour or so of work to do. Then I’ll join you two in the living room.” She returned to stretching out for the keyboard to concentrate on her job.

  She heard Devin in the other room talking with Levi. They seemed to be arguing over something, but she’d gotten used to their grousing at each other over stupid stuff. She’d learned not to let it bother her. They never included her in their disagreements. She liked that.

  “Hey, babe. ’Bout ready to call it a day?” Devin walked in thirty minutes later.

  “Well, I was really going to work another hour, but I’m tired, and my belly is in the way,” she said.

  “You really need to quit work and let us take care of you. We’ll spoil you rotten. I promise,” he said with a grin.

  “You’re already spoiling me rotten. You wait on me hand and foot and won’t let me do anything in the kitchen or around the house,” she complained.

  “No need for you to. We’ve been taking care of ourselves for years now, babe. Besides, you’re going to have your hands full soon with little Kimmy. That will keep all of us on our toes.”

  “She’s going to be a handful if her kicks and punches are any indication.” Libby stood and walked into Devin’s arms.

  He laughed. “I can feel her kicking. She’s awake and feisty just like her mother.”

  Before she knew what he was going to do, Devin pushed up her shirt and pulled down her pants so he could see her stomach.

  “Wow. I can see a footprint on your belly. Look, Libby.”

  She tried to see, but her belly was in the way and she couldn’t see past the curve of it.

  “I can’t believe I can see it like this.” He turned and called out. “Hey, Levi. Come here. Quick.”

  Levi came running into the room with a worried expression marring his handsome face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing but look.” He indicated her belly.

  “Damn. Is that her foot?” Levi knelt in front of her and lightly traced the outline.

  “Yep,” Devin said. “Feel it. I can’t believe you can actually see it through her skin like this.”

  “Okay, guys, enough playing with my belly. You’re going to stir her up, and I won’t be able to rest if that happens.” She playfully pushed at Levi’s shoulder so that he landed on his ass from his kneeling position.

  “Come on, babe. Let’s get you propped up on the couch. Your ankles are swollen.” Devin pointed at Levi. “Go get the blood pressure cuff so we can see if her blood pressure’s up. I should have noticed your ankles before now.”

  “My blood pressure is fine. I don’t have a headache, and my nose isn’t bleeding to it’s fine,” Libby argued.

  “We’re going to take your pressure anyway,” Devin said with creases forming on his forehead.

  Libby let him help her to her feet then waddled into the living room where he took extra care helping her sit down then lifting her feet up and placing a pillow under them to get them even higher. She groaned and leaned back against the pillow he placed behind her head. She had to admit this felt amazing. She really was tired.

  “Here you go, hon. Let me have that arm.” Levi fit the little wrist cuff around her wrist then turned it on. He then placed her arm on her chest like the machine told him to.

  Less than a minute later, the cuff deflated, giving her a blood pressure of 135 over 80. Devin frowned.

  “That’s higher than it’s been before. Maybe we should go to the doctor and let him check you over,” he said.

  “It’s still in normal range, Devin. Besides, I have an appointment for next week anyway. He’ll check me over then.” Libby shook her head at him.

  “I don’t like that it’s higher than it was the last time,” he said.

  “Let it be, Devin,” Levi said. “We’ll check it again once she’s had a chance to relax. I’m sure getting up and walking in here has it up a little. She’s carrying around a bowling ball. That’s got to shoot her pressure up some.”

  “Okay. We’ll check again in a few minutes.” Devin crossed his arms.

  “Want something to drink, hon?” Levi asked.

  “Iced tea sounds great. Maybe some cheese and crackers, too, if you don’t mind,” Libby said.

  “No problem. I’m glad you’re eating. Did you remember to eat your snack?” Levi asked.

  She sighed. “I ate a banana. I wasn’t very hungry.”

  That earned her another look from Devin. “You know how important it is for you to keep your weight up, babe.”

  “I know. That’s why I ate the banana. I didn’t really want it.” She shifted on the couch.

  “Do you need another pillow behind you?” Devin asked, adjusting the one behind her.

  “Yeah, I think so. My back is hurting a little,” she said.

  She’d had trouble getting comfortable for the last week. No matter how she sat or lay, either her back hurt or her side did. The basketball of a belly seemed to be pulling on her back more since it had grown larger. She felt that if she got much large she’d pop.

  “Here you go,” he said, helping her sit up while he adjusted the two pillows. “How’s that?”

  “Much better. Thanks, Devin.” She looked down but couldn’t see over her belly. “How swollen are my feet? I can’t see them.”

  He looked down at them and sighed. “Not as bad as they were the other day, but they’re definitely swollen.”

  Levi returned and handed her the glass while he sat on the coffee table and picked up a cracker with a slice of cheese on it.

  “Open your mouth, Libby.” He gave her a bite of the snack.

  She chewed then took a sip of the tea. “You don’t have to feed me, Levi. I can feed myself even if I have a swollen belly.”

  “I like feeding you,” he said then handed her another cracker topped with cheese.

  Libby just shook her head and let him feed her until she was full. He protested, saying she needed to eat more, but she refused. She didn’t want any more. She’d eaten at least four of the cheese-topped crackers.

  They retook her blood pressure and sighed with relief when it was down this time. Levi massaged her shoulders until Devin pulled him away.

  “Let her sleep now. She needs the rest.” Devin urged Levi out of the room, leaving her alone to close her eyes and rest without them hovering over her.

  She smiled. Devin was slowly becoming less of a Bossy Bob and more relaxed around her. She smiled to herself. She loved them so much. She needed to tell them soon but kept putting it off. She was afraid that they’d break her heart whe
n they didn’t return the love.

  * * * *

  Levi looked into the living room for the fifth time that afternoon. Normally he was the one letting Libby sleep without bothering her, but he couldn’t help himself. He needed to see that she was resting comfortably.

  “If you keep poking your head in there, you’re going to wake her,” Devin said with a growl to his voice.

  “I can’t help it. I want to make sure she doesn’t need anything.”

  “You’re getting to be worse than I am,” Devin said.

  “Well, you’ve backed off some, so that’s not saying much.”

  “I didn’t want to chase her off. I’m afraid that after the baby is born she’ll move out. I don’t want that,” Devin said.

  Levi sighed. Deep down he had that same fear. Fear that she’d take their baby and disappear out of their lives. Fear she wouldn’t love them eventually and fear that she wouldn’t be happy with them.

  “I can’t stand the idea of her leaving.”

  “Neither can I.”

  Levi looked in the direction of the living room then resisting the urge to take another look. Devin was right. He was going to end up waking her up, and she needed her rest. Still, he worried about her. She looked so tired all the time now. He knew she woke up in the middle of the night with Kimmy kicking and squirming inside of her. She didn’t wake them though. Instead she lay there enduring it all alone. He didn’t want that. He wanted to help her get through it by rubbing her back or her belly to relax her.

  “I love her, Devin,” he finally said.

  “So do I. I think I’ve loved her from the moment we made love that first time. That’s why I was so insistent that we find her. She took my heart and left,” Devin admitted.

  “We need to tell her. Maybe if she knows how we feel she won’t leave.”

  “Or she breaks our hearts and leaves anyway.”

  Levi hoped not. He wanted to bare his soul to her and beg her to be their wife. She’d wanted to wait, but he was done waiting. He wanted her tied to them, wanted Devin’s name on the birth certificate of their little girl. Wanted to share their last name with her.


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