I Can See You (The Gods Made Me Do It Book 5)

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I Can See You (The Gods Made Me Do It Book 5) Page 21

by Lisa Oliver

  Standing up, Silvanus clicked for his knife – an extremely thin and very sharp blade with a wooden handle that molded to his fingers perfectly. Orin’s eyes widened as he got closer. “Is there anything we need first?” He squeaked. “Clothes, blankets, bottles, a first aid kit?”

  “Don’t panic, little one,” Silvanus said gently. “This won’t hurt Thor, and it’ll be over before you know it. But the blankets are a good idea. Do you have any handy? Not your best ones, because they won’t be perfectly clean when they come out, but something soft so you can both hold them.”

  “I’ll go get some. Love you.” Giving Thor a quick kiss, Orin scuttled from the room.

  Waving his hand over Thor’s belly, Silvanus muttered quietly under his breath, a spell he hadn’t used in centuries. Thor’s sagged head went back, and a sleepy grin came over his face. “I feel good,” he drawled. “Real good. Get on with it, Silva, before my precious comes back.”

  That’s what I’d intended to do. Under the laws of the Fates, god births couldn’t be witnessed by non-god peoples, even the god’s mate. Silvanus made an exception for Artemas as they were mates, and Artemas was a god in his own right.

  Moving quickly, he rested his hand on the lower swell of Thor’s belly, sending out a spell that would numb the entire area. His cut was swift and sure, and within seconds he had the head and back of the first newborn in his hands. Lifting gently, he checked the sex, and then laid the baby on Thor’s bare chest. Another small grope in Thor’s insides, and the second child greeted the air with a lusty wail.

  “Both boys,” Silvanus said, his voice rough with emotion. He couldn’t help it. Weddings and births got him every time. “You have two fine sons, Thor. You have every reason to be proud.” Resting the second son next to the first, Silvanus called on the final spell, the one to remove the placentas and seal the cut on Thor’s belly. The wound stitched together, with barely a hint of blood remaining and just in time. Orin came flying into the room.

  “I heard, I heard… Oh, my gods, Thor, we have babies. Beautiful babies.” He hurried over, reaching down to stroke Thor’s face. “Are you all right? Did it hurt? Can I get you anything? You are so brave, and I love you so much.”

  “Look at how tiny they are.” Thor seemed awed by the two babies cradled by his biceps. “I can fit them both on my chest.”

  “A minute ago, they were both in your belly,” Orin laughed, tears in his eyes, as he wrapped the squalling one up in a blanket and picked him up. “Look at you, all mouth all ready. We know who you’re going to take after.”

  Silvanus took the other blanket and draped it over the one left on Thor’s chest. Thor looked up, his smile splitting his face. “Thank you,” he mouthed.

  “Are you going to be all right?” Silvanus asked, more moved by the scene than he let on. “If you need me and Artemas for anything, just call.” He tapped his head.

  “It’s going to be a huge adjustment,” Thor said quietly, looking down at the baby now asleep on his chest. “I haven’t been this happy since Orin agreed to my claim.”

  “You’re going to be an amazing father.” Laying his hand on the baby’s head, Silvanus blessed him and then turned to find the other one. To his surprise, Artemas was huddled by Orin’s shoulder, his finger caught in the baby’s tight little grip. For a moment, Silvanus’s heart tightened. Thor wasn’t the only one who’d make a good father. But then Artemas looked up, his smile gentle, his eyes sparkling with happiness, and Silvanus reminded himself he had the one thing that mattered.

  “Ready to go home, love? We’ll leave this little family to get to know each other.” Moving closer he blessed the second child, who stared at him with Thor’s eyes.

  “Call me if you need anything,” Artemas said, carefully disengaging his finger from the baby’s grip, and taking Silvanus’s hand. “You’re a very lucky man, Orin Green.”

  “I know,” Orin said simply, walking slowly, so he could crawl up on the bed next to his mate. Thor immediately lifted up his arm, so Orin and his precious bundle could snuggle underneath. “Don’t be strangers, okay?”

  “We won’t.” Silvanus focused on his mate. “Where to?”

  “Can we go to the glade? I’d just like for it to be us for a bit, if that’s all right.”

  “Your wish….” Holding Artemas’s hands, Silvanus took one last look at the family unit. Thor and Orin were counting fingers and toes, their love wafting off them like a cloud. Perfect. Closing his eyes, he took his mate home.


  Oh, this is the life. Artemas stretched, his limbs languid from the sun. He’d felt awkward when they’d first arrived at the glade, sure Silvanus was going to mention something about wanting children of his own, or asking if the birth had triggered any paternal feelings in him. But all Silvanus had done was love him often, and when he did speak of the babies, who were adorable, it was simply passing comments about how much sleep the new parents might be getting.

  In turn, Artemas shared some of the stories he had, raising his brothers and as he did, Artemas realized he had hidden a fundamental part of himself over the years. Raising Nereus, Lasse, and Baby hadn’t been a chore, or a duty. It’d been fun - exhausting, but fun. Artemas hadn’t had much of a chance to talk to anyone about those days before, but he often had Silvanus rolling around laughing at some of the antics the boys pulled as they grew up.

  Those talks settled something deep inside of Artemas. He knew he wasn’t ready to raise his own children yet, but he did think it was a decision he’d be ready for over time. The fact that Silvanus didn’t push him, or try and subtly change his mind played a huge part in that.

  Rolling onto his side, Artemas looked to where his mate was sitting in the classic meditation position. His eyes closed, the gentle breeze playing in his hair, his chest a deeper bronze than it’d been before thanks to their lack of need for clothing, Silvanus seemed at one with the outdoors. The calmness he emanated soothed the jagged edges of Artemas’s soul, and healed the ragged tears in his heart.

  As if he could feel his eyes, Silvanus opened his. “Is there something you need, my loving mate?”

  “No, just admiring the view.” Artemas felt his cheeks heat. “It’s so peaceful here.”

  “It is,” Silvanus said, rising to his feet. “Unfortunately, we can’t stay here forever. Someone is demanding access, although, I’m not sure who.”

  Artemas sat up, looking around. “Who would dare try and reach us here? This is your private domain. It’s bad enough Zeus keeps zapping things to us for us to trip over.”

  Okay, it’d only been one time. Zeus had been pleased with the Crane outcome. Melrose Jackson turned out to be one of the many alias’s Thoth had used in his day, and with that man currently enjoying Ra’s library because he couldn’t go anywhere else, Zeus’s life was peaceful again. He had sent a mating gift as a thank you. The state of the art computer system was still sitting in its box. Silvanus’s glade had no electricity or access to the internet.

  “We did promise we’d go and visit Lasse and Jason,” Silvanus reminded him, “And Nereus sent you word we’re invited for dinner as did Ra. It’s beautiful, staying here with you, and I’d love nothing more than to do that for all eternity, but keeping up with family ties is important too. I can’t hide you away here forever.”

  “You can if I let you.” Lying back, Artemas ran his hands down his chest, resting them on the top of his thighs. His cock twitched in anticipation. “I’m never bored when you’re close to me.”

  Silvanus’s chuckle resounded around the glade. “As much as I’d love to take you up on your offer, this message sounded urgent. Whoever it was, was pushing hard against my wards. I could feel it when I was meditating.”

  “Fine, I’ll get dressed.” Artemas looked down at his half-hard cock. “But we’re addressing this issue later.”

  “Never doubt how much I love and want you,” Silvanus said seriously. His sexy limbs were now covered in navy pants and a blue shirt open at th
e collar. Black shoes and a black belt completed his casual look. Opting out of his suits for a change, Artemas mimicked his mate, although his pants were black and his shirt a pale lilac shade. He clicked his fingers, his black rimmed glasses appeared.

  “You never did tell me why you wear them,” Silvanus said, moving closer and taking them out of Artemas’s hand. “You don’t need them, and yet you seem to prefer wearing them anytime we are in the company of others.”

  “It’s part of my look, I suppose.” Artemas shrugged. “Nereus was always the good looking one, Baby was the sexy one, and Lasse was the fun brother. I was known as the academic. I guess I wanted to look the part.”

  “You look incredibly sexy in them.” Opening the frames, Silvanus slid them over Artemas’s ears. “I might have a geek fantasy we could play out later.” His warm breath brushed along Artemas’s cheek.

  “Are you going to dress up like a bad ass, and ravage me over the table in Poseidon’s library?” Artemas felt his smile widen. The answering gleam in Silvanus’s eyes let him know his mate loved the idea. “Come on, let’s see this person whoever it is, so then we can get down to more important things like us.”

  “I have a waiting room – a place between realms. I directed the messenger there.”

  “Isn’t it weird the person was so persistent but couldn’t tell you who they were?”

  “I’ve learned among gods, nothing’s weird anymore. Take my hand, babe. We’ll meet them together.”

  Sliding his hand into Silvanus’s comforting grasp, Artemas waited for his molecules to dissipate and reappear. Silvanus’s waiting room was understated, decked in wood panels and large windows showing a view of ferns and trees. The room held just two small couches, a small coffee table, and a water feature bubbling in the corner. But it was the figure slumped in the corner of one of the couches that held Artemas’s attention.

  “Baby, bro, what on earth are you doing here?” He quickly scanned his youngest brother. He didn’t seem hurt, but there were tear track marks down his beautiful face and his eyes were puffy and red-rimmed.

  “Artie, thank the Fates you came.” Baby jumped up and threw himself into Artemas’s arms. “I had nowhere else to go, I didn’t know who else to turn to. Artie please, you have to help me.” Breaking down in a flood of more tears, Baby couldn’t say anymore.

  Holding his brother firmly, stroking down his slender back, Artemas looked over Baby’s blond curls to see Silvanus looking concerned. He knew without asking, that any trouble Baby had gotten himself into, he and his mate would handle it together.

  “I love you,” he mouthed to Silvanus, as he patiently waited for Baby to pull himself together and let him know what the hell was going on.

  The End

  If you’ve got to the end, thank you so much. I do hope you enjoyed the story. I am not sure if Baby will be the next book in this series, although it is quite likely. However, Hades is getting agitated, although he didn’t show up in this story, and Ra for some reason seems to think that having a mate would be a fun idea. So, we will have to see who yells the loudest in my head lol.

  Those of you who follow me on social media know I’ve lost a lot of income lately due to the efforts of pirates. At one point I seriously thought I was going to have to give up writing my stories and get a “real” job. I decided to cut my expenses instead at this point, but for those of you who spent your hard earned money on my story – you have my deepest thanks. Writing is the only income I have, so it means the world to me.

  If you feel inclined, please leave a review at your place of purchase. I wanted to make you smile and hopefully I’ve achieved that, and reviews really do help sell my books to new readers.

  Love is a powerful emotion – I believe it can overcome hate. So, if you get the chance, take the smile I gave you and share it with someone else 

  Hug the one you love,

  Lisa xx.

  About the Author

  Lisa Oliver had been writing non-fiction books for years when visions of half dressed, buff men started invading her dreams. Unable to resist the lure of her stories, Lisa decided to switch to fiction books, and now stories about her men clamor to get out from under her fingertips. With over fifty MM true mate titles to her credit so far, Lisa shows no sign of slowing down.

  When Lisa is not writing, she is usually reading with a cup of tea always at hand. Her grown children and grandchildren sometimes try and pry her away from the computer and have found that the best way to do it is to promise her chocolate. Lisa will do anything for chocolate.

  Lisa loves to hear from her readers and other writers (I really do, lol). You can catch up with her on any of the social media links below.

  Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/lisaoliverauthor

  Official Author page – https://www.facebook.com/LisaOliverManloveAuthor/

  My new private teaser group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/540361549650663/

  And I am now on MeWe – you can find my group at http://mewe.com/join/lisa_olivers_paranormal_pack

  My blog - (http://www.supernaturalsmut.com)

  Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/wisecrone333

  Email me directly at [email protected].

  Other Books By Lisa/Lee Oliver

  Please note, I have now marked the books that contain mpreg and MMM for those of you who don’t like to read those type of stories. Hope that helps 

  Cloverleah Pack

  Book 1 – The Reluctant Wolf – Kane and Shawn

  Book 2 – The Runaway Cat – Griff and Diablo

  Book 3 – When No Doesn’t Cut It – Damien and Scott

  Book 3.5 – Never Go Back – Scott and Damien’s Trip and a free story about Malacai and Elijah

  Book 4 – Calming the Enforcer – Troy and Anton

  Book 5 – Getting Close to the Omega – Dean and Matthew

  Book 6 – Fae for All – Jax, Aelfric and Fafnir (M/M/M)

  Book 7 – Watching Out for Fangs –Josh and Vadim

  Book 8 – Tangling with Bears – Tobias, Luke and Kurt (M/M/M)

  Book 9 – Angel in Black Leather – Adair and Vassago

  Book 9.5 – Scenes from Cloverleah – four short stories featuring the men we’ve come to love

  Book 10 – On The Brink – Teilo, Raff and Nereus (M/M/M)

  Book 11 – Don’t Tempt Fate – Marius and Cathair

  Book 12 – My Treasure to Keep – Thomas and Ivan

  Book 13 – is on the list to be written – it will be about Wesley and yes, he will find his mate too, but that’s all I can say about this one for now  (Coming soon)

  The Gods Made Me Do It (Cloverleah spin off series)

  Book One - Get Over It – Madison and Sebastian’s story

  Book Two - You’ve Got to be Kidding – Poseidon and Claude (mpreg)

  Book Three – Don’t Fight It – Lasse and Jason

  Book Four – Riding the Storm – Thor and Orin (mpreg elements [Jason from previous book gives birth in this one])

  Book Five – I Can See You – Artemas and Silvanus (you just read it) [mpreg elements – Thor gives birth in this story]

  The Necromancer’s Smile (This is a trilogy series under the name The Necromancer’s Smile where the main couple, Dakar and Sy are the focus of all three books – these cannot be read as standalone).

  Book One – Dakar and Sy – The Meeting

  Book Two – Dakar and Sy – Family affairs

  Book Three – Dakar and Sy – Taking Care of Business – (coming soon).

  Bound and Bonded Series

  Book One – Don’t Touch – Levi and Steel

  Book Two – Topping the Dom – Pearson and Dante

  Book Three – Total Submission – Kyle and Teric

  Book Four – Fighting Fangs – Ace and Devin

  Book Five – No Mate of Mine – Roger and Cam

  Book Six – Undesirable Mate – Phillip and Kellen

  Stockton Wolves Series

  Book One – Get
off My Case – Shane and Dimitri

  Book Two – Copping a Lot of Sin – Ben, Sin and Gabriel (M/M/M)

  Book Three – Mace’s Awakening – Mace and Roan

  Book Four – Don’t Bite – Trent and Alexi

  Book Five – Tell Me the Truth – Captain Reynolds and Nico (mpreg)

  Alpha and Omega Series

  Book One – The Biker’s Omega – Marly and Trent

  Book Two – Dance Around the Cop – Zander and Terry

  Book 2.5 – Change of Plans - Q and Sully

  Book Three – The Artist and His Alpha – Caden and Sean

  Book Four – Harder in Heels – Ronan and Asaph

  Book 4.5 – A Touch of Spring – Bronson and Harley

  Book Five – If You Can’t Stand The Heat – Wyatt and Stone (Previously published in an anthology)

  Book Six – Fagin’s Folly – Fagin and Cooper

  Book Seven – The Cub and His Alphas – Daniel, Zeke and Ty (MMM)

  Spin off from The Biker’s Omega – BBQ, Bikes, and Bears – Clive and Roy

  There will be more A&O books – I have had one teasing my brain for months, so stay tuned for that one.

  Balance – Angels and Demons

  The Viper’s Heart – Raziel and Botis

  Passion Punched King – Anael and Zagan

  (Uriel and Haures’s story will be coming soon)


  A Tiger’s Tale – Ra and Seth (mpreg)

  Snake Snack – Simon and Darwin (mpreg)

  Liam’s Lament – Liam Beau and Trent (MMM) (Mpreg)

  Doc’s Deputy – Deputy Joe and Doc (Mpreg)

  NEW Series – City Dragons

  Dragon’s Heat – Dirk and Jon

  Dragon’s Fire – Samuel and Raoul

  Dragon’s Tears – (coming soon)


  The One Thing Money Can’t Buy (Book 1 of Custom Solutions – a new series coming soon) – Cari and Quaid.


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