Razar (The Mating Games series Book 1)

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Razar (The Mating Games series Book 1) Page 6

by Catty Diva

  “No, but it is the most common one. Most public games where many play are hunts. The royals didn’t like hunts, they found them too common and dirty. They usually played games like puzzles or ran mazes. Once the mate is caught, the male gives her a chance to rest and clean up before he shows her that he can give her what she needs.”

  “So he woos her?”

  “Yes, if he gets her agreement, they will make love and he administers his mating bite which transfers the venom, they exchange a promise to stay together forever, and the male chants magical binding words. I’ve been told you feel the mating take hold and then you are joined for all time.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “I’ve been told it feels magical and wonderful.”

  “It sounds romantic. How are you sure when it is right?”

  “There is a feeling there and when the games commence, the mate you see is meant to be yours.”

  “You only saw me?”

  “Yes, no one else existed for me but you.”

  “Sometimes you say the most beautiful things.”

  “You make me feel the most beautiful things.”

  A few days passed as they grew closer and became more addicted to each other. It wasn’t just the sex, they had much in common and she was as physical as he was. She also rarely slept the eight or more hours he’d been told to expect, usually fully recharged with six. He and others of his kind generally slept a solid four hours unless ill or wounded. The differences didn’t seem to be large and they adjusted to each other perfectly. Each day he hoped she would tell him she was ready and she seemed to become more a part of him and his world with each passing moment.

  Razar fixed breakfast waiting for his female to wake and join him. He was almost done when she came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She leaned on him for a moment. “I see you’re cooking. It smells great.”

  “Breakfast for us, Mate.” He used the term mate hoping she’d get used to it. Nothing would make his life more perfect than finally claiming his female.

  They sat down and ate their food quietly until they were nearly done. “I would like you to accompany me to my parent’s house.”

  Lista looked gobsmacked. “Alright, if you wish.”

  “My mother is Gildra and my father is Davar. They are both good people and will love you.”

  “They won’t know me, why would they love me?”

  “Because you are mine.”

  Nothing else was said as Lista hurried to get ready taking extra care although she was already beautiful beyond words. They arrived to find most of his brothers were out working or exploring but that was alright because she could easily meet them next time.

  “Mother, Father, Maxar, and of course Travlr already met Lista, who will soon be my mate. Lista, this is part of my family.”

  Everyone spoke at once happy to finally meet her and she said the same even though her face sported a pretty blush. “Razar has spoken so much about you.”

  “He has told us much of you as well.” Davar said. “Why don’t we sit at the table and have a drink?”

  They sat and talked for a couple hours getting to know each other better. Razar felt good about the way his mate and his family interacted. If only he could convince her to mate, everything would fall into place. “What are you two whispering about?” Razar asked when he saw his mate and his mother quietly speaking. They didn’t answer, only laughing at him. “Mother, you’re not telling stories of my youngling days are you?” She blushed but laughed.

  “Those stories are so good.” She and Lista exchanged an amused look.

  “I’d best take Lista home before you tell her all my secrets.”

  “Bring her back soon so the other brothers can meet her.” His mother came close so she could give them each a hug.

  As soon as they were out of the house, Razar hurried them home. “I missed holding you.”

  “I missed it as well.” Lista looked at him with need in her eyes.

  “Every day I ask and I keep hoping you’ve made up your mind.”

  “I think today I have. Your parents are still in love after all these years and they made it through hard times. The stories of you and your brothers as young ones were so endearing. It makes me want to have a dozen like you. Just joking, but maybe a couple and then we’ll see.”

  “Oh, thank the gods that you’re willing to give us a chance.”

  “Why do you say gods sometimes and goddesses other times?”

  “We have both and it depends on the situation or which ones come to mind. Right now I should praise them all.” They were home and he picked her up carrying her into the house. Rushing to the bedroom he slid her down his body to where she could stand on the floor. He quickly undressed so he could watch her undress. “You are ready to become my mate?”

  “Yes, I am ready to stand at your side for all time.”

  “I am already yours forever, but now it will be official.”

  Looking at his mate, he was awed by her naked perfection as always. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her until they were both breathless before he laid her on the bed like a perfect buffet for his hands and mouth to feast upon. His desire rolled over him hotter than ever since he knew she would soon be his one and only for all time.

  “I love you, Lista. Even though we have only had a short time together, I know you are everything to me and I will never let you go.” He slid over top of her keeping his weight on his elbows as he began to seduce her completely with his mouth.

  Kissing her, he worked his way down her throat and to her perfect rosy nipples. His mouth tasted her nipples and they hardened until they looked like berries and tasted just as sweet. She writhed and moaned under him, her reaction making him hard as steel. Continuing on his exploration he kissed his way down her abs to her belly button. Laving it out, he loved the way she whimpered and squirmed under the lash of his tongue.

  “Razar!” Lista screamed as he worked his way to the cusp of her thighs.

  Breathing deeply and enjoying her full rich female scent, his tongue whipped out into her creamy goodness and he savored the small taste he’d gotten. He intended to taste a lot more. Opening her tender folds, he slid his tongue inside tasting and exploring. Her essence exploded on his tongue like the warmest honey and he sank his tongue deep into her channel. It flooded with sweet cream as her body prepared to explode. She locked her legs around his head squeezing as her body bucked and jerked with her release. Razar lapped up all the sweet juice her body released before he climbed up her body sinking his hard shaft deep inside her.

  Relaxed, Lista would come alive again quickly. He would ensure it. Setting an easy pace to start, he aimed for all the pleasure centers she had. His speed and depth increased as he slammed in harder with each stroke. Electricity zipped through him and pleasure was consuming him. All he wanted was for his mate to reach her bliss first. His gums hurt as large hollow incisors erupted from above his regular teeth ready to inject the mating venom into his mate. Now his gums itched with the need to release the mild toxin that would bind his female to him forever.

  His nipples were beaded hard to the point of being painful and his cock ached with need to release its load of seed. Razar’s fingers worked their way to her nubbin and pinched it causing his mate to explode in wave after wave of pleasure. His fangs sank into her releasing all the mating serum into her blood as he filled her with his seed.

  “You are mine always. Majestum cum mardling.” Razar made his claim and sealed it with the ancient words of a long forgotten tongue. It meant mine if the goddess wills it roughly.

  “You are mine too.” Lista said her voice hoarse from screaming her pleasure and his name.

  He waited for the sign that the goddess had blessed their union. It appeared seconds later as a mark showed above his heart. His sweet mate had one too and they were both purple and looked like the face of a wolf. That was the animal that represented his house and family line although on their old world the ani
mal was red. Perhaps the mark was rasin, the darkest purple before black, because the closest animal to a wolf was purple on this world. They might never know for sure.

  His mate, the thought made him smile with happiness. “We will be together always, my love.”

  “What is this tattoo and how did we come to have it?” She looked frightened until he explained his family history and that all his people would have mating marks. Something he should have probably told her beforehand but the excitement had carried him away. Lista accepted his explanation right away.

  Pulling her into his arms he settled her against his chest and they slowly eased into sleep. Nothing seemed to worry him anymore and now his brothers had one less impediment to their own mating. One down, nine to go but he knew his parents would be happy that it was finally finished. Lista didn’t even know that his father was the Prorater of their world. As the oldest son, someday the position would be his. Similar to a king or a president, it was a little like both but yet not either. It was held by being the strongest demon but also because he did his best for the people of their world.

  Razar hadn’t wanted her to know he was considered a prince. He wanted her to choose him, not his position. Now that it was done, he would tell her everything a little at a time. They had chosen each other with no other considerations and he knew she loved him and she knew he loved her. Love was in the air and his brothers would find it too, he just knew they would.


  “Razar, come quick!” Lista screeched as she looked outside.

  “Calm down my love. What are you looking at?” Razar asked calmly.

  “It’s the purple wolf from the cave.”

  “Really?” Razar asked with interest. The wolf had been friendly, much like a pet.

  He walked out in the yard where the wolf stood with his tail wagging. The wolf was dirty and half-starved leading him to believe he had made a hard journey probably from the other side of the mountains, around the end, and all the way here.

  “Good Boy. Did you miss us?” The wolf nodded as if he understood and wagged his tail. “It will take a lot of food to keep you fed. You’ll have to get most of it in the wild. Do you understand? I will go with you in the morning and we will find a nearby cave for you to live in. Nod if you know what I mean.”

  “It seems he found his way out and followed us.” Lista said in amazement.

  “Since he wants to live with us, I think he will make a good guard for our property.”

  “Do you think he will play well with children?” Lista asked as she giggled.

  Razar turned and stared at her. “Do you mean?”

  “Yes, we are expecting.”

  “Thank all the gods and goddesses. I can’t wait until our child is in our arms.”

  Two weeks later Razar received a call and was uncertain how to handle it. “Lista, we need to talk.”

  “Okay, Honey. What’s going on?”

  “I got a call from Earth. Your sister Narcissi is on her way here. I don’t really know why for sure but she said her life was in danger and used my family name to get on the ship that was leaving for here.”

  “Did she find out who you were?”

  Since he had told everything to his mate once they were bonded, it was no surprise she would conclude what he was already thinking himself. “She must have. Don’t worry, we’ll find her a mate somehow. I’ll make sure she’s not around long enough to cause you problems.”

  “You’d have to shoot the ship down to guarantee that.” Lista said and it sounded sarcastic, but she meant it.

  “I’ll deal with her, I promise.”

  Razar wouldn’t let a bad sister ruin his mate’s peace. The two of them were happy and they would face tomorrow together. Besides, he had nine brothers to mate and if none of them wanted her, there were thousands of males looking for a female. There was more than one way to deal with a bad sister and he would find the way that would keep her out of their lives. Once the sister was dealt with, he intended to bring Lista’s mother and her other siblings here once she had recovered from the operation she had undergone. He knew his mate loved all of her family and wanted to be around most of them.

  Pulling his mate into his arms he breathed in her sweet feminine scent, licked her neck to taste her salty sweet skin, and kissed her delightful mouth drowning in her spicy flavor. Nothing was going to mess things up for them now or ever.

  “I love you, Mate.” Lista whispered in his ear.

  “I love you more.” Razar said as he looked at her with his heart in his eyes.


  Book 2

  Cravr is looking forward to the mating games except for one thing. He doesn’t want to end up with Lista’s sister, Narcissa. He dreams of a sweet loving mate that will be his lover and his best friend forever.

  Tammie was sold to the alien bride program for debts her father had left behind. She wasn’t against finding a mate, but she wouldn’t make the hunt easy on him. There had been not choice for her as far as participating in the games, but she always played to win. Take that all you alien males!

  Could he catch her and if he did, would he ever win her heart?

  To keep up with new releases, sales, and contests, sign up for the author’s newsletter (Crystal Dawn, Corre Deepe, and Catty Diva)



  Connect with the author at:

  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Crystal-Dawn/378841472210002 http://crystaldawnauthor.wordpress.com

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  If you want to read more books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

  Blue Moon Pack Series

  Cousins of the Moon Series 1 and 2

  Legends of the White Werewolf Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

  Keepers of the Land Series (A completed 6 book series.)

  Frozen Origin Series 1, 2, and 3

  Frozen Origin Quickies 1

  Frozen Holidays 2 PK Eudoras & Zelus

  Frozen Origins Love 2PK Adonis & Aphroditus

  The Southwest Illinois Pack Series

  The Wilde Pack series

  The Strong Pack 1 & 2

  The Red Wolf Series

  Lucifer (Frozen Origin Demons Series book 1)

  White Wolf Matriarchs

  The Juarez Pack Series

  The Witches of Ulyss Series

  Winged Beast Series


  Witch Way Series

  Book 1

  He found his fated one only to lose her. It sounded like a bad joke but it had really happened to him. Even with all his magical abilities, he’d had no luck finding the woman that had captivated him.

  She’d woke up after the hottest night of sex she could imagine, all alone. Embarrassed that she’d behaved so impulsively, she ran and just kept running.

  When these two get together, the passion ignites. Unfortunately someone out for revenge wants them both to burn, literally.

  Frozen Origin

  Book 1


  He is the leader of the gods, no not the Greek gods of ancient times that they are named for, but the god line of genetically manipulated beings said to be so much more than men. They’ve been imprisoned by Origin, the company that created them, all their lives, but now they have a chance to be free.

  She leads the team that has come to free them. She and her team always come in first and leave first on every mission, which is a good thing because she is drawn to the gorgeous god. She needs to leave to get on with her life and the career she loves.

  She doesn’t want to settle down, he is unwilling to settle for anything less. When they are thrown together fighting Origin and secrets are revealed, will it bring them closer together or place insurmountable obstacles in their path?

  Note: graphic sex and is for adult
readers only.


  White Wolf Matriarchs

  Book 3

  Lucille has seen Grey several times when she visited and lately when she worked at her cousin’s, Cassie’s, house where wounded veterans of the supernatural persuasion stayed while they were rehabilitated. She had to admit the man/wolf grabbed her attention and he stared at her so intently with those soulful eyes of his. He was just too young and too wolf for the two of them to ever make it.

  Grey was sure she was his fated mate but she always ran away from him. She wasn’t running now but the problem was they were both caught and in a cage. How had things gone so wrong? She would be sold to be mated or a sex slave to an alpha while he was bound for the illegal fights so well hidden that even while he and his team investigated the illegal slave ring, they’d had no idea this was going on. He’d finally gotten Lucille’s attention just in time to fail her completely.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1The Hunted

  Chapter 2Razar

  Chapter 3Running

  Chapter 4Mates

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6Will She Stay


  To keep up with new releases, sales, and contests, sign up for the author’s newsletter (Crystal Dawn,...




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