Broken Wings

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Broken Wings Page 16

by Melanie Nilles

  The only other chance was to catch a ride on a starship. Then it could take months in Earth time. But by then, the Shirukan could operate Heffin's Gate at close to full power. They'd pursue Raea, perhaps arrive on Earth to wait for her, knowing this would be her destination.

  Something for him to watch for.

  "But there is a chance."

  They'd already discussed this. Elis didn't want any part of it again. He stood up to leave, his chair sliding back on the floor behind him.

  A hand clasped his arm. "Don't give up, Elis. You need something to believe in. We all do."

  A second later, Josh let go.

  Something to believe in? Belief without proof was one thing, but Elis needed evidence that she was safe. Still, Josh's faith piqued his curiosity. Evelyn possessed the same faith, as did Debbie. They all hoped and prayed to their God, their creator, that someone somewhere would return Raea. This wasn't a matter of the supernatural. Life's unexplained events could always be explained in terms of patterns that some people refused to see. Solid, empirical explanations; not Gods or angels, or otherworldly beings of any kind.

  He wished he could believe they were right, that by some miracle, a true angel would bring her back.

  But he couldn't.

  Elis left his tray at the cleaning station on the way out of the lunch room. Yes, he needed to believe in something, but not what Josh did.

  * * *

  The afternoon dragged until the last bell. Elis adjusted his gloves and pulled on his jacket. Spring had come—Raea would love the sunshine and warmth—but a chill occasionally returned to the air, less often as the days passed closer to summer.

  If she had escaped, what would she be doing? What would she think of Inar'Ahben? He missed home and wanted to be the one to show her the homeworld she'd never known.

  After shoving his books into his red backpack for homework, he hooked his arms through the straps and wove through the crowded, noisy halls, joining the flow of bodies to the doors.

  In the warm spring air, students gossiped and laughed. At the end of the walkway, girls and boys leaned out bus windows, still chatting with friends reluctant to end their brief conversations. Others filed into the yellow and black vehicles. At least he didn't have to wait for anything or endure such an inconvenience. He could walk home in peace and quiet.

  Except for the short man with the balding head. Matthew Stein stood near one of the rock-studded cement columns supporting the slab over the walkway from the doors to near the line of buses at the curb. Stein turned away the moment Elis caught his eyes. What was he doing there?

  Only one way to find out, but Elis already suspected the answer. He caught up to the shorter man and tapped his shoulder.

  Stein turned, a look of fake surprise on his face, too unnatural to be coincidence. "Elis!"

  "Mister Stein."

  Stein glanced around Elis. "You haven't seen Raea, have you?"

  "No. She's out of town."

  "A shame. I really do need to speak with her. Oh, well." Stein flashed a smile. "Any idea when she'll be back?"

  "No." And he wouldn't tell the man if he did know. "What do you want with her? And who are you and your friend working for?"

  "I'm sorry." Stein tugged up his belted pants around the slight paunch of middle beneath the blue shirt. "I'm not at liberty to discuss that, except with your girlfriend and certain individuals like her."

  So, it wasn't just Raea. By "certain individuals" did he mean any Inari, Keepers, or just Crystal Keepers?

  Stein looked up at the sun and squinted, his small eyes closing to almost nothing. "Looks like a beautiful day. I won't keep you. Have her call me when she returns, would you?" He hurried away through the crowds of students and disappeared between buses. No doubt Torres waited in a car on the other side.

  "Hey, Elis!"

  Now what?

  Josh caught up to him on the sidewalk along the curb where the buses parked. "Normally I'd walk with Raea, but since she's not here…"

  He got it. Now was a terrible time, especially after encountering Stein waiting at the school. What exactly did the man have planned? What would he have done if Raea had been there?

  "Anyway, I know you probably don't care and you already told me everything anyway, but I still wouldn't mind hanging out. Do you like video games? I could bring some over. Hey! What about Nare? Maybe she'd like to play."

  Elis let out a heavy sigh of defeat. Josh would never give up.

  They stepped off the end of the block, leaving the buses behind, and crossed the quiet street.

  "Linds and Jess are busy, and Raea was gonna hang out with me, I mean when she was here, because of…um…your separation."

  Because of their separation? Then Josh had intended to make a move on her, unless he was just being friendly. Elis hoped it was only out of friendship.

  Like he hoped this was all in friendship. Josh could be irritatingly insistent, especially since learning about what they really were. "Evelyn would welcome your company."

  "You're sure? I don't want to impose."

  Trying to be polite. It amused him when anyone refused or excused something they really wanted while hinting that they did, whether in words or tone of voice or body language. At least Josh pulled it off with more sincerity than Stein. Elis felt the smile lift his cheeks without effort. "No. Nare probably would enjoy it." And it would give her something to do rather than nagging him.

  Josh's eyes widened. "Saweet! I hadn't thought of that. I wish I could tell the others what was really going on."

  "The fewer the better right now." At least until he figured out Shirukan business on Earth.

  "I understand. I wouldn't actually tell anyone. It's kinda fun having a secret, but everyone tells me their secrets."

  "Who's 'everyone'?" Did Josh know something that might help him?

  "That's part of the secret. But it's not easy. I mean, they know I won't talk about their personal stuff. But this…Oh, man…This is—you are or were what kept me going for the last year and a half."

  What did Josh mean by that? "Are you disappointed?"

  "No…Kind of. It's just that, there's no more mystery. I thought I'd be happy to learn who Dark Angel is, but with Raea gone, that's made it kind of…I don't know. I'm not saying I'm disappointed, but—"

  "But you liked the mystery and imagining the possibilities, not having the concrete truth in front of you."

  Josh pursed his lips a moment and adjusted the strap of his bookbag on his shoulder. "Something like that. Yeah. I mean, no more wondering. All I have to do is look at you. I never, ever would have put it together. It's not that it's you, it's just that the possibilities are all gone. And here you are."

  Yes, there he was, an alien on a world that thought of him as a supernatural being. And all that hope in the supernatural had been taken away from Josh and replaced by hard facts. Josh liked to live in a dream world, it would seem. A world of unexplained phenomena he could attribute to magic and superstition.

  They walked a ways in silence, reaching the corner where Josh parted before saying anything more.

  "So, um…I'll see ya tomorrow." Josh strode away down the street.

  Elis watched him for a few seconds, amused by Josh's fascination but interested in his view of everything.

  If he would be busy tomorrow night with Josh, then he would have to take advantage of the time left that day.

  Now for Pallin's contact. He hurried the rest of the way to Evelyn's house.


  Leksel's Story

  Whoever thought sleeping mats were an acceptable replacement for beds should be shot. Raea hated them. She wanted her bed back, in her own room, with its thick, soft mattress and fluffy comforter to snuggle under. After a night on a flat mat, her shoulder ached. A more advanced—like, thousands of years more advanced—society and they didn't even have beds. What was up with that?

  Leksel was gone and his mat rolled up. They let her oversleep again?

; Raea sat up and stretched. Kayan had left her the gown to sleep in again and washed their uniforms. They would need them that day.

  Leksel said last night that if Cris was better they'd fly off to a new island and try to find a shuttle to reach Starfire Tower. But they had some travel yet through Shirat territory. Dressed as Shirukan, they weren't likely to be stopped, but they risked exposure if someone confronted them.

  Saffir, the only other Crystal Keeper remaining on that world, resided at Starfire Tower. She could open a portal to Earth. Raea swore that the moment she returned, she'd try harder to learn to do it herself. No more excuses. If she was ever taken again, she wanted the power to return home immediately.

  Home. Raea shivered with excitement. She couldn't wait to get home. Today would be a good day.

  First to change and eat, then to wait for Leksel to lead them.

  The underground home was quiet, but Dargilis had probably already gone out with the boys in tow. She'd miss them, in an odd way, maybe because they reminded her of her cousins, Dave and Eric.

  By that time tomorrow she could be home. Better yet, she could be with Elis. The squeeze of her heart choked her. The need to feel his arms around her, holding her tight, was unbearable. She missed those nights he snuggled her to dry her tears. Just his quiet presence had soothed her from the horrors she had faced against the other Shirukan who tried to take her away.

  The anticipation of being with him hurried her rolling up of the mat and folding the blanket, and it put a spring in her step to the bathroom.

  After a quick rinse and change—Kayan had left her uniform neatly folded for her—she braided her hair and stepped out with a smile. A fresh day, a new beginning, and one step closer to home.

  Laughter reached her from the room at the end of the hall—the kids' room. But those weren't kids' voices; they were too deep for kids. Cris had slept there last night. What would Cris be laughing at? Who was with him?

  She stopped at the door and listened.

  ["I'm sorry I lost control."] Leksel's deep voice.

  Raea leaned close and all but held her breath. He apologized to Cris?

  ["It's been coming for two years, Leks. Ever since…Korali."]

  Silence. Damn. Who or what was Korali?

  ["That's no excuse. I was ready to kill you. If Raea hadn't stopped me…"]

  ["I know. I owe her my gratitude."] Cris sounded well. Her healing must have worked. ["For that and the healing."]

  She smiled and put her hand to the door. It had worked. She'd healed him and he sounded well.

  ["Leks. I'm sorry…about what I said. I was mad. Ever since the Shirukan took away mom and dad, you turned into this overbearing, controlling dictator."]

  Mom and dad? Raea's heart jumped at the possibility. They couldn't be.

  ["I wish you'd just leave me alone sometimes. I can take care of myself."]

  Silence. She had to hear it, the confirmation of what she suspected and the only explanation that made sense in light of all that had happened between them.

  ["When the time is right, we'll rescue them…together,"] Cris said.

  ["If they're alive,"] Leksel grumbled. ["It's my fault. You were right. I always knew but couldn't admit it."]

  ["Then you don't blame me?"]

  ["I never did. I wish you'd be more careful. You take unnecessary risks."]

  ["Ah, well…that's my job."]

  Raea grinned, imagining Cris' nonchalant air.

  A deep chuckle replied. She couldn't have heard Leksel laugh. ["Be more careful. I didn't pull you from the academy to get caught."]

  After a few moments, Cris spoke in a lower voice. ["Korali really changed you, Leks, for the better."]

  ["I know."] His voice lowered.

  ["I'm proud of you leaving the Shirukan. I'm glad you didn't arrest her. I'm glad you two met."]

  What? Raea gasped and stood back. Leksel. Shirukan? She couldn't believe it, yet she could. It explained how he knew so much and seemed comfortable in the uniform. But what if he'd never left?

  Raea took a deep breath to calm her racing heart and the fear creeping into her. How could she trust Leksel? He had been trained like Pallin.

  She leaned forward, but the trembling of her hands tapped against the door.

  A few seconds later, it slid aside.

  Leksel stood over her in the black flightsuit, the Shirukan uniform. ["Raea?"]

  ["I'm sorry. I heard voices. I…just wanted to check on Cris."] Leksel's eyes studied her. Man, she hated that look. He suspected something.

  She swallowed and looked past him. ["Feeling better?"]

  Leksel stepped aside. Cris sat up against the wall, a cheery grin on his face now free of the swelling and most of the bruising. ["Thanks to you. And you said you'd never healed before."]

  ["I—"] Could Leksel please look somewhere else? His dark eyes burned through her. ["I didn't."]

  ["You're being modest. Come in and sit."]

  ["No. That's okay. I haven't eaten. I…should leave you alone."] She looked from Cris to Leksel and backed away. ["I didn't mean to interrupt."]

  ["Hey! Wait. How about company?"]

  Her flustered mind could think of nothing to say, except ["All right."]

  Cris threw off the blanket and stood up with a small wince. He stepped past Leksel without any further sign of pain and followed her.

  Raea hurried ahead to the dining area, but glanced back once. Did Leksel follow? She hoped not. Bad enough Cris had joined her. At least they'd apologized, though.

  Were they brothers? Could she trust Leksel if he had been Shirukan? Why did he leave? Could she trust Cris any more than Leksel?

  Questions swarmed in her head.

  ["Did your feet freeze?"]

  Raea blinked. She stood in the doorway to the empty dining area. How'd she get there? Where was Kayan?

  ["Um…no. Sorry."] Raea stepped inside.

  What was she doing? She had no idea where anything was, much less what it was.

  Not to worry. Cris went to the cabinets as if he lived there and started pulling stuff out.

  She sat down at the table and watched. It all made sense. The fighting and the nearly identical wing color. Yet Leksel was so much bigger than Cris. Leksel had been Shirukan. Who knew if he wasn't still Shirukan? She didn't trust anyone with ties to the Shirukan.

  It made perfect sense, especially knowing Cris was meistal. Leksel knew all about the Shirukan, and did all he could to keep Cris close. He wasn't trying all those times to dominate Cris; he was trying to protect him. He cared about his little brother, and Cris was definitely younger, by a wide margin.

  Leksel stepped into the doorway, his eyes on her. ["How much did you hear?"]

  Was it warm in there suddenly? Raea hated that accusing stare and watched Cris to avoid Leksel. ["Not much."]

  Oh, God. Did he have to sit down and stare at her? She couldn't stand it. He knew. He knew she heard enough to scare her. Duh! Just that last statement before she fell against the door was all she needed to hear. Leksel must have realized it.

  She couldn't stay in the same room with him.

  The moment she stood, his hand clasped her arm and pulled her back down. ["Sit…please?"]

  She should leave, but where would she go?

  She wanted to trust Leksel, but he'd withheld the truth from her. She should know why, if he intended to tell her. Maybe he had a good reason.

  Damn him. Raea sat, and he released her arm. If he wanted to take her to the Shirukan, he could have at any time. Instead, he'd helped her escape. Did anyone leave the Shirukan? He piqued her curiosity.

  His dark eyes fixed on her. His elbows rested on the table, his hands clasped before him. ["You're scared."]

  As if that wasn't obvious. ["Shouldn't I be?"]

  ["I won't tell you what to think."] He let out a heavy sigh. ["You would have figured it out, if you didn't suspect. Yes, I was Shirukan, a commander…until three years ago."]

  Raea waited for more. Leksel looke
d away, searching his memories.

  A pan clattered on the counter. ["Slipped,"] Cris said. After that he set things out lightly, with exaggerated care it seemed.

  ["You cook?"]

  ["Not nearly as good as Kayan, but since she's with the baby and we're both hungry, why not?"]

  True. But did she trust her digestive health in his hands? That remained to be seen.

  Raea turned back to Leksel. Would he tell her more? He stared at her, but out of focus.

  ["Korali changed me."]

  He said nothing more. Frustrating. Why couldn't he just spit it out?

  ["Who's Korali?"]

  He focused on her, and she saw it. Something sparked in his eyes. She'd seen that look before, on Elis. ["She was a rebel, and a Keeper."] His wings lifted slightly.

  Raea rubbed her hands, aware more than ever of the Starburst marks on the palms and backs and the way he stared at them.

  ["I was in charge of arresting her and a group planning on collapsing a section of Heffin's Gate. We'd discovered one of their contacts on the inside and fed them false information to lure the rebels out. My team was ready, but someone tipped them off, and they fled before the trap could spring. We chased them down, catching several. I went after Korali when she flew out below the city. But when I caught her…"]

  His voice trailed away.

  What? He really knew how to leave out details she wanted to hear. She didn't care about the rest.

  ["Something happened. I don't know what, but I felt something when I held her. It was like…like nothing mattered but her. She wasn't a rebel, but a woman. Not just any woman. When we landed in one of the recyc center loading docks, I couldn't let her go. She didn't fight me, and I kissed her. It happened so fast. I never knew what hit me, but I knew I couldn't arrest her. They'd kill her. We were trained to kill Keepers, but I couldn't let that happen, so, I let her go. She ran off, and I never expected to see her again."]


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