Broken Wings

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Broken Wings Page 21

by Melanie Nilles

  Yes, Leksel had told her. What did that have to do with them… The answer clicked. ["They have traces of Starfire in them and you picked that up."]

  ["Yes. All of them."]

  All of them. Then Corsa too. She was meistal, and Raea hadn't noticed. Then maybe Leksel was right.

  ["It's not the same as a Keeper, but it can be detected. We saw you distinctly, but didn't know what to make of your friends."] Saffir paused. ["I can't say this wasn't unexpected, and we prepared for trouble. General Lolliren is standing by with his ship in orbit."]

  Now she felt stupid for even worrying. ["What about the defenses of this place? What about Corsa and Leksel?"]

  ["Someone's working on the controls they damaged. As for those two, we'll decide what to do with them after the Shirukan are gone."]

  That wasn't good enough. She couldn't leave them wondering if Leksel had used her all along to get to Saffir. ["I have to know who's telling the truth."]

  ["Do you? What if both are lying? The Shirukan are masters of deception. They might all be hoping you'll convince us to turn one of them free, so they can complete their mission."]

  ["No. I don't believe it."] Not after all she'd learned and experienced with them. That couldn't be faked.

  ["Would you risk the Starfire and the security of this world on that?"]

  Saffir made a good case. ["No."] But there was more. Leksel had mentioned scanning their minds. ["But can't you read their minds to find the truth?"]

  Saffir paced away from her and waved her hand for Raea to follow. ["What did Elis teach you about being a Keeper?"]

  Nothing like being put on the spot. Raea thought back to her lessons. ["He taught me to use the Starfire to defend myself, but he said Keepers always help when there's a need."]

  Saffir stared out at the sky and the puffs of clouds floating past. ["Did he tell you our greatest pledge, especially for Crystal Keepers?"]

  Raea swallowed her anxiety and brushed a strand of hair from her shoulder. ["I don't know. He never pointed out anything in particular."]

  Saffir fixed her eyes on Raea and spoke in a firm voice. ["Do no harm."] Her blue wings shifted. ["That is the first oath of all those who train here, the antithesis of the Shirukan and their empress."] Her gaze made Raea uncomfortable, as if Saffir accused her of doing wrong. What did this have to do with her question about finding the truth?

  But she had done harm to Pallin. Whether he deserved it or not, she had killed him with the Starfire. No. The Starfire did it; not me.

  What about the Shirat soldiers and the Shirukan in Naviketan? I didn't have a choice. We were outnumbered, and they weren't hurt, only stunned.

  This made no sense from what Elis had taught her. ["What about defending the crystal?"]

  A knowing look softened the lines of the Crystal Keeper's face. ["Only when necessary. The entities are explorers. They will not tolerate a selfish Keeper or one who desires power. Do no harm means we don't force our will on anyone. We serve, Keeper Raea. We help those in need… I will not scan anyone who refuses."]

  ["But if they refuse, wouldn't that indicate they're hiding something and don't want to be found out?"]

  ["Maybe. Or perhaps they wish to keep their privacy. Mind scans are a complex area of our laws."]

  Forget their law! She wanted to know, without a doubt. ["Leksel's willing. He'll prove himself."]

  Saffir studied her, the calm on her face irritating. ["You trust this Leksel?"]

  Did she? Raea wanted to, but she wasn't sure anymore what she believed. What if he lied to her? What if his willingness was one more way to win her trust?

  No. The emotion on his face when he talked about Korali was real. Her death had hurt him. That much was certain. He said she was a Keeper and a rebel, the reason he betrayed the Shirukan. Was that part real? What about blaming himself for his parents' incarceration?

  No one could fake that kind of emotion. ["I've only known him a few days, but…I've seen…his soul. He tries to hide it, but…"] Raea shrugged. It all sounded superficial. ["I don't know. There's something in his eyes, real emotions, real sorrow like…like what I saw in Elis. Leksel wears an armor to protect his emotions, I think. He was trained not to care, but he does."]

  ["A scan can pull out the most intimate details,"] Saffir quietly said. ["Whether willing or not, it is an invasion of privacy."]

  ["He asked."]

  Saffir stood quiet. Raea imagined what she thought—this was another trick to get close to her. But he hadn't asked for Saffir in particular.

  ["I'll authorize it, but I want to hear it from him."]


  Worlds Collide

  Raea followed Saffir into the detention area, not sure she wanted to know the truth. Cris jumped up from a chair near Leksel's cell. Behind the glass, Leksel tipped his head with an air of respect. ["Keeper Saffir."]

  Saffir carried herself with the poise of a leader, every bit as confident as Leksel, but in a kinder way. ["You are Leksel?"]

  ["I am."]

  ["Former Shirukan?"]

  His wings shifted but he gave no other indication of agitation. Whether it came from the identification with the Shirukan or something else, Raea couldn't tell. ["Yes."]

  ["And you requested a mind scan…to prove your innocence?"]

  Leksel's gaze never wavered from Saffir. ["Yes."]

  Saffir studied him for a few seconds.

  In that time, Cris caught Raea's eyes with a question. She shrugged—how was she to know what went on in the Crystal Keeper's head? Saffir surprised her with the sudden decision to perform the scan herself. They didn't have much time, though, if Leksel was right about the Shirukan.

  ["You understand that I can't control what I find. I will see things you may not want anyone to know."] The scolding look on Saffir's face might have pricked him. Leksel winced slightly.



  Two uniformed guards stepped to her side. The third keyed something on the console—an unlock code since the glass sparkled out of existence. Okay, not glass then. Plasma?

  Raea could worry about it later.

  Leksel knelt before her in anything but his usual austere demeanor and bowed his head. ["I can't change what I was, only who I am."]

  ["Well spoken."] Saffir stepped forward, her hands glowing.

  Cris joined Raea and leaned down to whisper, ["Thanks."]


  ["For giving Leks a second chance."]

  Was he sincere, or was this all part of an elaborate plan, so he could gain her confidence for the right moment to take her to his superiors? Stop it! No. Leksel and Cris couldn't be that scheming.

  Could they?

  Saffir would soon learn the truth. The Crystal Keeper put one hand on each side of Leksel's head. He stared ahead, the confidence on his face withering away each second.

  In what couldn't have been half a minute, the glow of Saffir's hands faded, and she stepped back. That was fast.

  Leksel dropped his head, his shoulders sagging with his wings. He looked defeated and tired. It pulled at Raea's emotions.

  A firm hand on her arm held her in place. Cris shook his head. ["Don't."]

  They stood in the silence that lingered until Saffir broke it with her gentle voice. ["I'm sorry."]

  ["So am I,"] Leksel said.

  In the lights of the chamber, Saffir's throat flashed with a swallow. She walked away with the guards and spoke in a low voice with them.

  That's it? No more? It seemed so simple. But Leksel was free; the guards left him alone. All her worries lifted, leaving her relieved.

  As Leksel stood, Raea pulled away from Cris's hand and rushed to Leksel. Without thinking, she embraced him. ["I knew you couldn't be guilty. I didn't want to believe it."]

  His arms tightened around her for a second. ["Why? I was Shirukan. I could have been acting all this time and you wouldn't know it."]

  Was he kidding? Raea pulled back but not away from his touch.

; A cold glare hardened his face, but he took a deep breath and let it pass. ["Thank you…both of you."] Raea followed his gaze over her shoulder to Cris.

  Cris shrugged with his usual nonchalance. ["We're brothers. What am I supposed to do? Just leave you? You're not getting rid of me that easily."]

  Leksel let go of her and wrapped Cris in a crushing embrace.

  ["All right."] Cris gasped. ["Don't go all sentimental. I might start to wonder if you are still Shirukan and lying."]

  In an event she thought she'd never see, Leksel laughed. Too weird. Two brothers reconciled, or she hoped they did. For the moment, they put aside their differences. Or was it that despite their differences, they were still brothers and loyal to each other? It didn't matter. They were getting along for a change.

  ["What about Corsa?"] she asked.

  ["She's gone."]

  Raea turned on Saffir. ["How?"]

  ["The medics healed her wounds. She pretended to rest, but attacked when they didn't expect it."]

  How did she know? A useless question. The woman behind her worked at a holographic control panel.

  ["She knew I'd want to prove my innocence and would be discovered,"] Leksel said.

  ["A fair guess."] Saffir shifted her focus to Raea. ["The Shirukan will be here soon. The time is now if you hope to return home."]

  ["Already?"] Suddenly home seemed so far away, like a distant memory. She'd been running from the Shirukan for three or four days, but it could have been three years.

  Yet thinking of home recalled Elis and her reaction to finding out about bonding. He filled her heart with his kindness and completed her soul. He'd always given her what she needed without asking for anything in return. And he was right in his reasons for not telling her sooner. She had needed him. Finding out may have pushed her away into a dark lonely corner where she could have lost herself. Instead, he held her, keeping her in the light and chasing away the horrors she'd endured.

  She had almost forgotten all that. Seeing it in her mind again made her shudder, but this time it didn't leave shadows. Maybe she was meant to meet Leksel and Cris and learn about the Shirukan. His story and his dedication to helping her washed some of the stain away. He had been Shirukan, one of those horrible soldiers like Pallin, but he had changed for the better. She might not feel the same if she'd known him before he met Korali, but she knew him now. He was a good man.

  In that light, she was ready. She missed Elis and her friends and family on Earth, but she would miss her new friends on Inar'Ahben.

  ["You don't have to go. You could stay here with us."] Cris rocked back and forth on his heels, a smug grin climbing on his face.

  At the right moment…There. Raea shoved him in the chest. He flailed his arms, his wings extended to catch his balance. Served him right.

  ["She's learned."] Leksel smirked.

  Cris caught his balance and pulled his wings in. ["Say what you want. I wouldn't mind."]

  ["I'm sure you wouldn't."] Leksel gave him a scolding look. ["But Elis is waiting."]

  How did he know? Cris. He must have told Leksel. Just as well; she wouldn't deny it. ["Yes, he is."]

  ["I'll open the portal now. It should be sunset at your location on Earth."]

  So soon, yet not soon enough. Someone might see her, but she didn't have much of a choice to avoid the Shirukan. ["Thank you."]

  ["How close are the Shirukan?"] Leksel asked.

  Saffir turned to the guards at the holographic controls. With a few keystrokes, the woman said, ["About seven minutes."]

  ["It'll be close,"] Cris said.

  ["Perfect for you."] Leksel's wings shifted, but the crook of a smile turned up.

  Cris got it. ["Yes, sir."]

  ["I know you'll take care of her."] Saffir met Leksel's eyes with unwavering calm. ["You're welcome here anytime, Rajeun Leksel and Rajeun Cris. We could use your knowledge and your skills in this fight."]

  Leksel acknowledged her with a nod but said nothing.

  Saffir turned to Raea and winked. ["Give my love to my grand nephew."]

  Grand nephew? Who— ["Elis?"] It made sense. When he told her about the Starfire and Saffir sending him, he said that one shard had always stayed in their family. 'Our family'. That's what he meant. He told her without really telling her. She just hadn't caught it then.

  Her smile said it all. ["Go."] The Starburst marks on Saffir's hands and the thumb-sized shard of crystal hanging on her neck glowed. ["I can keep the portal open for a short time."]

  ["Thank you."]

  Saffir said nothing but closed her eyes, the glow about her intensifying. When the Starfire created the Keepers, it also created the most advanced machine to rival Heffin's Gate. Keepers were the perfect organic machines to harness and utilize the power of the Starfire. Saffir showed her how powerful the machines were.

  Leksel steered Raea out before she could say anything more. ["This way."] He guided her and Cris through the corridor to an empty apartment like the one in which she had showered and changed earlier that day.

  At the balcony doors, he stopped her. ["You have your tri-comm?"]

  ["No. I didn't think I'd need it."]

  From his breast pocket, he pulled out the oblong device. ["Here. Never go anywhere without it. I programmed this with the frequency of Starfire Tower. If anything happens, they'll know immediately."] He pulled out another and pressed it to his face.

  She did the same as Cris did with one he carried. Man, she really had a lot to learn and no time to study. Hers was a trial by fire. They rushed through to the balcony doors and out into the fresh air.

  Wind was more like it. Raea spread her wings and caught an updraft that carried her above the two men.

  There, about a mile away. The black disk in the sky pulled the clouds to it in a spiral. The Starfire portal, her gateway home.


  She twisted. Leksel flew up before her, and she faltered with surprise as another figure caught him.

  Corsa! He wrestled with her momentarily while falling, and pulled away.

  Cris flew up beside Raea. ["Keep going! He'll distract her."]

  He was right, but… No buts. They had sacrificed everything to get her home, to help her escape the Shirukan. Holding back would waste the trouble they'd gone through.

  It wasn't over yet. A vessel approached from an angle, a dark, sleek shape that sliced through the air. That had to be the Shirukan Saffir warned them about.

  A shriek carried over her tri-comm, startling her. Leksel! She twisted to find him.

  He dropped but spread his wings and glided. That was the least of her worries. Corsa aimed for her.

  ["Fly! Go on ahead."] Cris pulled back. ["We'll take care of her."]

  He'd get no argument from her. Raea flew to the black disk with the lightning flashing around its edges. The ship approached quickly. She swore it changed its trajectory to intercept her.

  Why couldn't Saffir have opened the portal closer?

  Duh. Gravity. The spiraling of the clouds proved it. The ferocity of the wind picked up, challenging her flight.

  What about Leksel and Cris?

  Safe. Actually following her. Corsa flew close behind them, though.

  ["Keep going, Raea."] A shot flashed past Cris.

  Corsa behind and the Shirukan ahead, between her and her escape. How was she going to get out of this!

  A touch on her ankles made her jerk.

  ["It's just me."] Leksel. Thank goodness. Raea caught her breath. ["Cris is distracting Corsa. He's good at taunting."]

  That she believed.

  A shadow fell over them. Raea looked up to a ring of lights spraying across the dark underside of a ship larger than the one spewing black-clad figures. The city-sized vessel descended slowly. It had to be at least two miles across.

  ["Leks, we have company,"] Cris said.

  Her heart sank. They'd never make it. The black-clad birds of prey—or they could as well have been—formed into wedges meant to intercept her. It wou
ld be close, but she might make it to the portal before them. The race was on.

  ["Damn! She's shooting to kill now."] Cris's voice.

  What? Raea hesitated and glanced back and aside at Cris. The smooth line of flight feathers broke near his body. He'd had a close call.

  ["Are you all right?"] she asked.

  ["I'll be fine. It's almost easier to avoid than being neutralized."]

  She glanced aside at the ominous flying wedges. So close, but she could make it if—

  ["Crystal fire!"] Cris. What now? ["Leks!"]

  ["Raea, keep going,"] Leksel said.

  Keep going, alone? What about the Shirukan ahead? They'd be surrounded. She didn't want to leave them, but if she didn't go now, she might not make it home.

  The larger ship stopped on the opposite side of the portal from the Shirukan ship. Men and women dropped from the ring of light sunken into the underside of the ship. Their uniforms were different. They weren't Shirukan. The gold stripe down the center of their chests stood out against the darker color of their uniforms, which weren’t black. The soldiers formed into wedges, but they didn't fly towards her.

  ["I think help has arrived."] Leksel flew up beside her. She hadn't even noticed that she'd slowed down.

  ["Where's Cris?"]

  ["A little busy,"] Cris said. ["I'll be fine. Take care, Raea."]

  ["You too."]

  Now to get past the entanglement ahead without getting hit. This would be interesting.

  * * *

  ["Estimate Crystal Keeper is two minutes from portal,"] the young lieutenant reported from his seat at the sensor controls.

  Valdas watched the numbers tracking the images on the display, including the new arrivals. ["The Kerannis."] She tapped the tri-comm on her perfect cheek.

  ["Dallars. Shourees. Flank positions."]

  ["Yes, sir."]

  On the display, the two armies headed for one another. They would need all the support they could get. With the defenses on Tower Two down, they could send a breach team in to capture Saffir, while the other Crystal Keeper flew right into her hands.

  Two more ships popped into existence next to the larger Kerannis. In seconds, flyers dropped from the lower bays. The larger ship dared not fire on them. Starting a shooting war in the atmosphere of their world would be devastating. If a wild shot hit the searoot of the nearby islands, the premature dropping of an island would disrupt their food and raw materials supplies. Not even their empress was foolish enough to risk damage.


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