Alexandra looked indignant. “Excessively lavish, rowdy and…” she stopped. They were after all, her brother-and-sister-in-law now.
“Quite,” said Adam with one eyebrow raised. “The grant of a few barrels of ale shared by all the tenants hardly compensates for the rise in rents. Furthermore, they are required to pay immediately. Carpenter’s timed it to coincide with the harvest so they have money available. The collection takes place tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow it is then,” said Alexandra.
Adam’s expression showed he had given way to her. He could not imagine Laura insisting on coming however much she would have liked to. Alexandra had been so like Laura when she’d first arrived but now it was as if she’d found her raison d’etre and enjoyed it to the full. “I wonder if Billy would help us?”
Adam paced around, clearly planning. “It would be safer if we could hold up the coach in darkness, yet the collections are usually finished by dusk. Perhaps Billy could arrange a diversion? Delay them a while.”
“I’m sure he could! He’d love to.”
“I’ll have a word with him.” Adam thumped his fist into the other palm. “We shall have only this one opportunity because Carpenter’s bailiff will be in high dudgeon. He’ll not let it happen twice.”
“You sound as if you haven’t finished planning yet, Adam.”
“Ax, I will only take back what is being taken dishonestly and so I must be sure of my facts.” A smile, widening to a huge grin, flooded his face. “On this occasion, I think it would help to compensate his tenants for the anxiety it has caused if they received invitations to a party in the Carpenter’s gardens at the same time as we return the full rent.”
“Might it be poor timing? Charlotte did miscarry. Jack must be furious.”
“Oh I wouldn’t say that,” said Adam moving towards her. “There are plenty of reasons why they were right to marry each other, don’t you think?” He kissed her on the cheek and held her firmly in his arms. “And I think any tenant of the Carpenter estate would need some light relief occasionally. I’ll speak to Jack; he’s asked for his pianoforte – says he misses it – a good sign and to be encouraged. I’ll arrange for it to be transported to him so long as their estate pays for lavish food and rowdy music.”
“But surely he will know who has taken the rents?”
“He knows who the highwayman is, but the Carpenter family doesn’t. He cannot own up to his own personal Waterloo.”
Alexandra’s smile said it all. What fun! How she loved this man. She knew that whoever she was before, she was now who she was meant to be.
“Do you know what Catherine said to me this morning?” Adam’s eyes danced. “She said you had arrived ‘just in time’.”
Who's Who
LAURA YAGER: Born in 1796 and shipwrecked in 1814, she must spend the rest of her life in the twenty-first century. Owner of an introduction agency
XANDRA RADCLIFFE/MULBERRY: Pursued by a murderous gang, Xandra needs Laura's help. Client of the introduction agency
MATTHEW REDFERN: Discovered Laura when she first entered the twenty-first century. Friend and mentor to Laura. Psychologist
JEEVES: His preferred name to denote his aspiration to be the best. Devoted to Matthew Redfern
ADAM LEIGH-FOX: Younger son of Benjamin Leigh-Fox, brother of John (Jack) and Catherine
BENJAMIN LEIGH-FOX: Nicknamed Father Fox. Apparently world-weary and ineffectual
JACK LEIGH-FOX: (John) Elder son of Benjamin, brother to Adam and Catherine
CATHERINE LEIGH-FOX: Youngest of Benjamin Leigh-Fox's children
RAFFLES: Parson Emmanuel Raffles, friend of the Leigh-Fox family, employs Martha
MARTHA: Widowed, kindly, illiterate and in training to be a member of Parson Raffles' household servants
BILLY: Homeless ex-soldier in the twenty-first century, becomes trusted servant to the Leigh-Fox family and devoted to Alexandra
WILLIAM: Adam's mute and trusted groom
CHARLOTTE CARPENTER: Daughter of wealthy, local family. Keen to marry
EMMELINE CARPENTER: A poor relation and chaperone to Charlotte
JOHNSON, JONES, MRS LAMB, MILLIE: Leigh-Fox household servants
et al
My thanks to my writing friends for their patience and advice
Lexi Revellian:
N.J. Benson:
Alan Hutcheson
Cathy Frontera
Cover Design by Lexi Revellian
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