Falcons Landing

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Falcons Landing Page 11

by Fields, MJ

  “It’s time for the chicks to get going.”

  “Not yet man, give me thirty minutes.” I closed my eyes hoping Jase would leave me alone.

  “Not gonna happen.”

  He walked in and Zandor followed.

  “Come on C, if they leave we can still surf in the morning.”

  “Fine. Give me five minutes.” I sat up and swung my legs out of the bed. I grabbed my shorts and pulled them up.

  “Hey,” I tapped what’s her names shoulder.

  “Huh?” Her eyes opened.

  “Your friends are heading out.”

  She sat up and stretched. “Ouch.”

  “Pussy sore?”


  “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be, you did warn me,” she yawned.

  I reached out my hand and pulled her up. “Thanks.”

  “No thank you.” She straightened her sundress that was still on and laughed.

  “Nice dress.”

  “Yeah,” she laughed and looked up at me. “You have a lot of tattoos.”

  “Just noticed that huh?” I smirked.

  “Is that bad?”

  “Not at all. You ready?”

  “Sure am.”


  We walked out on the deck and she pushed herself up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek and whispered, “Thanks, Big Daddy.”

  If I wasn’t so fucked up and ready to crawl back in my bed, I might have a conversation about that, but I wanted my bed. “Goodnight.”

  I looked at my brothers and Abe. “Where did the others go?”

  “Home, Big Daddy,” Zandor laughed.

  “Fuck you. Goodnight.” I walked in and grabbed a bottle of water, two Tylenol, and headed to my room.

  I laughed when I saw my bed was still made and realized I didn’t have to sleep in a wet spot. Perfect fucking night.

  Chapter Six


  I woke up, walked out onto the deck, and stretched. It was a beautiful day. I saw X, Zandor, and Abe floating out in the water on their boards. I stood at the edge of the deck and tried my best to ignore the headache caused by the morning sun.

  “Finally awake?” Cyrus came up behind me and patted my back.

  “You fucks get up way too early,” I smirked at him.

  Cyrus stuck his fingers in his mouth and let out a loud whistle nearly bringing me to my knees. “Fucker.”

  “Sorry man, it’s breakfast time.” He patted my back and walked back into the house. “Get your lazy ass in here and help me carry out the chow.”

  When Cyrus and I brought everything out, the three of them were walking up the stairs.

  “One hell of a night huh, Jase?” X smiled and grabbed a piece of toast off the plate I was carrying.

  “Decent night. I think we can do better tonight.”

  “Hoping Pam doesn’t show up?” Abe sat down at the table.

  “She needs to leave me the fuck alone,” I grumbled and sat down.

  “I hate the bitch,” X chewed his toast. “She’s got you by the balls.”

  “Xavier, leave it alone,” Zandor nudged him and grabbed some toast.

  “It’s what the bitch does. She knows the minute she sends a picture, it’s all on again.”

  “Xavier, that’s enough.” Cyrus came out and set two plates of eggs down.

  “Just saying,” X looked at me and shrugged.

  I knew he wasn’t trying to be a dick, but I didn’t wanna talk about Pam, or the fucking hold she has on me.

  “You should tell her you love her and see how fast she runs,” Abe laughed.

  “It’s not like that.” I took a drink and felt my stomach turn. “Could you all just drop it?”

  “Sure thing, let’s talk about my night,” X chuckled. “First two-on-one action and sadly, it’ll probably be the last.”

  “Now, why the fuck would you limit yourself to just one when you can have two?” Cyrus huffed.

  “It was cool at first but then when Thing One was sitting on my cock ...”

  “Thing One?” I laughed.

  “Yeah. No fucking clue what their names were.” X laughed and continued. “Anyways, it was like they were fighting for my attention. I had shit going in the right direction. One was riding me, the other one was kissing me, and I was playing with her tits. I decided I needed to be on top. I was pounding away on—who the fuck knows which one—and the other came up behind me and stuck her tongue in my ass.”

  “You got your salad tossed,” Zandor chuckled. “Sweet, X.”

  “Yeah, for a second, then I was pretty sure she was gonna do something else to my ass, so I rolled over and pulled the one who was under me on top. The one chick seemed to get pissed so I pulled her up, took her hand and rubbed the one riding me with her hand and kissed her as I pushed one of her fingers inside her friend and then one of mine.”

  “What the fuck is the problem with that?” Cyrus laughed.

  “She decided it was her turn and the other one grumbled and climbed off. Thank God my shorts were still on the bed.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out some lipstick. “I fucked the other with this.”

  “You banged a chick with lipstick?” I laughed. He handed it to me. “Wait, why the fuck do you have lipstick?”

  “Twist it.”

  I did and it began to vibrate. “Xavier, what the hell do you have this for? No, forget I asked, I don’t wanna know.”

  “I gave it to him,” Zandor laughed. “He said he wanted a threesome, I thought he could use some help.”

  “Help?” X laughed. “You rub a chick’s clit with that- you could be Freddy Krueger and she wouldn’t care. All she knows is that in two point five seconds, she’s gonna come.”

  “Z, why the hell do you have that?”

  “Toys are fun,” he winked at me.

  “No shit, Jase. They’re good,” Abe patted my back.

  “You carry lipstick too?” I was shocked.

  “I’ve played before,” he laughed.

  “If you’re a real man, you don’t need fucking toys. You got all the tools you need. Mouth, fingers, and cock.” Cyrus seemed to be the only one who agreed with me. “Bunch of freaks.”

  “Says the pierced one,” Zandor chuckled.

  “Fuck you, Z. It’s ornamental.”

  “Call it what you will., Zandor laughed.

  “You get any more action last night?” I asked Z.

  “Blow job.”

  “No, after you fucked the old lady at the shop?” I laughed.

  “Seasoned, Jase, not old. No, the chick on my lap- Cyrus you remember her?” Cyrus nodded. “She gave me a blow job.”

  “And what did you give her?” I asked.

  “A mouth full of our future generation,” Z laughed.

  “Selfish fuck,” X chuckled.

  “Nope. As soon as they get the D they get stupid ideas. I told her I was saving it for marriage.”

  “Lying bastard,” I laughed.

  “No lies. I won’t fuck someone I won’t marry. But I’ll fuck someone who is married. Don’t judge. I just won’t go down that road. You and Cyrus fucked that up for me.”

  I wanted to yell at him, but he was right. Fuck relationships, they end shitty anyway. “Well, you and Xavier are lucky you don’t have to go through that shit. Follow us and you’ll be ...”

  “Lonely old men,” Abe laughed.

  “I’m pretty sure I wasn’t lonely last night, Abe. How about you, Mr. Romance and shit?”

  “Abe got his, didn’t you?” Cyrus laughed.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Abe wasn’t a kiss and tell kind of guy.

  “You and that Kat girl we’re gonna hire,” Zandor laughed. “Saw you walking down the beach, in the moonlight, probably reciting Shakespeare and shit.”

  “No way!” X and I both roared.

  “Let’s be clear on this. I was doing her a favor.” Abe sat back and looked at us. “Kat and I were talking about her futu
re place of employment and she asked a few questions. I answered them. It really isn’t your business, but I mentioned that you four weren’t without morals completely. I explained that you didn’t share women between you. It’s a Bro Code. She asked if I was included in that and I told her of course. She said ‘Good’ and took my hand; then she said she wasn’t into banging people she worked with and then added, ‘You and I are gonna get this shit out of the way.’ I explained to her I really wasn’t into one-night stands and she said ‘think of it as doing a girl a favor.’ Then she dropped to her knees and sucked my dick.”

  My brothers and I were rolling by the time he finished explaining.

  “All right, laugh all you want. I got off, she got off, and that’s it, none of you can touch the poor girl,” he tried not to laugh, and failed.

  “She any good?” X asked.

  “Intense. And that’s all you get.”

  “Bullshit man spill it,” I smacked his arm.

  “Let’s just say she seemed to want to control the situation,” Abe’s face turned red.

  “Is that code for you were Kat’s bitch last night?” Zandor snickered.

  “I can assure you, I’m no one’s bitch,” Abe sat back and pulled his shades down.

  “She’s gonna collar you man. You’re gonna be on a leash, on all fours barking, and getting a strap on in the ass, Abe,” Xavier teased him.

  “Whatever you want to believe, Xavier,” Abe smirked.

  Zandor stood and used his best Kat voice, “On all fours, Abe. I’m gonna fuck your pretty little ass with a strap on.”

  X started barking.

  “Is that a yes ma’am, Abe?” Zandor continued and X barked again. “Keep that shit up and I’ll gag you and spank your ass.”

  Everyone was laughing, including Abe.

  My phone rang and I grabbed it out of my pocket and answered. “Hey Momma … No, we had a good time,” I covered the phone and whispered, “We forgot X’s cake and she’s on her way over.” I uncovered the phone. “Of course we saved a piece for you, Momma Joe.” I looked up as Abe and Cyrus brought the cake and four forks out. “Lunch sounds great. Sure, we actually ate out last night so everything you cooked is still here, we’ll warm it up and see you at eleven … Nope, I’m working tonight … cool. Love ya, Momma, see you then.” I hung up the phone and looked around. “We need to get this place cleaned up and eat some fucking cake.”

  Abe laughed. “You four are fucking crazy. You live the way you do but if Momma Joe speaks, you listen.”

  “She’s our momma, Abe. Now get the fuck up and help us out.”

  “Four bad ass Steel boys are afraid of their momma,” Abe laughed louder.

  “It’s a respect thing bro,” I laughed.

  “Hell yeah and a family thing,” X patted Abe’s back.

  “She fed us from her breasts,” Zandor piped in.

  “We take care of our own, Abe O’Donnell, and only let a select few in.” Cyrus shoved some bottles in a garbage bag.

  “They’ll get there, Abe. Even if they think they can get one over on me, it’s always forever Steel.” We all looked up and saw Momma at the deck door.

  She had called from the driveway.

  “Forever Steel,” we all said together.

  Not the end, it’s just the beginning...



  It was an exceptionally hot summer. I was glad to be spending it with my father while mom was away on a retreat. Since my parents had divorced, two years earlier, and I moved to Palo Alto with my Mom, life had certainly changed. My brother, Cameron, stayed with Dad in Jersey. I missed Cameron and well…he was certainly the reason I narrowly escaped losing my virginity to the most beautiful guy I had ever laid eyes on.

  “What’re you doing Carly?” Cameron yelled as he jumped out of his car.

  Needless to say, I was horrified that my brother had caught me making out with our cousin Abe’s best friend. A boy I had been sneaking around with for two weeks.

  The first night I saw him, Abe and I had gone to a party on the shore. He was sitting on a rock with a beer in his hand. He was gorgeous: messy black hair and the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Brown like chocolate, and his perfect smile… God that smile, and a dimple on his left cheek that was so deep. He had his shirt off and his body was beautiful. Long, lean, and cut. His skin was a golden tan, and I swear I didn’t see a tan line—and I looked.

  “Hey, Abe.” He smiled and waved us over and handed Abe a beer. “You want one?”

  “Uh…sure…” I looked at Abe and he smiled. I really didn’t, but I didn’t want him to look at me like I was some sort of child either.

  I wasn’t a child; I was nineteen years old and going to be in my second year at Stanford University. Virgin—yes, sheltered—yes, but it was somewhat self-imposed.

  I remember the brunette brigade swarming around him and how they all but threw themselves at him. I watched him smile and joke with them, but I also saw the way he looked at me out of the corner of his eye, and how he would smile at me when Abe wasn’t paying attention.

  He had a girlfriend, and watching them was not at all comfortable. Not just because I thought he was beautiful or that I truly spent every night for that first week waiting for his smile, craving his attention. It was because she was mean. She was rude to every one of his friends, nasty to all of hers, and constantly redirecting his attention from my cousin and their friends to her mouth. The way she would kiss him or would make a sexual comment just to gain his attention made me nauseous. What was even worse was that it seemed to work.

  On the last night of the first week, they got into a fight, and she actually slapped him across the face. He laughed at her and turned away. He walked toward the water and stood there. I remember Abe talking to him, patting him on the back and then they walked back to the group, which now included me.

  He smiled. “Well I’m pretty sure that’s done.”

  Abe and the rest of the guys laughed. “Yeah, right.”

  He looked up at me and smiled, and that smile did me in for the rest of the summer.

  It started off innocently; we all hung out at the beach every night. He eventually sat closer to me. When Abe noticed, he would back off.

  “I wanna hang out with you, Carly,” he purred into my ear.

  Yes—he purred, his voice could melt butter, it was that damn hot.

  And what came out of my mouth? “We are.”

  He looked confused, the beautiful guy I had watched for over a week. The one who exuded confidence looked dumbstruck. When he finally pulled it together, he smiled. “Well, all right then,” and he excused himself after a few awkward moments.

  A few days later, she started to come around again. At first he ignored her and then he didn’t, simple and easy. And she was easy—I watched as she flounced around in front of his friends to piss him off, and then the two of them would leave. Most times they didn’t return.

  A week later he showed up, and she stormed down toward all of us, yelling at him. He walked up and sat next to me: it was the only place to sit, I know, but still it made my heart beat faster.

  “Do you like her? Is that why you have to come here every night?” she yelled.

  I knew my eyes were as big as ET’s when I glanced up at her. She gave me a dirty look.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name… I’m Abe’s cousin. I’m a….just visiting,” I managed to choke out before she interrupted.

  “Pam. Learn it,” she snapped.

  I looked at Abe who was walking toward us, thank God.

  “Pam, I’ll take you home. I’m sorry that she’s such a bitch, Carly.” He grabbed his phone and stormed away; Pam followed like a damn puppy about to get a bone, and I was sure that’s exactly what she was getting.


  I lay in bed that night, tossing and turning in my bedroom at my father’s, until I heard my phone chime. I reached into my bag and took it out. It wasn’t my phone.

�Hello?” I whispered.

  “Who has my phone?” the voice purred.

  “Is this…Umm, it’s Carly…I didn’t mean…” I was trying to be cool and not let on that I already knew exactly whose voice it was on the other end.

  “Carly, it’s Jase. I must’ve grabbed yours by mistake. Meet me at the beach so we can switch phones. Ten minutes.” He hung up.

  I brushed my teeth, jumped into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and crawled out my window.


  I snuck out...at my age.


  “You’re late.” He smiled when I walked toward him.

  “I had to sneak out, I mean… sorry…” I closed my eyes.

  He laughed. “Why you sneaking out, it’s only ten?”

  “My Dad. If I was with Abe, it would be all right, but not alone.” I watched him sit on a blanket and pat the spot beside him.

  “Well, you’re here now, and since you snuck out we should hang out for a while,” he smiled, and I sat.

  I didn’t argue, I just sat next to him and stared at him for a few moments, and he stared back—at me.

  “Oh, here; sorry, I don’t know how that happened,” I handed him his phone and he handed mine to me and smiled again.

  “I know how it happened, Carly.” He grabbed my hand and held it.

  When my head was finally back from its trip to the moon I looked down at our hands and then up at him. “Did you…did you do it?”

  “Yes. I told you I wanted to hang out, and by that I meant you and me, not everyone else.” Jase looked at me and then slowly released my hand.

  “You have a girlfriend, one who doesn’t seem to like me very much,” I reminded him quietly.

  “Does that bother you, Carly?” He looked at me, and his eyes drifted down to my lips.

  I swallowed hard, my mouth was all of the sudden dry, and my head felt…dizzy. I quickly pulled my knees up to my chest and put my head between my knees. Air…good God, I needed air.

  “Are you all right?” He rubbed my back, and I swear my stomach flipped.

  “Just dizzy,” I whispered.

  “You’re not feeling well? Carly your face is…you’re hot Carly.” Jase lifted my head quickly, which didn’t help.


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