Hungry Stepdad: Jack Tower Series: Books 1 - 3

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Hungry Stepdad: Jack Tower Series: Books 1 - 3 Page 5

by Carrie Breeze

  “I dig that talk, babe. You can be my Old Lady and we can ride all across the country. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, Bobby,” kissing him again.

  “But first you have to be initiated into King Neptune’s Royal Order of Sea Nymphs.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “It’s easy. We have to fuck under water. You can swim, can’t you?”

  “Of course. I’m a regular mermaid.”

  “That you are, baby doll, that you are,” finishing the beer and tossing the bottle. Taking her hand, he led up topside to the seaward side of the yacht. The late afternoon sky was a cold mixture of whites, grays and dark blues. A gusty wind blew light rain into their faces. Her naked flesh shivered. He held her for warmth.

  “Once we’re in the water you’ll warm up,” leading her to the edge of the yacht, they sat down with their feet dangling over the edge of the hull. “Okay, babe, I’m going to say the oath and at the end, when you say ‘I do’ we jump in together and fuck. Okay?”

  “Okay,” looking down to make sure he’d be ready, yes, he still had his boner.”

  “By the power of mighty king Neptune, ruler of all these watery realms and by the consummation of our fucking today in said realms, I hereby bestow upon thee the title of Sea Nymphet in the motorcycle club Satan’s Seadogs. Do you, Jenny Tower, accept that title?”

  “I do”

  “Hold your breath, here we go.”

  Bobby and Jenny leaned forward and dove head first into the dark water. Sinking and spinning, Jenny lost all sense of direction. Bobby parted her legs and positioned them around his waist, then, cupping her firm ass cheeks in his hands, he guided her pussy down onto his cock and thrust into her. It was like fucking in zero gravity. Once their downward momentum ceased, they floated as if in a dream, Bobby’s gentle pumping propelling them to nirvana.

  Back up on the yacht, a small speedboat cut its engine and drifted to the landward side. Jack Tower climbed aboard, he turned and gave Jamie a hand up and they were followed by Charles. Seeing no sign of anyone topside, they popped down below where they were greeted by the still lingering stench of cigarette smoke, the sour odor of empty beer bottles and the sickly sweet fragrance of recent sweaty sex.

  “Search everywhere they must be hiding,” Jack said, seeing a smoldering cigarette butt in an ashtray. He then saw Jenny’s jeans and halter top lying in a heap beside the bed.

  “No one is on board, sir.”

  “Check the water,” Jamie said, leading the way topside.

  Just then, Bobby and Jenny surfaced from their sea fuck, gasping for air.

  “There they are,” coming around on the Yacht’s seaward side.

  “Jenny come up at once,” Jack said, as Charles lowered a rope ladder.

  “I’m not coming back to you, dad. I belong to Bobby now,” treading water and slowly drifting away from the yacht.

  “That’s right, old man. She’s eighteen she can do what she wants,” treading between Jenny and the boat.

  “You, you punk, when I get my hands on you, you’ll wish you were dead. But you don’t deserve such an easy fate.”

  “Oooh. I’m really scared, mister big bad billionaire. Jenny told me all about you. How you raped her.”

  “Liar,” pulling off his shoes and diving in. Jack dove at Bobby’s head. Both plunged deep into the bay, Jacks hands around Bobby’s neck. Jenny dove to save him, trying to pry her stepfather’s fingers loose. Jack kicked her away with a foot to her stomach. She fell away and started sinking, all the air escaping from her lungs. Still ruled by rage, Jack continued to strangle Bobby, who, now too week to fight back motioned frantically down toward his sinking girlfriend. Oh, God! Coming to his senses, Jack released Bobby and dove to save his stepdaughter, surfacing with her lifeless body moments later. Bobby had just been rescued by Charles and was sitting tied to the mast, still coughing sea water.

  “Lay her out here on the fore-deck,” Jack said, leaning over her lifeless naked body. He tilted her head back pinched her nostrils shut and administered mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Nothing. He pressed down on her stomach and water flowed from her mouth. Frantically he pounded her chest trying to get a heart beat.

  “Come on, baby. Damn it! Come on!”

  He continued giving her CPR for five, ten minutes,” till worn out with frantic effort.

  “Sir, I’m sorry but I’m afraid it’s too late.”

  Jack Tower collapsed on his stepdaughter’s dead body and wept.

  “You killed her, you fucker. You killed your own daughter.”

  Jack lifted his tear stained face up off Jenny’s breasts and looked at Charles, “Gag that piece of shit. I want him brought back to Tower Manor so he can experience some real pain.”

  “With pleasure, sir.”

  “What do we do now, father,” Jamie said, kneeling and comforting her stepfather. He took several deep breathes. Jamie rested her head on his heaving back. They sat like that for several minutes.

  “I don’t want this getting out. Let’s take Jenny down below. We’ll wait till after dark and then have Charles come back with the speed boat. We’ll take Jenny to the house. I want to have her body preserved cryogenically.”

  “And the yacht?”

  “I’ll have it taken out to sea and sunk. I never want to see it again.”

  Chapter 9

  Bobby Bousen was taken to the subbasement of Tower manor. There Charles stripped him of all his clothing, hosed him down with disinfectant, and shaved him of all bodily hair. He was then shackled hand and foot to a sturdy antique oak chair, and spoon fed curdled milk.

  “What do you plan on doing with me?” he said, between vomits.

  “That is for Master Jack to decide. We shall eagerly await his return,” Charles said. “Presently, I’ve other matters to attend to. If you shall need anything just scream. Someone will come around,” leaving.

  “You can’t do this to me, my gang will get you,” shouting at the closed door.

  The subbasement of Tower manor dated back to revolutionary times. An arched stone-lined tunnel had been built by the original owner as a means of escape should the British ever lay siege to the house. The tunnel ran a quarter of a mile from the water’s edge to the subbasement and it was the means by which the bound Mr. Bousen was smuggled into the house without attracting attention. The subbasement was a good fifty feet below ground level. Bobby could scream and yell to his heart’s desire and the discordant sound waves and disturbing vibrations would simply dissipate into the surrounding earth with not so much as an eyelash batted by any guests who may happen to be enjoying a glass of vintage wine in the conservatory far above. Being as old as it was, the subbasement was of primitive yet sound design. The floor consisted of flagstone slabs, the walls of rock and mortar and rough hewn oak timbers ran across the ceiling supporting the basement proper some twenty feet above. Three giant pillars, like ship’s masts, rose up from the floor extending through the basement to support the mansion high above.

  Before long darkness descended upon Cummings Cove. Charles took the speed boat back out to the Eroica and returned with Jack, Jamie and Jenny’s body. Once again, the secret tunnel was used for clandestine access to the house. They took Jenny straight up to the basement. This is where Jack maintained his private research and development lab. It is also where many of his innovations and ground breaking discoveries in the field of artificial intelligence had been made.

  Jenny was laid out on a stainless steel gurney and Jack himself, with Jamie’s assistance, prepped her for cryogenic storage. The storage chamber was a vertical containment unit looking like a tanning bed with a sealed glass dome. It was built into a wall and hidden from prying eyes by a retractable oak panel. Once she was ready, with a heavy heart, Jack said his tearful goodbye, kissed her lips, closed her chamber and turned on the subzero coolant.

  He then had the Bobby matter to attend to. He grabbed a portable surgeons kit from the supply cabinet and called to have Charles and
his trusted assistant butler, Jeffery meet him in the subbasement. Jack had them bring the gurney down from the basement and strap the still uncooperative Mr. Bousen onto it.

  “Make sure his arms and legs are secure,” Jack warned. “I’m sure he’ll try to resist. Oh, and, Jeffery, would you mind bringing Shanghai down?”

  “Right away, sir,” leaving.

  “Now, Mr Bousen, tonight is your lucky night,” bending down to talk face-to-face. Bobby honkered up a big wad of phlegm and spat it in Jack’s face. He didn’t bat an eyelash, simply wiped it off and flung it down onto the stone floor, a slight smile even curled his lips. “A typical response for new initiates. You see, Mr. Bousen you will become the newest member of my staff. Great pay, travel, great health care plan. But first we need to perform a little procedure,” setting out his surgical equipment on a tray. “Ah, Jeffery is here with Shanghai,” taking an adorable shih tzu from from Jeffery’s arms and snuggling it, letting it lick his face. “Ah, my little Shanghai. Are you hungry, huh? Are you hungry? Meet Bobby,” bringing the dog close to his face. “Yes this is Bobby.” The dog barked and Jack set it down. “Well, I guess she doesn’t like you. On that note let’s get started, shall we?”

  Jack slipped on a pair of latex gloves. “Charles will you and Jeffrey kindly assist by holding the patient’s legs?”

  “At once, sir.”

  Jack opened a brand new surgical scalpel from its package, its tiny stainless steel curved blade sparkling in the bare bulb lighting. “Okay, Mr. Bousen, you’ll just feel a little prick and it’ll all be over in just a minute,” reaching in between Bobby’s legs, he grabbed his scrotum and squeezed one testicle tight up against the scrotum wall. With the scalpel he cut a two inch longitudinal incision.

  “You bastard,” Bobby screamed. “My gang will kill you, kill all of you.”

  “Now, now, resistance is futile,” popping the purplish blue nut out of its sack, he severed its cord and tossed the nut down, whaaap, onto the stone floor. Shanghai shuffled over to the unexpected treat, sniffed it and gobbled it down. “I was mistaken, Mr. Bousen. Shanghai does like you.” Jack repeated the procedure with Bobby’s other testicle, Charles and Jeffrey doing an admirable job of restraint on the poor man’s squirming legs. Shanghai got her second treat of the night, Jack applied a few sprays of topical antibiotic and sewed up the wounds.

  “There you are, what did I tell you, quick and easy.” Bobby was sobbing. “Now, now, cheer up. The hard stuff is over. Charles and Jeffery have some games for you now, so, without further adieu, Charles….”

  “Thank you, sir. Bobby we have a little amusement called ‘The Turning Game,’” unstrapping the whimpering man and tying him to one of the large central pillars. “First, a welcome aboard toast, Jeffrey….”

  “Coming right up,” pouring three shots of scotch, they clinked glasses, downed their’s and helped Bobby down with his. That done, Both servants removed their trousers, lubed up their well hung cocks, whacked them up nice and hard with their hands and then took turns enjoying Bobby’s virgin ass.

  “Well, let’s leave them to their fun,” putting an arm around Jamie and ascending the stairs, Bobby’s screams fading into the distant depths. “It’s been a long day, sweetie. Let’s call it a night.”

  “How’s Mr. Happy doing?” feeling her stepfather’s cock under his pants. “Oh, still sad,” making a pouting face.

  “I think it could benefit from some of your special therapy.”

  “Its never failed yet,” smiling.

  The twisted taboo life of Jack Tower continues in:

  The Dangerous Jack Tower




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