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Buried Secrets (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES) Page 16

by SK

  One evening after she finished preparing his meal, she stood at the sink washing and putting away the dishes. As usual, Earl ignored his food and just watched. When Jerra rose up on her tiptoe to put a glass in the cabinet, his predatory gaze took in the way her full, perky breasts flattened a little against her chest then resumed their luscious shape after she dropped her arm. As she twisted to the side to lift a pot off the stove, his eyes took note of how tiny her waist was which, in turn, accented her young, firm backside. Without thinking, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his member and began stroking it under the table as he ogled her.

  Still unaware of his thoughts, Jerra listened and softly sang along to the lyrics of her favorite song playing on her portable CD player. Because the earphones were over her ears, she didn’t hear Earl moan from the sick pleasure he deriving. She reached for a couple of pots she’d just dried and bent down to put them in the bottom cabinet. She had to balance them with one hand while she made room to push them in the tiny space. As the next song came on, she began humming the melody and tapping her foot. She moved to straighten up, but something pushed her forward against the cabinets.

  Startled, Jerra placed a hand on the floor to try and steady herself. All of a sudden, she felt a pair of hands tightly grasping her hips. Earl, lost in lust and an alcoholic haze, had walked up behind her as she put the pots away. His pants and funky underwear were bunched down around his ankles as he held her in a tight grip and pumped himself against her soft buttocks in a desperate effort to climax.

  “What are you doing?!” Jerra screamed. “Stop it! Stop it!!” She tried to move away, but he had her too off balance from his animalistic movements.

  “Uh…Uh…oh yeah…Oh Fuck…uh…” Earl grunted each time his penis came in contact with her. Jerra continued to scream. She was so horrified that she didn't even feel the painful bite of his fingers digging into the tender flesh of her skin.

  “Please….please stop…!” she cried.

  Earl moved furiously, causing her head to bump into the cabinet. Then she heard him howl as if he were hurting. “Ohhhhh….awww….ah yeahh….”

  Jerra felt something warm and wet squirt on her bare back where her shirt had risen up to her neck. Earl used one of his hands to squeeze out the last bit of semen. Once he removed his hand, Jerra quickly pulled free and half crawled, half ran to a corner of the kitchen and sobbed uncontrollably. Her entire body trembled as she looked at Earl holding his limp, flaccid penis. His eyes were closed, and drool rolled from his open mouth. Jerra scampered around him on her hands and knees then got up and ran to her room. She slammed it shut and tried to lock it with trembling fingers when she heard Earl’s heavy steps getting closer.

  “Where are you goin’, girl?!” Jerra shrieked in terror as he screamed at her from the hallway. “Get your ass back here now!! It’s about time you took over all the duties your slut of a mother ain’t here to take care of anymore.”

  Jerra’s hands were shaking so horribly she could barely get the door locked. “Oh please…please…” she said in a voice that quaked with terror.

  “Open this got damn door, right now! This is my muthafuckin’ house, that’s my muthafuckin’ room, and that young pussy of yours is my muthafuckin’ pussy for the takin’!”

  Jerra managed to slide the lock in place a moment before the doorknob started rattling. She stumbled backwards, keeping her eyes on the door as Earl pounded on it. She turned around, wildly looking for somewhere to hide. Quickly sliding under her bed, she put her hand over her mouth to try and keep her screams in.

  “Bitch….! You lockin’ me out?? Huh?! We’ll just see about that!”

  Jerra jumped and yelped in panic and fear. She screamed and pleaded for him to leave her alone, but he kicked and kicked until the door flew open. Pieces of wood splintered everywhere and the frame hung haphazardly from the hinges.

  Earl walked over on unsteady legs and leaned down to pull her out from under the bed. Jerra kicked, scratched, and bit every place she could reach.

  “NO! NO!! LET…ME…GO!! NOOO!!”

  “Owww!!” Earl pulled his arm back as her teeth sank into his skin. Jerra tried to run, but he caught her by her long flying hair. “Oh bitch…You gonna’ pay for that!!”

  He spun her around and slapped her hard across the face. Jerra screamed as she went sliding across the floor. Dazed, she tried to crawl away. “Oh no you don’t! You want to play rough, we gone play rough!”

  Earl turned her over and straddled her stomach before relentlessly beating her into submission. Jerra tried to protect herself from the blows as best she could, but she was no match for a grown man.

  “I’ll teach you to try and fight me! You gonna learn some respect if I have to beat it into ya!”

  By the time Earl was finished, he was winded and breathing heavily. Jerra was barely conscious. One of her eyes was almost swollen shut and blood ran from the cuts and bruises on her face. She groaned and again begged him to leave her alone. Earl stood up and unbuckled his pants before pushing them down. He left his filthy t-shirt on along with blackened socks that used to be white. He ripped Jerra’s shirt and bra off and quickly pulled her shorts down. When she reached down and weakly tried to pull them back up, Earl cursed and slapped her again. Once she was completely naked, he fell to his knees between her thighs.

  Ignoring her pleas, Earl lay on top of her. He took his penis in his hand and pushed and prodded until he found her young opening. Grunting, he slammed himself inside of her, tearing her hymen without mercy.

  Jerra screamed, feeling as if she had been ripped in two. The pain was unbearable. She’d never felt such intense agony. She yelled until her voice was hoarse and rasping. Unmindful of the torture he was inflicting upon the young girl, Earl moaned loudly in her ear as he continued to brutally rape her. After a few more thrusts, he jerked and convulsed against her while his seed flowed into Jerra. His weight collapsed on top of her, and he immediately passed out.

  Jerra sobbed hysterically as she struggled to push him off. Using what little strength she had left, she rolled his upper body away and gasped for air. Bit by bit, she was able to slip from underneath him. Jerra winced at the burning pain between her legs but forced herself to stand up and limp to the bathroom.

  Locking the door, she looked down and whimpered at the blood combined with a sticky substance smeared on her thighs. Trembling and weak, she leaned against the sink for support and almost fainted when she saw the girl staring back at her in the mirror. That wasn't her. It couldn't be her. Jerra had to cover her mouth to keep the shocked scream inside. She barely recognized her bruised and bloody face.

  In a daze, she wet a towel and cleaned herself up as best her shaky hands would allow. Earl’s snores sounded from her bedroom, but she still hurried. If she was here when he woke up….she didn't even want to think about it.

  Jerra turned the water off and threw the bloody towel in the sink. She opened the door as quietly as she could and cautiously peeked out. Earl was still sprawled on the floor. She walked back to her room and pulled on some clothes. Hurrying to her closet, she reached for her suitcase and began throwing the first things she got her hands on inside before snapping it shut. Sliding the bottom dresser drawer open, she felt around towards the back for the stash of money she'd saved up from her afterschool job and stuffed it in her pockets.

  Then Earl stirred. Jerra froze and held her breath, silently sending up prayers until he turned over and continued snoring. She wanted to kick him in the balls as she tiptoed by him, but was afraid he would catch her before she managed to escape.

  Jerra sprinted out of the house with her suitcase and didn’t stop until she was safely on a bus headed to she knew not where. Once her money ran out, that’s when she’d get off. The man at the counter noticed her bruised face, but didn’t want to get involved. He took her money and gave her a ticket before turning away. Finally on the bus, Jerra stared out the window and tried to block out the horrific events that happened tonight.<
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  In the blink of an eye, she had lost her innocence and knew she would never be the same again.

  Chapter 25

  The past flashed through her mind’s eye in an instant as Jerra looked at Earl standing in front of her.

  She remembered every detail as if it were yesterday. Even though she was now a successful attorney, she was taken back to the terrorized young girl she had been the last time she’d seen him.

  “What are you doing here?!” she asked him again.

  “Well, Jerralynne, you’re famous in our little town. Cora Lee’s daughter came to Atlanta to visit, and brought back a newspaper with your picture and an article about a case you worked on. Said they called you a ‘miracle lawyer’, able to win the most hopeless of cases. When they showed it to me…let’s just say memories came rushing back - and here I am.”

  Once again he leered at her as he took a step in her direction. Jerra’s feet were rooted to the spot when she heard Darrell call out from the bathroom, “Babe?? I’m waitin’ on you. Hurry ya sweet ass up…”

  Earl’s eyes swung in the direction of the voice. His lip curled up and his expression became knowing. “Humph. You really are your mother’s daughter after all, aren’t ‘cha Jerralynne.” His words released Jerra from the paralysis which had temporarily taken over her body.

  “Please just go!” Jerra hissed.

  She needed Earl to leave before Darrell saw him. She didn’t want his ugliness and what he represented anywhere near Darrell. Earl stared at her for a moment, taking in the anxiety on her face.

  And that’s when he knew. He controlled her. Through her fear of him - he controlled her.

  His lips curled up in an evil leer as he observed her reaction. The sheer power he felt made him pull his shoulders back and puff his chest out. He could almost smell the terror she tried to hide. Earl was the type animal who didn't feel like a man unless he was beating on women or molesting defenseless children. Jerra hadn’t been the first.

  He looked over her shoulder into the condo with greedy eyes. “Did real good for yourself, Lynne. Wouldn’t hurt if you had thought about sharing some of your blessed fortune wit ya ‘ole stepdaddy here.”

  Jerra’s anger tried to crawl to the forefront over her fear and bravely stand up to Earl. “You bastard! What makes you think I would even contemplate lifting a finger to give you anything?! You’ve taken quite enough from me!”

  Earl glared at her and balled his hands into fists. He took a step towards her but stopped when Darrell came into the room.

  “Baby?” Darrell had a towel tied around his waist and a mischievous gleam twinkled in his gray eyes as he grinned at Jerra. The smile she returned was stiff and unnatural; her face reflected relief as well as alarm.

  “I’ll be there in a second.” Jerra tried to sound as normal as possible, but she couldn’t hide the slight tremor in her voice.

  Darrell frowned and started to ask her if something was wrong when he noticed the man in the doorway. His frowned deepened. Who in the hell was this?

  Turning back to Jerra, he asked, “Is everything okay?”

  Jerra opened her mouth, but didn’t know what to say. She wanted to scream, No! Everything is not ok! This bastard raped me when I was barely fifteen years old, and now after all this time, he’s shown up on my doorstep…

  Earl’s glare held a warning which he quickly masked before extending his hand to Darrell. “Hello. I’m Jerra’s step-daddy.”

  Darrell glanced at the offered handshake then turned his back on Earl without acknowledging it to face Jerra. He continued to look at her until she met the question in his eyes. “Jerra?”

  Trying to control her emotions, Jerra’s voice was a low whisper. “Darrell, this is Earl Johnson, my….stepfather.” Just calling him that made her nauseous. Averting her eyes away from Darrell, she struggled to swallow the bile which rose in her throat.

  Even more suspicious because of Jerra’s uncharacteristic nervousness, Darrell tried to capture her eyes with his, but she refused to look at him. Still trying to figure out exactly what was going on, Darrell stared at the scruffy, disheveled man then slowly stepped forward and shook the man’s hand.

  “He stopped by on his way out of town, but he’s leaving now.” Jerra’s eyes were cold and hard, daring Earl to say otherwise. Just Darrell’s presence made her a little stronger.

  Earl's expression turned dangerous. “Actually Jerralynne, I’m gonna be here for a coupla days.” The statement almost sounded like a threat. “Thought it might be nice for us to - catch up - before I head out.” As if sizing Darrell up, his demeanor became shifty and cunning. “Wait a minute. I have an idea. Why don’t the three of us get together? I could tell you all about Jerralynne and what a handful she was when she was young.” His eyes slid to Jerra. “Make you wonder if we talkin’ bout the same girl here.”

  “No!” Jerra almost shouted the word. Darrell was beyond perplexed by this time as he studied Jerra's face. “I…I mean, it wouldn’t be possible. I’m going to be busy, and Darrell’s leaving tomorrow.”

  Jerra maneuvered around him and put a hand on the doorknob, obviously a gesture of dismissal. Fury briefly covered Earl’s face before he noticed Darrell watching him. Jerra kept her head turned away as he stepped to the doorway to leave. “Oh, I think you’ll be able to make a little time for me.” Leaning close to Jerra, he whispered in her ear. “Count on it.”

  Jerra flinched and unconsciously moved closer to Darrell. Noticing the fear in her eyes, Darrell’s brows bunched together. He stepped in front of Jerra, effectively blocking her from Earl’s line of vision. “This visit is over.” Darrell tone was menacing. His stance told Earl in no uncertain terms he wasn’t bullshittin’ around.

  Earl’s body stiffened as if he wanted to buck up to Darrell but quickly thought better of it. Like most bullies and abusers, he was a coward when it came to someone who wasn’t afraid - and he could tell right away that Darrell was definitely not scared of him. Earl threw a final glare Jerra's way and walked out without a word.

  Darrell closed the door, immediately turning to Jerra. “Babe, what’s going on? What was that all about?”

  The tension was thick in the room. With her back to him, Jerra wrapped her arms around her body to try and stop the incessant trembling. She closed her eyes and took several deep, calming breaths. “Nothing. Excuse me.”

  Without waiting on a reply, Jerra ran to the bathroom and locked herself inside. She barely managed to lift the lid of the commode before she threw up.

  Oh God! Please no! How did he find me!

  Jerra continued to wretch until her stomach ached. Finally, she straightened up and flushed the commode. She reached over and turned the water on in the sink. When Darrell knocked on the door, she jumped. “Jerra? Baby, you okay?”

  Jerra stared into the mirror. She bit her lip at the tears she hadn’t been aware of crying and watched as they rolled down her cheeks. Why? She asked the face looking back at her. Why didn’t you fight more? You could have gotten away if you’d tried just a little bit harder. If you’d screamed louder.

  If, if, if….

  She’d lost count of the number of times she had taken the blame for the rape and wondered what she could’ve done to stop him, wondered if she’d somehow provoked the attack. Jerra closed her eyes to block out the accusations glaring back at her. She couldn’t stand to look at her reflection; she disgusted herself.

  “Jerra!” Darrell knocked harder. He'd pulled on a pair of jeans and was on the verge of breaking the door down when she suddenly opened it. Jerra’s face was calm and unreadable. She had put the frightened little girl back into the impenetrable box she’d safely kept her in for the last twelve years.

  “Jerra…?” Darrell's eyes ran over her as if to make sure she was unharmed. Her heart skipped a beat at the worry and concern etched on his face, but she was too busy trying to hold herself together to offer him much reassurance.

  “Can we please not talk about…him? The only
thing you need to know is I hate his guts. I hate the day he ever came into my life, and I hope I never see him again.”

  Darrell wanted to say more, but didn’t want to push. “Okay. Come here.” Jerra flinched and evaded her touch when he tried to put his arms around her. She held up a shaking hand to ward him off.

  “Don’t…!” she screamed, then made an effort to lower her voice. “Just…don’t.” Walking swiftly past him, Jerra went to her room and closed the door. Darrell stared after her. Something was definitely wrong.

  Jerra hurried to the master bathroom and stripped her clothes off as if they were on fire. She turned the shower on full blast as hot as she could stand it, then stepped inside the stall and began to roughly scrub her body. She didn’t want even a hint of his presence left on her skin. She stood underneath the beating pellets shooting from the showerhead and tried to let the heat of the water cleanse her.

  Too bad it can’t do the same for my soul, she cried.

  In the bedroom, Darrell pulled on a t-shirt before sitting in a chair by Jerra's bed to wait for her. He stared into space as his mind raced and dissected everything that happened within the last thirty minutes. Before Earl knocked on the door, Jerra had been fine. She’d been playful and relaxed after their lovemaking – before Earl knocked on the door.

  Darrell’s mind continued to methodically analyze Jerra’s reaction. She seemed almost frightened to death of the bastard. When she walked in from the bathroom, his eyes softened at her wounded expression. This wasn’t the Jerra St. James he was beginning to care about. The Jerra St. James standing in front of him was almost…broken. He had to fight the urge to pull her into his arms and assure her he’d make everything okay.

  Darrell would take the feisty, outspoken prosecutor anytime over the defeated woman standing before him. He didn’t know what internal struggle she was dealing with, but he knew with every fiber of his being he wasn’t going to let anything happen to her. This feeling of protectiveness was foreign to him; with Jerra it felt right.


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