Awakening Fate (The Chronicles of Elizabeth Fairbairn Book 4)

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Awakening Fate (The Chronicles of Elizabeth Fairbairn Book 4) Page 1

by Cheryllynn Dyess

  Awakening Fate

  The Chronicles of Elizabeth Fairbairn,

  Book Four

  Cheryllynn Dyess

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Cover Design by CoversbyStella

  Copyright © 2019 Cheryllynn Dyess

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 9781795453806

  Family can take you around the world, but love will keep you close to home.

  Sire Wesley Roberts





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  About The Author

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  Join Cheryllynn on Social Media. You can discover her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as @CheryllynnDyess.

  Please visit her website for appearances and updates. You can join her newsletter and have all that delivered to your inbox!

  Happy Reading!


  To my readers, thank you for loving the stories I write and giving me such wonderful energy in return. That energy is what inspires me to keep writing every day.


  Still so new to the world of magic and fantasy, Elizabeth was always on shaky ground with her emotions and stability. Any little thing would shake that ground and put her life in an uproar. This time was no different.

  Elizabeth’s battle with the Coven and the help of The Veil in the past was a success. She thought Edom would stand down, that is until he came up with a new plan. Her father used manipulation and the emotional need of his daughter wanting a father in her life to convince her to side with him. Believing he wanted her in his life because she was his daughter was her weakness, and it turned into his downfall. Unable to see through the charade her father had built, Elizabeth fell deep in love with Devlon, and the distance grew between her and her mother.

  Devlon drew her in close, spending more and time with her, even began practicing dark magic…the oldest of their kind. It was dangerous, but it felt good. He drew on her desire for the power that she fought hard to keep tamped down.

  Wesley was nowhere to be found, and she felt abandoned. He had sent his guardian, Celeste, to watch over her and they befriended one another. That new friendship and the training she received is what helped to save Elizabeth in the end.

  When presented with what she thought was a foe of her mothers, Elizabeth set out to destroy her and nearly destroyed herself in the process. The fear that she had killed someone shattered her soul, she went home to her mother only to discover the ploy Edom had going. While she continued to battle the darkness within her, she had one more fight to settle. Edom would never toy with her emotions again.

  Elizabeth went up against her father and brother, along with her mom, aunts and some of the other coven members. The battle ended in their defeat and Elizabeth stripped away Edom and Jeremy’s magic, they would never use it again. As her twin, Jeremy knew his magic was never genuinely lost because she would inherit it and vowed, he’d get it back but first he had to heal. Elizabeth had engulfed them both in fire and neither was walking away that day.

  Jeremy disappeared from the hospital. Burns all over his body, he signed a transfer to get away, but without magic or his voice. Edom didn’t survive, Elizabeth was the one who turned off his machines.

  Devlon was the keeper of Prince Petre’s magical amulet, grimoire, and wand and tried to come after Elizabeth. Sari and Elizabeth were clever and ambushed him, soon relieving him of his precious items. With no one as a keeper of the items but Elizabeth, she soon realized that being the keeper of them all was dangerous for her and those in the dream world. Wraiths were terrorizing both Sorina and Prince Petre in the dream realm, therefore, Elizabeth had to find a new keeper. When she asked for a sign, Wesley walked in.

  Never before had an elf been a keeper, but nothing Elizabeth has been through had been by the books anyway.


  Shocked that Wesley walked into their home at the very moment they all said they needed a sign as to who should get the items belonging to Prince Petre, Elizabeth never spoke more than his name before Reba spoke up, “What brings you here?”

  Knowing it was a shock to the women that he showed up, Wesley had to choose his words carefully. His time in Europe taught him to be especially careful when dealing with subjects of magic, the scars on his hands were a harsh reminder of the spells gone wrong when he failed in training. Looking at them each slowly, he formed his thoughts, “My mother sent me.” He knew that would ease them into the idea of what he was about to throw at them. His stomach turned flips as he tried to focus on the importance of him being here. He always had faith in whatever his mother told him, he'd not lose that now. “She said there was a job… no that’s not the wo
rd she used.” He thought again for a moment as the women stood around still in shock that he was even there. He put his hands behind his back, holding them in one another, in order to show he was confident in what he was saying, “ah, she used the word destiny. She said my destiny had been revealed and that I was to come here at this time to discover it.” He shrugged and went to the table to sit down. “I really know nothing more than that. Y’all know how my mother can be cryptic.” Wesley looked around anxiously for someone to speak, knowing he couldn’t show how nervous he really was, so he had hoped playing confident would work in his favor.

  Sari leaned over the table, “Are you sure she said here?” He nodded. She looked to her sisters then to the books, and then back to her sisters before continuing. “Wait here. We need to discuss this and go through more of the books. Elizabeth keep him company.”

  Elizabeth scrunched her face and scowled, “Sure mom. I’ll just sit here while the three of you go off to determine the future of the coven. Because I’m apparently no one of any great importance.”

  “Sarcasm suits you perfectly,” Reba chuckled, “but you make a good point. We should include them all. And we start with filling him in.” Reba pointed to Wesley and motioned for everyone to gather on stools around the table in the green room. So, for the next hour, Wesley sat and listened to each of the women tell him about every detail that happened since he left.

  Shock, awe, horror, sadness, and great pride was felt over and over again as the elf listened to the witches tales. As the conversation died down, it was Wesley who spoke up, “So… I happened in right as the four of you said you needed a sign for whoever was to get Prince Petre’s items?”

  “Yup, the timing couldn’t have been orchestrated any more precise,” Raina replied. Shrugging, Raina was no stranger to fate playing tricks on them and handing them surprises like this.

  Looking down at the books before him, he’d pick one up and read the title on the spine, then pick up another, and another. Each time he chose a book, he wondered if this was really the path he wanted to be on, then he'd glance up at Elizabeth and all doubt was removed. After the tenth book, he spoke, “Why not just let me hold them and see what happens.” He looked to Elizabeth this time, “you hold Sorina’s so if I were to hold Petre’s then you should feel whether or not I am meant to have it, right?”

  Not really sure whether it worked that way, Elizabeth could only shrug. She picked up Prince Petre’s items and placed them in front of Wesley. He looked at each one before picking up the amulet stone that mirrored Elizabeth’s. Adjusting the hook on the chain, Wesley slipped the amulet over his head and let it lay on his neck. At first, he felt nothing and neither did Elizabeth. Holding up a hand for everyone to wait, the stone started to glow only moments later.

  “Um, is it supposed to do that?” A nervous chuckle came out as he spoke.

  Leaning forward, with her own amulet in her hand, Elizabeth showed Wesley that her stone had begun to glow as well. “Yes,” her voice was soft and music to his ears, “this is what mine did when I first got it.” She looked to her mother and aunts, “Do you think this could be right?” Elizabeth was torn with what she wanted. Knowing that whoever the items were held by would be the one she’d draw to but was she ready to strengthen that relationship when she had just gone through so much, and did she trust him enough to be so close again.

  Reba was standing behind Wesley, put a hand on his shoulder and said, “Pick up the wand. The stone may accept you, but the wand and grimoire must also.” She nodded towards the book and wand laying before him, “go ahead.” She encouraged him.

  Raina stood with a hand over her mouth, in complete shock and awe that a warlock stone would choose to accept an other, an elf, as its keeper. Her eyes would go wide then back to normal and wide again. Wesley held his hand over the wand for many seconds before finally grabbing it up. Nothing happened. Wesley shrugged and looked around, “Nothing. I guess that is not good? Shouldn’t there be some mystical fog or something?”

  This made Raina laugh, “I could whip some up for you if need be!” Everyone laughed, instantly easing the tension in the room. “Nothing is supposed to happen if the wand accepts you. You won’t feel anything unless you try to use the magic in it.”

  “Ooohhh, well in that case. Great. Next the grimoire,” Wesley grabbed for the cover of the book, but Sari slammed it shut and held his hand on it.

  Looking a bit frightened, Wesley’s eyes narrowed but his amulet pulsed. Noticing the pulsating of the stone, Elizabeth looked to her mom, “Let him. The amulet wants it.” Only then did Sari look at the stone and realize her daughter spoke the truth. She released his hand and nodded, stepping back a few paces to give him room just in case the grimoire didn’t accept him and did something dangerous.

  Swallowing hard, Wesley put two fingers and a thumb on the corner of the grimoire. The old leather was smooth and soft from years of wear and covered with creases. Taking the edge of the cover, he opened the book to the front page. The page was blank, but the elf waited realizing the book was deciding. Should he get the acceptance the ink would appear and reveal its many secrets to him, he remembered this from his lessons in Europe. So, he continued to wait. One hand on the book, one hand filled with the wand, and an amulet of magic around his neck he started to feel tiny prickles over his hands and neck and face. Looking at his skin, he wasn’t sure if he should drop everything or hold on tighter. Elizabeth wrapped her hand around his answering his unspoken words. She looked him in the eyes and nodded to the page. Before him and the four witches, the grimoires secrets came to life one letter at a time.


  “I can’t believe this!” Elizabeth sat across from Wesley in shock that he would be the next keeper of Prince Petre’s items. “Has any other every been a keeper before?” She turned and questioned her mom.

  Sari shrugged, “Not to my knowledge. Raina?”

  Raina who stood away from the table watching Wesley read the grimoire that was usually reserved for witches and warlocks just shook her head, “This is new territory for us all.” Her mind was reeling with thoughts until she looked to Elizabeth, “You need to speak to Sorina!”

  Looking over at her aunt, Elizabeth started to speak then closed her mouth again. Her face showed she was in great thought. Could she safely seek out Sorina in the dream realms? “I don’t know if I can,” her voice barely a whisper.

  “Of course, you can,” Wesley replied. “These things have a keeper now so the wraiths shouldn’t be after you or her anymore. I can join you if you’d like?” He tried to reach out his hand to touch hers, but she slowly pulled back. Even though she could feel the pull the items made on her already she was still unsure of letting her heart open up again so soon. Devlon had just made a colossal fool of her and the death of her father was the result in her naive thinking. She had to be careful and guard herself and her family.

  Reba walked up behind Wesley, put a hand on his shoulder and he looked back up to her. Reba gave a confident smile, “It's obvious he was accepted to be the keeper. Look,” she pointed to Elizabeth's stone, “it hasn’t stopped that pulsing since he put his on. I think it would be good for you both to go to Sorina and speak to her. We can set up the den for you both to do it. This way,” she tapped her temple, “if there is trouble, I’ll know and we,” she motioned around the room, “can help.”

  Elizabeth nodded in agreement. She was going to try and depending on what Sorina had to say would determine her actions. Before Elizabeth could change her mind, her mother and aunts quickly set up pallets on the floor in the den for the two keepers to dream walk with Sorina. Several blankets cushioned the floor and large fluffy pillows were set down for comfort. Wesley and Elizabeth lay side-by-side on the floor. She turned to look at him, she had this overwhelming emotion of gratefulness that is was him next to her and not some stranger. She wasn’t sure if it was the pull of the magic or genuine emotion, she offered a small smile then spoke, “We’ll need to hold hands. I ca
n start the dream walk then draw you in, Sorina is usually cryptic at first by not showing herself, so I don’t know what to expect.” She held out her hand for him to take.

  Of course, he gently wrapped his fingers in with hers, gave a small nod and looked to the ceiling. “Ready?” Reba asked as her and her sisters finished making the circle around them, she had every intention of keeping them safe. Elizabeth nodded then closed her eyes.

  The ground was wet from dew, she had arrived in the morning time just as the sun was rising over the ridge of the horizon. Elizabeth felt the moisture seep through her socks in the high grass. She started to walk and realized Wesley was at her side, she had almost forgotten. Looking at him, her heart leaped when he smiled at her. “We have to find Sorina,” her words filled with determination.

  “Lead the way, this is your territory.” He motioned a hand out as if to follow her lead.

  Looking to her left, Elizabeth recognized the tree line as the same one Sorina ran into for safety when she was last here. She moved towards it quickly when she glimpsed the corners of a white gown between the trees. Stopping suddenly, Wesley almost ran into the back of her. “What’s wrong?” He whispered.

  “She is here, watching,” Elizabeth whispered back. Craning to catch another glimpse she called out, “Sorina. It’s me Elizabeth. It’s safe, you can come out now.”

  Moments passed before the soft voice of Sorina called back, “Why have you brought an elf with you? What is this about?”


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