Rock My Body

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Rock My Body Page 6

by Lee Piper

  Cool it, Riley.

  I pulled away, only to have Grace mutter in my ear, “Why don’t you just shove your tongue down his throat and get it over with?”

  What the hell?

  I stared at her, confused. But then I figured this biting remark meant she was experiencing emotions she hadn’t felt in a gazillion years so I didn’t take it personally. What was she feeling then? An attraction toward Levi, perhaps? Perfect. Hoping that was the case, rather than sending her a withering look, I stuck my tongue out at her instead.

  Once we’d both recovered from our childish spat, I drew on twenty-two years worth of cultivated politeness and began the introductions. “Levi, this is Grace. Grace, Levi.”

  But Grace rudely interrupted with, “Drink,” before spinning around and leaning against the bar.

  There was a moment of awkward silence during which time Levi raised an eyebrow at me. I just shrugged one shoulder. “Never said it was going to be easy. She’s worth the trouble though.”

  He stared at Grace’s back for a long while, a contemplative expression on his face. “I believe you,” he murmured.

  I patted him on the shoulder. “Buy her a whiskey and then hold on to your hat, cowboy, you’re in for one hell of a ride.” I gave him a wry smile and went to find us all a booth.

  After slipping across the cracked leather seat of the last remaining booth, I allowed my gaze to roam The Hole. I’d like to say I was people watching but knew deep down that wasn’t the case, like, at all.

  I was looking for Dominic.

  And after a few minutes of searching, I found him … locked at the lips with a platinum blonde.

  Wow. The man has moves.

  One of his hands was buried in her hair while the other pressed possessively against the small of her back, arching her into his unyielding frame. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and I was pretty sure she was holding on for dear life. Poor woman, it looked like she was being eaten alive. Not that she was complaining though, I could hear her moans of appreciation from where I sat in the secluded alcove.

  When he finally let her breathe again, Dominic whispered something in her ear, took her by the hand and led her into what I guessed was the green room just left of the stage.

  Well, then.

  Even though he warned me, I still couldn’t help the disappointment that washed over me as I observed their retreating forms. I looked down at my hands, they were tightly clasped together in my lap.

  No one could say I hadn’t been forewarned. Heck, even Levi cautioned me about Dominic’s promiscuity. I guess I needed to accept the fact that this was who he chose to be, a connoisseur of women, a player, a lover of pussy. I shook my head.

  Why am I finding this so difficult?

  As I delved further beneath the layers of disappointment, I felt something else. There it was… Hurt. Dominic’s actions hurt me. Granted, he had done it inadvertently, but it still didn’t change the way my stomach was churning like a meat grinder. Not five hours ago, he’d called me fucking gorgeous. Not five hours ago, he’d cradled my head in his hands and looked at me as though I was someone worth knowing. And yet here he was, screwing a Barbie impersonator in the dingy green room of a seedy pub.

  This sucks balls.

  Honestly, what did I expect? A declaration of monogamy because he thought I was attractive? A sparkling diamond because I blush on cue? Never gonna happen. He wasn’t that kind of guy, he sure as hell wasn’t going to change and it was wrong of me to expect him to.

  I took a deep breath.

  In lieu of working through these tumultuous emotions rationally, I decided to try something new, and it involved alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. Grace was gonna love it.

  At that very moment, the woman in question stormed toward the table before plonking herself next to me in a huff. I raised my eyebrows.

  “Don’t even start,” she snapped.

  I guess Operation Wingman wasn’t going as well as planned.

  However, when Levi strolled over not long afterward, the indulgent smile on his face declared otherwise.

  Good, there’s hope for them yet.

  “Here you are, ladies.” He handed me a beer—for which I was eternally grateful—and then murmured something to Grace while passing her a whiskey. I didn’t catch what it was, I was too busy drinking. In fact, I was too busy begging the alcohol to get me through the night without either bawling my eyes out or having a full-blown panic attack.

  When I finally put the empty bottle back on the table, proving I really could party with the best of them, Levi turned to me. “So, are you looking forward to seeing Mondez play?”

  “Absolutely.” I smiled. “I’ve been listening to your music online and really like your sound. I’ve been talking you guys up to Grace all afternoon and she’s really pumped to hear you play too.” I turned to her, but she was staring down at her lap. “Isn’t that right, Grace?”

  She looked up. “Mmm-hmm.” The woman hadn’t heard a word I said.

  Sadly, Levi thought this was hilarious and decided to poke the bear for a bit of fun. Not a good idea. Doing so was like playing Russian roulette, you never knew when Grace was going to explode and when she did… Yikes.

  The two faced off in an increasingly heated exchange. I nudged Grace under the table, trying to stop her rant before she got so fired up she blew a fuse. I even tried interrupting their perverted verbal foreplay but neither of them listened to me, they were too wrapped up in each other to take any notice. And it wasn’t until Grace yelled at Levi, calling him an egotistical narcissist that I gave up on ever setting my best friend up with anyone ever again.

  I dropped my head into my hands.

  Can tonight get any worse?

  Grace stopped what she was doing, rubbed my back and was halfway through a heartfelt apology when I discovered that yes, it could.

  “C’mon, dickwad, we’re on in five.”

  My head snapped up in the direction of that deep voice and I didn’t even bother suppressing the gasp that escaped me.


  Despite being slightly mussed up, he still looked like he’d just won the bachelor of the year award. And I could not believe he wore exactly what I said would turn him into a badass rock star—ripped black jeans and a dark t-shirt stretched so tightly over his biceps that the stitching needed reinforcement. For real.

  Dominic’s eyes flicked from Levi’s to mine, widening slightly as recognition hit. But he didn’t say anything.

  Not a word.

  “No worries, Dom.” Levi stared pointedly at Grace. “Think I’m done here anyway.” He finished his beer, smiled at me and then stood next to his brother. They both turned and walked toward the stage.

  Never once looking back.

  It reminded me of when I was a teenager.

  Grace and I were lying on the plush carpet of my bedroom, listening to heavy music. I stared up at the ceiling, it was covered in posters of famous rock stars, most without their shirts on. I only ever put them up when Mum was away because she would have killed me otherwise. Thankfully, she’d gone to one of those exclusive health spa resorts for the week, apparently she needed to de-stress. I snorted. From what exactly, I had no idea. I mean, it wasn’t as though she did anything except host extravagant parties and complain about my shortcomings.

  Anyway, Mum once lectured me about how the adhesives used to stick the posters to the roof were unsightly, peeled the paint off, et cetera, et cetera. Long story short, I wasn’t allowed to put them up. A load of crap if you ask me. All it did was force me into a life of duplicity because when she was home, I played dutiful daughter and when she went away, I didn’t.

  “So, what did he say?”

  I turned to look at Grace. “Nothing.”



  “That fucker. When I see him at school on Monday, he’s a dead man.” We were both quiet for a moment. “Are you okay?”

  My gaze returned to my favor
ite poster. It was of a lead guitarist whose face was in deep concentration as he rocked back on his heels, his fingers deftly playing the nickel plated steel strings as though he was born to do it.

  “Well, with all the practice I’ve had with Dad, you’d think I’d be used to feeling invisible by now.” My voice lowered. “But it still hurts. I mean, I know we were only dating for four months but now it’s over…” I paused. “I dunno, he acts like I don’t even exist.”


  “I guess it all meant nothing to him… I meant nothing.”

  Grace’s arm reached out and her hand found mine. “You mean the world to me, Riley.”

  Through my tears, I smiled.

  I was shocked out of my reverie by a loud boom. Grabbing Grace’s hand, I dragged her toward the stage. There was no way I could even begin to explain how mind-blowing Mondez’s set was. Simply put, their music was insane. The Hole wasn’t a large venue by any means, but the entire place suddenly went crazy as soon as the opening bars of their first song began and an ocean of writhing bodies instantly appeared in front of the stage.

  I think it was the constant contradictory melodies which did it. The music those guys belted out was obscure yet distinct, gentle yet brutal, melodic yet raucous. Honestly, I couldn’t keep up so I didn’t even try. I just mutely stood next to Grace, at a safe distance from the mosh pit, letting it all wash over me.

  Holy. Shit.

  And of course, my eyes instinctively moved to Dominic. How could they not? The guy went above and beyond every teenage rock star fantasy I’d ever had.

  Damn it.

  I didn’t want to admire the way his skillful fingers dexterously slid up and down the fret board of his electric guitar. I didn’t want to ogle the way he ruthlessly shredded the strings or seemed so lost in the epicurean sounds that his eyes looked past the frenzied crowd and stared into the darkness beyond. But I couldn’t help it, I was lost. So much so that my mouth actually popped open in shock.

  He’s so fucking talented.

  It didn’t excuse his rudeness toward me earlier though.

  I shifted my gaze to Levi—man, he could really sing. His vocals deviated between softly crooning and outright screaming. I snuck a quick look at Grace, she was pinned to the spot with an equally shocked expression on her face.

  Awesome. Operation Wingman has successfully passed phase one.

  Smiling, my eyes moved back to the drummer. He rhythmically pummeled the skins with flailing wooden sticks, his powerful, inked arms whirling so fast they became a blur. And then there was the bass player, a muscular guy with so many piercings I was surprised he hadn’t sprung a leak. Don’t get me wrong, they really suited him. The guy looked as sexy as all hell and the way he plucked the strings of his cobalt instrument should have been illegal.

  Why aren’t these guys signed to a major label? What the heck are they doing in a small bar in Dunsborough when they could easily fill stadiums across the country with their live sound?

  It made no sense.

  After almost an hour, the final bars of their last song faded and the audience went crazy. Completely, utterly, batshit crazy. Entranced, I watched as Dominic carefully stored his guitar away, gave Levi a congratulatory thump on the back, grinned at the other two band members and then jumped off the stage.

  Into a swarm of women.

  My eyes narrowed as manicured nails raked his sweat-soaked t-shirt, grasping hands slid up his arms, cosmetically enhanced breasts pressed against his pecs, and pouting lips murmured… I didn’t even want to know what.

  The thought alone made me sick.

  “Weren’t they amazing?” Brea suddenly materialized beside me. “They make me wild every damn time. What did you think, Riley?”

  I tried to say something, really I did, but no sound was forthcoming so I shook my head instead.

  “They’re gonna be huge one of these days and then watch out everyone, they’ll take over.”

  She wasn’t wrong there.

  Thankfully, my mind finally kicked back into gear and I was about to ask Grace what she thought of Mondez when the words died on my tongue. The girl looked like she’d seen a ghost. Her skin was pale, her eyes were wide—this wasn’t the G I knew. However, before I could question what was wrong, she blurted, “Riley, you’ll be all right with Brea if I go grab some air outside, won’t you?”

  Brea threw an arm around my waist declaring that she would look out for me and a split second later, Grace disappeared. Rather than answer my questioning gaze though, Brea shepherded me toward the bar with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

  I had no idea what the deal with Grace was, but knew for certain she wasn’t getting some air. As Brea and I leaned against the bar waiting to be served, I asked, “Do you think Grace is okay? Maybe I should go find her?”

  “Riley, I’m sure she’s fine. She’s a big girl and can look after herself. Besides, no one would mess with her, she’d dismember them if they tried.”

  I nodded absently.

  “Now, let’s celebrate finally being able to hang out with…” she drew out the word until it sounded like a verbal drum roll, “tequila shots.”

  “Oh, God.”

  Three disgusting, battery acid-tasting shots later, I started swaying so violently Brea went in search for a booth so I could sit down. Ironically, I was in charge of getting another round of drinks to take back with me. Never one to question another’s logic, especially while drunk, I made my way through the throng of people with two overflowing shot glasses in my hands. As I stumbled and staggered through the crowd, I came to the conclusion that my present physical state was midway between happy drunk and downright messy.

  For once, I didn’t care.

  While maneuvering my way past endless groups of rowdy drinkers, I scanned the room searching for Brea. Sadly, I didn’t see her. I did, however, see Dominic … kissing yet another blonde, though this time directly in front of me. Cursing under my breath, I made to detour around them, only tripped on my own lagging feet and accidentally spilled one of the tequila shots all over the miniskirt of blonde number two.

  She broke away from Dominic, angry. “Hey, watch it.”

  I mumbled something vaguely comparable to, sorry before turning on my heel and stumbling back to the bar for a refill.

  After being given a replacement, I was about to begin yet another search for Brea when a strong hand clasped my wrist, stopping me. “How many drinks have you had?”

  I glared up at Dominic. “Do I know you?”

  “Riley, you need water, not another fuckin’ tequila shot.”

  “Oh, so we’re talking now, are we?” I slopped the drinks back on the bar and turned to face him. “Good, because I’ve got something to say to you.”

  Wow, Drunk Riley has lady balls.

  I poked him in the chest with my index finger, I swear, the man was made from marble. “You, Dominic Mondez,” I leaned in close, “are mean.” Despite my inebriation, I didn’t miss the way his piercing blue eyes softened at my bold accusation. Or the way he still smelled of mint and … sex. Straightening up again, I stuck my chin out and declared, “I don’t associate with mean people.” With that, I flipped my long hair over one shoulder, grabbed the shot glasses and pushed past him.

  Smooth exit, Riley.

  A few steps later, I was once again no closer to finding Brea.

  That woman needs a flare gun.

  Frustrated, I stood on my tiptoes, wobbling horrendously. I craned my neck, searching left and right only to be almost knocked to the ground by the unexpected thrashing arms of the guy standing next to me—I think he was air drumming. Two strong hands gripped my hips, steadying me before I unceremoniously landed on my ass.

  “I’ve got you,” Dominic murmured in my ear.

  Yes. Yes, he did.

  A searing warmth radiated from where he stood behind me and I fought the instinctual urge to relax back into him. It would be so easy, it would feel so—

  Don’t do
it, Riley.

  I shook my head and the room swam, but even in my present state I wasn’t going to become blonde number three. However, politeness dictated some kind of recognition for his magical hands so I mumbled to the empty space in front of me, “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” I could hear him smile. Jerk.

  “I’m still angry with you.”

  “I know.”

  “And you’re still holding me.”

  “I know.”

  We were both silent. I took the opportunity to get the rampaging conga line dancing its way down my spine back under control, while Dominic… Well. Who the fuck knew?

  Anyway, it wasn’t long before the alcohol I consumed declared censorship of my internal monologue a crap idea. “Why’d you do it?”

  He paused. “Do what?”

  “Ignore me.”

  Dominic sighed and took a step forward so our bodies touched, no, aligned. We fit together perfectly and the realization made my tear ducts go gangbusters. I blinked—many, many times—and even though his heart thundered against my shoulder, Dominic’s voice was hard. “I’m an asshole, Riley. The sooner you realize that, the better.”

  “No, you’re not.” I looked down.

  Funny, I could have sworn I only had two legs an hour ago.

  His hands slid from my hips to splay across my stomach, pushing my ass flush against him. My head automatically fell back onto his chest and I fought the urge to moan.

  “I fucked a woman before the set whose name I can’t even remember.” His voice was harsh in my ear. “And I was about to get my dick wet again before you interrupted me.” Somehow his bitter laugh wreaked havoc on my knees, I really didn’t want to analyze why. “Still wanna be friends, angel?”


  He stilled.

  “Then you’re a fool.”

  I shook my head.

  Despite Dominic’s many faults, I knew he was a good man. There was an integrity I connected with when we first met and, even though there was no explaining how damaged it was or how far beneath the other complexities it lay, I knew it was there.


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