Rock My Body

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Rock My Body Page 14

by Lee Piper



  The events of that morning were still turning over in my head hours later. I was sitting in the cramped office at work, staring absently down at the proof of birth documents which needed to be filled after the arrival of little Millie-Kate not an hour ago. Normally, they would have taken me all of five minutes, but I was pretty sure I had been staring at them for a good forty. Clearly, Dominic’s appearance at the beach had thrown me. I mean, I could not stop thinking about him. What was he doing there? Why did he wait in the car park until I got back to my convertible before driving off? And why the heck didn’t he wave back?

  My head was spinning.

  It made no sense. Not his behavior, his words, his intentions, nothing. Was this his idea of a joke? If it was, I must have been the brunt of it because I totally missed the punch line. All I knew was seeing him again left me confused, intrigued and hornier than a Texas Longhorn bull.


  “Need any help?”

  I jumped and then squealed.

  A warm hand rubbed my knee. “Sorry, Riley. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  I bit my lip because Robin had crouched down beside me. In fact, his soothing gesture did a heck of a lot more to my hormones than he probably intended.

  “You okay?”

  Turning, I gazed into concerned caramel eyes. They were level with mine and oh-so-close.

  I really need to get laid.

  Flushing, I pressed a hand to my thumping heart and tried to pass my sudden breathlessness off as something far less carnal. “Sorry, I was miles away.”

  He looked at me. “What’s on your mind?”

  Sex. Lots and lots of sex.

  But I bit my lip before smiling innocently at him instead. He was so sweet and so very, very handsome. Those eyes were liquid gold, they promised slow, sensual lovemaking and an earth shattering orgasm at the end of it.

  Focus, Riley.

  I shook my head. “Nothing really. It’s just … one of those days, I guess.” I shrugged one shoulder before changing the subject. “You’re not wearing your scrubs.”

  “No deliveries today. I’m just here to do a few postnatal examinations before I head back across the road.”

  I nodded, my gaze flitting over his fitted white business shirt and charcoal suit pants. The material stretched tightly over his shoulders and tapered in at his narrow waist; I couldn’t help but think the entire ensemble fit him like a really expensive glove. Acting on impulse, I reached for his black tie and ran the length of the textured fabric through my fingers. “I like this,” I murmured, tugging it gently.

  Riley Sears, what are you doing?

  Oh, fuck it.

  Robin’s eyes darkened, and I heard a sharp intake of his breath as I pulled him closer. He momentarily tensed as our lips met but soon relaxed into the kiss. When my tongue sought entry, he gave an adorable low growl before opening his mouth wider. I gently licked and stroked him, growing hotter, more demanding with each caress. It was not until my fingers crept to his collar and I hungrily loosened his tie before moving down to slowly unbutton his shirt that he made an anguished groan before pulling away.

  “Jesus,” he gasped.


  Robin stood and strode to the other side of the small office. I could hear him straightening out his clothes but kept my eyes down, staring at my fingers. To say I was shocked at what I had instigated and how far I would have gone if he hadn’t stopped me, was a massive understatement.

  After a moment, Robin said, “Riley, don’t get me wrong, that was… Wow.” I looked up as he ran a hand through his ruffled hair. Moving back to crouch down by my side again, he clasped my hands in his. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea to mix business with pleasure. Anyone could have walked in on us. They could have reported it and in the blink of an eye, ruined both our careers.” Robin’s smile was gentle. “Let’s not jeopardize everything for the sake of a stolen moment, okay?”

  He was right, of course. My actions put him in a potentially explosive situation which could easily have backfired, and it was lucky he put an end to it when he did. I really needed to chill the fuck out, like, stat. So, nodding, I mumbled, “I’m sorry, Robin. I should never have… God, this is embarrassing.”

  He tucked some wayward hair behind my ear, his touch soft, and grinned. “Don’t be. Now I’m really looking forward to Saturday night.”

  I gave him a returning smile even though my heart wasn’t really in it. “Yeah, me too.”

  Chapter Ten

  When we survive,

  Tell me your name,

  Just so I know,

  That we’re closer.

  —MONDEZ, “Closer”

  Dominic was at the beach again on Tuesday morning. Similar to the day before, I pulled up and saw his Thunderbird in the car park. Once again, I promised myself not to think about him as I exercised, only to spy him at the cove and then watch, confused, as he darted off back the way he came.

  He was doing my head in.

  So much so, that during my lunch break at work, I found myself literally tearing into an Asian salad. It didn’t stand a chance. I was seated at the cafe downstairs and had been giving myself an internal lecture about the futility of overanalyzing Dominic’s behavior as I ate/stabbed. While I was at it, I also decided to berate myself for breaching the staffing code of conduct the day before. Just the thought of what I’d done to poor Robin made me attack random ingredients with a violent gusto. My vigor would have impressed Stalin himself. Needless to say, I was irritated, embarrassed and so desperate for an orgasm it was bordering on a physical debilitation.

  Thus, the culinary carnage.

  Mae plonked down opposite me. She looked at my bowl, her brown eyes inquisitive. “What’s your deal?” She indicated to the cabbage leaf I had just finished shredding into a gazillion pieces.

  I sighed, threw down the knife and fork, and instead focused my wrath on the brownie I bought for dessert.

  She stared at me. “You didn’t tell Dominic, did you?”

  “I told him.”

  “So what’s with the gastronomic abuse?” She gestured to the mess I was now making of my slice. Normally, I would not have wasted a crumb, but today I either wanted to punch something or mount someone, so ripping apart some food until it was dust in my hands seemed the safest alternative.

  “He didn’t listen.” I scrunched my forehead. “Well, that’s not entirely true. I mean, he did listen but then again, he didn’t…”

  Mae picked up her sandwich. “Riley, I’ve got no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.” She took a large bite.

  I sighed, discarding the brownie remains and wiping my fingers on a napkin. “I told him we needed to stop seeing each other.”

  “Right,” she mumbled around a mouthful.

  “And then I said we should be distant friends.”

  She swallowed. “Okay.”

  “But when I got to the beach yesterday, he was there. And when I showed up again this morning—” I spread my arms wide.

  “He was there again,” Mae finished. “Got it.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe he’s still running with you.”

  “But that’s just the thing, Mae.” I leaned forward. “He didn’t run with me. He was down at the beach before I arrived and waited in his car until I got back. So technically, he did what I asked.”

  She took another bite and chewed, her features thoughtful. “Hang on, how did he even know what time you were getting there? I mean, we’re on afternoons this roster.”

  I looked away, mumbling, “I might have, ah, accidentally mentioned it on Sunday.”

  “Rookie mistake.”

  Nodding, I muttered, “Trust me, I know.” I rubbed my fingers across tired eyes, suddenly exhausted. “What’s he doing, Mae?”

  She shrugged one shoulder.

  “Why is he doing this? Running is my thing, you know? I need it to clear my head, but now it’s like he’s there al
l the time.” I sighed. “I just don’t understand.”

  “Ask him.”

  I stared at her as though she had just spoken Dutch.

  “I mean it, Riley. This man’s fucking with you and what’s worse is you’re letting him. So when you see him tomorrow, grab him by the balls, stare him in the eyes and demand a goddamn answer.”

  Nodding slowly, I murmured, “That’s a good idea. I mean, apart from the ball-grabbing part.”

  “Of course it is. Now, rather than decimate what’s in front of you, how about you actually eat it?”

  I smiled, ravenous. Scooping up a forkful of brownie, I popped it in my mouth and moaned in unabashed delight.



  The next morning, I was determined to confront Dominic. I was going to be calm, firm, assertive—I was going to get answers. However, as soon as I pulled up at the beach, I knew something was up. The man in question was pacing in front of his Ford while muttering into his phone. When I stepped out of my convertible, his eyes found me and something in my stomach shifted. Something big. He ended the call, contemplated me for a moment and then strode over to where I stood.

  Now’s your chance, Riley. Don’t back down now.

  He stopped only a foot away.

  Yikes. What’s with Mr. Intensity?

  But I lifted my chin, refusing to become distracted by the molten heat that spread through my limbs and the way his breathing accelerated when he took in my tight running shorts. “Dominic, we need to talk.” My voice barely even wobbled.

  So far, so good.

  “We will. On the plane.”

  “Look, I don’t know what’s—” I paused, his words finally registering. “Plane?”

  He grinned at my confusion, it was equal parts gorgeous and frustrating. “We’re flying to Melbourne this afternoon so you need to go home and pack.”


  “Levi just called, a friend of ours wants Mondez to support them at a gig they’ve got lined up for tomorrow night. The band that was going to play pulled out, so the boys and I are heading over in their place.”

  “That’s … ah, great.” I paused. “Where do I fit in exactly?”

  “Levi doesn’t want Grace by herself while we’re on stage, so you’re coming too.”

  Oh. So, Dominic doesn’t want me to go, Levi does.


  Now, don’t get me wrong, I really wanted to see Grace again. In fact, I missed her so much it hurt. We had not spoken in what felt like years and being with her would ground me from all the craziness of the past few weeks. I was sure I would be able to negotiate my shifts at work. After all, I never took time off so had plenty of leave owing. But Dominic’s attitude annoyed me, a lot. I was sick of his arrogance and his games, I refused to play anymore.

  “I’m not going.”

  He stared at me.

  “I mean it. I’m not going, Dominic.”

  He narrowed his eyes and stepped in close. “Yes, you are.”

  “No. I’m. Not.”

  He gritted his teeth. “The tickets are already paid for and I’m picking you up from your apartment in one hour. So quit arguing, get that fine ass in your car and head on home to pack.”

  I threw up my arms, exasperated. “Can you stop bulldozing me for one second? First, I ask you to stay away and you completely ignore me.” My entire body blazed. “And now you’re ordering me around like I’m a foregone conclusion.” I poked him in the chest, it was rock hard. “Well, I’m not, okay? Just because you and Levi snap your fingers doesn’t mean I’m going to come running like a fucking lackey.”

  Blinking back frustrated tears, I mumbled, “Just give me some space, Dominic. Let me breathe, please.” I hated how my voice broke on the final entreaty.

  Instead of moving away, Dominic did the exact opposite. He wrapped himself around me and one strong arm clasped my waist while the other hand cradled the back of my head. Goose bumps broke out where he touched me and I didn’t even bother suppressing the shiver that tingled its way down my spine. After burying his hands in my hair, he tugged on it gently. “I can’t.”

  I hugged him back, even tighter if it was at all possible. His fresh scent disorientated me and I found myself clawing his back, whispering, “You have to.”

  “I know. But not today.”

  We continued to hold each other and despite the obvious contradiction between our words and actions, for the first time in over a week, I felt calm. Peace slowly descended over me like a comforting blanket and seeped warmth through my extremities, relaxing me completely. I sank against him with a sigh.

  “Please, Riley.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut.

  “Come to Melbourne with us … with me.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, I murmured, “Okay.”

  It was official, I was lost, and I hated the sensation because it reminded me of one year ago.

  “I won’t be long,” I promised Phillip, giving him a final, lingering kiss.

  “No problem.” He brushed his lips against mine once more. “I’ll go get some gas, double-check we’ve packed everything and then meet you back here in half an hour.” He pulled away slightly, totally rocking that boyish grin of his. “Can’t wait to start a new life with you, Riley.”

  My heart melted, molten-magma style. “Me neither.”

  Can this guy be any more perfect?

  I shook my head. This was no time for waterfall impersonations, I had shit to do, like, say goodbye to Grace. It wasn’t the best timing, particularly with her father passing away only a couple of months ago, but she seemed genuinely happy for Phillip and I. Heck, she’d even not-so-subtly told me to quit putting my life on hold and instead go out and do something with it. She was right, of course. But my stomach still tied in knots when I thought about not seeing her for… To be honest, I really couldn’t think about how long it would be without bawling my eyes out.

  Grace didn’t answer her door. Well, not after the first hundred or so knocks, anyway.

  “Strange,” I mused, unlocking the apartment with my spare key. “Hello?” My voice rebounded off bare walls and echoed through the empty rooms.

  Bare walls? Empty rooms? What the hell?


  Moving through the entryway, my gaze flicked first left then right, finally coming to rest on my best friend. She was sitting on the floor where the couch used to be, her back resting against flaking cream paint. Those short legs of hers were stretched out and crossed at the ankles and she was staring straight ahead, her expression blank. It looked like she was watching TV, only there was no television to look at because that too was gone.

  “What’s going on?” I ran over and crouched down next to her. “G?” Pushing dark tangled hair away from emerald eyes, I tried to get a closer look. She didn’t look good; I blamed the almost empty whiskey bottle sitting close by. “G, what is it?”

  It took her forever to respond and when she did, she simply mumbled, “Serena left.”

  Cradling flushed cheeks in my hands, I gently turned her head until she was looking at me. “I can see that, but why did your sister leave? Did you guys have a fight or something?”

  Grace didn’t answer, she just stared, her gaze empty.

  Sighing, I asked, “Where’s Dylan?”


  “Oh, G.” I slumped down next to her.

  Dylan was an asshole, there was no doubt about it. He was a complete and utter waste of space. So to be honest, I wasn’t exactly surprised that he conveniently disappeared when his girlfriend needed him the most. It was just the kind of dipshit he was. But Serena leaving was something different altogether. I shook my head, beyond confused.

  Grace started slipping sideways, so I carefully lay her down in my lap, stroking her hair. It wasn’t long before the silent tears which must have stained her cheeks dampened the material of my jeans and my heart broke into millions of tiny pieces for her.

  I couldn’t leave.

  Not now.

  I couldn’t abandon my best friend when everyone else around her had. Sighing, I shut my eyes and rested my head back against the wall.

  Maybe one day Phillip will forgive me.



  The sound shocked me from my not-so-pleasant trip down memory lane. I stopped and listened.

  Thump. Thump.

  “Shit.” After turning off the tap, I scrambled out of the shower and hastily dried myself with the first towel I could find.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  “Coming,” I called, padding to the front door. Swinging it open, I was met with hostile blue eyes. “Am I late?” I went to check the time on my watch before realizing I had taken it off. Obviously. Since I had been in the middle of a shower and all. I sighed, my arm falling uselessly back to my side again. Dominic seemed to have that effect on me.

  The door slammed shut. I glanced up, surprised to see him leaning heavily against it.

  “Fucking hell, Riley.” His gaze was harsh.


  “You’re bullshitting me, right?”

  I took an involuntary step away from the fuming pile of brawn, completely mystified at what had pissed in his shoes this time.

  He rolled his eyes at my blatant incomprehension. “Never answer the door looking like that.” He gestured to my near nakedness, and I tried not to notice how the pulse at the base of his throat jumped. No, leaped. There might even have been a bungee rope involved.

  My gaze dropped down. The fluffy white towel left little to the imagination, it was true. It barely covered my breasts and mid-section let alone… Anyway, he hadn’t exactly given me a chance to dress and I was about to tell him so—I even crafted a witty rejoinder in my head—only, when I looked into his eyes again words failed me.

  Everything failed me.

  Well, everything except for my vagina, of course. There seemed to be a welcome party kicking off down there, complete with balloons and streamers.

  I swallowed. Loudly.

  The tension between us shifted. I could tangibly feel the energy surge, pulse and crackle as the surrounding air grew denser. Magnetism sparked, fizzed and ricocheted between his body and mine until we were connected by what felt like hundreds of pulsating electric currents.


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