04 Reilly's Wildcard

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04 Reilly's Wildcard Page 8

by Anne Rainey

  “His?” Sarah asked from across the table. “Do you already know the sex of the baby?”

  Lucy waved a hand in the air. “No, and I don’t know why I keep referring to the baby as a he.”

  Reilly interjected his own two cents. “It matters little. As long as the baby and mother are both healthy.”

  “Right you are, Reilly,” Sammy spoke up. “Soon we’ll have another place to set at the Jennings table.”

  Everyone sent up their agreement. After his mother finished serving the meal and sat down, they spent the rest of the evening discussing baby names and child-birthing methods. Lucy couldn’t decide on a name for the baby, so they decided to table the discussion. There would be plenty of time later. It was the first time Reilly had seen Lucy so talkative about the baby. It was a good sign for the future, even though he didn’t want to imagine the pain Lucy would have to endure during labor. When that topic came up, he was the one sick to his stomach.

  Chapter Seven

  Lucy tossed her clothes into her overnight bag. She didn’t much care if they wrinkled. Reilly was in her living room, for crying out loud. He was touching her things. The man was too curious for his own good. What had she been thinking, bringing him back here? She should have said she’d meet him at his place, but he’d distracted her when he’d given her two orgasms that morning already.

  After the dinner at his mom’s, Lucy’s defenses had been down, and he’d talked her into spending the night with him. As a result, she’d been late to work the next morning, and her boss had given her one of his annoying scowls. The instant she’d finished her shift, she’d gone to the Blackwater to discuss a schedule for her to sing there on the weekends. She was still nervous about it but excited too. Her confidence had been bolstered, she supposed, by Reilly’s praise when she’d auditioned for him.

  Now it was Friday, and they’d just returned from an ultrasound appointment where she and Reilly had learned that they were going to have not one but two babies. Twins! Lucy still couldn’t wrap her mind around the idea of being a mother to two babies instead of one. She’d have to buy two cribs, two sets of diapers. There’d be two babies crying in the night, eager to be fed. Oh God, she wasn’t equipped. Reilly’s surprise at first had quickly morphed into excitement, and it helped some of Lucy’s fears to dissipate. Heck, the man was totally over-the-moon happy about the news. He kept going on about supporting her and being there for her. It warmed her heart, but it scared her too. Relying on a man wasn’t something she’d ever yearned to do.

  Since Annabelle was due to show up any moment, Lucy shoved all her worries to the back of her mind. After visiting with her sister, she and Reilly had decided to head back to his place. Again, he’d talked her into spending the night, this time on the premise that they had more good news to celebrate. She was a total pushover when he gave her that ornery grin, and she damn well knew it.

  On the other hand, Reilly had already proven that he was as autocratic as they came. The man needed to be shoved into the twenty-first century. His constant insistence that she should take time off from her career during her pregnancy was proof of that.

  She rushed into her bathroom and grabbed all the necessities she could think of for a single night. Now all she needed was her prenatal vitamins; then she’d be able to get him out the door and away from her things.

  As Lucy lugged the overnight bag into the living room, she was shocked to see Reilly sitting on her couch, legs spread out in front of him, reading one of her pregnancy books. She moved closer and read the title—Sex During and After Pregnancy. Her face burned with embarrassment. Reilly seemed to sense her arrival and looked at her over the top of the hardback.

  He waved the book in the air. “Interesting.”

  Lucy dropped the bag and went to take her book back, but Reilly dodged her. Anger welled to the surface. “Give it to me.”

  “I think you should bring it along. We could read it together.”

  “I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t find it the least bit interesting.” Why on earth had she left the damn thing on the coffee table?

  “Now there is where you’re wrong,” he murmured. “I’m very interested.”

  “You’re being annoying,” Lucy said as she turned and strode into the kitchen to retrieve her vitamins. When she came back, she noticed he was back to reading the blasted book.

  Reilly glanced up, his eyes hot with unmistakable arousal. “Have you read the chapter on different positions to try?”

  Lucy licked her lips and looked away. “Duh, it’s my book.”

  Reilly stood, and Lucy instinctively backed up. In two strides, he was in front of her, cupping the back of her head in his palm. “You ask me, you’re one sexy pregnant lady.”

  Lucy snorted. “Wait until I’m five months in and sporting cankles, then we’ll see how you really feel.”

  Without warning, he kissed her. His soft lips lingered a few seconds, drawing a moan from her, before he lifted and whispered, “You’ll always be sexy as hell to me, sweetheart.”

  The doorbell rang, saving Lucy from drowning in a puddle of her own drool. She practically ran for the door. She pulled it open and screamed at the sight of her sister standing in the hall. “Oh my God, Annabelle!” Lucy cried, then flung herself into her sister’s arms. Annabelle laughed and hugged her tight.

  After about a minute, Lucy heard Reilly clear his throat. Lucy pulled out of Annabelle’s embrace, tugged her into the apartment and shut the door. “Reilly, this is my sister, Annabelle.”

  Reilly stepped forward and entwined his fingers with Lucy’s, then extended his other hand to Annabelle. “It’s great to meet you,” Reilly said as he shook Annabelle’s hand. “Lucy has told me quite a bit about you.”

  Annabelle’s eyebrows lifted. “Uh, nice to meet you too.” She aimed a grin at Lucy and said, “You’ve been holding out on me, sis.”

  “It’s sort of a long story.” Lucy elbowed Reilly in the ribs to get him to release her, but the imbecile never even flinched. He smiled down at her, and Lucy seriously itched to swat him a good one on the back of the head.

  To Annabelle, she said, “I didn’t want to worry you when we last talked.”

  “Worry? Why would I worry?”

  “I’m, uh, pregnant with twins,” Lucy stated. “Reilly’s the father.”

  “Twins, seriously?” Annabelle asked as her wide-eyed gaze darted to Lucy’s belly. “I thought there was a little extra to hug.” She grinned. “Congratulations! I guess that sort of trumps my engagement news all to heck, huh?”

  Lucy laughed. “Speaking of the engagement, where’s Justin? I thought he was coming with you. I wanted to meet him.”

  Annabelle ran a hand through her hair. “He is, but he needed to run some errands. You’ll meet him, don’t worry.”

  “Annabelle and Justin are getting married,” Lucy told Reilly. “They’re on their way to Justin’s parents’ house.”

  He winked at Annabelle and asked, “Showing off his pretty new fiancée, huh?”

  Annabelle flashed a smile. “I like this one, Lucy. You should keep him.”

  Lucy had been thinking the same thing, but fear kept her from saying the words aloud. She headed for the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, “Have a seat, sweetie, while I get you something to drink.”

  “Sounds great, sis,” she answered as she plopped down on the sofa. “I’m beat.”

  Lucy opened the refrigerator and grabbed a cold beer for her sister. “Do you want anything to drink, Reilly?”

  “Nothing for me, thanks.”

  Lucy popped the top of the beer and went back into the room. Annabelle sat with her legs crossed at the knees, smiling up at her. Reilly still stood, hands tucked into the front pockets of his jeans and staring at Annabelle with curiosity.

  Lucy handed Annabelle her drink before sitting down. “I’m so glad you’re home, even if it is only for a few days. I worry when you’re away.” Being in the army in this day and age wasn’t anything to play
around with.

  The hand that wasn’t holding the beer patted her thigh. “It’s fine, sis. I know to keep my head down.”

  Reilly came forward and sat on the other side of Lucy, then slung an arm over her shoulders. Lucy held back the giddiness of having Reilly so close. Would she always respond to the man with a flow of warmth anytime he came near? She suspected she would.

  Annabelle cocked her head to the side and studied her a minute. “You know, you really don’t look very pregnant. How far along are you? Have there been any complications?”

  “Not quite four months, and nope,” he answered for her. Reilly pressed a hand to her belly, and suddenly, Lucy’s heart filled with something very much like love.

  “Had any odd cravings?” Annabelle asked. “Pickles and ice cream, for instance?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing weird. Just a lot of morning sickness so far.”

  Annabelle cringed. “Hopefully that part will be over soon.” She looked over at Reilly and winked. “And I’ll bet Reilly will keep you well supplied when the cravings do start up.”

  She didn’t give Reilly a chance to reply. Lord only knew what the man would say to such a blanket statement. “Why would you say that?”

  “I’ve seen your temper, Lucy. You’re not to be fooled with when you’re mad or hungry.”

  She laughed. “Oh yeah, I’m so scary to a badass soldier like you.”

  Annabelle started to say something, but Reilly spoke up, stopping them both in their tracks. “Lucy will have everything she needs. If she wants ice cream and pickles, she’ll get it.”

  Annabelle cleared her throat, and her expression grew serious. “Yeah, I can see she’ll be well taken care of. But Lucy is my sister. Her husband walked all over her, and I won’t see it happen again.”

  He smiled. “You can rest assured I’m not David, nor do I intend to repeat his mistakes.”

  At that point, Lucy wanted to slap them both on the back of the head. She jerked up off the couch and shook her finger at them. “Get it straight, I don’t need either of you worrying about me and taking care of me. I can take care of myself.” She turned toward Reilly. “And if I want ice cream, I’ll get it myself.”

  Annabelle laughed. “Good to see you’re still as mouthy as ever, sis.” She took one last swig of her beer and placed it on the coffee table, then got to her feet. “Thanks for the beer.” She took Lucy in her arms and pulled her in close. “Take care of my nieces or nephews, okay?”

  Lucy kissed her cheek and asked, “Will I see you later?”

  “Definitely. And I’ll bring Justin.” Annabelle’s smile lit up her face. “You’re going to love him. He’s really great.”

  “As long as he treats you like fine china, then we won’t have a problem,” Lucy said, and it was no less than the truth. She wanted to see Annabelle happy and well loved, something neither of them had experienced with their own dad. Annabelle deserved to live happily ever after with the man of her dreams.

  After her sister left, Lucy was left alone with Reilly. When their gazes connected, she shivered at the heat reflected in his eyes. “Reilly?”

  He stalked her across the room. “Lucy,” he murmured, his voice dancing down her spine. “Do you know that I’m crazy about you? Crazy with desire, with lust, with need for you?”

  She shook her head adamantly, continuing to walk backward and away from him. “I thought you were in a rush.”

  He was a predator, and stalking his prey was second nature. When Lucy stumbled, Reilly was there, pulling her against his chest. “Nope, plenty of time.” Then his head came down, and his mouth latched on to hers. The kiss started out as a demand but quickly turned into searing heat.

  Lucy had it in her to stop him, but her body betrayed her, going pliant against his massive frame. Her hands had a mind of their own as well, skating over the hard strength of his shoulders and back. Lucy moaned as she felt Reilly’s fingers through her shirt and bra drifting over her sensitized nipple. Her mind went blank and her legs quivered. All at once, her feet left the floor as Reilly lifted her into his arms. He never broke the kiss as he went to her bedroom and placed her on the bed. He angled his head and kissed her once more before lifting away. Her lips tingled and felt bereft without his touch. It scared her to think he’d gotten under her skin so fast. But he was tearing at his clothes, then hers, and within seconds, they were both naked. With swift elegance, he came down on the bed so that he lay parallel to her. His large, powerful hands grasped her around the waist, pulling her up and sitting her down on top of him in one smooth motion. At once Lucy felt exposed, and while she hadn’t gained much weight yet, she still felt thicker than she had before.

  As if sensing her distress, Reilly murmured, “You’re beautiful, Lucy. Every inch.” She started to say something, anything, but Reilly hushed her with a finger to her kiss-swollen lips. “And being on top gives you the control. Wouldn’t you like that?”

  She nodded, unable to speak around the lump in her throat, and felt his arousal pushing at the cleft of her bottom. A little thrill ran through her that she had the ability to bring him to such a state. She moved slightly, just a small wriggling of her hips. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from him. Reilly’s eyes turned to fire in an instant. His teeth gritted with restraint. He seemed determined to let her be the one in charge, but she could see that it cost him. He was such a sexual man, meeting his needs would be a major undertaking. She didn’t know if she had it in her to please him. And still he was letting her do as she wished.

  It was time to see what she was made of.

  Closing her eyes, Lucy began by moving slowly at first in little circles, enjoying his hard length nestled between her buttocks. Bracing herself on his chest, she rolled her hips back and forth, clenching her thighs around him. Reilly growled. “Fucking hell.”

  Lucy moaned as whirls of sensation stimulated the delicate folds of her sex. She opened her eyes again and bent down far enough that her nipples grazed his chest hair. Pleasure rippled through her as the dark curls rasped them to taut peaks. Not able to stop herself, she lowered her mouth to his and licked at his full lower lip. God, no man should have a mouth so sinful, she mused. Her teeth nibbled at the skin, and his hands came up to her arms, crushing her to him. She felt herself spiraling out of control, felt Reilly’s instinctive need to dominate boiling to the surface.

  Lucy rose up a fraction of an inch and looked beseechingly into his eyes. “Let me.” As if not trusting himself to speak, he nodded his consent. She smiled, feeling as if she were a woman on the brink of discovering something wonderful.

  She lowered her head to his chest, tasting his salty skin, smelling his arousal. Her tongue darted out and laved his nipple; her fingers curled in his chest hair. She couldn’t get enough of him. Now she understood why he’d been so eager their first time. She shimmied down his body and kissed his flat stomach, running her hands over his chest, his arms, needing to touch him everywhere at once. Poised over his manhood, she looked up and saw him watching her, his entire body still and tense. She swept the heavy fall of her black hair back and lowered her head, never taking her gaze off his. She grasped him in her hand and squeezed. Reilly threw his head back and grunted. She let her tongue dart out, not able to resist tasting the tip of his cock. His gaze flew back to hers and feminine triumph surged through her at the pleasure on his face.

  He moved then, burrowing both of his large hands in her hair and pulling her head down until Lucy had his entire cock inside the wet heat of her mouth. She sucked in, hollowing her cheeks in an uncertain effort to bring him gratification. Reilly cursed under his breath.

  Suddenly, he pulled her upward until she was once again sitting on top of him. “Have mercy, sweetheart. Another second and I would have been unable to stop.”

  Comprehension dawned, and she smiled. “I like knowing that.”

  “I want to be inside you, so damn deep inside you. Don’t make me wait another second, woman. I’m begging here.”

>   She chuckled. “I ought to make you suffer longer. I’m certain you’ve never begged a day in your life.”

  He shook his head. “Christ, you’re wicked.”

  His need was hers; his urgency fueled her bravado. She raised her hips and took him in her hands, guiding him to her entrance. Lucy lowered herself onto him, taking her time, feeling every inch of his hard cock slide between her pussy lips. She closed her eyes and arched her back and pushed down all the way. “Yes, I missed that,” she moaned.

  His voice was a scrape of gravel when he said, “You feel good. So damn warm and tight.”

  Reilly wanted to change their positions. Wanted to be the one in control. But he was determined to allow her to have her way. To give her the tender loving she deserved. So he stayed put, satisfied to watch her learn what her body was capable of. He reached between their bodies and squeezed her clit between his thumb and forefinger, pumping and pulling at the little nub, encouraged by the small sounds that emanated from her throat. Her breaths quickened, and she moved even faster on top of him. He felt himself ever closer to the edge and stroked her once more, sending her flying over.

  He removed his hand and clutched her hips. “Look at me, sweetheart.” Lucy’s lashes fluttered open, and he growled, “You belong to me.” Then he pushed her down. Hard. Impaling her completely, as if verifying his words.

  His explosion came quick and furious, his come filling her. Lucy collapsed on top of him. Their breathing came in quick pants. Their hearts beat out of control, bodies slick with sweat. He wrapped his arms around her delicate rib cage and held her there. She was his, and somehow he needed to make her understand that. Already he could feel her attempting to pull away from him. She always attempted to maintain some sort of emotional distance, especially after sex, and it infuriated him.

  Reilly shifted them so they lay spoon fashion. He pulled her in close, and she cozied her bottom against his groin. He smiled at the automatic gesture. She was becoming comfortable with him without even being aware of it. Reilly put a possessive arm over her still-flat stomach, binding her to him.


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