An American Adventure: Blue Moon Cafe

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An American Adventure: Blue Moon Cafe Page 1

by Julie Tylor

  An American Adventure – Blue Moon Cafe


  Julie Tyler

  Smashwords Edition

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  Copyright 2013 – Julie Tyler

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – The drive

  Chapter 2 – Cum on in

  Chapter 3 – Trucker

  Chapter 4 – Say “hello”

  Chapter 1

  My husband and I were driving south on Interstate 75. We had just left Atlanta and were headed for Florida to spend a few weeks there. We were traveling around the country in our, new for us, two year old Holiday Rambler - a thirty-six foot motor home. So far, I was enjoying the freedom. No worries and no ties to tell us when to drive and when to stop. No hotels to hurry to and no reservations to make.

  As we neared the Florida state line, I began to see a lot of billboards for a cafe at regular intervals. They were sure advertising a long way off and it was obvious that they wanted travelers to be thinking about them long before they came to their exit. I was trying to read them without my husband knowing that they were intriguing me.

  Several more miles went by and I saw another billboard coming up.


  “The sign really bothers you, doesn’t it?” David asked as we drove by the sign.

  I wouldn’t look at him, but I did nod my head to let him know that he had caught me.

  “What bothers you about it?” He was trying to be insightful, but was not pulling it off. “Do you feel bad for the girls that work there?”

  “Not really.” I looked up at him from the corner of my eye without raising my head. “I would just kind of like to stop there and see what that is really like.”

  You’d have to know me to understand how out of character this is for me. I think I am an attractive woman but David always tells me that I have virtually no kinky side at all. I’ve always been the straight laced, missionary position only, type of girl.

  “Are you just kidding me or are you serious?” He asked quite shocked.

  “I know it sounds funny, but I am serious. Could we stop and eat there?”

  “With fully nude waitresses?”

  “I just want to see what a place like that is like.” I surprised myself by saying it more firmly than I expected. “Have you ever been to a place like that?”

  “No, not really.” I’m pretty sure he was lying. But it was a lie that was meant to protect me and not hurt me. “But we can go if you want to.”

  “Okay.” I smiled my timid little smile and leaned over to give David a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Not a problem, but you do realize that I’m not going to be able to not look, right?”

  I just smiled and patted him on the leg. I was pretty sure I could handle a little nudity.


  Chapter 2

  Sixty seven more miles down the road and the next billboard read, “EXIT NOW! FULLY NUDE!! 24 hrs”

  David looked at me to be sure. I nodded and he exited.

  We pulled into this little lime green, dumpy cinder-block building with a dozen or so Semi Trucks in the lot. We just sat for a minute looking the place over.

  “You ready?” He asked me. “You sure?”

  “I guess so. Let’s go in.”

  The gravel crunched under out feet as we made our way to the entrance. We were greeted by a completely naked college age woman whose name tag, if you can call it that, said, ‘Barb.’ I say ‘if you can call it that’ because it was the only thing she had on and it was magic-markered just above her left breast.

  She stopped us at the check-out counter and explained that she was the hostess and could seat us if we’d like.

  “That would be great.” David said, trying to maintain eye contact with her. I could see the bulge in his pants and we’d just barely stepped through the door.

  “There’s just one small problem,” she said turning to me. “Our boss doesn’t allow any woman in the place with her clothes on. If you want to stay and eat, you’ll have to take your clothes off.”

  David put his hand on my shoulder to turn me around and said. “Come on hon, let’s go.”

  I was surprised by how strongly I resisted his attempt to turn me around and even more surprised when I brushed his hand off my shoulder. “I think I’d like to eat here.” I smiled at Barb. “Where can I undress?”

  “Sweetheart, there’s no changing room. If you’re serious about staying, you have to undress right here.”

  I noticed that the dining room had grown completely quiet. Every trucker in the place was watching us to see what would happen. The place exploded with clapping and shouts of encouragement as I undid the top button of my blouse.

  “Take it off, baby!”

  I unbuttoned the other three buttons and slipped off my blouse.

  “C’mon! Let’s see those legs!”

  “Shake that ass a little!”

  I looked at David to see if he was okay and unbuttoned my jeans. I wiggled free and the truckers went wild as I shook them off of my legs.

  “Tits! Tits! Show us your tits!” one guy yelled. The others took up the chant and I turned my back to them and undid my front clasped bra.

  There was a group inhale, like everyone was holding their breath, when I slid the bra off my shoulders and let it drop to the ground.

  David was standing beside me smiling and rock hard underneath his jeans. I mouthed ‘I love you’ to him and slid my panties to the floor.

  “Turn around! Turn around!” The truckers were chanting in unison now.

  By this time another dozen or so truckers had come into the place and they seemed to know what was happening before they even walked in the door. David told me later that it was due to the miracle of the CB radio. I’d never had this kind of audience before and I must admit that it was turning me on a little. I looked at Barb and asked if I could keep my heels on.

  She smiled at me and said, “I think that’ll do. Let me show you to your table.”

  I turned around and faced that group of truckers so they could see me completely and absolutely bare except for my shoes.

  Barb walked us to the far end of the cafe and the men started applauding as we went by.

  My nipples were as hard as the bulge in David’s pants and my stomach was in knots. What in the hell was I doing?

  While all the men in the place were looking my way pretty frequently, three men eating at the bar were whispering intently to each other and they kept looking at me. David noticed and raised his eyebrows as if to say, “Do you want me to do something about that?”

  I shook my head ‘no’ and tried to just look at the menu.

  Chapter 3

  About the time Barb came to take our order, one of the three guys at the bar got up and walked over to me.

  “Ma’am, I’d buy your lunch if you’d let me feel your tits.”

  It was a dangerous question because David has a concealed carry permit and he is always, always, carrying. He slid his jacket over just enough to show the butt of his Glock and the trucker took a step back.

  “I don’t mean no harm. That was quite a show you gave us in here. Usually we just come in to see the waitresses. I ain’t never seen a woman come in here to eat before - not with the rules Stella has.”

  I looked at David with raised eyebrows and he asked, “Who’s Stella?”

  The man simply po
inted to the other side of the cafe where an older woman sat alone – also completely naked. “She's the owner of this place.”

  I was a little shocked. She was watching everything and saying nothing. Her breasts were large, long and sagging to her waist. She smoked a cigarette with an ash so long it didn't look real. Smoke curled up from the cigarette and drew your eyes to the sign above where she sat. “No Smoking” it said in large read letters on a black background.

  Stella saw us looking, nodded at me and went right back to drinking something in a glass that I was sure had never been washed.

  The trucker turned back to me and, eying David a little cautiously, said, “I just thought that since you were willing to get undressed and give us all a show, you might let me touch your tits if I bought your lunch for you.”

  I turned my attention to David and the tilt of his head said that he was interested in what I was going to say to that.

  “My meal is about ten bucks.”

  He pulled a ten out of his pocket and put it on the table.

  “You have thirty seconds,” I said as I stood to let him grope me.

  I gasped as he pinched a nipple between his finger and thumb and rolled it just enough to make me give an involuntary yelp. I was surprised that a trucker could have hands that felt that good. He made good use of his thirty seconds and my nipples were red and swollen by the time he was done.

  Just as his thirty seconds were up another of the three truckers came over and said that he'd buy David's lunch, too, if he could suck on my nipples for thirty seconds.

  David laughed and said that would cost him twenty instead of ten.

  The trucker tossed a twenty on the table and began to suck before I even had a chance to protest. His lips sucking me into his mouth right after being handled roughly by the other trucker brought my arousal level way up. I could feel myself getting wet down below and my face flushed with the effort to keep it hidden.

  Thirty seconds seemed like an eternity and I had to push the man away as David tapped his watch to indicate the thirty seconds were over.

  Stella had moved to the table beside us and as a third trucker approached she said to me, “Lady. You're ruining my business. No one is eating and, if you're going to keep doing this, I want a cut.”

  At just that moment the third trucker came over. “Ma'am, you seem a little, ummm, aroused and I wondered how much it would cost to finger you so that you had an orgasm?”

  “Hey, wait a minute budd...” David jumped in.

  “It's okay,” I interrupted. “Stella, is ten dollars a man okay?

  “That'll do fine.” She said. “You can give it to me when you leave.” She turned to go and we watched her walk away, her long tits swinging from one side of her hips to the other.

  “Julie, what are you doing?” David demanded.

  “I really don't know.” I replied. “Are you okay?”

  “As long as you are.”

  “It'll cost you fifty dollars and you get three minutes.” I told the trucker. “Fingers only or my husband will blow your dick off.”

  He dug out two twenties and a ten, handed them to David and I laid back across the two cheap cafe chairs that were on my side of the table.

  I thought he'd go right for my clit, but he surprised me. He gently pulled on each of my lips, running his fingers from top to bottom as he pulled. Each pull became harder and harder and I could feel myself swelling up as the blood rushed in at the stimulation. He put one finger inside of me and expertly felt for my G-spot. His upward pressure was having the right affect and I began to move in rhythm with his touch. When he used his thumb to uncover my clit and gently roll it as he kept the pressure on inside me, I nearly orgasmed on the spot. Wave after wave of painful pleasure swept through me. I could hear my breathing coming faster and faster but I resisted the urge to cum.

  David said, “One minute” and the man pushed another finger inside of me. I shook violently as he brought me to one orgasm after another.

  David said, “Times up.” and the man gently took his fingers out of me.

  “Thank you ma'am” he said just as another trucker dropped a fifty on the table in front of David.

  David looked at me and I nodded and said, “It's okay.”

  He started where the other man left off – with two fingers inside of me. It didn't take but a few seconds before I was shaking and moaning. I bucked my hips into his hand as I felt a third finger go inside of me. My god! I felt so full and the constant pressure on my G-spot and clit was overwhelming me. Did they teach this stuff in trucker school?

  I began to cry as the orgasms shook my body and I just didn't think I could take any more. I could feel pressure building up against his hands and just as David said, “One minute” I began to convulse rapidly - and to squirt.

  I had no idea what was happening. Was I peeing on this guy? Was he killing me?

  The trucker looked at David and said calmly, “Female ejaculation” as I thrashed wildly and nearly jerked myself off of the chairs I was laying across.

  The trucker smiled and said, “Thank you, ma'am. I guess I didn't need the full three minutes.”

  David came across to hold me and give me a few napkins so that I could clean up a little. I was pretty sure that lunch was out of the question and I was certainly ready to leave.

  “Ma'am, I know you've had enough, but I'd give you another hundred if you'd let me show you something different that I do with my hands.”

  David said, “No way. She's had enough.”

  “No problem” the man said, “I just thought she might like something besides clitoral stimulation to help her come down.”

  He started to walk away and I found myself saying, “Sir? I'd try that for two hundred.”

  Two one-hundred dollar bills came out of his wallet and he asked me to lean forward on one of the chairs.

  It was very awkward and more than a little embarrassing as I leaned over the chair with my butt sticking up in the air.

  The trucker turned to David and said, “I'm going to need more than three minutes for this. Seven okay?”

  David nodded and he helped me put my knees on the floor, my stomach resting on the chair. He came around to the other side of the chair and began to gently pull my breasts up so that they were hanging over the other side of the chair seat. He spread my legs apart a little further and I clenched my cheeks as he ran his thumb gently over my anus.

  Before I could object, he slipped two fingers between my lips and began to put pressure on the opposite side of my vaginal wall -almost as if he were trying to touch my butt hole from the inside out.

  He said, “This will take a little longer and the orgasm will feel completely different, but I'll know when it is happening. You won't be able to control it and you're going to want more and more of it.” He began a slow circular motion that was different than anything David and I had ever done.

  I had just relaxed a little under his touch when another trucker came over and asked if he could play with my breasts while the other trucker was fingering me. David didn't ask, but I assume that he said 'okay' because the trucker laid another fifty on the table, sat down on the floor and began to fondle me.

  I could feel the heat rising and the moisture increasing between my legs when the man playing with my tits said, “Did you know that some women can orgasm from having their tits rubbed just right?”

  I shook my head 'no' and he began to pull on me in a way that I can only describe as milking me. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. One tit then the other. I swear that all he needed was a pail and a stool to get milk, cream and butter from me. I have never felt such a sensation. I was humiliated as everyone in the cafe was watching and laughing at me being treated like a cow. Making matters worse, I could tell that the stimulation was working.

  I don't know if it was being milked or what was happening between my legs that started my groaning and moaning all over again. But start I did. It hit me at once. There was nothing I could do to co
ntrol it. My ass started moving up and down and I heard myself say, “Please! Don't stop!”

  I know I screamed when the man behind me pushed his thumb into my ass. I didn't care. It hurt like hell for a second or two and then I began to explode with orgasms over and over again. It felt like he was touching his thumb and fingers inside of me and I jerked and spasmed as the sensation flooded through me.

  Time stood still. I think I was out of my body. Men kept coming to our table and putting money down. I kept nodding yes. David kept timing them. Over and over and over again.

  How many times had I cum?

  How many men had touched me, fingered me and milked me?

  They finally stopped coming and I was trembling as David helped me into my seat.

  A girl with “June” magic markered over her breast brought me my clothes. “Where's Barb? I asked.

  “Honey, she went off duty two hours ago.”

  I must have been staring blankly because she continued, “Usually this place fills up just before a shift changes because Stella makes all the girls strip in front of the customers. It filled up today, just like normal, except hardly anyone watched the girls at all. You were putting on quite a show.”

  “I'm glad I could be of help” I said weakly. “Thanks for bringing me my clothes.”

  June smiled and gave me a stinging slap on the butt. “You're welcome.”

  Chapter four

  Stella was at the cash register as we walked to the door. David paid her for the meals we didn't eat and handed her a small role of cash that was 'her cut.'

  We crunched through the gravel parking lot and I took one last look at that bright green, ugly cinder-block building before slumping into the bed of our Holiday Rambler.

  The next thing I remember is waking up in a Wal-Mart parking lot with David snoring beside me. He'd driven until midnight and had finally pulled into a little town on the outskirts of Orlando. I cooked breakfast and the smell of bacon frying and coffee brewing woke him up.


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