The Dragon's Lover

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The Dragon's Lover Page 54

by Emilia Hartley

  “Nova, don’t.” She pulled back and heaved a sigh. “Look, right now, all I want is to get this off my hands. I need…I need to be clean, but I can’t even open the damn door.”

  Though it appeared to take some effort, Nova pursed his lips and nodded. Opening the door for her, he followed her as she threaded through the tables and chairs, straight to the bathroom. Reaching over her, he turned the knob of the faucet, then stood back while she washed her hands.

  “I’m sorry,” he muttered, staring at her.

  Amara met his eyes in the reflection of the mirror. “Don’t do that. I can already see what’s going on in your mind, Nova Lowery. But I’m not going to let you lock me up on the compound again. This isn’t your fault,” she stated, effectively cutting him off. Nova’s mouth closed as if in slow motion. “You sent Nate and Ian to watch me. I should have expected that. But they did as you asked. Look at me; I’m fine. I’m safe. But they couldn’t know that the attack on Donny would happen right outside. And neither could you.”

  Drying her hands, Amara turned around and went to Nova. She placed her hands in his. “This isn’t your fault. This is Kal’s fault. Him and his entire pack. They’re the ones who have been attacking people. They’re the ones who have been terrorizing my town. Not you. You and your pack, you’re the ones who have been trying to protect us—for decades. So, I don’t want you blaming yourself. I mean it,” she said, catching his look. “I won’t accept it.

  “Now.” She placed her hands on her hips, and a slow, steady smile crept across her lips. “Take me home, would you? My home? I really want to sleep in my own bed.”

  Though she could tell it pained him to do so, Nova slowly loosened his control and let out a sigh. Wrapping his strong arms around her, he pulled her to him. Her head rested against his chest, and she fell quiet as she listened intently to the sound of his heart.

  “You shot a gun,” he said, his voice strained.

  She smiled. “Yes, I did.” Though she couldn’t prove it, she felt him suppress a chuckle. She was winning, and they both knew it.

  Finally, Nova pressed his lips against her hair. “Alright, Shooter, you win. Let’s go home.”

  When they pulled up to her house, she was surprised to find the light on. She felt Nova tense beside her. “Wait here,” he ordered. Yet, before either of them could get out of the car, the front door opened and Sadie stepped out.

  Amara felt a rush of relief and hurried up the porch to meet her. “You are the last person I expected to see,” she said, wrapping her little sister in a hug. To her surprise, Sadie hugged her back. “I thought you were still mad at me.”

  Sadie offered her a small smile. “I’ve had two weeks to be mad at you. I’d like my sister back now, please.” She grinned at Nova as he passed.

  “I’ll be upstairs if you need me,” he told Amara. Grateful, she nodded. She waited until he had disappeared down the hall before returning to the conversation. “Look, Sadie, about last time.”

  “No,” Sadie said, raising her hand to cut her off. “No, I’m sorry about last time. I shouldn’t have accused you of being jealous. I know you were just looking out for me.”

  Surprised, Amara raised a brow. “You do?”

  “Sure. You’re always looking out for me. This time was a little misguided, since Kal is a great guy and an amazing boyfriend, but I know you meant well.”

  Frowning, Amara opened her mouth to say something, but Sadie shook her head again. “I don’t want to fight, okay?” Sadie took both Amara’s hands in hers. “I know you don’t like Kal. But I like Kal. A lot. And I love you. So, can’t you just try to get along? Please? For me?”

  Try to get along with the man who had tried to kill her and her boyfriend on multiple occasions, the man who was only sleeping with her sister to get to her? Sure, she could do that. Why not?

  Heaving a heavy sigh, Amara forced a smile. Pretending to get along with Kal and keeping Sadie close would be far better than refusing and pushing her straight into his arms anyway. “Okay,” she conceded, “but let’s get one thing straight. I am not jealous about Kal. And I don’t trust him. At all. And if he hurts you, I will kill him.” She pointed a finger into her sister’s laughing face. “No joke.”

  “Noted.” Grinning, Sadie wrapped her up into another hug and bounced to the door. She sent a meaningful look down the hall. “If I were you, I would hurry up and join Mr. Sexy in your room.” She waggled her eyebrows, and Amara couldn’t help but laugh. “Have fun!”

  Amara waited until Sadie was safely in her car to slump down in a chair. Was she really making the right decision? Was it better to pretend to like Kal to keep her closer? The only one who would be fooled was Sadie. Still, if she could keep her close, maybe she could protect her when the other shoe dropped, as it inevitably would.

  Sighing, she padded back to her room, to join Nova.

  Chapter 3

  Nova brooded. He knew Amara was right. About Sadie, and that he couldn’t control what Kal and his pack had been doing. He also knew there was no way in hell he could keep her locked up at the compound—as much as he may want to. But still, he couldn’t help but feel like he had failed.

  Amara could have been hurt tonight. She could have been killed. For all he knew, it could have been her instead of that farmer who was in the hospital in critical condition. They could have been waiting for her. It wouldn’t be the first time.

  Nova shook his head before letting it fall back against the pillows. He glanced to his right. Amara lay beside him, stirring in her sleep. He knew she was worried about her sister. So was he. If Kal hurt her in any way, he would never forgive himself. But he had to trust that Amara knew Sadie better than he did. For now, he was willing to pretend, even though she had assured him he only had to pretend to give him a chance, not to tolerate him.

  He trailed his fingers over her skin. Her bare back rose and fell to the rhythm of her deep breaths. He had never seen someone look so beautiful. Her olive skin was flawless, as smooth and soft as silk. Her long, dark hair was splayed out over her shoulder in a sleek wave. Silently, he reached out and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  God, how he loved her. It still amazed him sometimes that they were finally together. That they had been allowed to be together. Ten years ago was when he’d first lain eyes on her after saving her from Kal for the first time. He was seventeen at the time, young and inexperienced. It wasn’t just his guilt at not being able to do more to protect her that had drawn him to her every chance he got after that. He’d taken one look at her, scared and hurt on the sidewalk, her big, expressive eyes staring up at him, and he had vowed to keep her safe, no matter the cost.

  And so far, he had.

  No, he hadn’t planned to fall in love with her. Of course not. Being with a human violated Pack Law and its need for secrecy. In all his life, he never thought he would willingly go against his pack, his Alpha—even if it was his brother. And yet, he had. For her. And he would do it again in a heartbeat.

  Amara stirred in her sleep. Instinctively, Nova reached out and ran his fingers down the length of her spine. He pushed the sheet below her hips, tracing over the smooth silhouette of her behind. Leaning over, he pressed his lips to her shoulder and worked his way up to her ear. He lightly nibbled the lobe, blowing softly into her ear. Amara moaned.

  Gripping her ass, he moved on top of her, laying his own naked body down the length of hers. He was already hard up against her. Nova trailed kisses all over her skin, taking in the taste of her, loving just the hint of cinnamon from her lotion. She smelled delicious.

  Amara shifted beneath him, turning until she was flat on her back, their centers pressed together. She tipped her chin up for a kiss and her tongue played along the edge of his lips, ending in a quick bite.

  Nova groaned. He could not get enough of this woman. It was no wonder he had risked giving up everything for her. And he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he would do it again. She had entranced him in every sense of
the word. He would do absolutely anything for her, anything she asked. And the beauty of it was, he knew she would never ask for anything he wouldn’t be willing to give.

  Spreading her thighs with his hands, Nova slipped his fingers into the wet, hot center of her. She sighed beneath him. Her nails dug into his back, leaving sharp red lines behind as she dragged them across his skin. She arched her back, her body trembling and Nova felt himself beginning to come undone.

  He clasped his arms around her, thrilled when he felt her legs wrap firmly around his waist. Her muscles went taut against him and he moved his fingers faster, driving her ruthlessly toward climax. She shuddered, her entire body completely stiff. Within moments, she relaxed against him, enthralled and satiated by the intensity of her orgasm.

  But he wasn’t done with her yet. Rolling over, he situated her on top of him and slid her down the length of him, his stiff thickness sheathed inside her. She was still spasming from the pleasure he’d given her, and she used it to her advantage. Amara began to move. Her hips gyrated back and forth on top of him as her hands groped for him, pulling him up against her. Nova buried his face in her bosom, his lips finding her nipples. Captivated, he took her breast into his mouth as she moved against him, and sucked hard enough to make her scream before showing the same attention to the other breast.

  With an almost animalistic roar, he flipped her over and began to pump, his body thrusting in and out of her in rapid succession. He couldn’t get enough of her. Everything about Amara was intoxicating. Nova trembled. Staring down into Amara’s dark brown eyes, he threaded their fingers together. God, how he loved her. Without breaking their stare, Nova thrust into her one last time and let their shared pleasure take him away.

  Sated, they fell back against the pillows, both of them breathing heavily. Nova glanced over at her and cocked a brow. “Not a bad way to wake up, huh?” he asked, leering at her with a grin.

  Amara laughed, and the sound could not have been more pleasing to his ears. She smiled back at him. “Well, given the fact that I had barely been asleep for three hours, I suppose it wasn’t the worst way to be taken from sleep.” She winked at him. “Besides, you did get me off twice.”

  Nova gaped at her. Leaving him staring, Amara giggled and climbed from the bed. With complete confidence, she sauntered off, naked, toward the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower,” she told him. Her voice was husky, sexy, and beckoning. “Care to join me?”

  Did he ever. Without hesitation, he followed after her, slamming the bathroom door shut behind them.

  After they had showered and enjoyed each other once again, the two of them had tumbled back into bed. Within moments, they were fast asleep. Nova had barely passed out for more than an hour before he was awoken by a thundering knock at the door.

  “What the hell?” Nova muttered, searching for his sweatpants. Locating the soft fleece material, he tugged them on.

  Amara sat up behind him, clutching the sheets to her chest. “What is it?”

  With a shrug, he shook his head and held a finger to his lips. She fell silent. Nova flexed his left hand. From the tips of his fingers, his nails elongated to form four deadly claws. One of the benefits of being a shifter was that he was always armed. His enemy was hard pressed to catch him off guard.

  As quietly as he could, Nova crept to the front door of Amara’s house and gripped the knob. Sinking into a fighting stance, he readied himself for whatever was waiting on the other side of the door. No way was he going to let anyone get to her ever again.

  “Nova,” came Nate’s urgent whisper from outside. “Nova, it’s us. Open up.”

  Every muscle in his body relaxed. He glanced over his shoulder at Amara. “It’s Nate and Ian.” Instantly, she sighed in relief. He had to say, he couldn’t blame her. For a minute there, he’d actually been worried—as much as he hated to admit it. He instantly retracted his claws.

  Nova hauled open the door. Nate stood on the porch, his hands shoved into the pockets of his heavy jacket. He looked agitated, like he was supposed to be somewhere and instead he was waiting for Nova. Who knew? Maybe he was. A few steps down, Ian was waiting for both of them. Nova was pleased to see the young wolf’s eyes darting back and forth down the street, ever vigilant. Nova had taught them well.

  He stared at Nate. “What the hell are you doing here?” Nova checked his watch. “It’s like five in the morning. Shouldn’t you be at the compound? Who’s guarding the gate this morning?”

  To his credit, the only outward sign of annoyance Nate portrayed was one canine tooth scraping over his lower lip. It was a nervous habit of his, Nova knew. “Nemoy sent us,” Nate finally replied.

  Nova frowned. “Nemoy? But why?”

  “He’s called an emergency Council meeting. You and Amara are expected at the compound as soon as possible.”

  Damn. Nemoy must have heard about the attack from the previous night. It made sense that he would call a meeting. He never should have let Amara talk him into staying at her house last night. He should have been there. What had he been thinking?

  Mentally kicking himself, Nova gave a curt nod. “You two get back. We’ll be right behind you.” Though Nate nodded, Ian’s brows knit together in a small frown. Nova glared at him, his expression daring the younger wolf to disobey. “That’s an order, soldier.”

  Both Nate and Ian snapped to attention. Nate’s boots clipped down the steps and he continued to the truck. Ian, however, hesitated. Nova lifted a brow. “Permission to speak, sir?”


  For a moment, the young wolf looked as if he wasn’t going to say anything. Then, as if steeling himself for the task at hand, he squared his shoulders and lifted his chin. “You are the Beta Wolf of the Mountain Wolf Clan,” he said softly. “Second only to our Alpha. As such, it is your responsibility to protect your entire territory, including your pack.”

  Nova narrowed his eyes. “Your point?”

  Ian pursed his lips, thinking. “I know the human has been a priority lately. She’s been attacked, I get it. And Nova, I like her; I want her protected, too. But…” he trailed off, almost as if he thought he’d said too much.

  Nova sighed inwardly. In truth, Ian probably had said too much. But he’d come this far, and what he had to say most likely had import. Ian was a quiet kid, he always had been. Yet it was common knowledge that when he spoke, especially when it was out of turn to someone above his station, he had something worthy to say. And that someone had sure as hell be paying attention. “But?”

  “Don’t forget about your pack,” Ian replied. “She wasn’t the only one the Valley Clan went after. We still need you, too.” While his voice remained quiet, calm, and respectful, his words were no less a reprimand. Nemoy had been right. Nova had clearly been neglecting his duties as second in command lately, and his failure had not gone unnoticed.


  “Noted. Tell Nemoy we’ll be right there.” Turning to go back in, Nova stopped with his hand hovering above the door knob. “Oh, and Ian?” He waited until the boy turned back to look at him. “Thanks.”

  For one moment, Ian just stood there, as if he hadn’t quite comprehended what his Beta had just said. Then, just the hint of a smile played over his lips and his light green eyes shown bright with pride. He nodded.

  Sometimes, Nova thought, only a little resentfully, you needed to hear the truth from an unexpected source to fully appreciate its value. Though Amara was going to hate it, Nova had made up his mind. The only place that was safe for Amara was the compound. She was going to stay there until Strathford was safe.

  Whether she liked it or not.

  Chapter 4

  By the time Nova returned to her bedroom, Amara had dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans and pulled her hair back into a sleek tail. She was in the process of tying her shoes when he walked in. Just as she expected, his face was grim.

  “What was that about?” she asked. She tried her best to keep her emotions in check. Something was differen
t. She could feel it. And she had an inkling she wasn’t going to like it.

  Nova went to the chair, removed his sweatpants and grabbed his good clothes. “After the attack last night, Nemoy called an emergency Council meeting. We have to get back to the compound. Now.” Standing, he hitched his jeans up his hips and snapped the belt buckle into place, threading the excess leather through the loops. He glanced up at her. “Have you heard anything about Donny?”

  Boy, had she. And none of it was good. Amara nodded gravely. “Mitchell texted me this morning. Donny’s in the Intensive Care Unit at Strathford Memorial. He’s in critical condition on life support.”

  “Damn.” Nova’s already stony expression darkened. As if changing the subject, he gave her the once over. “Are you ready?”

  To go back to the compound that felt more like a prison? Where the occupants were far from human and could turn into wolves on a whim at any given moment? Where her lover’s own mother was making it incredibly clear that Amara was far from wanted there? No, of course she wasn’t ready to go back there. With things like they were, she never wanted to go back there again. But what she said was, “Yeah. Just let me grab my bag.”

  It wasn’t that she disliked the compound, per se, Amara thought as they barreled down the road leading out of Strathford. It was cute and tidy. For the most part, people were nice. Ivanah, Nemoy’s wife, had actually started to become her friend. It was Nova’s home; she couldn’t help but love it. Yet, she still couldn’t shake that feeling that she just didn’t belong. She didn’t. She was human. Humans weren’t allowed to be in on Shifter secrets. They weren’t allowed to fall in love with shifters. It was Pack Law. And there she was, a blatant reminder that she and Nova were breaking that law. It was no wonder there were members of the pack that resented her presence.

  But did it really have to be Neveah who was making her life miserable?


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