Second Life of Mr. Hunt: Book 3: Failover

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Second Life of Mr. Hunt: Book 3: Failover Page 28

by Gerrit Overeem

  Saasha kissed the angel’s hand. “Thank you, my lady. What is it you need from me?”

  “My time is going to be short on the mortal plane, but I will take you someplace safe. What I need you to do is what you have done before.”

  “And that is, my lady?”

  “Rebuild the Order of Eir and help the causes that are just. Especially the one Mr. Hunt is pursuing. He will need it the most.”

  “It will be done, my lady.”

  Saasha and Anatia smiled at each other and then vanished.

  Chapter 28

  Love and Protocols

  Lars hovered off to catch up on his daily base tasks, leaving Ryan and Kat alone in the main base control room. Kat was slumped in a hoverchair, staring off into space, while Ryan leaned against the main console in the front, his arms crossed and looking at the floor. They were both tired, covered in filth, and smelled bad. Neither one of them said a word, and the tension in the room weighed heavily on both of them.

  “I think I’ve had enough of this place. I’m going to shower and get some rest. I recommend you do the same. We’ll head back tomorrow after I repair Kren’s spinal injury,” said Kat.

  Ryan lifted his gaze and watched Kat cringe as she slowly stood up and started heading for the doorway to his right. He had so much going through his head, but he knew he needed to man up and have an adult conversation.

  “Kat, wait,” said Ryan, his tone serious.

  She turned around. Her eyebrows pulled together as she glared at him, and her lips narrowed. There was no denying her frustration with him.


  Ryan took a deep breath and slowly said, “We need to talk…about earlier.”

  “There’s nothing left to say,” she replied, crossing her arms. “You made it very clear.”

  “Kat, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

  “Didn’t what? Ignore me, compare me to someone else? I’ll never be like your wife. I’m not a replacement you pull off the shelf. I—” Kat stopped herself, threw her arms up, and shrugged. “I just don’t know anymore. I’m not sure what this is.”

  Ryan bit at his bottom lip. “Kat, please. Hear me out.”

  She crossed her arms and looked at him. “Fine. Talk.”

  “Kat, I don’t want you to be someone else. I want you to be you. I loved my wife with all my heart, and then one day, she was gone. I enjoy being with you, but a part of me feels like I’m cheating on her. I know I’m not, but it’s all very confusing for me.”

  Ryan paused to swallow as tears rolled down his face, leaving a clean pathway in his dirty cheeks.

  “I care for you, but I’m afraid of getting close. I’m afraid that if I do…one day you will be gone, and I will be alone again. It hurt more than I could have ever imagined.”

  Ryan wiped his face and looked at her. Kat was no longer crossing her arms but wiping her cheeks. She walked over to lean against the console next to him.

  “Why didn’t you just say that in the first place?”

  He shrugged. “Sharing emotions never came easy for me, and I pretty much suck at relationships.”

  Kat hooked her Gravel arm around his and leaned her head on his shoulder. “I guess we both suck at this relationship thing,” she said.

  They both stood there in silence for a minute or two.

  “What do you think your wife would have thought of me?” asked Kat.

  “I know she is at peace. If she wasn’t, her ghost would be trying to kill you, and I would be haunted day and night.”

  Kat giggled. “I can’t blame her. I’d probably do the same thing.”

  Ryan nodded.

  “And by the way,” said Kat. “Don’t ever cheat on me. It would be excruciating for you.” She smiled when she felt Ryan’s arm tense up.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Also, make me a promise,” said Kat.


  “Be honest with me. I don’t know where our relationship is going…hell, we may find out we hate each other, but I need you to be honest.”

  Ryan snickered. “Yeah, I’ll do a better job at it, but I may need some coaxing from time to time.”

  Kat stood back up and patted him on the arm. “I can do that.”

  “So, where do we go from here?” asked Ryan.

  “I’m not sure about you, but I need a shower and a change of clothes,” said Kat, walking toward the doorway.

  “I…ah…you know that conservation of water is a good thing,” said Ryan.

  Kat spun around with her mouth open. “Mr. Hunt, are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting? What type of woman do you think I am?”

  Ryan’s face instantly flushed to the point it radiated heat. “I’m sorry…I-I didn’t…”

  Kat started laughing, walked over, grabbed his hand, pulled him in close, and kissed him. Ryan’s eyes bulged and then closed. Kat pushed him away and gave him a devilish smile.

  “What?” asked Ryan.

  “I’m starting to second-guess your shy boy thing.”

  “Not sure what you’re talking about,” Ryan replied with a shit-eating grin.

  Kat pulled him toward the door, giggling, causing Ryan to stumble after her.

  The moment was lost. Both of them jumped and spun in circles when alarms started blaring and the lights in the room dimmed.

  “What the hell?” said Ryan. “Is there some sort of employee dating policy we broke?”

  “You have to be kidding me,” said Kat. “I have not a clue, but somewhere someone doesn’t want us close or something. We might as well join monasteries.”

  The sound of Lars screaming made them turn to the doorway.

  “It’s happening! It’s happening!” announced Lars, yelling and spinning in the air before shooting out of the room again in excitement.

  The facility rumbled and vibrated. A low hum radiated around them as consoles started to activate and virtual displays sprung to life. The floor shifted and a table rose near the room’s center with a large virtual space map hovering over it. Small globes of colored lights began circling around an image of the planetary system. Some were gold, while others were red, green, and blue.

  “Failover protocol initiated,” said a deep disembodied voice.

  Ryan and Kat spun back around to face the large virtual screen that took the entire wall behind the console they had been leaning on earlier. The green outline of a face appeared in the center and looked down at them.

  A male AI voice emanated from the face on the virtual screen as its mouth moved. “Please standby for full system transfer.”

  “Kat, what’s going on?”

  “I…I don’t know.”

  “Full failover has been completed. Data analysis commencing,” said the AI. “Greetings, proxy CEO Ryan Hunt and Director Katalina Winslow. My designation is Gene, and I am the OTKE backup base AI.”

  Ryan looked at Kat, dumbfounded. “Kat?”

  She moved to one of the consoles and started swiping around the virtual screen. “Ryan, I have no idea what’s happening. There is too much data being loaded and analyzed. I’m locked out of the system.”

  Ryan turned back to the large AI face. “Base AI, please stop for a second and explain what’s going on.”

  “Failover protocol was activated. In the event that communication ping to the main OTKE headquarters on Gliese Major stops for ten minutes, this base becomes active. It is assumed that the main headquarters is no longer operational. This scenario is in the process of being confirmed. If communication is reconnected, I will reverse failover and go dormant again.”

  “OK. So, you’re part of a clustered environment like server database nodes. Got it,” said Ryan, shaking his head in understanding. “How many times has this happened?”

  “The project Genesis protocol ha
s never activated until today.”

  “Crap,” said Ryan. “Kat, anything?”

  “I’m trying to connect to OTKE HQ and I’m not getting anything,” replied Kat, throwing her hands up in frustration. “I’ve even tried to connect to Brian’s shop, and there is no reply.”

  “Analysis completed,” said Gene.

  “And?” asked Ryan.

  “OTKE main headquarters on Gliese Major is no longer operational. Transition of power confirmed by OTKE Board of Directors. CEO Klein no longer functional. OTKE leadership at main headquarters no longer functional. Proxy CEO next in line. Congratulations! Ryan Hunt promoted to CEO and Director Dr. Katalina Winslow to COO of OTKE Corporation. Both of your access levels have been elevated. What are your orders, CEO Hunt?”

  Ryan backed up to where Kat was standing. Both their mouths hung open, and they looked around the command room in shock.

  Gene interrupted them before either could say anything. “Multiple incoming transmissions for CEO Hunt. Shall I connect them?”

  Ryan shrugged and threw his hands up. “Sure.”

  “CEO Hunt, this is Commander Indigo Williams of the OTKE Command Ship Tolerance. My fleet was en route to uncharted space near your sector when the failover protocol was activated. We will be entering your planetary system shortly. Rapid deploy troops will make the initial landing to set up defensive positions and enact security protocols. Fighter patrols are prepping for emergency deployment. I will be in contact soon. Out.”

  “CEO Hunt, this is Commander Baker of the Science Ship Moonlight. We have made an emergency wormhole exit near your system when the failover protocol was activated. We are deploying AI drones and scanning satellites for long-range system defense and will begin constructing a forward scanning relay facility on the nearest moon as soon as we arrive. Out.”

  Ryan stood there in shock as ten more ship commanders relayed their status on when they would be arriving or heading to preplanned positions in other solar systems to await further orders. His head spun, trying to make sense of everything. The sound of clanking caught his attention, and both he and Kat turned to the main doorway. Five of the previously dormant shiny AI guards came marching in. Two guards took up position inside the doorway, and two more moved to the doorway on the other side of the room. All four held their las-rifles in a ready position.

  The dark green AI guard with three v-shaped stripes on its right arm, dormant the last time Ryan had seen it, approached him.

  “Greetings, CEO Hunt. Personal guards have been deployed. My designation is G1, and I will remain with you at all times.”

  “Do whatever you got to do,” replied Ryan, rubbing his forehead and looking around the room.

  “Sir,” said Gene. “A small OTKE fast attack vessel has wormholed into the system and is speeding toward the planet. It is the fast-moving green dot on the virtual planetary system map. Its designation is the Tempus. They are requesting an open communication with you.”

  “First good news so far. Yes, open communication.”

  “CEO Hunt, this is Commander Gordon of the OTKE vessel Tempus.”

  “Nice to hear your voice, Commander. No need for the formality,” said Ryan.

  “Sorry, but based on the new chain of command, you are now CEO. I am seeking permission to land.”

  “I’m still the same guy. Permission granted. Is everyone with you?”

  “They are.”

  “OK, I will meet you in the hangar bay.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The communication closed, and Ryan gave a sigh of relief.

  “Don’t get too calm there, CEO,” said Kat. “There’s a message being broadcasted for you on multiple galactic communication channels. I can route it here without giving away our location.”

  Ryan nodded.

  Kat swiped her hands around the virtual screen. “It will play on the large screen shortly.”

  Gene’s face vanished, and then a video started playing. It was Gliese Major. There was a charred crater where the OTKE headquarters was, and most of the surrounding city was destroyed or on fire.

  “Gene, is this confirmed?” asked Ryan.

  “Yes, CEO Hunt, it is confirmed. Estimated death toll is twenty million.”

  The video of the destruction vanished and was replaced with a picture of a clown puppet in a glass box. Its clothing was stained red where a knife stuck out of its gut.

  Ryan started to shake and his nostrils flared.

  “Greetings, Mr. Hunt. It is I, Fredrick LaRue. Don’t let it ever be said I don’t avenge the ones I care about. You took Mr. Jingles from me, and I, in turn, took away your home and some lives along with it. I may have gone a little overboard, though, but I wanted you to see what my new toy could do, and it was lovely. I may be a little overdramatic, but I must be…me. Now you, on the other hand, get to feel my pain, and like a chess game, it’s your move. But I’m sure I will win in three.”

  The transmission ended with the picture of LaRue’s organization logo, a skeleton jester from the waist up with its skeletal hands holding a pair of daggers crossed in front of its body.

  “What do we do now?” asked Kat, tears running down her cheeks.

  “I don’t know. I just don’t know.”


  Ryan and Kat stood in the hangar bay with four AI guards flanked around them and the lead AI guard G1 standing in front of them and off to the side. They watched the Tempus land on an external platform arm that swung the ship into the docking bay next to Kat’s ship.

  Nora exited the rear ramp and headed over to Ryan and Kat, followed by an AI medical droid and a hover stretcher with Commander Tucket on it. Base medical AIs met them, and the group headed to the medical facility.

  Ryan’s face went pale, and he looked at Kat, who reached out and squeezed his hand.

  “I’ll go with them and check on the commander,” said Kat. “I’m sure he will be OK.”

  “Don’t mention anything about his brother yet. Let’s make sure he is healthy first.”

  “Will do,” said Kat, nodding to Nora before rushing off.

  The AI guards eyed Nora as she approached, but they didn’t stop her.

  “Nora, you’re a welcome sight. I take it things didn’t go as planned?” said Ryan.

  “Sorry to report, sir, I failed my mission. I hope you and Dr. Kat had better success in finding Commander Tucket’s brother.”

  Ryan looked down and then back at Nora. “We failed as well.”

  “What happened?”

  “Long story. By the time we got to Tucket’s brother…he was already dead.”

  “Oh, no,” said Nora, bringing her hand to her mouth.

  “Nora, is that a tear running down your cheek?”

  She wiped the tear and looked at the wetness on her finger. “Yes, sir. I’m sad for Gid—I mean Commander Tucket. He loved his brother.”

  “Sad for him…Nora, there is something different about you.”

  “Yes, sir. Some things are changing with me. But who killed his brother, and where do I find this individual?” Nora’s eyes flared red.

  “I guess you haven’t changed that much. Unfortunately, I know the who but not the where.”

  Nora’s hands turned into fists. “Then we will find him and kill him.”

  “In due time, but what about your mission? Commander Tucket was wounded doing something.”

  “Our mission was to retrieve Kat’s uncle, Commander Seymour, and we failed.”

  Ryan’s eyes went wide. “Is he…?”

  “We think he is alive, but his whereabouts are unknown. Fredrick LaRue has him. I will provide additional details in the official debrief, sir.”

  Ryan took a deep breath. “Speaking of Fredrick LaRue, I assume you know what has occurred.”

  “Yes, I read the report details on the way
here. A Florarien transport ship changed into a ship of unknown configuration and fired a weapon of unprecedented power. There are over twenty million people dead. CEO power has been transferred to you.”

  Ryan shook his head. “Yeah, it has. Right now, my head hurts, and there feels like a million pounds of problems pushing down on my shoulders. I—”

  “Sir, please let me say something. I am sorry about the letter. I did not mean to push you away. I needed time to figure things out.”

  “And have you?”

  “Some, but it is a work in progress.”

  “I’m glad, and I’m here for you if you need help. So, what will you do now?”

  “I was hoping for a job. Every CEO is required to have a personal assistant, and I was hoping you had not hired one yet.”

  Ryan smiled. “I was hoping you would ask. I need my friend at my side.”

  Nora stood upright. “I will begin immediately. I noticed some issues as soon as I landed and will get them in order.”

  “Good. Maybe the first thing you can do is get these AI guards to stop following me.”

  “I will see what I can do, sir, but, at a minimum, they need to be upgraded. In the meantime, what is the first thing on our agenda?”

  Ryan looked around. “First, we need to console our friends, clean up, and try to sort through this mess.”

  “Agreed, sir. I will gather what information I can and meet you in the command meeting room.”

  Ryan paused.

  “Problem, sir?”

  “I need a map of this place.”

  “Already downloaded one. That is why you have me, sir. Follow me.”

  Ryan smiled and followed Nora.

  Chapter 29

  Status Reports and Such

  Ryan looked around the half-circle table in front of him that could easily fit twenty people. His seat, the CEO seat, was a hovering chair at the front with virtual screens on all sides that he could move into a variety of positions. The chair allowed easy movement into the half-circle and a line of sight to him.

  He was nervous, but he was always known as being levelheaded and someone who worked better in chaotic situations – a trait he attained from many years of being a project manager in his previous life’s career.


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