The Deal

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The Deal Page 5

by Becca Steele

  “If you say so.” I sighed, turning to Ralph, steeling myself for his smarmy grin. I shook his hand, then strode away before he could engage me in conversation. Rude, but I didn’t have it in me to be polite anymore. Avery hurried after me, and I stopped, waiting for her to catch up.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to rush off and leave—”

  She cut me off with a quick shake of her head, placing her hand on my arm, her azure eyes brimming with empathy. “You don’t need to explain. Come on, help me find my table.”

  After a long, tedious couple of hours filled with speeches, toasts, and what seemed like endless courses of food, I was able to leave the table and go to Avery. She watched me walk towards her, her lips curving into a smile as I drew nearer.

  “My duties are over. I’m all yours,” I told her.

  “All mine, hmm?” She raised a brow, her smile widening. “I like the sound of that.” I stretched out my hand to her, smiling back. She placed her hand in mine, and sparks jumped between us, electrifying the air. There was no denying the effect she had on me. I told myself it was the situation we were in. We were at a wedding—one of the most romantic settings we could possibly find ourselves in.

  “Let’s find the dance floor.” My voice was gruff.

  We followed the stream of guests into the ballroom, where a stage area had been set up, a band playing a cover of “Beautiful People” by Ed Sheeran. Billowing fabric hung from the ceiling, covered in tiny white lights. Soft spotlights winked on and off, illuminating the figures already on the dance floor.

  “This is beautiful,” Avery breathed, spinning around to take in the entirety of the large space. She slipped her shawl from her shoulders, wrapping her clutch bag in it and placing it carefully down on an empty chair in the corner of the room. Unpinning the fascinator from her hair, she placed it on top of the shawl, shaking her long waves out.

  “Yes, it’s beautiful,” I agreed.

  I wasn’t looking at the room.

  I only had eyes for her.

  “Dance with me,” I commanded softly. She nodded and I stepped closer, sliding one arm around her to rest on her back. Her completely bare back. My fingertips caressed the silky skin, and she shivered, stepping closer to me. She slipped her arms around my waist, and we stood, still, in our shadowy corner, my hand stroking up and down her back, leaving goosebumps in its wake. At this point, my brain had given up on telling me all the reasons I should put a stop to whatever this was between us. All I could concentrate on was the feel of her under my fingers, her body pressed up against mine, and the growing hardness between my legs.

  Giving a breathy sigh, she rested her head on my chest. My other arm came around her, pressing her even closer into me, drifting down to cup her ass, and she let out another sexy little sigh. My cock was now almost fully erect, and there was no way she couldn’t feel it, thick and heavy between us. I swallowed hard, trying to regain some semblance of control. My willpower was at an all-time low, and Avery, now running her hands up and down my back, was very much a willing participant in this.

  With an effort, I took a step back, placing my hands on her waist. Her eyes met mine, hers heavy-lidded and darkened with desire. She licked her lips, and I almost lost it.

  “We should get a drink.” My voice came out as a guttural rasp. Fuck, I was hanging on by a thread. I needed space. I needed my brain to remember why this was a bad idea. I prided myself in always having control in any given situation, but I wasn’t in control at this moment in time.

  “Avery,” I tried again. “Drink?”

  She blinked a few times, then took a step back. Her gaze darted down to the obvious outline of my erection, and her eyes widened.

  “Right.” She closed her eyes and muttered something that may or may not have been “that thing is huge” under her breath. “Drink. Yes. Drink,” she said firmly. It seemed as if she was talking to herself rather than me. “Remember where we are. We’re at a wedding.” Her eyes met mine again. “Uh, maybe I should get the drinks while you…you know.” She waved a hand at me, a blush on her cheeks, and I couldn’t help the amusement that filled my voice.

  “That’s the effect you have on me, Avery Jenkins.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I wished I could have taken them back. I was meant to be discouraging the situation, not encouraging it.

  She opened and closed her mouth, clearly at a loss for words. “Oh,” she eventually said. “Okay. Right. I’ll just go and get those drinks, then.” Turning on her heel, she practically ran across the room to the bar. I sank down onto a chair, scrubbing a hand across my face. Breathing deeply in and out, I managed to gather myself. Feeling calmer, I scanned the room, knowing that I needed a distraction.

  There she was. Standing tall, watching me. When our eyes met, she crooked a finger at me, raising a brow in a silent invitation. I stood, heading towards the one person that was guaranteed to take my mind off Avery.

  My ex-girlfriend.




  Standing alone, sipping my champagne, I gazed around the room. Jack, my new friend and only other ally, had left already—something about an early flight and a trip to Belize. My eyes narrowed as I noticed Clarissa talking to Ethan, placing her hand on his arm. Jealousy raced through me, despite knowing that Ethan had no feelings for her, but I decided not to go over to them this time. He needed space from me. I’d seen the look in his eyes. Ethan needed to be in control at all times, and it appeared that somehow, his control was slipping around me.

  I wanted him.

  Yes, it was probably a bad idea, since I was so far from his type that nothing could ever come of it, not to mention the whole boss/employee awkwardness. But this whole weekend so far—pretending to be his girlfriend, the looks, the touches…I knew that if he gave me the green light, I’d be all in. I shivered, thinking about the feel of his hard length pressed against me.

  “Attention, everyone.” My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the loud screech of feedback from the microphone up on the stage. “May I present Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain-Rees.” The familiar opening notes to “Angels” by Robbie Williams began playing as Victoria and Ralph walked to the centre of the dance floor, and I heard a groan come from next to me.

  “So cliché.”

  I spun around to face the speaker and recognised him as one of Ralph’s ushers. Tall, debonair, with light brown hair flopping into his pale grey eyes, he looked at home amongst the elegantly dressed people.

  “Cliché?” I raised a brow.

  He gave me a rakish grin, his eyes sweeping over me appreciatively. “The song. Complete cliché.” We stood, watching as Ralph twirled Victoria around the dance floor, the diamonds in her ears and at her throat sparkling under the spotlight. “I’m Derek, by the way. Derek Chamberlain-Rees. Cousin of Ralph.”

  “Avery Jenkins. Girlfriend of Ethan.” I held out a hand, and he brought it to his lips.

  “I know.” At my questioning look, he added, “People have been talking about you. Between you and me, these people are the worst gossips I know. Nobody can believe that Ethan brought you here. You’re very different to his usual type.”

  “So everyone keeps telling me.”

  “Oh, it’s not a bad thing, by any means. Half the men here are jealous of Ethan, and the other half aren’t interested in women.”

  I laughed. “I doubt that, but thank you.”

  The song ended, and Ralph led Victoria from the dance floor to the sound of applause. The band segued into “You and Me” by Lifehouse, and my eyes were drawn across the room to Ethan. My pretend boyfriend, who was leading Clarissa by the hand onto the dance floor.

  I let out a small gasp, drawing Derek’s attention.

  “Ah. We can’t have that, can we?” He leaned closer to me. “Do you want to know a secret? I’m hopelessly in love with Clarissa. Have been since we were children.” His words were accompanied by a heavy sigh as he stared at them, his expression a mix of frustration and lon

  “Clarissa?” The shock in my voice was clear.

  “We can’t help who we fall in love with.” He shrugged, resigned.

  “Hmm,” I mused. “I guess not.” We both watched as Ethan and Clarissa began to move gracefully. They made such a gorgeous couple, both tall, her pale blonde beauty contrasting with his dark hair and eyes. I felt a stab of painful jealousy arrow straight through me as Clarissa wound her arms around Ethan’s neck. “It hurts to watch them together,” I admitted in a whisper.

  “I know. I’ve had to suffer through years of Clarissa with other men. We had a brief fling a few years ago, and I hoped I could convince her we were meant to be, but she thought otherwise.” We both sighed in tandem, and then he let out a small chuckle. “What a miserable pair we are. Come on, let’s dance. We can’t let them have all the fun now, can we?”

  I shook my head, then placed my hand in his and let him lead me onto the dance floor.

  Derek held me lightly, his hands on my waist. “Put your arms around my neck,” he instructed. “And for goodness’ sake, smile. We don’t want Ethan to see you looking unhappy about dancing with me.”

  Obediently, I loosely linked my arms around his neck and fixed a smile on my face. Derek leaned closer to speak into my ear. “He’s looking at us, and he doesn’t look happy about you dancing with me.” He kept up his running commentary as we swayed to the music. “Clarissa is noticing, and she’s speaking furiously in his ear.”

  My curiosity finally got the better of me. “Spin me around so I can see.” Derek twirled me around, and my eyes met Ethan’s.

  He looked…angry. Clarissa was speaking, trying to get his attention, but his full focus was on me and Derek. He reached up and removed her arms from around his neck, then without another word, stalked across the dance floor, his gaze remaining locked on mine.

  “Derek, he’s heading over,” I hissed.

  “Mission accomplished. That’s my cue to go and comfort Clarissa.” He lightly squeezed my sides, then stepped back, just as Ethan reached us.

  “May I cut in.” Ethan’s tone was clipped, his words a statement rather than a question.

  I didn’t even hear Derek’s response. The rest of the world faded away as Ethan pulled me to him with a low growl and slanted his lips across mine.

  This kiss.

  I’d never been kissed like this before.

  I wound my arms around his neck, pulling his head closer to mine. His hands tangled in my hair, holding my head in place as we kissed. His mouth moved against mine, demanding more, and I pulled him even closer.

  He suddenly wrenched his mouth away, staring at me with dark, troubled eyes.

  “What is it about you that makes me lose control?” he ground out. “We’re at my sister’s wedding.”

  I swallowed hard. It was now or never. I wanted him, and I was going to go for it.

  “Why don’t we go back to our suite?” I held my breath, waiting for him to make his decision.

  He stared at me, breathing hard, his hands gripping me tightly. I ran my nails down his back, pressing my body into him, and he shivered.

  “I want you. Let’s do this.” He kissed me again, his tongue tangling with mine, making me moan into his mouth, before he pulled back. “One night. That’s all I can give you, Avery.”

  I breathed out shakily and reached up to kiss his jaw. “Deal. One night. No expectations.”

  “Come with me.”

  Now his mind was made up, he took command of the situation. Clasping my hand, he led me from the ballroom, stopping to grab my things from the chair. He avoided eye contact with anyone, keeping his hand on my lower back, steering me through the crowds. Victoria had already disappeared with Ralph, and Ethan’s mother was holding court near the bar, a group of women hanging on to her every word. We made it out of the doors without being stopped, and he led me through the foyer and up the staircase to our suite.

  My hands were shaking as I fumbled in my bag for the room key. Ethan’s arms came around me from behind, pulling me back against him.

  “Let me get that.” His low rumble vibrated against me, and I shuddered, desire thickening the air around us. He unlocked the door with sure movements, walking us into the suite, still keeping hold of me. I felt his hardness against me as he moved his mouth, trailing his lips up my neck, and I clenched my legs, my nipples hardening and my heart rate increasing.

  “You’re so frustrating,” he murmured, nibbling at my ear, making me shiver. “I had a plan. I never deviate from my plans.” He kissed down my ear, taking my earlobe between his lips and gently tugging before releasing it. “You’ve turned my carefully ordered world upside down, Miss Jenkins.”

  His hands moved from around my waist, sliding up my arms to the neck of my dress. He pushed my hair over one shoulder, then kissed along the top of my shoulder, stopping at the back of my neck. Undoing my dress, he let it fall to the floor.

  “No bra.” His voice was a groan.

  “Backless dress,” I replied breathlessly. I reached back and grabbed his hands, bringing them around to cup my breasts, before reaching up to thread my fingers through his hair, gripping the thick strands. We both moaned as his large hands caressed me, moving the pads of his fingers against my nipples until I was gasping, writhing against him. “Ethan. I need…I need…” I trailed off as one hand slid lower, moving down my stomach, down inside my underwear. His thumb skated over my clit, and I bucked against him, throwing my head back.

  “Stay still,” he commanded. He kissed down my neck, slipping his fingers further down, rubbing over my wetness. “You’re fucking soaked,” he growled, pushing a finger inside me. A second finger joined the first, and he fucked me with his fingers, stroking his thumb across my swollen clit until I couldn’t bear it any longer.

  “I’m going to come. I can’t-I can’t…oh, fuuuck.” My body spasmed around his fingers as the orgasm crashed over me.

  He held me through the aftershocks, then bent down to whisper in my ear. “Take your underwear off. I want you naked. Leave the heels on.”

  I obeyed on shaking legs, stripping down and turning to face him. He was still fully dressed, not even a wrinkle in his clothes, but staring at me with so much hunger and fire in his eyes that I whimpered, taking a step towards him, craving his touch.

  “Watch me,” he instructed. He lifted his fingers, the same fingers that had just given me the best orgasm of my life, and took them into his mouth, one by one, swirling his tongue around them. He groaned. “Mmm, you taste so good. I need to taste you properly, to make you come with my mouth.”

  “Not yet,” I managed to breathe, my mind still scrambled from everything that had just occurred. “Let me take care of you now.” I reached out, running my hand over his thick, hard length, and he moaned.


  He was giving me the illusion of control, at least for a moment, and I was going to make the most of it. I undid his trousers, and he stepped out of them. “Take off the rest of your clothes,” I told him, stroking his cock through his boxers.

  His eyes rolled back. “Avery, don’t…I-I won’t last if you keep touching me like that.”

  “You’d better hurry up, then, hadn’t you?” I licked my lips, staring up at him through lowered lashes.

  I’d never seen him move so fast in my life.

  I couldn’t help the small smile playing across my lips as he carelessly threw his clothes to the floor. He was so neat, so orderly, all the time—I loved the fact that I had this effect on him.

  He stood in front of me in just his underwear, and I drank in the hard planes of his muscles, flexing under my gaze. I ran my hands down his body, pulling at the waistband of his boxers, exposing his erection.

  Sinking to my knees, I gripped him in my hands and looked up at him.

  “Suck my cock, Avery.” His voice was low, his gaze darkened.

  I parted my lips, my tongue swirling around the head. Fuck. He was so big. There was no way I was going to be
able to take his whole length into my mouth. I opened my mouth wider, easing him in, getting into a rhythm as he held my head in place, his fingers tangled in my hair. I cupped his balls in one hand, the other holding the base of his cock as I sucked and licked him, my hand stroking him in time with my mouth, taking him all the way to the back of my throat, as much of him as I could fit in.

  He let out a guttural groan, pushing against me, filling my mouth completely, and my eyes watered as his tip hit my throat.

  His body tensed. “I’m going to come,” he gritted out. “Don’t stop. Please.” He held my head in place as he came in my mouth, his hot, salty flavour slipping down my throat as I swallowed.

  Releasing his grip on my hair, he moved back, half-lidded and dazed. “I’ve been imagining your ruby-red lips wrapped around my cock, but the fantasy had nothing on the reality.”

  How long had he been imagining it? Gathering my composure, I rose to my feet. “I aim to please.”

  “Avery, you more than pleased me. You—fuck, I have no words.” His gaze met mine, something in it giving me pause. The way he was looking at me…

  I shook my head internally. I needed to stop reading into things. He’d made it clear this was a one-night deal.

  One, unforgettable night. No holds barred.

  I was giving him everything I had.

  He swallowed thickly, his eyes roaming across my body. “Let’s take this into my room. I want to have you in my bed.”




  If I’d thought about the situation logically, my conclusion would have been that this was a terrible idea—it was going to lead to all sorts of complications. Logic had no place here, however. Still in her heels, Avery walked into my bedroom, her ass swaying suggestively. She glanced back over her shoulder at me, a sultry smile curving her lips, and I couldn’t help myself. I had to touch her.

  I caught up with her with one long stride, spinning her around and sweeping her into my arms. She gave one of those breathy sighs, sliding against my cock. Fuck, she was so ready for me. I laid her down on the crisp white bedsheets, and she stared up at me. She looked beautiful, a dark-haired siren with sapphire eyes, tempting me beyond anything I’d ever experienced before. I’d been with plenty of women in the past, but I’d never felt this all-consuming need to be inside someone, to claim them, to see them fall apart under me.


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