To Shackle a Shrew (Southern Sanctuary Book 7)

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To Shackle a Shrew (Southern Sanctuary Book 7) Page 9

by Jane Cousins

  Nell’s smile widened. “Devon, the man was practically glued to your side a moment ago… and more telling, he’s neither bleeding nor broken.”

  “If I released my claws every time someone in this town invaded my personal space then you’d have no beds left available at the hospital.”

  Nell bit back laughter. Didn’t Devon realise how animated she became around Liam? That even at this moment tendrils of her hair were curling and uncurling off to the side, as if sneaking peeks at Liam, bellied up to the bar, deep in discussion with Drum. “I think he’s the one.”

  “The one what?” Devon looked at Nell blankly, genuinely perplexed.

  “The one… One! Your one. Your future husband.”

  “Whoa there Pollyanna, jump the fuck back on the sane train.” Devon reached out to grab Nell by the arm and pull her in close. “Now you listen carefully. That… man, is not my one. He’s not my anything.”

  “But you like him. He makes you laugh, don’t deny it, I see it in your eyes, deep down you’re laughing it up.”

  “You’re confused, I’m laughing at him. In fact, to be clear, the idea of him and me together, now that is laughable.”

  “Why, because he’s easy going, charming and sociable? All the things you’re not. They do say opposites attract.”

  “Hey, I can be charming, when I care enough to try. But that’s beside the point. The point is, him and me, never going to happen.”

  “Because he’s so much younger than you?”

  “He’s not that much younger, only five years. And trust me, growing up in the waterway courts ages you fast.” Devon shook her head, that hadn’t been the point she intended to make. “Nell, he’s practically a homeless person and if I told you what he does for a living… well, you’d get out your feminist stick and beat him black and blue with it.”

  “Maybe he just needs to catch a break, a helping hand.” Nell’s blue eyes were full of sympathy.

  Devon rolled her eyes, trust Pollyanna to want to save the no good lecherous Merrow. “Then he should get a permanent, respectable job. I am not going to marry a man who will spend ten years leeching off my bank account and chasing after every pretty girl who walks by.”

  “He’s really that bad?” Nell looked dubious.

  “You don’t believe me… look.” Devon was shocked to find her killing nails had appeared without warning as she pointed Nell’s attention towards the bar, where Liam was currently encasing a statuesque curvy blonde wearing a tight white jumpsuit in a close embrace. Devon wasn’t sure who she wanted to rip into first, Liam, or the blonde clinging to him. Honestly, had the man no shame? He was the one who’d insisted on them having a date. “Grrr.” Devon ground her teeth together, her hair snapping out at empty air.

  “Wait, Devon.” Nell grabbed Devon’s arm to prevent her from going anywhere.

  “Let go of my arm, Pollyanna, and stand back.”

  “Devon.” Nell gave up trying to get Devon’s attention the polite way, sending a shaft of electricity firing down Devon’s neurones.

  “Ouch. Are you crazy?” Devon stared down at her arm where Nell had been touching her a second ago. Her fingers were still tingling from the shock as she shook out her hand trying to dispel the feeling. “What did you do that for?”

  “I tried being polite but you forced me to use my magic.” Nell was unrepentant. “You need to listen to me, I’m trying to save your life here.”

  Devon’s right eyebrow arched upwards momentarily. “Save my life?”

  “You can’t go storming over there in a jealous rage. Trust me, if you make a scene right at this moment, it could end up getting you killed.”

  Devon’s gaze narrowed. “I’m not acting out of jealousy, I just want to teach someone a lesson that’s all. That it’s not polite to hit on another woman’s date, especially when she’s standing ten feet away. I can take the Merrow and I’m pretty sure I can fend off the Hulk, just let me carve up the blonde bitch a little bit and I promise to forget that you just zapped me.”

  “Devon.” Nell’s blue eyes had turned indigo with emotion. “I’m not worried about Liam or Drum, it’s the blonde bitch I’m trying to save you from. Don’t you know who that is?”

  “I don’t care who she is. She’s the one who needs to be worried, a Makura Royal Princess is about to kick her tight over-aerobicized ass.”

  “Devon, I swear to the Goddess, I will zap you again. Just take a deep breath and look… really look who Liam is talking to.”

  Devon drew in a sharp hissing breath, her gaze flicking to the statuesque blonde, who was a good four inches taller than she was, at just over the six foot mark. She wasn’t a slender reed, no, the jumpsuit clung to curves and muscle. The blonde turned her head slightly and Devon caught a glimpse of her face, she did look familiar. Tall, stacked, athletic blonde? Just who… Is that? No, it couldn’t be.

  “Is that Elisabeth Bright?”

  “Yes. Or as I know her, Aunt Elisabeth. Though she goes by the name Elisabeth Bright-Tong here at the Sanctuary.”

  Devon took several deep breaths. Calmly she watched Liam and Elisabeth converse as if they were old friends. The woman might have technically been old enough to have been Liam’s mother but thanks to magic she looked like she was only in her late thirties. The couple laughed suddenly, Elisabeth placing a familiar hand on Liam’s arm.

  Just how did Liam Chambers, self-professed hobo of no fixed addressed and part time girlie photographer, come to know Elisabeth Bright, dual summer Olympics gold medallist in fencing and judo? The only woman in Australia’s history to go on to also win gold at the winter Olympics, for aerial ski jumping. A woman who had climbed Everest, twice, the second time without oxygen. Famous for swimming the Channel in record breaking time and para-sail skiing to the South Pole for charity.

  What was the sneaky lazy Merrow up to? Was he lying about who he was? What else might he be lying about? The silly death threat rumour? His attraction to her? Was it all just an act?

  Not that it mattered. He would be leaving in the morning. Still, she didn’t appreciate being lied too. Maybe it was time she took the Merrow home and they had a serious talk, maybe with one of her nails resting against his jugular for a bit of motivation.

  Yes, it was time to get to the bottom of just what Liam Chambers was trying to hide from her. She wanted the truth and she was going to get it, even if it killed him. No one made a fool of Devon Patel, no one.

  Chapter Seven

  “I can only assume from the way you are dragging me out of here that you can’t wait for us to get home for some quality couple time.” Liam teased, as Devon dragged him by the arm across the square, ducking and weaving through the slowly dispersing party crowd. Leading Liam towards the extremely convenient parking spot she’d found on the square, right in front of the movie theatre.

  Devon was ever so tempted to dig her killing nails into his flesh but managed to restrain herself. Honestly, the man was more trouble than he was worth. Before they could depart he’d insisted upon tracking down Nabha and Adalard to say goodnight. Then Liam had informed her it was vital they congratulate Gigi on a successful evening. Honestly, if he didn’t look so sincere she would have thought he was deliberately trying to get under her skin.

  “I had a good time tonight.” Liam placed his hand over Devon’s and pried it off his arm, retaining her hand in his.

  Devon almost stumbled, the man wanted to hold her hand? He really was strange. “Our date is officially over, you can quit with the charm offensive.”

  “I think the more you get to know me, you’ll quickly come to realise that I am just naturally charming, it’s a gift.”

  Devon issued an impatient sigh as several other departing couples, ambling along the grass at a slower pace, crossed their path, bringing them to an abrupt halt. “Not going to happen, you’re leaving tomorrow morning first thing, right?”

  Liam glanced up as the magic light globe hovering above their heads flickered off for a moment. Was the th
ing following them? Lighting their way to the car? Cool. “I could be convinced to stay, Princess. I didn’t imagine that death threat.” The hovering globe flickered back on, brighter than before. Liam squinted and looked away from it.

  Devon tugged on his hand, pulling him along in her wake now that their path was no longer blocked. “One motorbike accident doesn’t turn your conspiracy theory into a reality, Liam.”

  “I didn’t imagine that magical fire.”

  “Which was directed at you, not me.”

  He didn’t share his suspicions that maybe one of his half-brothers had been behind his accident, perhaps had even instigated the whole death threat rumours against Devon to keep his attention scattered so that he’d never see the motorbike accident coming. “I think it might be a good idea if I continue to stay with you at your place, just in case.”

  Liam in good health, living under her roof, sharing meals, swimming in her river…. No, just no. “Absolutely not, I’m giving you your marching orders.” Devon stepped off the grass onto the pavement.

  “Ah, where’s the love? For a while here tonight it really felt like we were just a man and a woman on a date.”

  “But, we’re not. I’m a Makura and you’re a Merrow.”

  “You know, not all Merrow are alike, just as all Makura are not alike.”

  “What the hell do you mean by that crack?” Devon came to an abrupt halt half-way across the empty road, turning to face off with Liam. She sent him her sternest – I’m an inch away from tearing your face off – glare, before flicking an annoyed glance up at the light bobbing several feet above their heads. The thing was flickering on and off as if a small child were playing with its master switch. Stupid thing, it was like it was following them or something.

  Liam squeezed Devon’s hand. “From the moment I met my father I was determined to be nothing like him, just as you aren’t your average Makura Princess. You haven’t embrace court life. You work for a living, and no matter how much you say the patients annoy you, the long hours you work and your dedication speak volumes about you as a person. Your kind to Nabha, even though she left the Makura court and has obviously married for love. You even intervened this evening, protecting me when it looked as if Drum might rip my spinal column out for referring to his wife as Doctor Blue eyes. Most Makura would have just taken a step back and enjoyed the violent show.”

  Devon grit her teeth, flummoxed for the second time in a matter of hours. What was this man doing to her? No one had ever accused her of being nice before? Well, except some of her older cousins when she was younger, teasing her, saying her father’s blood made her weak. Silly sea cows, all in your face, hot-tempered and making a spectacle of themselves. She had her revenge though, waiting patiently until the adults weren’t looking before proceeding to teach those bitches a lesson in just how rewarding being cool-headed and calculating could be.

  “I… you…” Devon sent Liam a tight lipped glare before swinging around to stomp off towards her car. Except, she’d forgotten Liam still had hold of her hand, she only managed two steps away before she was bought to an abrupt halt. Stupid silly overhead bobbing light kept going, drifting towards her car.

  “What did I just say?” Liam looked genuinely confused.

  Devon tried to yank her hand free from his. When that didn’t work she spun back to face him. “I can’t believe you just accused me of being nice.” She spat the last word out as if it were a profanity.

  “In what universe did I use the ‘N’ word? We both know you’re a bitch on heels. All I’m saying is that you are more than the tough façade you present to the world. You have layers, surprising layers.”

  Devon took two steps back towards him so that she was right up in his handsome grinning face. “You’re insane. I don’t have layers. I’m a bitch. A Makura bitch. You scratch me, you only find more bitch.”

  Liam had the nerve to laugh out loud. Devon’s brown eyes were shooting green flecked flames in his direction and dark colour stained those high cheekbones of hers. She was all fiery heat and rapid movement and so damn tempting. And that was the thing about the Merrow, they really liked to tempt fate. So he did what he’d been wanting to do since he’d woken up in that damn hospital bed, he kissed her.

  The gall. The complete an utter gall of the man. Devon swallowed the tirade of words she was about to rain down on Liam as his lips suddenly descended on to hers. She’d show him… she’d… she’d kiss him back that’s what she do, teach him a lesson, wait, what?

  Rivers and Lakes, the man knew how to kiss. His lips warm and soft on hers. Liam cupped the back of her head gently, holding her in place. Not that he needed to, several of her dazed curls had wrapped themselves languidly around his wrist, locking him likewise in place.

  Liquid heat spiralled down Devon’s spine to pool between her legs. She… this… her mouth opened in surprise as he nipped at her lower lip with his teeth.

  By the Trident, the woman tasted like the clearest spring waters infused with honey and cinnamon, she was addictive. How fast could he get the Princess home? Or maybe they could just find a shadowy doorway. He almost laughed at the second idea, Poseidon, Devon was not the type of woman you took standing up in doorway.

  Devon wasn’t thinking much of anything, need, want, heat… more… now. She was dimly aware they were standing in the middle of an empty street. That anyone leaving the party would see them together. They should find somewhere private, nearby, shadowy… maybe a convenient doorway or a sturdy brick wall.

  Her hands clutched at his muscular upper arms, they should… the scent of the ocean filled her nostrils, salty and surprisingly a little bit acrid. She was prepared to ignore the smell but an unusual sizzling sound intruded as well. Reminiscent of fat dropping onto hot coals on a barbeque.

  They broke apart at the exact same moment, their eyes immediately drawn to the madly flickering light globe that was hovering a few feet above the roof of her car. For a brief second the light glowed bright green, went dark, flickered back, white once more, off, then back on, green once more. A strange iridescent green that hurt their eyes. It pulsed, staying green, getting brighter, pulsing, greener still and even brighter.

  “That’s strange.” She commented.

  Liam likewise stared, frowning. “You know it looks kind of-”

  The ball exploded sending out a shockwave of bright green iridescent fire. Devon’s car erupted, metal and pieces of glass hurtling towards them on a wave of eerie green fire. Liam only had time to yell a warning as he flung himself in front of Devon, converting his body mass into a wall of clear water, determined to shield her.

  The first few pieces of metal and glass hit the wall of water, harmlessly bouncing to the ground, but then the strange green fire made contact with Liam. The pain. Fuck, he tried to hold his shape. The fire shouldn’t be able to touch him in this form, but it did. He could feel it eating into him, argh, in an instant he lost the ability to hold his water shape. His back was on fire.

  A dazed look of pain and shock settled over Liam’s features as the fire continued to claw into his flesh. Devon gripped him tighter still, steely determination settling over her features. Her hair had somehow managed to retain its hold around his wrist even through his change from human to water and back again. Yanking hard on Liam, Devon flung herself backwards.

  Liam felt his feet leave the ground. Funny what you notice as you fly through the air…on fire, as the passenger side door of Devon’s car hurtled past him on his left. Shit, that was a lucky miss. That thought had only blipped through his brain when something huge and hard smacked into his right leg. He was pretty sure the crack of his leg breaking was all in his head, but the pain that wracked his lower limb was far from imaginary.

  They landed hard on the asphalt, Devon on the bottom, him on top of her. All around them pieces of flaming car rained down. Fuck, he was on fire. Had to get away from Devon, in case it travelled to her. He tried to roll away. But her damn hair had his wrist and arm entangle. No,
no. He reared back, meeting her surprisingly calm dark gaze.

  “You need to let me go! I’m on fire!” He tried to pull away from her, struggling frantically.

  Devon only clutched at him harder. “Liam, hold still.”

  “No, no.” Had to get away from her. Protect her. Poseidon, the pain. Liam tried desperately to hold on to consciousness, his body wanting badly to shut down.

  Then somewhere close came a tremendous bang, he automatically flinched away from it, but Devon refused to let him go. Another bang followed, louder still. Then suddenly water was hammering him, lots and lots of water, pummelling him hard. Water, blessed, blessed water. It was his last thought as he gave into the darkness.

  * * *

  Liam drifted back towards consciousness reluctantly. Slowly he catalogued what he knew. He was lying face down, on a bed, a nice big soft bed. There was no smell of antiseptic or floor cleaner, so not a hospital. He searched his memory for the smells currently filling his nostrils, furniture polish and river water. He was back at Devon’s place, the guest bedroom. Why? How?

  He thought about moving, tensing the muscles in his body to roll over and almost passed out. By the Trident, his back! Well, not all of his back, his shoulders were blissfully numb and even as he had that thought he thankfully lost the feeling across his lower spine and ribcage.

  “No lower.”

  The voice that said those words was male, deep, and kind of reminded Liam of a bear speaking. It was familiar, where did he know that voice from?

  “You’re being ridiculous.” A soft female voice replied in response, also familiar.

  “No lower.” The bear growled again, even deeper.

  “I’m ignoring you because you are being ridiculous. I don’t stand behind you in a sword fight criticising or critiquing your fighting style.”


  Ah, the voices clicked. Doctor Nell Montgomery and her husband Drum were in the room with him, and from the slowly spreading numbness down his spine, Liam could hazard an educated guess that Nell was applying her magical blue ointment to the burns he’d sustained on his back.


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