Lincoln (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 3)

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Lincoln (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 3) Page 9

by Arcadia Shield

The nurse’s brown eyes widened as they flashed from Lincoln to Anastasia, who still held the baby.

  “What are you doing with these babies?” hissed Anastasia, striding toward her.

  Lincoln could feel the nurse trembling in his grip. “Don’t scream.” He slid his hand slowly away from her mouth.

  “Tell us what you’re doing here,” said Anastasia. “Why have you got these infants?”

  The nurse’s mouth fell open. “You’re not a mother here. I don’t recognize you.”

  “I’m not one of your prisoners,” said Anastasia. “We’re here to stop you.”

  “I’m just caring for these babies.” The nurse flashed a fearful look at Lincoln. “That’s what they pay me to do.”

  “You’re doing a terrible job,” said Anastasia. “They’re all sick.”

  “It’s what happens to them,” said the nurse. “I do the best I can. Make sure they’re comfortable and well fed, when I can get them to feed.”

  “What’s making them so ill?” asked Lincoln. “They’re like this when they get here?”

  The nurse’s gaze dipped to the floor. “No. They are stressed when they arrive because they’ve been separated from their mothers, but they aren’t ill.”

  “You’re telling us they get sick once they arrive here? What do you do to them?” Anastasia growled and stepped closer to the nurse.

  The nurse bumped into Lincoln as she tried to get out of Anastasia’s way. “I haven’t done anything to them. But they get taken for tests.”

  “Where?” asked Lincoln. “Who takes them and what do they do with them?”

  “The doctors,” said the nurse. “I’m not sure what they’re testing them for, or what they’re giving them, but none of them like it. They often whimper for hours after they come back from their treatment.”

  “And their dragon abilities?” asked Lincoln. “Are they in evidence when they first arrive?”

  The nurse blinked.

  “We know about dragons,” said Lincoln, repressing a sigh. “Looks like you do, too.”

  The nurse dipped her head. “I only know what I’ve been told. But the abilities appear within a few days. That’s when they get sick.”

  “You people disgust me,” growled Anastasia.

  “I’m not doing anything wrong.” The nurse lifted her chin. “I love these babies. Even though they’re dragon hybrids.”

  “Shouldn’t make a difference what they are,” said Anastasia. “What else happens here?”

  “We have the birthing clinic, if that’s what you’re looking for.”

  “You bring pregnant dragon hybrids here?” asked Lincoln.

  “No, they’re not pregnant when they get here,” said the nurse. “The doctors impregnate them.”

  “If I didn’t have a baby in my arms, I’d snap your neck,” said Anastasia.

  The nurse took a step away and her gaze shot around the room. “The doctors need to make sure we know everything there is about the dragon hybrids. From cradle to grave, they say, to keep us all safe.”

  “What do you know about them?” asked Lincoln, seeing the anger on Anastasia’s face. It matched his own feelings.

  “The State calls them freaks of nature,” said the nurse, her chin wobbling. “We’re not allowed to talk about it to anyone. We have to stay on this island and sign confidentiality agreements if we ever leave. Not that many people do. Why would they? The pay is good and the work is interesting.”

  “Running medical tests on innocent babies is interesting?” said Anastasia. “No amount of credit should make you want to do that.”

  “We need to know we’re safe,” said the nurse. “The doctors think these babies have unusual abilities that make them dangerous.”

  “Dangerous to the State, you mean,” said Lincoln.

  “We’re wasting time.” Anastasia turned away from the nurse. “She knows nothing.”

  “We should get the babies to the truck,” said Lincoln. It was going against Heath’s orders but he didn’t care. There was no way in hell he could leave them behind.

  “You can’t take them anywhere.” The nurse glared at Lincoln. “They’re too weak to travel. If you move them, you could kill them.”

  “You’re the one responsible for their health,” said Anastasia. “We’re not trying to kill them, we’re saving them.”

  “They need daily injections to survive,” said the nurse rapidly. “It’s a condition of them being allowed on the island.”

  “What injection do they need?”

  “It’s a trial the doctors are testing to see if they are safe to let out into the community when they’re older. A way to tag them and monitor their movements, just in case they are a risk. If they don’t get a daily top-up, they die.”

  “This just gets worse.” Lincoln scrubbed a hand down his face. “What’s in those injections?”

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  “You will.” Anastasia grabbed hold of the nurse’s collar and yanked her toward her, tucking the baby safely out of the way under her arm.

  “You don’t understand. I have nothing to do with that side of the work here. I look after the babies and keep them warm and fed. I’m not medically trained. Can’t even give injections. The doctors handle that. You’ll need to find one of them and get the medication.”

  “We don’t have time,” muttered Lincoln.

  A baby in a far crib began to cry. Several others stirred and shifted at the sound.

  “Let me see to her,” said the nurse. “She’s probably hungry.”

  “If you run, I’ll shoot you.” Lincoln raised his weapon, as the nurse scurried away toward the crying baby.

  Indecision raced through him. They couldn’t risk tracking down a doctor and forcing the information out regarding the injection the babies needed. But if they didn’t, and took the babies off the island in such a weakened condition, they might all die.

  He tapped into his comms device. “Heath, I don’t suppose you’ve got any doctors nearby?”

  “It’s quiet here,” replied Heath. “Have you been injured?”

  “No. But we just found out the babies get a daily dose of some sort of drug or medication. If they leave the island, they’ll die if they don’t get it.”

  Heath muttered curses down the comms. “I’ll grab what medicines I can find, see if Sophia can replicate whatever it is they’re being given. Then we can return for them.”

  An alarm screeched through the building. Lincoln spun around, his weapon aimed at the nurse who stood by the door, her hand on a button. Shit! He’d only taken his eyes off her for a second.

  “You’d better run before the guards catch you,” said the nurse. “You’re not welcome here.”

  Anastasia lunged toward the nurse, but Lincoln ran over and pulled her away as the nurse shrieked and shielded her head. “Not now. We’ve got to get out.”

  “But the babies.” Anastasia’s gaze shot around the room and she clutched the infant she held closer to her chest.

  “No time,” yelled Lincoln. “We will come back for them. But it’s too risky to get them out now.” He turned, yanked open the door and looked into the corridor. There were no signs of guards, but it would be only moments before they arrived. Then they’d be trapped.

  He grabbed Anastasia’s arm and shoved her through the door. She spun around to face him. Lincoln paused as he saw the anguish on her face. “I know. It’s killing me to leave them behind. But taking them solves nothing.”

  Tears tracked down her cheeks as she looked past him, back into the room. Her arms wrapped around her middle. “They’re dying.”

  “We can’t save them!”

  “We should.”

  “Stay here and we’re all dead.” He pushed her forward. “We’ll come back. I promise you, we will keep them safe.”

  Anastasia allowed him to lead her along the corridor, the fight seeming to drain out of her with each step away from the sick babies.

  They ran back through the kitchen
, out the back door, and around the side of the building. He kept Anastasia in front of him, so she wouldn’t try to turn back and help the babies. They kept to the shadows of the trees as they hurried toward the truck.

  “Heath, we’re almost at the vehicle,” said Lincoln through the comms.

  “We’re on our way,” said Heath. “See you in two minutes.”

  Lincoln caught hold of Anastasia’s arm. “Be watchful for any guards.” His gaze shifted down her body and his eyes widened. There was a bulge underneath her shirt, partially concealed by her protective vest. He yanked her to a stop and spun her toward him.

  “What’s wrong with you?” she pulled her arm out of his grip, refusing to meet his gaze.

  “You brought the baby with you.” Lincoln touched the bulge under her shirt, and it shifted.

  “That’s none of your business.” Anastasia turned away and continued walking.

  “You can’t do that,” said Lincoln, following her, his heart racing. “You heard what the nurse said.”

  “She’s a liar,” said Anastasia. “The baby will be fine.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I do.” Anastasia turned and looked at him, her eyes shining. “I’ll make sure she’s safe. I’m doing what’s best for her. We should have taken them all, but at least we can save one.”

  Scraping his hand through his hair, Lincoln grabbed hold of her elbow. “Let’s get to the truck. But keep this quiet. If the others know you have a baby, they won’t be happy.”

  “They can try to take her away from me if they like,” said Anastasia. “But she’s coming home with us.”

  Lincoln’s heart stuttered in his chest at the thought of the three of them together. He, Anastasia and this baby. Fighting together against the world. It was a far-fetched dream, but he held on to it for a few seconds, until they reached the truck and climbed in. This was crazy. But then this whole world was crazy. What was the harm of adding in a little extra craziness?

  HER THROAT DRY AND her heart fluttering, Anastasia wrapped her arms around the sleeping baby she’d strapped to her chest just after the nurse had hit the alarm button.

  It had been a moment of madness, but the thought of leaving the baby behind had torn into her soul. She couldn’t abandon this child, not seeing how sick she was. And when she’d hesitated, the little girl had opened her eyes. They were the same black and red mixture as Anastasia’s. She was lost. If she did nothing else good in her life, she would save this child. She would make sure this baby had a decent life, the chance to live a normal life away from the tyranny of the State and whatever disgusting experiments they had planned.

  Tears filled her eyes at the thought of all the babies they’d left behind. What would happen to them? Nobody was there to save them. And now that the State knew this place had been discovered, they wouldn’t leave them here. And they were cruel enough to exterminate everyone in the place to make sure nobody found out what was going on.

  Swiping a hand across her eyes, her gaze shifted to the vehicle’s mirrors. Her throat tightened. “Guards coming!” She shot a panicked look at Lincoln.

  “I’ll deal with them.” Lincoln swung a weapon off the seat and jumped out the truck.

  She went to do something—anything—but then stopped. Panic surged through Anastasia as she realized how vulnerable she was holding this baby. She couldn’t do anything to help Lincoln. He was on his own until the others arrived. He had to protect them.

  Keeping her eyes fixed to the vehicle’s mirrors, she watched as Lincoln fired three clean shots and took the guards down. Perfect aim, and no misses. He jumped back into the truck and started the engine. “Heath and Kade are coming.”

  “Do they have the women?”

  “No. They’re on their own.”

  The back door of the truck was pulled open and Heath and Kade jumped in.

  “Get us out of here!” yelled Heath.

  “Where are the others?” asked Lincoln.

  “Staying behind. Go, and I’ll explain.”

  Anastasia was flung back in her seat, as Lincoln floored the gas and they shot away from the house. The baby stirred against her. She rested a hand on her head, not wanting the others to know about the infant yet.

  She gripped the door handle of the truck, as Lincoln sped along the road, skidding around corners and leaping over the brow of the hill as the house disappeared from view.

  “What triggered the alarm?” said Heath.

  “A nurse,” said Lincoln. “She discovered us in the nursery and hit the panic alarm on the wall.”

  “We were bound to get discovered,” said Heath.

  Anastasia pressed her lips together. She just needed to keep the baby quiet until they got aboard the boat. Once they were away from the house, everything would be okay. The others wouldn’t be able to force her to give the baby back.

  “I put in a call to the southern bunker,” said Heath. “They’ve got a copter operational and will risk a fly-by, see if they can make an extraction of the dragon hybrids inside. They’re bringing equipment as well, to make sure the illness the dragon hybrids are suffering from won’t affect anyone else.”

  “They need to hurry,” said Anastasia, hope and worry shooting through her in equal measure. “The State will shut this place down now that we’ve found it.”

  “They’ll be here in ten minutes,” said Heath. “They’ll get everybody out if they can. There were ten female dragon hybrids still alive.”

  “And twelve babies.” Lincoln glanced at Anastasia. “But the copter will be vulnerable to attack.”

  “That’s why they’re moving fast,” said Heath. “It’s the only chance we’ll get to complete an extraction. Tobias and Arlo are remaining here to provide cover from the ground. Arlo is setting explosions up. They’ll distract the house guards, so the copter can get in and take everyone with them.”

  Anastasia battled with the conflicting emotions inside her. A part of her wanted to go back on that rescue operation and help the dragon hybrids, help her kin when they were in so much danger. But the hot bundle pressed against her chest was stopping her, making her realize there was now another life she was responsible for. She’d taken this baby into her protection, and would make sure she remained safe.

  “You need to get off the island!” Tobias sounded breathless as his voice came over the comms.

  “What’s the problem?” asked Heath.

  “The cages are open.”

  Anastasia’s mouth went dry. “What was in them?”

  “Mutant wolves. And the guards have let them out.”

  “They’re heading our way?” asked Lincoln.

  “Two are chasing us. Two are coming for you.”

  “Fuck!” Lincoln peered into the vehicle’s mirrors and cursed again. “I see them. They’re freaking enormous.”

  Anastasia stared into the mirrors and her eyes widened. The creatures had to be over eight feet long. Living nightmares of muscle and fur, with glowing orange eyes. Their movement was so fast they were just blurs.

  “Here’s the dock,” said Heath. “We’re almost there.”

  “They’ll reach us before we get to the boat.” Anastasia clutched the baby closer.

  Lincoln screeched the truck to a halt and swung out, already aiming his weapon.

  Heath kicked open the back of the truck and lined up a shot, alongside Kade.

  Anastasia reached for the door handle, but Lincoln shook his head. “You’re safe in the truck. Stay there.”

  She gritted her teeth, but nodded.

  Red pulse laser fire slammed into the beasts. They paused and shook themselves, but carried on their charge.

  “Hit them again,” yelled Heath. He opened fire at the same time as Lincoln and Kade. The beasts howled and stumbled.

  They were so close, Anastasia could smell them; a rank, dirty fur odor and the stench of rotting flesh. She cuddled the baby to her chest, hoping she couldn’t pick up on these foul smells.

��s down,” shouted Heath.

  Flinging open her door, Anastasia stepped out, her dragon fire heating inside her. She had to protect this baby from these monsters.

  “Go!” yelled Lincoln to her. “We’ll take this last one.”

  She stumbled back, her vision glazed with red as she saw the beast. It was a nightmare of fangs, claws, and matted fur. Then she turned, racing away, the need to keep the baby safe overwhelming her. She had to get away, hide them both. Lincoln would keep them safe.

  The boat was in sight when the ground trembled beneath Anastasia’s feet. Increasing her pace, her fingers had just brushed the side, when her head was yanked backwards and she was pulled off her feet.

  The smell of rotting flesh flowed over her, as a beast tossed her from side to side, her long hair clamped between its drooling jaws.

  Anastasia screamed and twisted, trying to get free from the beast. She kept one hand on the baby as she fought with the monster. Smoke and fire bites, it was a monstrosity. Its eyes rolled in its head, madness and pain etched across its face.

  Her hair was being pulled from her scalp, but she didn’t care about missing hair, just about getting them both to safety. Anastasia steadied her panic, opened her mouth and blasted the monster in the face with a fireball.

  The wolf beast howled and let go, spinning in a circle as its fur blazed.

  Heath, Lincoln, and Kade emerged from the darkness, racing toward her at full speed. They shot at the beast and it howled again, before sprinting away.

  Anastasia turned and ran toward the boat. Lincoln was right behind her.

  The group heaved the boat back into shallow water.

  “You okay?” Lincoln’s solid hand rested on her back as they climbed in.

  “I will be, once we get off this cursed island.”

  “Everyone on?” called Heath, as Kade started the engine.

  “We’re all here,” said Lincoln.

  “Let’s get away from this nightmare.” Heath stood beside Lincoln, both of their gazes pinned to the retreating island as enraged-sounding howls from the wolf beasts filled the night air.

  Anastasia sank onto a bench and shifted her body to protect the baby from the chill that drifted from the water.


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