Lincoln (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 3)

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Lincoln (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 3) Page 19

by Arcadia Shield

  Lincoln had settled the two blonde dragon hybrids in the Cobra, and Anastasia was helping the others, when he heard voices coming from the building. He spun around and raced toward Arlo. “Are you ready?”

  Arlo skipped away from the building, a smile on his face. “Always ready for a bit of flash and burn.”

  A soldier appeared in the doorway, his eyes widening as he spotted Arlo and Lincoln. He opened his mouth, but Lincoln shot him with his pulse laser. The soldier slammed backwards into the corridor.

  “Anytime you want to push the button, you’re more than welcome,” said Lincoln.

  “Thought you’d never ask.” Arlo stepped away and pressed his back to the opposite wall. “You might want to duck for the next bit.”

  Lincoln turned and sprinted toward the Cobra, just as a fiery blast licked across his back and he stumbled forward, Anastasia catching him before he could hit the pavement.

  He turned back, concern shooting through him. Arlo had been far too close to that explosion. He always liked to see his work in action. But it was as if the guy had a death wish, and inched closer to each explosion every time he pressed the detonator.

  Arlo strode through the smoke, waving a hand in front of his face, black smears across his cheeks and his teeth dazzlingly white against the grime.

  Lincoln let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. He grabbed his brother by the shoulder. “A little less bang next time?”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  Anastasia let out a choked sounding laugh. “You enjoy this sort of thing?”

  “Sure. Probably as much as you do when you use your fire,” said Arlo. “Gets kind of addictive, doesn’t it?”

  Anastasia tilted her head to one side. “Guess it does.”

  “We should compare notes,” said Arlo, as he spun the detonator around his fingers. “Might be able to use your dragon magic in my explosions.” He grinned enthusiastically. “Imagine that; gunpowder and dragon fire mixed.”

  “Some other time.” Lincoln grabbed Arlo by the collar and shoved him toward his bike. “We need to get out of here, before a drone comes along and finds out what you’ve just blown up.”

  Arlo tipped him a salute before shaking his head. “Still got work to do. I was on a supply run when Heath contacted me. I’ll go grab the rest of the supplies, and meet you back at the base. We can compare notes on explosions then.” He winked at Anastasia, before sprinting through the smoke to his bike.

  “He’s interesting,” muttered Anastasia, as she checked that the pregnant dragon hybrids were secured before jumping into the front of the Cobra.

  “Wait until you really get to know him,” said Lincoln, as they sped away from the club. “My little brother has gunpowder running through his veins.”

  THE JOURNEY BACK TO the bunker had been a tense one. Lincoln was still acting strangely. He’d been distracted, answering questions with single words. After trying to talk to him about Skyler again, a topic he enjoyed, without any success, Anastasia had given up and watched the time tick by, until she could get to Skyler and away from Lincoln.

  She jumped out the Cobra and helped the dragon hybrids down. Lincoln joined her. They walked in silence through the vehicle bay.

  “You’re sure this place is safe?” one of the dragon hybrids whispered to her.

  “I’ve been here a while, and I’m still standing.”

  The dragon hybrid raised her eyebrows but made no further comment as she walked alongside Anastasia.

  Once they’d made sure the dragon hybrids were settled in the medical room, she looked around for Sophia, wanting to ask her about Skyler. There was no sign of her, so she slipped over to Skyler’s incubator.

  “Hold it right there,” came Sophia’s sharp whisper.

  Anastasia froze and turned on her heel. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re bothering my patient. Again.” Sophia walked over and stood by the incubator.

  “I just wanted a quick look.”

  “She’s sleeping.”

  “I wouldn’t have woken her.”

  Sophia’s nose wrinkled. “You smell of smoke. And something else I don’t want to dwell on.”

  Anastasia sniffed her sleeve and frowned. “Guess I could do with a change of clothing.”

  “Go do that. And let Skyler sleep.”

  Anastasia’s gaze shifted to the sleeping baby. “So long as she’s doing okay. Can I come back later?”

  “Much later.” Sophia gestured to the door. “You exhausting yourself won’t help Skyler.”

  “I’m not tired.” The words felt like a lie, even as she said them. Using her abilities was exhausting. And she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a decent night of sleep.

  “Doctor’s orders. Get food, rest, and a change of clothes.”

  Anastasia scowled, an expression Sophia matched until she gave in and left the medical room.

  Lincoln had vanished. Anastasia felt a mixture of relief and frustration about his absence. When he wasn’t with her, she wanted him to be, but when he played the elusive card and wouldn’t talk to her, that was even worse.

  She strode along the corridor, intent on finding a quiet space where she could get her head together, grab some food, and make sense of these emotions dogging her.

  “Anastasia!” Clarissa called out to her.

  She turned, repressing a sigh as she did so. Although she liked Clarissa, she wasn’t in the mood for company.

  “I was going to grab a coffee.”

  Anastasia nodded. “Enjoy.”

  Clarissa frowned as she caught up with her. “Come join me. Looks like you could do with a break.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Well, I need the company,” said Clarissa. “And you need someone to talk to.”

  Her damn seer abilities were annoyingly accurate. Anastasia shrugged. “I could drink coffee.” She changed direction and followed Clarissa into the canteen. There were a dozen other people in there, sitting around long tables in the brightly lit room, the air smelling faintly of freshly baked bread.

  Clarissa walked to the coffee machine and grabbed two mugs, before settling at a table with Anastasia. They drank their coffee in silence for several minutes, Anastasia determined not to speak first. She didn’t want to talk about what was going on, mainly because she had no clue what was happening, or how to make sense of everything.

  “Something’s troubling you.” Clarissa placed her mug down.

  “You don’t need your abilities to realize that.”

  Clarissa smiled. “Maybe not. But it helps. I could sense you before I spotted you in the corridor. What’s wrong?”

  She took another sip of coffee, not sure where to begin. “It’s Lincoln. And Skyler. And the dragon hybrid trafficking. Everything really. Ever since I got involved with these Ember brothers, I’ve not been able to think straight.”

  “They are whirlwinds,” said Clarissa. “But they’re dedicated to the cause, which also happens to be our cause. And I’m glad to be a part of their team.”

  “We kept out of their way for too long.” Anastasia remembered the time she’d hidden from the State, hearing rumors about the Ember brothers, but not daring to believe. “If we’d joined them sooner, offered our help, the State wouldn’t be running tests on us, treating us like their property. We might know by now what they are and what they want from us.”

  “Perhaps. But there’s no sense in wishing to change the past. That’s not possible. However, what you’re seeking—what we’re all seeking—that will come. We came together at the right time,” said Clarissa. “If we’d revealed ourselves too soon, they wouldn’t have been ready for us.”

  “Is that your seer abilities talking?”

  Clarissa nodded, her expression serious. “I knew they would come to me when they did. After that, it was only a matter of time before more and more dragon hybrids revealed themselves.”

  Anastasia nodded. Dragon hybrids had been deliberately kept
out of the limelight, even when the monarchy was in power and dragons looked after the planet. It would have been too much for some, too extreme to have combinations of human and dragon wandering the streets.

  “We’re coming to an important point in our journey. In order to increase our chances of success, the time has come for us to unite.”

  “I guess so.” Anastasia swirled the coffee in her mug. She was so used to keeping things to herself, keeping off the radar. It felt odd to share.

  “But that’s not the problem on your mind.”

  She took a deep breath. “I don’t understand Lincoln. His reputation is terrible. It sounds as if he’s been through half the women in this bunker.”

  “I’ve heard those rumors, too,” said Clarissa, with a smile. “But the first time I met Lincoln Ember when he came to the Badlands, I soon realized he wouldn’t be alone for long.”

  “He doesn’t strike me as a guy who will ever settle.”

  “He won’t settle,” said Clarissa. “Lincoln will be with someone extraordinary. He needs to be.”

  “So, he’s looking for the perfect woman?” Anastasia snorted and shook her head. “Not found someone who ticked all his boxes?”

  “I don’t think he’s looking anymore.”

  “He’s seeing someone?” A painful stab of jealousy hit Anastasia.

  Clarissa nodded. “In a way. And he’s as confused as you are about that.”

  “I don’t understand. He’s seeing someone, but he’s not sure he wants to be?”

  “I think you know who he’s interested in.” Clarissa’s eyebrows rose.

  Anastasia bit the inside of her cheek. “I wondered if there was something between us. But then, I don’t know. He switched off. Shut me out.”

  “Do you realize why he behaves the way he does? Rejecting commitment?”

  “Because he loves the attention. And he can have his pick of women because he’s got the body of a Greek god.” Anastasia’s cheeks flushed. “Did I say that out loud?”

  Clarissa laughed. “His body is nice enough to look at. And I never complain when I get stuck seeing his face. But no, he doesn’t act the way he does because he’s a good-looking guy.”

  “Then why is he so hot and cold?” Anastasia shoved her mug away. “One minute we’re making progress, and the next he’s refusing to answer the most basic of questions.”

  “You should ask him this yourself. It’s his story to tell.”

  “He won’t talk to me.” Anastasia threw her hands in the air. “We’ll never get anywhere if he doesn’t open up.”

  “Like you do with him?”

  Anastasia opened her mouth to protest, but then snapped it shut. “I have my issues. I know that.”

  “Perhaps Lincoln does, as well. He could have opened himself to someone in the past and it didn’t end well.”

  “Is that what happened?”

  Clarissa shrugged. “Could be there is something you need to talk about.”

  “But that was with somebody else. I’m different.”

  “You are unique.”

  Anastasia glowered at her. “Meaning?”

  “Meaning that perhaps you’re the extraordinary woman Lincoln’s been waiting for.”

  Anastasia snorted. “He doesn’t see me as anything more than a one-night stand. A conquest that’s different to add to his list. Once he gets what he wants, he’ll leave. That’s what he always does.”

  “Not with the person he is destined to be with.”

  “So who’s he destined to be with?” A trickle of hope ran through Anastasia. Had Clarissa seen her with Lincoln? Predicted they would be together?

  “Ask him about his first true love.”

  “Don’t think he’s ever been in love, unless you count him loving himself.”

  “He has. But it didn’t treat him well. Love left him cautious.”

  “Lincoln sleeps around to avoid commitment?”

  “He won’t be the first man who’s done that. It’s easier to avoid your emotions than face them. Especially when you’ve been mistreated by someone you gave your heart to.”

  “He’s never talked about anybody special.”

  “Have you asked him?”

  “We don’t have those kinds of conversations,” said Anastasia. “Although, there have been times I thought I was getting through. Seen a different side to him.”

  “And you like that side?”

  “I love it.” Her cheeks flushed again. “I mean, he’s different when he relaxes and stops putting on a front. It’s as if he forgets himself. I see a glimpse of what the real Lincoln could be like.”

  “What makes him behave like that?”

  “He’s like it with Skyler,” said Anastasia. “And when we’re alone together. Sometimes, at least.” She pulled her hair back off her face, and sighed.

  “The two of you are more similar than you care to admit. Don’t be afraid to make the first move and push him. Lincoln isn’t the type to run away when he finds something he wants.”

  Anastasia shook her head. She needed to think about this. “I should go check on Skyler. When I saw Sophia, she wouldn’t let me see her. Said she was asleep and not to disturb her, but I can’t seem to stay away.”

  “She is weak,” said Clarissa, a sorrowful expression crossing her face.

  “But she is getting better.” Anastasia sat forward in her seat. “She’s recovering?”

  Clarissa wrapped her fingers around her mug. “She’s a very sick child. She’s had two infusions of dragon serum and is not responding.”

  Cold terror clutched at Anastasia’s gut. “But she’ll pull through?”

  “She’ll fight as hard as she can.”

  “That’s not an answer.” Anastasia’s nails dug into the palms of her hands. “Is Skyler going to survive?”

  “We’ll know more in the next twenty-four hours.” Clarissa stood and patted Anastasia’s hand. “You should go spend time with her. Don’t mind Sophia, she gets all mama bear over her patients.”

  Anastasia stood, her legs feeling numb as she hurried past Clarissa toward the medical room. As soon as she pushed through the doors, she could smell Lincoln was already there, his familiar, musky scent invading her senses.

  Hurrying toward the incubator, she found him sitting next to it, one of Skyler’s tiny hands clasped in his.

  “You knew.” Her tone was sharper than she’d intended it to be.

  Lincoln looked up, his eyes swollen. “I didn’t know how to tell you. I thought if I waited, Sophia and Clarissa could figure something out. Find a way to help Skyler.”

  “I could have been with her,” said Anastasia, stopping by the end of the incubator. “Made sure she knew she wasn’t alone.”

  “She’ll never be alone here,” said Lincoln. “There will always be someone looking out for her. I will always look out for her.”

  “Even when she’s dead?”

  The words hung in the air. Anastasia struggled to swallow. She’d only known this baby for a short time, but she’d stolen her heart, shown her a way to love she’d never experienced before. She couldn’t lose that now, not when she’d just discovered how incredible it was.

  “Even when she’s gone, there will always be a place in my heart for this child,” said Lincoln, his words coming out hoarse. “I’m not the heartless bastard you take me for.”

  “I never said that was what you were.” The anger seeped out of Anastasia, as she sat in the seat next to Lincoln and gently stroked Skyler’s cheek.

  “It’s what you think,” said Lincoln, a trace of bitterness in his voice. “Everyone does.”

  “Because you’ve been hurt.” Anastasia kept her gaze on Skyler as she recalled Clarissa’s words. “Someone broke your heart and you’re determined it will never happen again.”

  She heard him suck in air. “How do you know?”

  “Because you’re not heartless, just cautious. I’m the same.”

  He sighed. “It was a long time ago. It should
n’t matter now.”

  “But it does,” said Anastasia.

  The only sound in the room was Skyler’s labored breathing.

  “Her name was Melissa. She was the General’s daughter.”

  “Wait! The one you got kicked out of the Marines for sleeping with?”

  “That’s the one.” Lincoln exhaled. “Melissa was a firecracker. Hot-headed, fun, and out of control. I fell for her hard. I did all kinds of crazy stunts to keep her interested.”

  “You loved her?”

  “Thought I did. But I was young and an idiot.”

  “You can still fall in love when you’re both those things.”

  Lincoln ducked his head. “She used me. It drove her dad insane that we were together. She set the whole thing up, knew he’d come home when we were in bed together. She didn’t care it cost me my career, just so long as she got to piss him off.”

  “So you lost your job, and Melissa?”

  “I never had her.” Lincoln shook his head. “And now I have this, instead. Since then, it’s been easier not to care too much about anything.”

  Anastasia let out a shaky sigh. “I get that. When you get mistreated, it makes it hard to trust.”

  “But you don’t give up on trusting people?”

  “I fight against it every second of every day,” said Anastasia. “I push people away, not wanting to take the risk on them.”

  “Like me?”

  She gave a slight shrug. “Since finding Skyler, I’ve realized it’s stupid to do that. I miss out on too much.” The words lodged in her throat and she swallowed. “Is she really going to die?”

  “I’ve been quizzing Sophia every chance I get to see what else they can do,” said Lincoln, his own voice sounding thick. “They’re trying a final dragon serum infusion. But the last time they did it, she had some sort of seizure. They don’t think she’s strong enough to take any more treatments.”

  “Why isn’t the serum working?” asked Anastasia. “It works fine on injured humans.”

  “Maybe she’s just too young and too sick,” said Lincoln. “This serum is new for us, it’s still in the trial stages. They only used it on Skyler as a last resort, because she hasn’t responded to anything else.”


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