Wife by Wednesday

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Wife by Wednesday Page 12

by Catherine Bybee; Crystal Posey

  “How long will it take us to get there?”

  “Half an hour at most.”

  “Hmmm.” Then, without warning, Samantha kicked Maggie and held on as the horse lurched ahead.

  “Sam?” Blake was calling her name behind her.

  She fixed her knees into the horse and held on tight until Maggie had found a nice comfortable pace of her run.

  Hardly a few seconds passed when Blake overtook her. The frown on his face dissipated when he saw her smile as he passed. Instead of forcing them to a stop, he let Blaze take the lead and Maggie followed.

  Cool air coursed through Samantha’s hair, pulling it out of the clip she’d used to hold it back. The landscape buzzed past, but not so quickly that she didn’t manage to scent the lavender blooming, or the fresh grass under the horses’ hooves. This she could get used to. The freedom of riding away from life’s worries, the big outdoors to escape into.

  They cleared the open space in five minutes and had to slow the horses to pick their way through the trees. Seemed both Maggie and Samantha were in need of catching their breath. “That was wonderful.”

  Blake’s grey eyes caught hers and held. For the first time in days, he looked relaxed and carefree. For a moment, she thought he was going to say something, but he lowered his eyes and pulled on the reins to move Blaze deeper into the woods.

  “It’s so beautiful here. And quiet.”

  “When I was a kid, I used to take a horse out here all the time to escape my father.”

  “Was he so bad?” Seemed her husband and his father had the worst of relationships, but Blake hadn’t really elaborated.

  “I wasn’t him.”

  “And that’s what he wanted, a miniature him?”

  Blake nodded.

  Samantha wanted to ask more questions, but Blake moved his horse in front of hers as the path narrowed. Soon the sound of water sounded over the horses.

  When the trees opened up to reveal the stream, Samantha knew why Blake chose this place to get away. Crystal-clear water cascaded down rocks and dipped around fallen branches and trees. Moss and grass grew along the banks of the stream, which made her envision Blake as a little boy sitting by the water’s edge tossing rocks.

  “Is this still on your land?”

  “It is. The estate is over five hundred acres. But this is the most beautiful location on it.”

  “It’s amazing, Blake.”

  The path opened to a small meadow with a cottage sitting on one end. Once they cleared the trees, Blake swung off his horse. “We’ll let them drink before we hitch them.”

  Samantha slid to the ground with wobbly legs. But the energy felt good, refreshing. As the horses drank from the stream she asked, “How often is this cottage used?”

  “Not often. For a time, I was the only one who came out here. I think Gwen used to escape here after I moved away.”

  “I’ll have to ask her.”

  Blake led the horses to a post and tied them with enough rope to allow them to graze. “Let me show you inside.”

  Samantha took his hand, enjoying the warmth of his fingers circling hers, and walked beside him up the few steps to the cabin porch.

  The door swung open with a tiny nudge. “You don’t lock it?”

  “No need.”

  As she stepped inside, Samantha’s breath caught in her throat.

  In the center of the room was a table set for two. Linen napkins, beautiful china, and crystal goblets were waiting for them to enjoy. A bucket stood to the side with wine chilling inside. Large silver trays were covered with food. “Oh, Blake, this is lovely.”

  “You like?”

  She turned to him and wove a hand around his waist. Looking up into his eyes, she smiled and tipped her lips to his. “I love it.”

  Blake accepted her lips for a brief kiss, but when she started to pull away, he held her close and moved his head to the side. Her kiss of gratitude swiftly moved from ‘thank you’ to ‘more.’

  The feel of his hands roaming down her back brought a moan from deep inside her chest. Everywhere he touched heated instantly. Whenever they made love, it seemed they couldn’t touch enough. Blake nibbled at her lip as his hand reached for her breast. “I’m an awful person,” he said between kisses.

  Her head fell back, already lost. “Why do you say that?”

  He backed her into the room and kicked the door close behind them. “We haven’t even eaten, and I’m already crawling all over you.”

  Laughing, she kicked her shoes free and peeled away at his sweater “Are you saying we were only supposed to eat?”

  Blake helped her with his shirt by flinging it across the room. “Eat first, then make love. That was the plan.”

  Licking her way across his collarbone and down to one taut nipple, she laughed. “Make love, then eat…” she nibbled a path to his other side. “Then make love again.”

  Tugging her clothes free, Blake kept backing her away from the food to the only bedroom in the cottage. Samantha hardly glimpsed the lace curtains that framed the window, or the patterned quilt covering the mattress before Blake pressed her under his frame.

  “You feel so good,” she told him, loving the weight of him on her.

  “Yes, you do.” His fingers managed to unclasp her bra and toss it aside in seconds. His lips claimed her nipple as he laved up one side, circled her dusky tip, and nipped. “Tastes like spring,” he whispered before shifting his attention to the other side. He took his time with slow, even strokes of his tongue. Samantha writhed with pleasure. Traveling down her tight stomach, he peeled away her pants, kissing a path over her hip and down her thigh.

  They’d always giving into the need for penetration when they’d made love, but already Samantha felt this time would be different, slower, and just as satisfying. The soft pad of Blake’s thumb traced up her thighs after her pants were on the floor. He hooked a finger under her panties and petted the sensitive skin at her hip. “I think,” he said, blowing a heated breath above her flesh, “that my nourishment will come before and after we eat what’s in the other room.”

  A tinge of vulnerability shot through her. For all her talk, and ease with Blake in the bedroom, having a man kiss the sensitive flesh between her legs wasn’t something she’d experienced before.

  “What is it?” Blake asked, his chin dangerously close to her damp panties, his eyes narrowed in concern.

  “I-I’ve not.” Darn, she wasn’t a virgin, but in this she was. “No one has ever,” she let her gaze drift to her mound before returning to him.

  Recognition flecked in his eyes and a soft smile spread over his lips. “Never?”

  She gave a quick shake of her head.

  He lowered his lips to kiss the skin below her belly button, his eyes never left hers. “I like that.”

  With his three simple words, she let the vulnerability go and relaxed into Blake’s masterful arms. His tongue sought her flesh as he removed the scrap of material between her thighs. He pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses around her core until her thighs opened to give him room. Blake kissed, licked, and moaned over her until her will nearly snapped with the want of more. When his lips connected with the most sensitive spot on her body, Samantha nearly leapt from the bed. Blake kept her anchored, his tongue swirling around her, chasing, and coaxing tiny building spasms deep inside her body. The intensity of her pending release was like nothing she’d experienced before. He took her to the edge, drew back, and had her clutching his shoulders tight.

  He was teasing her, teaching her to crave this from him, and all she could do was beg for more. “Please.”

  With a flick of his tongue and a gentle suck, Samantha welled over and cried out her release. Her body trembled as she rode the sensation to the very end.

  When Samantha felt it was safe to open her eyes, she found Blake smiling over her. His broad hands ran the length of her body as he waited for her attention.

  “You’re sinful,” she uttered, her voice low and throaty.

/>   He placed a delicate kiss on her lips. “You’re sexy. Now that I’ve tasted you, I’m going to want more.”

  Her hand feathered over his hip, surprised to see he’d managed to free himself of his clothes. Not being of the mind to take and not give, Samantha offered a grin before pushing Blake on his back to have a taste of him. Following his example, she traced his hip, first with her fingers then with her tongue. The salty musk of his skin tantalized her taste buds until her mouth watered.

  “Should I be worried?” he hissed as she let her cheek graze his erection.

  “What?” she asked, pretending innocence with her tone. “I’ve seen movies.” She hadn’t but she wanted to keep him guessing. In this, she had a brief encounter. Then there were the books she’d read once in a while.

  Seems tens of authors must have some idea how this worked.


  Samantha drew him into the deep, warm cavern of her mouth.

  “Sweet lord.” Blake moaned, his hips tilting forward, asking for more.

  Samantha smiled over him, lapping, tasting, and desiring his pleasure nearly as much as her own. The musky scent of his skin and sex filled her as she brought him to the very edge of release before pulling back. She would have continued, but Blake gently forced her away. “Too much.”

  “You don’t like?” she teased, knowing he more than liked what she was doing. She wanted to finish him as he’d done to her.

  “Another time,” he said, before reaching for his wallet and removing a condom.

  Samantha helped him with the thin latex and then crawled over his body. She kissed him fully on the mouth, their tastes mingled as he pressed inside her. Slick with desire, he filled every inch of her, stretching her. Blake rose to meet her body, retreated, and plunged again. His fingers tangled with her hair and held tight as her body responded to his with renewed passion and need.

  Samantha couldn’t get enough of him. Her breasts scraped against the soft dusting of hair on his chest, his heartbeat pressed past his ribs and into hers. As much as she told herself their time together was for a physical release, a mutually satisfying sexual experience, tiny slivers of her heart melted into his.

  They moved together, straining like strings of a violin until she unwound and shattered. Muscles strained on Blake’s arms as he held her close and moaned his release into her ear.

  Samantha knew, as the world stilled and Blake said tender things in her ear, that she was in trouble. Falling in love with her husband was not part of their plan. Voicing her concerns, in the honesty that was their relationship, didn’t seem wise either.

  As their breath slowed, and the heat from their bodies drifted into the air, Samantha forced herself away from his arms. Her stomach growled at that moment, giving her the perfect escape. “I’m starving.”


  Albany Hall filled with people, all wanting to get a glimpse of the new Duchess, the woman Blake finally married.

  People would whisper, that Blake knew, but none would dare show anything but respect to him and his bride.

  Blake caught Samantha at the far end of the room, talking with Gwen and the couple standing beside her. Samantha wore a stunning ivory silk evening gown that dipped to the small of her graceful back. He’d placed an emerald pendant around her neck with matching earrings to adorn her ears. The four-inch heels peeked out from under the silk through a slit that went the length of her thigh.

  His wife was magnificent. Poised with elegance that couldn’t be taught, and beauty that wasn’t skin deep, Blake felt truly proud to call her his wife.

  Carter, who had flown in for the reception, stood by his side. “I can’t get over the transformation of your wife,” he whispered so only Blake could hear.

  “She is beautiful.” Funny, Blake wasn’t surprised with the changes. Samantha seemed to be blossoming before his eyes, every day a little more light and ease in her steps.

  “It’s more than that.” Carter’s gaze cut away to one of the Parker lawyers across the room. “How is everything else going?”

  Blake wasn’t about to talk about any details with a room full of ears. “Perfectly. We’ll be going back to the States in a few days. Gwen wanted to come back with us, but I convinced her that Samantha and I need some time alone before we started entertaining family.”

  Carter laughed. “Did that work?”

  “Of course.” Why wouldn’t it? Half the family noticed them arrive from their ride to the cottage the previous day. After making love, eating lunch, then finding a sunny spot of grass to make love a second time, their clothes were rumpled and hair was a mess. There was no mistaking their actions.

  “Careful, Blake.”

  Blake lifted his glass with his drink in his hand and stared over the rim at his friend. “Careful about what?”

  “Something about you feels different. Be careful.”

  Blake squared his shoulders. “I’m always careful.”

  Samantha was walking toward them, a smile on her lips.

  Blake set his glass down and slid an arm around her waist. “You remember Carter?”

  “How can anyone forget Carter?” Samantha leaned forward when Carter kissed her cheek. Although his best friend didn’t threaten him in the least, Blake didn’t like seeing her eyes light up when they looked at his friend. “Is Hollywood calling you yet?”

  Carter laughed. Samantha had made a joke about his Hollywood good looks landing him a job on a movie set if he ever got tired of pursuing a career as a politician.

  “Not yet. I’m still waiting, though.”

  Blake’s arm tightened around her frame.

  “Your mother suggested we move into the ballroom to start the dancing. Seems no one will begin until we spin around a couple of times.”

  The thought of Samantha pressing close to him motivated his feet. “If you’ll excuse us.”

  Carter nodded as they walked away.

  “Have I told you how lovely you are tonight?” Blake whispered close to her ear.

  “You did. You clean up well yourself.”

  Enjoying her compliment, Blake smiled. He wore a tux, and why not? They didn’t have the opportunity to dress for their wedding, so this would have to do.

  The entered the ballroom where a string quartet played in one corner. When they spotted the two of them, they ended the song they were playing and started another.

  The moment the music began, he led Samantha to the center of the room and swung her into his arms. Her hands lifted to his shoulders as they swayed to the music. Samantha’s cheeks blossomed with color. “People are staring.”

  Blake fanned his fingers along the edge of her dress to the small of her back and pressed her close. “That’s what they do for the bride and groom’s first dance.” And because he felt her stiffen, he teased her. “They want to see me trip.” Blake spun her around, their bodies close.

  “They might be waiting for awhile, you seem to know what you’re doing out here.”

  Blake removed one of her arms from his neck and led her into another swing before bringing her back. “I’ve danced a time or two.”

  “Or three or four.”

  She followed his lead, easing into his arms. By the time the dance ended, he was staring into her eyes. He lowered his lips to hers for a small taste.

  Cameras flashed and several people clapped as the quartet picked up another song. This time the dance floor started to fill.

  Samantha lifted her lips to his ear. “Was that kiss for the cameras?”

  His lips lifted. “That kiss was for you. But this one…” He dipped her low, arching her back and taking her mouth to his again before bringing her back up. “Is for the cameras.”

  Samantha chewed on her bottom lip as she smiled. “Jeeze, and I thought the English frowned on such public displays of affection.”

  Blake tossed his head back with laughter. “And we both know how much I long to be English.”

  Laughing, they spun around until Blake felt someone tap his
shoulder. He twisted to see Carter grinning. “Mind if I cut in?”

  Blake almost told him to bugger off. Instead, he tilted his head to his bride and let Carter dance with her.

  His gaze followed them around the dance floor wondering what Carter was saying to make her laugh.

  “Easy, big brother,” Gwen cooed beside him. “They’re just dancing.”

  “What?” Blake blinked and looked down at his sister.

  “Dancing, which I was hoping you’d do with me.” She tugged on his hand until he conceded.

  “I really like her.”

  Blake had to spin Gwen to see his wife. “She likes you, too.”

  “She’s a lot nicer than any of the girls you’ve been dating. I can see why you married her. Not to mention she’s American, which dad would have hated.”

  Blake forced his attention to his sister and her words. “I didn’t marry her to spite our dead father.” No, he’d married her because of his dead father.

  “But it doesn’t hurt that he wouldn’t have approved.”

  Was he so transparent that even his sister could see his demons? What if he was going through all this effort, all the lies, to tick off a dead man? What happened when Blake let go of all the animosity and pain from his past?

  “Don’t frown, Blake. People will think we’re fighting.”

  Blake turned his sister and forced a smile to his face. “What about you, Gwendolyn, had you ever thought of going against the man?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Mother needed me here. Can you imagine being left with him by yourself?”

  Blake actually blinked with his sister’s words. “I can’t, but I don’t think our mother would want you to give up your life for her.”

  Gwen patted his arm. “I know. We’ve talked about me traveling, seeing more of the world without her by my side. I suppose now that you’ve settled down, mother will focus more on you and your family.”

  “It’s just Samantha and I.”

  “Please, I have eyes. It won’t be long before there are more of you.”


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