by Tammy Horn
McKinley, Daniel
mead. See also beverages
Medina Honey Fest
Mehring, Johannes
Mendelson, M. H
Merrick, Jeffrey
Metcalf, Eva-Maria
metheglin. See mead
Mexican War
Meyer, A. H.
Middleton Place
migratory beekeeping: nineteenth-century; twentieth-century
Millen, F. Eric
Miller, C. C.
Miller, Jay
Miller, John
Miller, Nephi
Miller, Rita
Miller, Woodrow
Mississippi (river)
Mississippi (state): during Civil War; twentieth-century blacks and; twenty-first-century; women in
Missouri (state), bee hunts
Mitchell family
mites. See also trachael mites; varroa mites
Moffett, Joseph
molasses. See sugar
Moore, James “Slim Harpo; “I’m a King Bee
More Than Moonshine (Farr)
Morgan, Robert, “Moving the Bees
Morgan, Rufus
Morganfield, McKinley “Muddy Waters; “Honey Bee
Morman Centennial. See also Latter-day Saints
Mormons. See Latter-day Saints
Morrison, Van, “Tupelo Honey
Morse, Ephraim
Morse, Roger
Morton, Jelly Roll
Morton, Thomas
Mountain, Robin
moveable frame, description of
“Moving the Bees” (Morgan)
Mrs. Tupper’s Journal
music; blues; gospel; Mormon songs; rock‘n’roll; Shaker hymns; spirituals
Mussen, Eric
Naeglin, Edouard
Naile, Florence, America’s Master of Bee Culture
Nakrani, Sunil
Nantucket (Mass.)
National Bee Journal
National Honey Board
Native Americans; Algonquian tribes; Apache; Caddo; Cherokee; Choctaw; Comanche; Delaware; Dutch and Finno-Swedes; Iroquois; Thomas Jefferson and; Ojibwa; Osage; Pequot tribes; Plains Indians; Shawnee; Sioux;
Natural History (Pliny)
Neal, Julia, The Kentucky Shakers
Nelson, Eric
New Amsterdam, See Holland
Newbury (Mass.)
New Hampshire
New Harmony
New Jersey
New Mexico
New Netherlands. See Holland
newspapers: Deseret News (Utah) 94; Arizona Citizen; Arizona Daily Star; Boston Gazette (Mass.) 59; Boston Patriot (Mass.); Pittsburgh Leader (Pa.); Somerville, Ala., Falcon; Louisville Courier-Journal (Ky.); Gridley, (Colo.) Herald; New York Tribune; Washington Star
New York (city)
New York (state): folklore, slaves in 49; nineteenth-century
New World; eighteenth-century
New World Carniolans
North Carolina; nineteenth-century
North Dakota
numbers (Bible verse)
Nunez, Victor, Ulee’s Gold,
nursery rhymes
Nuttall, Thomas
Oertel, Everett
Ohio: early nineteenth-century; eighteenth-century; late twentieth-century
Ohio Frontier (Hurt)
One Hundred and Third Illinois
One Hundred and Thirty-second Pennsylvania Infantry
orchards. See crops
Owen, Robert
package bee industry. See also bee industry; queen rearing
Page, Robert, Jr.
Park, O. W.
Pastorius, Francis Daniel
Peabody, Erin
Peace Corps
Pellett, Frank-63; History of American Beekeep-ing
Pellett, Kent Louis
Pendall, David
Penn, William
Penncap-M. See pesticides
Pennsylvania: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; seventeenth-century;
Petty, Tom, “Honey Bee
Phillips, E. F.
Plath, Sylvia, Ariel,
Pliny, Natural History
poison. See pesticides
Politics and Ideas in Early Stuart England (Sharpe)
pollen, and discussion of North American plants
pollination industry
portable extraction units. See also extractors
Post, Marion; “Busy Bee Home Social Club
Potter, Stephen, Commoners, Tribute, and Chiefs
poverty: causes of, in seventeenth-century England; in seventeenth-century America; in nineteenth century; in twentieth century
Powers, Irvin
Powhatan (chief of Algonquian empire)
Pratz, Antoine Le Page du
Prete, Frederick
Price Support System
Progressive Bee Culture
Puerto Rico
Pure Food Act of 1906
Quakers: seventeenth-century; role of, in American Revolution; Quinby;
queen bees (insect). See also queen rearing
queen bees (people)
queen breeding. See queen rearing
queen rearing: nineteenth-century; twentieth-century
quilting bees
Quimby, Roxanne
Quinby, Moses
Quinn-Laidlaw system
Rains, Euclid
railroads: early nineteenth-century; late nineteenth-century,
Ramsey, Ralph
Raylor, Timothy
Reagon, Bernice, Sweet Honey in the Rock
Rediker, Marcus, Many-Headed Hydra
Reformed Commonwealth of Bees, The (Hartlib)
rehabilitation clients
religion: Amish; Catholicism; Church of England; Congregationalists; Dutch Reformed Church; French Huguenots; Hutterites; Judaism; Latter-day Saints; Lutherans; Mennonites; Moravians; Pilgrims; Puritans; Quakers; Shakers; See also candles; lost wax molds
Revkin, Andrew
Revue Internationale d’Apiculture
Rio Grande (river)
Robinson, Gene
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Root, A. I.: ABC & XYZ of Bee Culture; role of, in twentieth
Root, Ernest
Root, Huber
Root, John
Rothstein, Arthur
Roughing It (Twain)
Roulette, William
round dance
Rowe, Mike
Sachs, William
Salt Lake City (Utah)
San Antonio Honey Peddler (Lee)
“Saving the Bees” (Stuart)
Scott, Howard
Secret Life of Bees, The (Kidd)
Serra, Junipero
Seventy-second Pennsylvania Fire Zouve
Sevin. See pesticides
Seyffert, Carl, Biene und Honig im Volksleben der Afrikaner (“Beekeeping in Africa”)
Sharpe, Kevin, Politics and Ideas in Early Stuart England
ships; factor in wax moth; Mayflower,; Phoenix; Sea Venture; Sonora
Shoemaker, Eugene
Showler, Karl
Simpson, Jason
single drone insemination
/> Sioux Bee Honey Association
skeps: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; 105; seventeenth-century; twentieth-century; twenty-first-century
slavery: in eighteenth-century; in nineteenth-century; in seventeenth century
small hive beetle
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Lee, Fair and Tender Ladies 45
Smithsonian Renwick Gallery
SMR. See suppressed mite reproduction
Snelgrove’s bee hive ice cream
social reforms
“Song of the Queen Bee” (White)
South Carolina:
South Dakota
Southland Queen
Sparks, Bonnie
Spivak, Marla
Stechelhausen, L.
Stegner, Wallace, Mormon Country
Stevenson, Charlotte
Stockton, Frank, The Bee-Man of Orn
Stoll, Steven: The Fruits of Natural Advantage; Larding the Lean Earth
Stratton-Porter, Gene, The Keeper of the Bees,
Street, O. D.
Stryker, Roy
Stuart, Jesse: “The Beatinest Boy 13; “Saving the Bees
Stuyvesant, Peter
sugar: eighteenth-century; nineteenth-century; twentieth-century; seventeenth-century; twentieth century use of
Sugden, Evan
sulfa drugs
supressed mite reproduction (SMR)
Swarm, The (Allen)
swarms (insects): in seventeenth century; in nineteenth century; in twentieth century. See also folklore
swarms (people)
Sweden, seventeenth-century
Sweet Honey in the Rock
Szabo, Daniel
Szabo, Tibor
tall tales. See folklore
tanging. See folklore
Texas; in Civil War; German and Irish migration to; as a republic; statehood of; tall tales about; twentieth-century; women in
Texas State Beekeepers Association
Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston)
“To a Honey Bee Who Hath Drunk Too Much Wine” (Freneau)
Tontz, Clay
Tour on the Prairies (Irving)
Tovey, Craig
trachael mites
trains. See railroads
“Tupelo Honey” (Morrison)
Tupper, Ellen
Turnbo, Silas, White River Chronicles
Turner, Charles H.
Twain, Mark, Roughing It
Ulee’s Gold (Nunez)
Ulloa, Antonio de
Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, Good Wives
Uncle Remus (Harris)
United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearance. See Shakers
United States Department of Agriculture
unknown transfer of ownership of hives
Unser, Daniel, Jr.
USDA. See United States Department of Agriculture
Utah: nineteenth-century; twentieth-century
Utopian communities. See Harmonians; Icarians; Latter-day Saints; New Harmony; Shakers
varroa mites
Vaughan, Stevie Ray, “Honey Bee
Vexed and Troubled Englishmen, (Bridenbaugh)
Vietnam War
Virgil: Aeneid; influence of, on American agrarian philosophy
Virginia; twentieth-century
Virginia Company
waggle dance
Wagner, Samuel: imports and; and ABJ
Waiting for Aphrodite (Hubbell)
Walker, Larry
war. See American Revolution; Civil War; Honey War; Korean War; Mexican War; Vietnam War; World War I; World War II
War Procurement Board
Washington (state)
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, George
Washington, Margaret (scholar)
Washington, Margaret Murray (wife of Booker T)
Washington, Martha
Waters, Muddy, “Honey Bee
Watts, Isaac, “How Doth the little Busy Bee
wax. See beeswax
wax moth
weather: El Nino; experiments with bees; in seventeenth century England; twentieth-century;
Webb, Walter Prescott, The Great Plains
Webster, Tom
Welsch, Roger
West India Company
White, Anna, “Busy Bee
White, E.B., “Song of the Queen Bee
White River Chronicles of Silas Turnbo (Keefe and Morrow, eds.)
Whynott, Douglas, Following the Bloom
Wilson, Bill
Winthrop, John
Withington, Ann
women: in early twentieth century; in eighteenth century; in late twentieth century; in nineteenth century; in seventeenth century;
Wood, William
worker bees (insect)
worker bees (people)
Works Progress Adminstration (WPA)
World History of Beekeeping and Honey Hunting (Crane); colonical practices, description of lost wax molds; discussion of African beekeeping; forests
World War I
World War II
WPA. See Works Progress Administration
Wright, Richard
YMCA. See Young Men’s Christian Association
Young, Brigham
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)
Zeisberger, David
Zinzendorf, Ludwig von