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by L. J. Hoffman

  “Miranda Shaw, but most everyone just calls me Randi.”

  “Well, Randi, I can’t say I’ve come across anyone else tonight that’s had such a harrowing experience. Not that I’m making light of it, because I’m certainly not. Perhaps once you get rest you’ll see things differently.”

  “Not fucking likely.” With a flush of embarrassment, Randi put her hand over her mouth and closed her eyes. As she opened them again, she really took a good look at the officer to whom she was speaking. His blond hair was a military haircut and ocean blue eyes drew her in, almost leaving her breathless. If she were guessing, she’d say he was over six feet tall, with a muscular build that was garnered by serious gym time. He seemed unfazed by her honesty. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was slightly amused. “Officer, I’m sorry that was rude. Really, I’m fine, and I appreciate your concern, but home is a few steps away and I so want to just get there. I will be fine, I am fine.”

  “I believe you. Hopefully the next time our paths cross, it’ll be under different circumstances.” As if compelled to comfort and encourage her he added, “Life tests our resolve, and relationships in particular, can be a challenge. I like to think when one door closes, another one is opening up. Kind of a fresh start, but with the benefit of lessons we’ve learned along the way. Glad to meet you Randi Shaw, and pleased you’re home safe.”

  As his patrol car eased back onto Orchard Road, Randi gave a timid wave to Officer Timmons. He acknowledged her wave with one of his own, and then he was gone.


  Rolling over to check the time on her cell phone Jenna Timmons knew she’d have to make everything look normal when Luke got home. Generally she’d already be up by now. Still in pajamas and having coffee on the deck in the summertime. Or if it were the colder months, she’d be curled up on the sofa in front of the gas fireplace.

  Last night definitely hadn’t gone as she’d hoped. Randi showing up was an unexpected complication, but in the end, she figured it all probably worked out for the best. The lure of Chad Wingert was more than Jenna could deny. For the last year, she’d been enjoying the sexual attention of the oh so hot, Chad. He scratched an itch for her that no other man had even come close to soothing. From her living room window, Jenna had watched Randi slip into her car and leave Chad’s at around four that morning. He was furious at Randi for not going to his bed and giving him release. Jenna and Chad were already primed and ready for action when Randi walked in on them. Jenna was disappointed and frustrated by the intrusion, too.

  Jenna could think of nothing else but unbridled sex with Chad. Luke was refusing to see things her way. He was being unreasonable and she would get her way. To quell her mounting frustrations, she needed the comfort of mindless sex, and that meant Chad. Usually Randi was in town, so Chad never felt as though he could risk having Jenna slip over to his house. It was so easy, since Luke worked nights, and under the cover of darkness, she could easily walk off her deck and around the back of her house directly to Chad’s kitchen door. Definitely away from the prying eyes of any curious Circle Court neighbors. Last night she had expected Chad to be available immediately upon Luke leaving. But apparently while she was showering, preparing for pleasure, and picking the right lingerie, Chad had left. Frustration was magnified by the hour and she was pissed. Repeated calls to his cell went straight to voicemail. No… she would not leave a message! Once he saw missed calls from her number, he’d realize mutual desires would be satisfied. Sex just the way each liked it, wild and crazy. He never enjoyed that with dear sweet Randi.

  As the night of one day broke into the early morning of a new day, Jenna was twitchy with need for Chad. How dare he just leave when he knew this was their last night without Randi in the picture! She would not be denied. Hearing his truck pull into the garage at around three A.M., she quickly slipped off her deck and over to his kitchen door. He had just walked into his house when Jenna rushed in behind him and pushed hard against his back. His body lurched forward, all but toppling him since he was midway into taking off his t-shirt. Growling deeply, he turned around to see soft round breasts, covered by a white tank top, heaving with desire and lips, the color of cherries, pursed and begging for attention.

  “Sooooo…that’s the way you wanna do this tonight?” Immediately he felt all the blood rushing to his groin and an impatient arousal tightening inside his jeans. All he saw were her breasts and lips and a familiar temper that he knew would give him release just the way he liked it. Vivid images of her moving beneath him, and over him, and with him were overtaking his thoughts. His mind was already anticipating the feeling of her going down his body. Lower, and lower still. In one fluid motion, he snagged her forearms and pulled her into him. She whimpered and purred with satisfaction.

  Jenna could feel his strength how hard he was for her. She wanted him. Her hours of waiting and wanting brought her to a fever pitch. He’d bury himself so deeply inside her wetness that when he drove into her with his final thrust, his seed would explode and fill her giving her what she wanted. A baby. It didn’t have to be Luke’s baby because any baby would do. Chad wouldn’t want the responsibility, but a part of her secretly hoped he might. She was easy sex, the way he liked it, rough, hard and dirty.

  “Chad… don’t make me wait anymore. I could just as easily go back home.”

  He released her and walked over to his refrigerator. Opening the stainless steel door he grabbed a beer. As he reached for the water, she slammed the door and pressed her back against it. She was so hot that the coolness of the stainless steel made her shiver. Slowly, Chad twisted off the cap of the beer, took a long hard pull and put the cold bottle in her hand. Heat radiated off him, and she could see the zipper of his jeans bulging and pulling. Chad’s body blocked everything else in the kitchen out. Watching as he took his right hand and unbuttoned the top of his jeans, she heard a key in a lock. The kitchen door was opening. Shock was registering in both their eyes. Who? Luke? No, Randi! Randi was home. The heated moment interrupted, and Jenna’s plan foiled.

  I have to get up I’ve laid here longer than I should. Leaning down to Chad’s pillow she very gently cooed, “Chad. Chad baby. I have to go. Luke will be home soon.”

  Rolling over onto his back, he sighed and wiped his right hand down his face and over his mouth. Never opening his eyes, he simply mumbled, “Whatever. You know the way out. I’m sure you’ll be back.” Then he rolled back on his stomach and drifted back into dreamland.

  Smiling and throwing back the covers, Jenna slipped down the stairs, out the door, over to her own deck and into the kitchen. She put coffee in the Keurig and shook her head in complete satisfaction. Oh Chad…I will be back, but I am so glad you were able to come again and again. Maybe luck will be on my side. Lifting her cup off the Keurig, she went back out on the deck to enjoy a glorious July morning. The sun was rising, the birds were singing, and she thought of Luke. Dear sweet Luke. Perhaps he’d had time to feel remorse that they’d argued. He always wanted to see the best in people. Maybe he convinced himself that Jenna was just moody, and they were just having a rough patch as all marriages do. Sipping her coffee and smiling brightly, she figured an apology could shift power to her. Get lucky times two; double her chances of getting pregnant.


  The next time Chad awoke, he lifted his cell phone off the nightstand to check the time. Nine fifteen. Randi probably would still be sleeping after driving all night, but damn her, she pissed him off. Why’d she just up and leave? She’d never done that before. He was going to chalk it up to her being exhausted. After all, how exciting could being an insurance agent really be? People pay for what if’s, hell we all do it. What if a deer runs into my car? What if my neighbor trips on my deck and breaks their arm? What if? What if Randi doesn’t believe what I told her? What if she calls our relationship quits? What if I lose this beautifully pure and simple woman? She’s not like all the others; she’s marriage material. Picking up his cell phone, he dialed her n
umber which went straight to voicemail. “Damn it, Randi. You can’t ignore me for long.”

  Chad threw back the covers on his King-size bed. His clothes were hap-hazardly, tossed around the bedroom, and the rumpled sheets taunted him. Jenna had been totally out of control during their battle of passion. Raised voices, cries of pleasure, and breathless pants were the foundation of their sexual encounters. Each enjoyed it, and each thrived on it.

  Randi had sped away in anger. When he shut the front door, Jenna was knocking softly at his kitchen door. Letting her in, and without uttering a single word, he turned to go back up to his bedroom. Thrusting his right arm behind him, she grasped his hand and shamelessly followed close behind. Dropping his boxers, he flopped on the bed and Jenna was on him immediately. Chad had closed his eyes and resigned himself that Randi could be dealt with later. He was angry over how she’d reacted to the situation by just leaving. Then he remembered. Remembered what his body was urging of him before Randi unlocked that kitchen door. Sexual need demanding he allow himself the pleasure Jenna offered. She was roaming his body, touching him, kissing him, fondling and enticing him. Grabbing Jenna around her waist, he placed her beneath him and drove his need home. She liked his rough edgy side, and he needed to burn off some steam. Pounding into Jenna and her clutching him tight gave him the release he needed. She was there, and she enjoyed the ride, the harder the better.

  He needed a hot shower. The heated water enveloping his body would clear his head and help him gain perspective. Not to mention cleanse away the smell of sweat, sex, and Jenna’s perfume. He’d change the bed sheets and toss them in the washer once he was dressed and headed downstairs. Randi didn’t need another thing to question him about, and he was certain she’d return to his bed willingly. She always does. He’d try to call her again closer to lunchtime. Maybe he could sweet-talk her into going out. Give her some sleep, some food, and time being back home and the tide of misunderstanding might turn into a favorable direction for him. He wanted to keep her, not marry her – right now, but have a nice girl to balance out all the others. Chad wasn’t her first relationship, yet how’d he get so lucky? He took great pride in showing Randi off as - his woman. Their lovemaking was gentle and easy, which meant it was more work for him than pleasure. Randi seemed to enjoy their sexual interludes, but she lacked the kind of drive Chad had to have. She was too boring for him, but if ever he married, she’d be the one. The key to balance for him was for her to think she was the only one, while he screwed anyone he wanted. All right under her nose and without her knowledge. Actually the rush of adrenaline for him was keeping the secret. All of the hidden moments, the sneaking, and lies kept his excitement up. Ten times over, his carnal pleasure was multiplied by getting laid by women of every age, size, and color. Sex any way he liked it, and the best of both worlds. All the while continuing to entertain and nurture one woman with the sole purpose of someday being his wife and mother to his children. Sometime, but just not now.


  Warm. Relaxed. She could feel the sunshine blanketing her and warming her down to her very soul. The smell of coconut and beach teased her nostrils and bade her to drift. Let go. One right after the other, she could hear the waves tirelessly rolling ashore. Seagulls were squawking as they flew overhead, searching for any morsel of food. If it was out of your hand you could be guaranteed it would be scooped up and swallowed quickly. Time was moving s-l-o-w. The sun was fading, no longer warm. She was falling. Plunging towards a giant door at the bottom of an empty pool. STOP. Frantically her hand tried to open the door. There’s no knob. Knock, knock, harder and harder pounding with both hands on the door. A name. That name….knocking louder, calling my name. My name!

  “Open the damn door, Randi, or so help me God, I’ll bust it in. You have till I count three. One. Two. Last chance….Three.”

  Randi yanked open her apartment door, pushing some run away curls from her face and hissed, “Chad what the hell. I was trying to catch up on some much needed sleep and momentarily enjoying a spectacular dream. That is, until you ruined it. Like that would be anything new.” She never moved away from her door or invited him in, but oh boy, did HE want in.

  “As much as I know you enjoy your sleep, I was worried about you. After you left last night, or rather this morning, I had to see you. I hoped after you had some sleep and calmed down, you’d realize what a simpleton you were being.”

  Putting up a hand and stopping him, her blue green eyes bore into him. “You bastard! You did not just call me a simpleton. You did not just imply that I left your house slamming doors or squealing tires out the drive. Quite the opposite actually, but then you didn’t notice did you? You were just enraged that simpleton Randi didn’t meekly follow you up to bed and buy into the line of bullshit you were selling after your neighbor left.” She knew her neck was red. The frustration level she felt and the fact that he still took no responsibility for his actions had worn on her last nerve.

  “Let me come in. We’ll talk about it.” He tried to angle past her and enter the apartment.

  Blocking the door with her body, stiff as a board, she glared into his determined eyes. “NO. I’ll at least have the guts to tell you this conversation is over. This relationship is over. I’m done. Don’t call me. Don’t drop by. For two years, you had me fooled but not anymore. Your bed is just a little too crowded for me.”

  He couldn’t believe she was saying this. His sweet Randi? She’d slept, but she still was not hearing him. How irrational could she be? She was his and no other man was going to touch her as he had. No other man would feel her tremble beneath him. Her lips would not call out another man’s name in the heat of passion. His control was slipping. Hell what control? He was losing Randi and being dismissed. Reaching out to place his hand at the nap of her neck to pull her into his face, she jerked back in disgust. Rage was beginning to overwhelm him. He was crazed by her treatment of him. Dropping his hands to his sides, he began to slowly clench and unclench his fists. Locked on her beautiful blue green eyes, he vowed, “You will not end us. No other man will replace me.”

  Randi did a little humph, shrugged her shoulders, and lifted her chin taunting him with defiance. “Dumbass! You ended us, and you can be replaced. Now go or I will call 9-1-1, and you can vent your threats to the police.” She backed up, hurriedly shut her apartment door and locked it. Immediately, a single kick sounded at the bottom of the door. Then silence.

  Her life at this very moment was crowding her. She’d like nothing more than to turn her car around and head south. Chase her dream of warmth, relaxation…a beach escape. Too bad she needed a job to pay rent, make a car payment, pay utility bills, afford insurance, and eat. Maybe if I won the frickin’ lottery!

  Flopping on her couch, she laid her head back on the arm. Her mind was doing a slide show of the last twenty four hours. Officer Timmons flashed into her mind. “Oh holy shit!” She brought her head up with eyes wide, spun and placed both feet solidly on the floor. The door in her dream. The door she just slammed in Chad’s face. The take my breath away cop, could he be Chad’s neighbor’s husband? What had Jenna called him? Think Randi, think. L….L….Luke! Officer Luke Timmons. What were the odds? How could she find out? Think Randi. Just then her cell phone rang. Not recognizing the number, she left it go to voicemail. Once the alert came through that she had a message, she entered the code and waited.

  “Hey Randi. I’m still holding out that you’ll see that sorry son of a bitch Chad for the dick that he is and call me. Or, your girl, Linda, aka my lovely wife. Seriously, we were thinking about a week at the beach. We managed to snag an oceanfront house from one of the bosses at my work. I thought you girls might like to sit around soak up some sun, bust on men – past or present, and enjoy adult beverages till your heart’s content. No need to ever leave the house. You’ll have a helluva view, good food, great company, and drinks. Oh yeah, I got a new cell phone through work so you probably didn’t recognize the number. But call me. Soon. We pla
n to be gone the entire first week of August. Just say yes! Talk soon. Bye.”

  David and Linda Dupont knew most everyone in town. Perhaps one of them would know the Timmons. One call, and her door to freedom opened, providing her escape. Sadly, Randi put their friendship on the back burner since Chad came along. He never seemed to enjoy their warmth and couldn’t understand how two people could be that crazy about each other ten years into marriage. She missed her friends. No need to t-h-i-n-k about going with them because she was all in. After attending the workshops in Charlotte, she was due a paid week and she planned on taking it the first week in August. Everything David described sounded perfect. Wish I could let Officer Timmons know one door did close and another is opening up. “Coffee! I need coffee.”


  Luke parked the truck outside the garage since he wasn’t sure if Jenna would still be in a foul mood. If he needed to “get the hell outta Dodge,” he wanted to do it quickly. When he entered the kitchen, he smelled freshly brewed coffee so he knew she was up. He glanced into the living room and just as he decided to chance crossing to the stairs, he heard the patio door slide open behind him. He laid his keys on the kitchen island and turned around to see Jenna step into the kitchen. She deliberately and seductively walked over to where he was standing.

  Placing both her hands at each side of his face, she pulled his lips to hers. Almost touching lips to lips, allowing their breath to intermingle, she whispered. “I’m so sorry for having a meltdown. I hate it when we fight and you go to work mad at me.” A shared light kiss and then with a little more lust, she mewed, “I know you must be tired. Let me snuggle with you for a while. I want to be close. Feel your heart beat under my hand, my skin touching your skin.” All the while her left hand is finger walking down his broad chest, headed for the waist of his jeans, and then palm flat, she slides over is semi-erect penis.


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