Home > Other > THEIR LIES, OUR LIVES > Page 6

by L. J. Hoffman

  “Hell no! I’m good…your wife would be pissed to see US together.”

  “Really? What makes you say that?” Luke had no idea what would make Chad say such a thing. Why would Jenna care if he and Chad were together?

  Chad realized his stupid comment and tried to justify it. “What I mean is she might think you were out all night with me, doing a bar tour, and picking up women. I was just being my dumbass self.” Hoping that would smooth things out he avoided looking at Luke.

  “I don’t think she’d care much honestly, but if you’re good, I’ll be on my way.”

  Chad nodded in the affirmative, and just as Luke was heading back to his car a burning question formed and was spoken. “Hey, when you two gonna have some kids? Our neighborhood needs to grow.”

  Luke turned, and pointed to Chad. “No! We aren’t having kids. I’ll let that up to you.”

  Not the answer Chad was hoping for. Turning to hop into his truck he grumbled, “Shit, shit, shit…what the fuck I have gotten myself into!”


  How dare he pull the love card! Meet me for coffee. Not gonna happen. I can just ignore the message. He was probably at a low point in his day, and figured he’d try one more tactic to try to persuade things to go his way. No, never…done. He’ll never love me the way I need or deserve. He blew it, and I’m all the better for it.

  Tomorrow, she would be hitting the road for North Carolina, so she had a lot to get done today. None of those things included Chad Wingert. Sipping her coffee, she thought about Luke, and the coffee shop. He had been such a gentleman, thinking to ask her first, before he accepted David’s invitation to join the group on the Outer Banks. Luke Timmons needed this get away as much, if not more than Randi. She could only imagine how miserable Jenna was making his life. Time away would do him a world of good, and she’d get to peel away some layers of Luke Timmons. Naked…muscled….naked…..OMG Randi…stop, get a grip! Maybe encouraging him to go was wrong? But they’re adults, dealing with adult relationships and friends. They are just friends.

  Realizing the time, she got moving so she could get all her errands done to allow herself ample packing time. Her mind was already driving the familiar roads south, but in reality she would not be doing that until tomorrow. As she headed towards the mall she wondered briefly, if Chad was a little drunk when he placed that call. His voice did sound a little different, but she knew he was not serious about loving her. A man who loves a woman doesn’t do what he’d been doing to Jenna Timmons. Shaking that thought from her head she parked, and headed into the stores. Her first stop would be shoes; she needed a new pair of sandals. Well, maybe not need, but she wanted a new pair. Browsing she felt as though someone were watching her. Silly? Probably just security monitoring shoppers in the mall. Trying on two pair she decided on the red ones, paid and moved along. Passing the perfume counter she couldn’t help but sample the latest fragrances. Nothing seemed to appeal to her, so she kept right on going. As she headed down the corridor to the food court, she again had a sense of being watched. She always listened to her gut, and it was telling her to be alert. Before she reached the food court she stopped to look in the window of a fine jewelry store. The array of rings and necklaces were breathtaking , and she wondered if she’d ever get to own and wear a diamond engagement ring as beautiful as some sparkling there.

  “Pick one baby, I love you.” A low, masculine hushed voice was unnervingly close. He was watching her, and now he is right behind her. Hands on her waist, head bent low to her ear. “I need you Randi, you have no idea how much I want you. Please baby, let’s work this out.”

  Moving was not an option since he was holding her in place, but she wanted to scream and run. She didn’t want the attention of all the other shoppers, but she had to make him understand he needed to let her go and move on. Calm control over her voice, and tilting her head slightly away from his mouth. Softly she answered. “You may want me, but you don’t love me, and I have no intention of ever working this out. We’re finished. Please accept that.”

  Sighing heavily he asked, almost pleading. “At least have coffee with me. I just want a coffee, and to spend a little time not arguing. Give me that much. Please Randi.”

  “Promise me that it will be one coffee and then you will stop. Stop contacting me, and do as I’ve asked, and accept that we’re over. Promise me that Chad, and I’ll have one coffee.”

  He hated to agree, but he had to talk to her. “I’ll do my best,” and he gently directed her to the coffee kiosk.

  Once each had their coffee they sat down at a little bench, not side by side, there was a little space between. Chad didn’t know how to begin, but he knew he would have to go first. “Like I said sorry is empty for you now I know, but it’s the only word I have. I’m sorry for so many things, you can’t even begin to imagine. It’s taken this time apart for me to realize how much our relationship has meant to me.”

  “Chad, don’t do this. You promised.”

  “I said baby I’d try, and I am, but all I want to do is pull you into my arms and feel you close. Kiss you, run my hands in your crazy curls, and make love you. Love you like I’ve never done before. I ache for you Randi. I want to wake up to you every morning, and hold you in the night. I want to see you pregnant with our children. I can be so good to you, and I would treat you so right. I have changed. Please! If you need me to beg baby I am. I will.”

  Randi couldn’t even look at him. Here he was pouring his heart out to her, and all she could think was that it was lies. The technique was perfect, the presentation flawless, and he was sincere. The extra points came when he tossed in the children bit….seriously where the hell did that come from. They NEVER talked of forever. They NEVER talked of children, and he NEVER, EVER even said that he loved her until now. And now it just didn’t matter, because she couldn’t believe him. Not ever. Apparently lies were what he understood, so she would fabricate some of her own if it meant he’d get out of her life.

  “Chad, please stop. I’m interested in someone else. I have been for a while now. Your actions simply provided the opportunity for me to end a relationship that was wrong for both of us. As I’m sure you understand, sometimes you just meet a person that pushes all your buttons in the right way. That man is not you; you are not the man I want. I have to go now, please try to be happy…” she stood to leave, tossing her coffee in the trash. She picked up her bag, and began walking away from the bench intent on doing more mindless retail therapy to make her forget. Let him wonder who the man is that has replaced him. Lies ruined everything. Chad and Jenna had ruined so much with their lies. Luke. Me. Our lives were manipulated by them. They deserve to be miserable together, sharing a life built from lies. But was she any better? She suspected something between Jenna and Chad, yet she hadn’t told Luke. Would he see her as a liar? Was her silence consent? Was it her place to tell him? So many questions,and no concrete answers.


  David and Linda Dupont were sitting at the dining room table going over the final vacation checklist. They were leaving bright and early the next day, and planned to arrive well before Randi and Luke. Linda was tapping a pencil absently against the wooden tabletop, and David knew she had something nagging at her. He wanted to clear the air before they hit the road, or it could be a very, very long ride.

  “You might as well let me hear it now. I know something is weighing on that pretty little head of yours.”

  Arching her eyebrows and giving him a little grin she mused. “Really, a little pencil tapping is telling you all that?”

  “Hell woman, I’ve been in tune with you for years. I’m not budging from this chair until you tell me, whatever it is, that’s on your mind. Don’t you want to go? Have you changed your mind?”

  “Certainly not! I want to go, and we are, it’s just ….. I’m concerned about our guests. Well, your guest…Luke.” Linda liked Luke and she wanted David to enjoy his vacation, but she had reservations. Randi was newly single, and vuln
erable. Luke is in the midst of ending his marriage, and what if Jenna made more of this trip than it really is. Giving a little sigh and resting her back against the chair, she tossed the pencil to the table. “They both are in relationship turmoil. Is this trip really the best thing for them? I have to wonder. You know if Jenna finds out he’s there, and especially with another single female, that can’t work in his favor.”

  “Honey, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. They aren’t a couple, and they sure as hell didn’t plan to come on this trip together. They have separate rooms, they’re adults. And, so what if they have a little fun between the sheets…I say it’d do them both good.” David rose from his chair and walked over to his wife. Gently putting his hands on her upper arms, he pulled her from the sitting position to stand directly in front of him. He lifted her chin upward, and stroked the pad of his thumb across her lips. “No worries, those two will relax and figure their lives out. While we, my sweet wife, enjoy warm ocean breezes, soft sand between our toes, cold drinks on the deck, and long nights loving. Sounds pretty damn spectacular to me gorgeous.” Bending his lips to meet hers, he kissed her with all the love in his heart. He knew she was worrying for nothing.


  The conversation he was reluctant to have with Jenna couldn’t be put off any longer. He wanted her to know where things stood, before he left for North Carolina. His reluctance wasn’t because he hadn’t made up his own mind, but her reaction would be explosive, and how can you really prepare for that. As normal, she was sitting on the deck with her coffee. She wouldn’t expect him to initiate small talk, but when he did she’d be wary. Grabbing his own cup of coffee, he slid open the patio door, and walked to the railing facing the backyard. Her silence, and the morning birds chirping to welcome the new day was all he heard. Luke turned to face her. She was sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms folded across her body…staring…watching…waiting.

  Confident and undeterred his voice broke the silence. “If you don’t have any objections I want to talk with you, and you can probably already guess about what. The way we’ve been living the past weeks and months isn’t any good for either of us.”

  “You’re right! We both could have handled things better, and I know I’ve said terrible things to you. But, Luke I was angry. I lashed out. I know I’ve been pushing about a baby. What I said about …her…well, I was hurting, and I wanted to hurt you back. I knew making you doubt she was actually your child would do that.” Jenna never moved, but simply attempted to justify her earlier behavior.

  WHAT? Is she trying to rescind her earlier admission of infidelity? What he heard coming out of her mouth was half apology, and half justification for her actions. He could feel his heart beating faster, and his anger beginning a slow boil. “Regardless of your reason you said it, and as far as I know, it was the truth? I’ll never trust you again. We both deserve to be happy. I’m damn sure I do! This sham of a marriage has no future. We should divorce, and go our separate ways. Life is too short to live it the way we’ve been.”

  What about their wedding vows? What was he saying? Divorce? He couldn’t divorce her now, not now. Until she knew what Chad was thinking, she had to hold onto her marriage. No way was she going to be alone, with a kid, and no man. Quickly she had to beg for more time. Make Luke give her more time. Setting her feet on the deck, she rose and walked over to where he stood. He studied her intently, and she met his eyes with an unwavering intensity. “Time. I need a little time to accept what you’re saying. There are so many things to consider Luke. After all, this was your house before we were married. So, I’d need to find an apartment. Maybe with a little time you’ll reconsider, since I know how much our marriage vows meant to you, and to me.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding?” Surely she didn’t think he was bluffing about something as serious as ending their marriage. He needed away from the situation. “I have to go out of town for a week. I’m actually leaving tomorrow. My decision is final Jenna, I won’t live like this. Shame on me for being the only one in this relationship who’d been committed.”

  “Would the baby we lost have kept you with me? Would you have been happy with our marriage if she’d been here?”

  “That’s so unfair Jenna!”

  “No Luke…the truth is, we wouldn’t be having this conversation if that baby had been born. Would you ever have been willing to have had a baby with me…be honest?”

  “Before….before your revelation the other night, and hell before a year ago….yeah, I would have. But, I trusted my gut, and apparently for good reason. Divorce is hard enough without children being involved.” Stepping to the side of her, he headed toward the patio door. Without turning to face her he stopped and clearly stated. “This week you figure it out. Come up with a relocation plan. We’ll talk again when I get back.”

  “Luke, where are you going? Can I call you?”

  “Cell, emergency only…that’s all you need to know.”

  Jenna’s mind was a whirlwind of thought, and she only had one week to convince Chad they were meant to be together, to be a family. If that wouldn’t work, she had to give the performance of her life and stop her divorce. Luke might doubt the baby she was carrying was his, but he couldn’t be certain beyond any reasonable doubt, so he’d stay with her. Once the baby was born he’d fall in love with it instantly and all would be perfect. Ultimately, she’d get what she wanted all along. Financial security and a baby to keep her husband bound to her for at least eighteen years. Plus, she was fairly certain Chad would let her back into his bed again…a win, win in her mind.

  Once Luke entered his bedroom and shut the door he could relax a little bit. She was up to something. Entirely too accommodating for such a serious conversation. No epic emotional explosion. Even when he said he’d be out of town a week, she didn’t fly into a tantrum. If this past year taught him anything, it was that things are not always as they appear with Jenna. Whatever was to her advantage was what suited her best. But he needed to put this mess out of his mind for at least a week.

  Salt air, rolling ocean waves, sandy beaches, warm sunshine, and a beautiful brunette. The wind blowing her curls this way and that. He longed to see her skin being kissed by the sun to a light golden brown. Randi’s blue green eyes pulled Luke into their pools of passion. If he never had any more time with Randi than this week, he was going to cherish it, and make the most of it.


  Sunshine was flooding Randi’s bedroom, and for a minute she tried to pull the covers over her eyes and wish herself back to sleep. Before she could slip back into slumber, she heard the familiar song from her cell letting her know she had a text message. It couldn’t be work. She hoped it wasn’t Chad. Maybe it was David or Linda. Throwing the covers off her body and grabbing the phone from the nightstand, she unlocked the screen. Reading the message through once, she had to read it again before the words registered in her sleepy head.

  “U can go with me no need 2 take 2 cars. Pick u up @ 10am & I will bring coffee. C u soon Luke.”

  How did he get her cell number? OMG! Could she be alone with him for a nine-hour drive? Driving one car made sense, but she hadn’t been prepared for this. Glancing at the clock she realized he’d be there is a little over an hour so she’d better get moving. Last evening her bags were packed so she had only a few last minute things to toss in, and she didn’t want to forget her camera. She loved getting up to catch the sun breaking over the horizon. Most would say the pictures look the same, but usually there was always something that made one different from the rest.

  At ten on the dot her doorbell rang, and peering out the peep hole she could see Luke standing outside her door. He had on a white T-shirt and khaki shorts, sunglasses pushed up on his head, and a large coffee in his hand. Her heart was beating like crazy, and she could hardly wait to open that door.

  “Good Morning! Already you know I need caffeine. Thanks for the coffee.”

  Luke flashed her a full o
n smile that defined his dimples, and offering her the foam cup, he confidently stepped forward. “It’s a long drive so I wanted to be certain we got started off on the right foot. I can only imagine how my text must have surprised you. But hey, it made sense. We both don’t need to drive, and I’ve been dying to take my truck on a road trip.”

  “Aren’t you afraid people will talk? Seeing us together, after all I’m not your wife.”

  “Well now, if they’re talking about me they’re letting someone else alone. And., because I thought you might be a little uncomfortable, I got our coffee and filled the gas tank before coming here. So, when we put your bags in we’re on the road out of town.”

  “Great, then grab those two bags and let’s go Officer Timmons. Oh, and one other thing. I control the radio on this road trip, but I’ll consider requests. You have satellite radio I hope.” Mischief and excitement danced in her eyes.

  “Satellite radio, six disc CD player, and regular radio. Did it ever occur to you that we might just enjoy getting to know one another, and that you might not even want to listen to the radio?” He couldn’t wait for her comeback because he knew she’d have one.

  Positioning her white sunglasses onto her head of crazy brown curls, she sipped her coffee and squarely stated, “Nope, hadn’t considered it! Trust me, after the first hour you’ll be glad for the music. Opera, I’m a big fan. Or, Broadway hits, love those.”

  His mouth nearly dropped to the floor. “I hope you’re not serious. Didn’t the coffee in hand get me any bonus points?”


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