Home > Other > THEIR LIES, OUR LIVES > Page 10

by L. J. Hoffman

  Jenna lunged forward and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. Sobbing and pleading at the same time she repeated. “Hold me, hold me and don’t ever let me go. No matter what, don’t ever let me go.”

  “Baby I got you. I got you.”

  As she pulled herself together she eased away from Chad caressing his face with both of her hands. “Only you baby.” Kiss “Never doubt that.” Kiss “Yes.” Kiss “Yes to everything.” Reaching for his hand, she placed it on her belly and held it in place with both of her hands. “Your baby, and I will be here with you 24/7.” For now, time was on her side. For now.


  What had started off as a sunny bright day turned into a dark, hide in your room day. Close your eyes to the world kind of day. Randi had sought the seclusion of her room after learning Luke had left, and after confessing to David and Linda her secret. Darkness now touched every corner of her room and enveloped her. The ocean was a constant pulse that reminded her time was moving on as she chose to stop. Too hide. What time was it anyway? If she could locate her cell she’d soon learn. Remembering she’d placed it on her dresser she sat up, pushed off the bed and walked. Never turning on a light she patted her hands around until she felt the familiar shape. Tapped a button, and was momentarily blinded by the glow of the screen. It was nearly ten p.m. Alerts indicated she had two missed calls, and one text message. She decided to read the text first. Sighing and dropping her head back in frustration when she saw a message from Chad. “Great, just fucking great he’s the last thing I need today.”

  His message read:

  U & Luke. I know! Luke & Jenna having baby. U will never have him! Hope u had fun. Party over babe.

  Baby, was the only word she could focus on. Now she knew why Luke had left so abruptly. That was his emergency at home. His wife was pregnant. He was going to be a father. Did he rush home because he was overjoyed at the news? Part of her felt physically ill. Jenna was going to have a baby. Luke wouldn’t walk away from his child; he’d never want to divorce her. They were going to be a family. Maybe Luke had left her a voicemail. Perhaps he’d explain if he didn’t have to face her. What if guilt over kissing her had kept him from facing her, and admitting he’d made a mistake. Moving on to the voice messages she didn’t recognize the first number.

  “Hello Miranda. This is Melissa Carpenter. You’d submitted a resume to our office in Charlotte a few weeks ago. We’re ready to begin interviews for an entry level position, and I’d like to set up a time to meet as soon as we can arrange it. Please get back to me before Friday. If I don’t hear from you I’ll assume you’re not interested. I was very impressed with you personally and your resume. Our company could be a good fit for you, if you don’t mind relocating. The number that would have registered on your phone is my office and you can reach me there. Look forward to speaking with you. Goodbye.”

  Randi had decided on a whim to explore employment options in North Carolina. Since she’d been in Charlotte for the workshop, she decided to test the waters. Nothing was holding her back from relocating, and maybe a fresh beginning was what she needed. She’d call Ms. Carpenter in the morning.

  The next number she recognized, and as she heard that voice her heart fluttered madly. Luke had called. His voice was strained and flat. His words were short, and to the point, yet his voice was soft and pained. “Randi…I…things are complicated. I...well I’m sorry. I never intended to hurt you. It’s just a mess, my life. You deserved an explanation in person, and maybe someday I can do that, but right now I just can’t.” Click.

  Tossing the phone on the bed Randi decided to go for a walk on the beach. Darkness inside or outside made no difference. For the next several hours she could hide. She could shed tears no one would see. This week was supposed to be her escape to freedom, but instead she was chained to her past, and taunted by possibilities.

  Chad knew somehow that she was with Luke. How? Jenna apparently couldn’t wait to spread the word that she was expecting. Chad knew. Luke knew. Did David know? Had Luke told David Jenna was pregnant? Luke said his life was complicated. Complicated because of the baby? Did he realize that maybe deep down he did love Jenna, and his baby was the answer? Shame on him if he thought a child was the solution. Was Luke sorry he’d met Randi? Thankfully, she was glad he’d left her a voice message and didn’t force a face to face talk. She knew she wouldn’t have survived looking into those beautiful blue eyes.

  As the moon spread a soft blanket of light on the beach she remembered Luke’s kiss. He’d said, “There’s one thing you’ll have when you go home that you didn’t have before.” And right before he kissed her he said, “Right now, this moment in time. You. Me...and this.” That moment was a lie. In that moment, when Luke decided to steal that kiss he’d cut her deep. Intentionally? Perhaps not, but when she’d least expect it the remembrance of that kiss would open a wound that she couldn’t heal or escape. But maybe she could avoid Luke and Jenna, and Chad by moving.

  Startling her from her pity party she heard Linda gently call her name, “Randi.”

  Randi didn’t jump. She didn’t even turn around, but simply patted the sand beside her and invited her friend to sit. Which Linda did in silence. No words passed between them, but the unspoken love and support of their friendship spoke volumes.


  Eggs were frying in the skillet, and David was just putting toast in the toaster when Linda entered the beach house kitchen. She had hoped Randi would be with him enjoying a cup of coffee and a laugh, but her absence told her otherwise.

  “Breakfast will be ready in couple of minutes. Hungry?” He could see she seemed troubled as she walked toward the massive windows facing the Atlantic. She wrapped her arms around herself and stared out at the ocean. Never commenting on what a beautiful day this last full day would be on the Outer Banks. There great week was ending on a very sour note, and there wasn’t a damn thing either of them could do about it.

  “Jenna’s pregnant?” Not stated by Linda, but asked in a question of David.

  “So she says,” David responded as he sat their breakfast on the table. “Come over and eat breakfast with me. Let’s try to enjoy our last full day here.”

  Quickly turning and splaying David with an annoyed look Linda fumed. “Don’t be ridiculous David we can’t have fun when our friends are in trouble. I don’t think Randi slept more than a couple of hours last night. I sat on the beach with her, in the dark in silence until there was a hint of daylight. She couldn’t even stand to see the sun come up. And Luke, did you hear from him? I suppose he’s all happy and loving life with his pregnant wife. Never mind that he flirted with Randi at every opportunity. I told you this would be a mistake. Luke should never have come along.”

  Calmly, David walked over and pulled Linda into his arms. He could feel her tremble and ease into his warmth. She wasn’t mad, she was upset by the circumstances and she couldn’t control those. The best she could do would be a good friend and support Randi and Luke. Resting his chin on her head, and slowly rubbing her back with his hands David soothed Linda’s fears. “Honey, we can’t do more than what we’re doing. You know that. Events fell into place and put Luke and Randi where they are right now in their lives. We can’t control that.”

  “I know, but I hate it. If Luke knew the truth he’d see that Jenna might be lying about a baby. He’d see she can’t be trusted, and his next door neighbor is stabbing him in the back. You’re his friend David, he’d believe you.”

  Shifting his wife so he could look into her eyes he relented. “You know I can’t. I have no proof Jenna is cheating. I am in the same boat as Randi. Luke believes his wife is having their baby, and he implied they still were intimate, regardless of their problems. So we’re just going to have to let this play out.”

  A cupboard door slammed shut behind them causing both David and Linda to jump. Randi was pouring herself a cup of coffee giving them an apologetic shrug. Without a doubt she would have heard what David said to
Linda. It would be hard realization for Randi if Luke had told her something different. But, David really didn’t know what Luke had told her if anything. Maybe he just needed to ask if she’d talked to him.

  “Morning you guys, sorry to interrupt. No worries, this pain in the ass will be gone by noon, and you can have the house to yourselves. Run naked, have sex all over the place, whatever you want.” Randi was struggling to be upbeat, and at the same time tell them she was leaving. Today.

  Linda scolded. “You are not a pain in the ass, and what the hell do you mean you’ll be gone by noon? Gone where? Why? How?”

  Randi knew she had to convince her friends she was of sound mind, not wallowing in regret, and ready to face the world if she had any hope of leaving that beach house in one piece. She’d called Ms. Carpenter and set up an interview for that evening in Charlotte. She’d secured a rental car that was being dropped off by noon, and she’d already packed.

  “No worries you two. I’m fine. Great news, I have an interview in Charlotte for an entry level position with an insurance firm, and if all goes well I hope to be relocating to North Carolina. There’s nothing to hold me back. So I think this a great opportunity, and a fresh start. I’m very excited.”

  David steadied Randi for long minute before asking the million dollar question. “Are you running away Randi?”

  “I’m running t-o-w-a-r-d something David.”

  Linda tried her luck at cracking Randi’s plan. “Would you be leaving if Luke were still here?”

  Randi couldn’t turn away and not face them. They’d both know instantly she was lying. So she lied to her friends. Bold faced, and sincere. “Yes, I would. I got so wrapped up in this place, in him. Our attraction was misplaced, and after some time to have my own personal pity party I realized how stupid I was. Luke has a life, and whatever it is or isn’t, he has to work it out.”

  “You’re right Randi, he does. But know this. Luke is one of the good guys, no matter what you might believe deep down.” David knew she was lying, but he’d never call her on it. Randi needed to believe in her lie to save herself.


  The sun was beginning to set low in the sky when Luke arrived home to an empty house. He’d put his truck in the garage, but didn’t bring anything inside he was too anxious to discuss Jenna’s unexpected news. She wasn’t on the deck, she wasn’t upstairs, and it would seem she just wasn’t home. Odd she wouldn’t be home, her car was in the garage. Maybe one of her friends picked her up and they went shopping, or out for dinner. His recliner was tucked in a corner of the living room where he could see the circle of homes located in their development. When she got back, he’d see her arriving and he could steel himself for a conversation he’d anticipated since listening to her message early that morning.

  Luke must have dozed off when he heard the patio door sliding open. He remained still and quiet, as he’d have expected Jenna to enter from the front or garage door. A male voice broke the silence, and an unmistakable feminine giggle made his body tense. The house was bathed in total darkness until the kitchen light was switched on by Chad or Jenna.

  “Stop it Chad I need to pee.”

  “Oh no, don’t tell me you’re gonna be one of those pregnant women who has to pee all the time.”

  “How would you know about that? Been around a lot of pregnant women lover?”

  Lover? What the hell was Jenna doing referring to Chad as lover, and why were they talking about her pregnancy so candidly. Seconds seemed like hours. Adrenaline rushed through Luke’s veins. He wanted to spring from his chair and confront the two of them. But, he’d wait. Apparently Jenna’s pregnancy wasn’t the only thing he didn’t know about. Then he heard a low female moan, and kissing sounds coming from the kitchen.

  “Uumm. thought you had work to do and you just wanted to see me in the door safe and sound.”

  Chad was kissing Jenna’s neck and had backed her against the kitchen island. “I know that’s what I said…but…what if we..”

  Jenna interrupted him mid-sentence. “Naughty boy, wasn’t all day good enough for you?”

  “All night would be better.” Lifting Jenna onto the island, he pulled her top up over her head, unclasped her bra in the front and began to gently pinch each of her nipples between his thumb and index fingers.

  Jenna dropped her head back letting a moan of sensual pleasure break the silence once more.

  Rage was beginning to overtake Luke. How much longer could he sit here and listen as another man, his neighbor touch his wife. Kiss her skin, and pleasure her with his touch. What was Jenna thinking? Was she so lonely for attention that even pregnant she’d bed another man? Luke leaned forward in his chair. This can’t be happening. Jenna had said she wanted their marriage to work. She was pregnant with his baby, their child. Another wet kiss could be heard and Chad issued a low carnal growl.

  “I wanna do you here. Right now. I’m so hard right now I swear my dick has a zipper imprint on it.”

  Jenna giggled. “Our baby is gonna think that’s all we do you know. Not that I’m complaining.”

  Those words burned in Luke’s ears, and his gut rolled almost making him vomit. She had just stated that the baby she carried was fathered by Chad. She was pregnant to Chad Wingert. He couldn’t sit quietly anymore, he’d heard enough. Stealthy, he rose from his chair and stood in the doorway between the living room and kitchen. Chad had just started to unzip his jeans when the he noticed movement off to his right. Jenna noticed it at the same time, and looked to her left. Horror gripped wildly at both of them as Luke stood icily focused, and stone still.

  Instantly all parties moved at once. Chad backed away from Jenna pulling his t-shirt out over his jeans. Jenna frantically tugged on her bra to hook it, and pull her shirt over her head. Luke remained motionless.

  “Luke, this isn’t what it looks like. I can explain.”

  “We can explain man.”

  Luke’s voice boomed over their frantic pleads. “SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU.” Stepping into the light of the kitchen Luke pointed to Jenna and hissed. “You’ve outdone yourself Jenna. You make me sick.”

  Jenna lifted her chin and defiantly bellowed. “That bitch told you, didn’t she. She told you about Chad and me. I saw you leave with her. I saw you put her bags in your truck. Did you screw her Luke? Were you enough of a man for her?”

  “What are you talking about Jenna? I don’t know who you think told me anything. But what I see with my own eyes is that you’ve been having an affair with, with him.”

  Chad grabbed Jenna’s upper arm and pulled her close to his chest. Jenna was saying too much and filling in to many blanks. At this point, the less Luke knew the better off they’d be until he cooled down.

  “HER! Randi! That’s who you went on your trip with, and I know it. I saw you, and so did Chad. She’s sloppy seconds you know.” She could feel Chad pulling on her arm and telling her to be quiet.

  “Randi has nothing to do with…” tossing his hand around in the air towards both of them, “with this. What I just interrupted. And she sure as hell has nothing to do with the fact that you told me you were pregnant with my child. Yet here the both of you are, talking as if this baby in your belly belongs to the two of you. Which is it?”

  Chad jerked Jenna behind him and tried to calmly answer Luke. The situation had to stop escalating. “Luke, the baby is mine. She’s carrying my child, not yours. We didn’t plan this, our attraction, but once it started we couldn’t stop. We didn’t want to stop.”

  Closing his eyes and shaking his head in disgust Luke pointedly asked Chad. “Randi knew. She knew about you two, and she was ok with that?”

  “She suspected. She never knew for certain.”

  Jenna was gas to a flame as she moved from behind Chad and took a couple of steps toward Luke. “Don’t act like you didn’t know. That bitch wants everything that’s mine. Chad needed me, not her. She’ll never have him, and trust me you’ll never get her, not after this.”
  This woman before them was trembling with agitation. Chad began to piece what Jenna said together in his mind. Jenna knew about Randi and Luke, before he’d told her. She’d saw them leave together. Luke had said she told him the baby was his, yet she flat out lied to him and said that she’d never mentioned a word of her pregnancy to Luke. Luke wouldn’t say that unless she’d actually told him she was carrying his child.

  Luke was trying to fit pieces of the hurried conversation together in his mind, and at the same time tamp down his anger. Her hatred for Randi was deep seeded, which told him that Chad had been sleeping with Jenna for some time. Did she tell both men they’d fathered her child? What did she mean Randi would never want him after this? How would Randi know about any of this? David wouldn’t tell her?

  Enough, Luke had enough of this. He knew what he saw in this very kitchen. Chad admitted he was having a relationship with Jenna, and he claimed responsibility for her child. Jenna didn’t deny it, yet he knew what she claimed on his voicemail. Maybe he should play it for Chad. Pulling his cell from his pocket he punched on some keys and left Jenna’s voice fill the room. Tears were welling in Jenna’s eyes and she turned to Chad.

  “I was hurt baby. Please, I wasn’t thinking straight. You came back with that girl, and I...I...was scared. I thought I’d really lost you, and I couldn’t raise a baby on my own. Please baby...please...”

  Chad turned and walked out the door onto the deck. Jenna followed, and so did Luke. Chad walked down the ten steps to the cement pad below as Jenna was calling out to him begging forgiveness. Blinded by tears and darkness she tumbled. Her body hit step after step in what seemed to be slow motion. Luke was too far away to grab her and stop the fall. Chad was turning, ready to step away, but to slow to turn and catch her. THUD. All the voices were silenced.



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