Along for the Ride

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Along for the Ride Page 11

by Saskia Walker

  As she mulled it over, she wondered if it was Jason to whom Cal would always be most loyal. Was the strongest connection between them? Was she just entertainment? She’d come openly and willingly into the ménage, but through its very nature, did it exclude the space for her deeper feelings toward Cal?

  When she reached the turn in the river, she called the dogs to heel to trace the route back again. By the time she got back to the house, she had decided to just have fun and enjoy the moment. Where it was all leading her, she didn’t know, but she wasn’t afraid. She wanted to go all the way, even if it did mean taking the ultimate risk of losing her heart.

  * * * * *

  Cal’s gaze roved over them restlessly. After the sumptuous meal that Felice had prepared that evening, they sat around the mahogany dinner table, sipping brandy and smoking the lilac-colored cigarettes that Felice had brought out from the cocktail cabinet. They were all a little drunk. Felice had asked Maddie to clear away the dishes and then dismissed her from the house for the night, smiling at her dinner guests as the girl pouted and stomped off, muttering to herself. She had been given some juicy bits of information about Georgie’s life in London throughout the course of serving the meal, and was clearly annoyed at being deprived of more gossip material. It amused Cal no end.

  “You like my friends?” Georgie asked Felice, her hands moving to stroke the two men who sat either side of her. Cal’s fingers lifted from the surface of the table at her touch on his sleeve.

  She was catlike once more. The sheath of layered black net she was wearing flattered her dark looks and voluptuous curves. It was one of her designs, and it couldn’t have fit her any better. The gauzy structure of the slashed net both hid and revealed her body. It was tight over her curves and ripped at the softest places: across her thigh, in her cleavage, and just beneath her breast. Her pert nipples pushed upwards through the restraining fabric, making their erect outlines visible. That and her tumbling black mane made him want to push his hands over the surface of her body and recreate it in statuesque black resin. He would call her “Black Venus,” and she would represent the darkest side of the love goddess.

  He drew himself back from his deliberations and looked at Felice, curious to hear her response to the direct question. She sucked on her cigarette as she watched the three of them, her expression knowing.

  “Oh, yes ... very handsome, desirable.” She tapped her cigarette against the ashtray in her hand, the glossy lacquered shell elegantly poised between her slim fingers as she held it aloft. She made even the most mundane activities seem special. “You are all three lovers ... of each other, are you not?” She looked up from the ashtray and turned to Cal, as if she was aware he was the pivotal member of the trio.

  Cal reached for his brandy glass, smiling into it darkly. “Have you ever been in a ménage à trois, Felice?” He threw her question back at her in order to assess what was behind her curiosity.

  “No. That’s why I’m curious.” She relaxed back into her chair, her expression inquisitive as she waited for answers.

  “If you’re curious about it, you must be the type of woman that likes to explore her sexuality,” Jason observed.

  She glanced at him.

  “I mean ... to take two men as lovers demands a very special type of woman,” he added, and chuckled.

  Felice assumed he was complimenting her, which was his intention. How devious he was, Cal thought, to compliment both the women present, in one comment. He glanced at Georgie, who rewarded him with a sexy smile and a wink.

  “I’ve often wondered about it.” Felice gave Jason a frank stare. “As you say, it would take a special woman, and a special relationship between the three. But I like to explore my sexuality, yes.”

  Cal could see that Jason would gladly explore her sexuality with her.

  “Is one of you gay?”

  “Oh, yes, we’re all very happy.” Georgie swigged more brandy, laughing.

  “Why must people label things, I wonder,” Cal said, almost to himself. “I prefer to think of it as being someone that responds to pleasure. You know, responding to reciprocal desires and fulfilling them, whatever the context of the scenario or whoever the players in the scene. Does that make sense?”

  “So ... if you feel attracted to a man, you can have sex with a man?” Felice was becoming more direct, challenging. The sexual intensity in the room had ratcheted up by several notches.

  Jason leaned forward in his seat. He was quite obviously fascinated by the nature of the conversation. It was something they had discussed before, many times, but to see Felice’s reactions was intriguing.

  “I suppose so, but it’s more that two people are attracted to each other, to the essential person. It’s a chemical thing, made up of a combination of their looks, character, and personality, not their gender.”

  “I see ... so when you hear people say they will only sleep with their opposite gender, you believe they are simply excluding possibilities that could bring them a great deal of pleasure?”

  “Precisely. There are many ways to experience pleasure. Some, for example, may involve you not even knowing the gender of the person who gives you pleasure. If you were blindfolded and someone went down on you and it was the best oral sex you had experienced, would it make any difference if it was man or woman?”

  Felice was beginning to look very hot and aroused, if a little uneasy. “I can fantasize about being made love to by a stranger in such a way, but it’s outrageous to consider not knowing who the person was, or their gender.”

  “But in theory, would it matter?” Cal forced her to consider the question. “Say, for the purposes of the debate, the four of us were in a room and we blindfolded you. Someone performed oral sex on you, touching only your pussy with their tongue and mouth, and you didn’t know which of the three of us it was.”

  “No, I suppose in the fundamental sense, it wouldn’t matter,” she conceded.

  He felt a pang of guilt. Her pupils were dilated, but she was clearly on rocky ground. He decided to redirect the conversation. “What is the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done? Sexually, I mean.”

  Felice finally glanced away from his challenging stare, and her mouth curved. This question had clearly put her back on more level ground. She toyed with her brandy glass, then pushed her chair back and put her feet up on the table. Her legs gleamed in the candlelight, the sheer surface of her stockings bouncing the light back.

  “So many things; to select the most outrageous would be difficult.” She smiled.

  “Well, perhaps we should all confess?” Cal glanced around at the others, who nodded their agreement to participate. “Let me start.” He settled back into his chair and began. “When I was fourteen, I masturbated in a church.”

  Felice turned, her eyes wide. “Really?”

  “Yes. I was ashamed about it for many years. Then I realized it was the most fitting tribute I could have offered to God. My very own life force.” He chuckled to himself, enjoying the irony.

  “Was anyone else there?” Felice was avid with curiosity.

  He briefly turned to look at her. “Yes, no. Well ... no one who saw me, and I hadn’t intended to do it. I’d gone in to light a candle for my mother. She believed that she would recover from a bout of arthritis if I did so.” He smiled cynically to himself. “I’d pocketed the money that I’d been given for the candle and was sitting in the pew, waiting for the appropriate amount of time to pass before I could leave. Then I saw this nun, a sister of mercy, walk across the altar. When she fell to her knees in a deep and genuine genuflection, I found myself observing the way her body moved inside its habit -- it was a terrible shroud of a garment. Despite the covering, or maybe because of it, I could see she was shapely and even attractively built underneath.” He gazed into the mid-distance, feeling decidedly relaxed as he told them calmly that he had wanked in a church.

  “Then, in my mind, I imagined that she walked over to the table on the altar and prostrated herself, bent
over. I realized that when I imagined her bent over, I wanted to take her, from behind. The idea of it was such a turn on that I had to get my cock out right there and then. I knelt down against the pew in front and wanked, banging it hard against the shelf where the hymn books rested.” He glanced around. They were all focused on him.

  “She was still there, kneeling at the front, praying, but in my mind I had her pushed face-down on the altar, her habit rucked up over her hips, while I was sticking it inside her. I was rubbing my cock so hard while I thought of having her, over the altar ... in the fantasy she was very wet, but she screamed and prayed and begged for God’s forgiveness.”

  “Just at that point, the nun stood up from her prayers, interrupting my fantasy. She turned toward me and smiled at me approvingly when she noticed me there, kneeling, as if I were praying, too. The situation was so perverse that I came immediately, while she was looking right at me ... and all over the hymn books, as I recall.”

  The atmosphere in the room was static but for the background music of the stereo.

  “You naughty boy,” Georgie purred, breaking the tension, her eyes flashing.

  “Fuck,” Jason muttered.

  Cal grinned at Georgie and then turned to Jason. “And you, Highlander?” He was building Felice up for the big one, sensing her hidden confessions.

  Jason glanced at him. “Outrageous?” He was chuckling to himself, swept up in the experience of truth and display. He toyed with the collar of his linen shirt while he considered the challenge. “Well, nothing quite so perverse, but there was this one particular woman ... we always seemed to end up doing it outside.” He was reflective, a fond look in his eyes.

  Cal caught Georgie’s eye, thinking about their time outside the day before. He smiled at her over the top of his brandy glass. Her eyes closed briefly in a warm sign of acknowledgment. Just that simple action touched him somewhere deep inside.

  “Or in unusual places ... we once had sex in a Marks and Spencer changing room.”

  “How did that come about?” Georgie quizzed, her eyebrows drawn together as if she was trying to picture the two lovers sneaking into one cubicle.

  “Oh, she did it on purpose. She asked me to wait so I could see the dress she was trying on. She left the curtain open, and I could see her looking back at me in the reflection in the mirror. She knew what she was doing. She kept bending over to put things on the floor. She was wearing a purple g-string, and she looked so goddamn sexy. I could see her gorgeous arse, and she knew it. She got down to just the g-string and then turned to look at me, beckoning me in.”

  He was smiling. “At first I shook my head, thinking the attendant would catch me and assume I was trying to steal something. Then she pulled the stool in front of her and straddled it, rocking back and forth as if she were riding cock. I had a major stiffy in seconds. I waited until the attendant walked up the line of cubicles to see if any more were empty, than darted in.” He glanced around at them. “She didn’t buy the dress; she didn’t even try it on. I don’t think she ever had any intention of it.”

  “You did it quietly enough to avoid discovery?” Felice was fascinated.

  He nodded. “I put my hand over her mouth while she rode me on the stool. She was the noisy one, although she claimed she wasn’t aware that she ever made a sound.”

  “And how did you get out?”

  “That was easy. We just walked out, right past the attendant who stood there with her mouth open, wondering what the hell had gone on in her territory.” Jason was obviously enjoying the reminiscing. “We also had sex on a train. Standing up. In the corridor. In broad daylight.”

  “Standing?” Felice arched one eyebrow dramatically.

  “She was taller than I.” He smiled at her.

  “Go on ...” Her pupils were dilating.

  Cal could see that Jason had stimulated something. Felice was tall, but perhaps she’d never had a shorter man standing up.

  “We stood near the junction between the carriages, where the motion of the train can be felt most of all. We both wore long, heavy overcoats. It was winter. We were young lovers.” Jason shrugged, as if he didn’t need to explain. “We went into the corridor, and I felt the motion of the train while I kissed her. We were swept into it.” He met Felice’s stare. “I couldn’t do anything but respond to my body’s desires.”

  Felice nodded. “Did anyone find you out?”

  “A couple of people passed through, but we could have just been in a passionate embrace, nothing more. Those coats.” He laughed.

  As Felice and Jason flirted with one another, Cal turned to Georgie.

  “Your turn.”

  She looked at him. He could see her response in her expression, a teasing acknowledgment of his game.

  “Now let me think.” Her eyelids lowered, her head going back. “Ah, yes! I was divested of my virginity by my father’s friend and colleague.”

  Cal felt a rush of blood in his loins.

  “It was here, in this house ...” Her hand closed over his, her expression and her words provoking him.

  “Gerald?” Felice asked as she stood up to change the CD.

  “Yes, Gerald.” Georgie squeezed Cal’s fingers between her own. Her expression told him she was thinking of him, but that wasn’t enough. He would have to possess her soon.

  “I wondered about him.” Felice replied. “So it was inexperience that interested him. That explains a lot.” She laughed in delight, tossing her head back. She sashayed to the music as she returned from the stereo. “Was he a good lover? A worthy initiator?”

  “Oh, yes. It was so good!” Georgie’s gaze flickered back and forth to Cal’s.

  He felt a flare of jealousy burning inside his chest. The foreign emotion unsettled him. He didn’t want to be jealous, because he didn’t understand it. He didn’t want to feel possessive or need her this way -- he didn’t want to need anybody.

  He turned back to Felice. “Felice, you’ve been avoiding your confession.”

  Jason had never heard Cal say so much about his sexuality, or talk about his upbringing at all. What on earth had brought that about, he wondered? He had been baiting them all, that was clear, but something about Georgie’s provocative comments and her mood had got the better of him. Jason couldn’t help wondering if the Austrian was getting attached to their new playmate. The thought made him smile.

  Felice smiled back, assuming it was meant for her, and drew her legs up onto the table, her ankles crossed. Jason’s gaze ran up and down the length of them. They were long and firm, shapely. Her patent shoes reflected the candlelight. Her outfit was all style and panache -- a fern-colored dress in velvet hugged her body, as chicly sexy as Georgie’s was sexy goth chick, and yet the two of them looked right at home sitting opposite each other at the candlelit dining table.

  “The most outrageous ... hmmm.” She smoothed her hands over the surface of her velvet hemline where it ran across her thighs, building up the anticipation. “It’s rather perverse.”

  “And masturbating in a church isn’t perverse?” Cal reached over the table to lace Georgie’s fingers with his own.

  Felice gave a decadent smile. Jason could see she was enjoying every moment of this, despite Cal’s barefaced impatience.

  “I like to masturbate ... Who doesn’t?” She glanced at them happily. “But not with those ugly plastic dildos.”

  Georgie chuckled. “I like ugly plastic dildos.”

  Felice grimaced in distaste, appearing to be such a sophisticated lady, even when talking about the dirty one-handed deed.

  “I like to do it with something a bit more natural.” She had Jason’s full attention. “Such as fruit and vegetables. I take a good deal of trouble when I’m shopping, selecting the object I will do it with. I enjoy that part of it, too; it makes me anticipate. I feel the shapes of all the long, hard vegetables.”

  Jason’s eyebrows went up in amazement when he recalled shopping with her that day, and how much attention she had paid to t
he products in the greengrocer. It had turned him on, and yet he hadn’t quite realized why. It all made perfect sense now, and for some reason he felt a sudden rush of unaccountable embarrassment over his naiveté in the shop.

  “Cucumbers,” she growled. “I like to test the hardness and girth with my hand.” She demonstrated by touching her thumb and forefinger together in a circle and gesturing with an up and down movement. It made Jason’s cock twitch with eagerness. “To gauge how it might feel inside me, hard and cold and rigid ... and I can stroke the texture of fruit for such a long time. I like to rub the skin of a hard lemon over my pussy. I squeeze them in the shop to find if they are just rough enough to give me that kind of pleasure.”

  “Then ...” She glanced around at them. “After I have had my pleasure with them, sometimes ... sometimes I like to cook them.”

  “Did we eat you tonight?” Cal asked in an amused tone. “The zucchini, the carrots, perhaps?”

  Georgie was giggling, Jason speechless.

  Felice gave a purr of a laugh. “That is for me to know and for you to guess at.” She looked directly at Jason.

  His mouth was watering. He wanted to taste her. Forget the vegetables, he wanted to stick his tongue inside her, instead. “What a terrible waste. A man would be very appreciative of such attention.”

  “I bet.” She looked as if she were about to clamber across the table to him. She stood up, kicking off her shoes as she did so, gestured at him, then turned and stepped quickly across and out of the room. Jason could do none other than stand and follow her, giving a brief smile to Cal and Georgie as he darted after her.

  She led him quickly down the hallways and into the kitchen. She walked deliberately across the space, turned, and leaned her hips up against the kitchen worktop.


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