Girl Enslaved

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by Tawny Taylor

  Girl Enslaved

  Tawny Taylor

  Jamie Purdue has her vacation all planned out. She’s going to watch movies on Lifetime and do a few odd jobs around her parents’ place. Little does she know that Brad and Logan, two gorgeous acquaintances with to-die-for bodies, have other plans for her. And none of those plans involve a paintbrush or shovel.

  Brad and Logan aren’t merely the weight-slinging bodybuilders Jamie thinks. They are also hot-blooded Doms with one thing on their mind―gaining Jamie’s complete surrender. And they’ll use every weapon in their arsenal to get it.

  Taking Jamie hostage is only the first step in their deviously sexy plans…

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Girl Enslaved

  ISBN 9781419932786


  Girl Enslaved Copyright © 2011 Tawny Taylor

  Edited by Grace Bradley

  Cover art by Syneca

  Electronic book publication January 2011

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Girl Enslaved

  Tawny Taylor

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Chunky Monkey: Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc.

  Hummer: General Motors Corporation

  Labatt Blue: Labatt Brewing Company Ltd.

  Serta: Serta International

  Chapter One

  “Troi kissed her again and she relaxed, letting the water and Troi and Amun support her. She felt weightless, the water caressing her everywhere, little sparks sizzling down every nerve in her body. One hand closed over her breast, warming it, pinching her nipple between finger and thumb. Another slipped over her buttocks, moving lower, lower, finding her center. She shuddered and moaned into Troi’s mouth as a finger breached her entry, slipping inside. Her inside muscles contracted, her pussy clamping around the invading digit. Instantly, she craved more. A thick, hard cock. Deep inside.” Jamie Perdue stopped reading, snatched her glass of diet cola off the coffee table and took a long, deep guzzle.

  Wow, this book was hot. And clearly she wasn’t the only one who thought so. One glance around her living room and Jamie had no doubt all the other members of their book club were getting warm too. Their cheeks were the shade of salsa.

  Sitting next to Jamie on the couch, her best friend Kelsey Faust fanned her face with a paper plate. “Why’d you stop? That scene was just getting going.”

  “I know.” Jamie took another swallow of cola. “But I thought we should break for discussion. After all, we don’t need to read the whole thing aloud. We’ve all read the book, right?”

  Everyone nodded but Tara.

  Tara, looking guilty, muttered, “It was a rough week at work.”

  Kelsey’s smile was wry. “You’re just embarrassed, reading smut aloud.”

  “No, I’m not.” Jamie drained her glass.

  Kelsey did a little eye roll. “Rightttt. The worst curse word I’ve ever heard you say is ‘freaking’.”

  Slightly irritated by Kelsey’s teasing, Jamie set her glass on the table a little harder than necessary. “Hey, are you suggesting I’m a prude?”

  “As they say, if the shoe fits...” Kelsey raised her hands. “As your friend, I’m not going to point out the obvious, like…no, can’t do it. But I will say, last month was your pick. We read Danielle Steel. My grandma reads Danielle Steel.”

  “Everyone loved Southern Lights. A book doesn’t have to have a sex scene every ten pages to be a good read, does it?” Jamie looked for support. She found none. Bitches. “At our last meeting, you all went on and on about how great the book was. Did you lie?”

  Samantha, who was sitting on her opposite side, shrugged.

  Tara decided she needed to go to the bathroom right now.

  Brooke, lounging on a recliner, stuffed her mouth full of barbecue chips.

  Kelsey pulled the book out of Jamie’s hands and thumped the cover. “Jamie, I guess I’m the one who’s going to have to break the news to you. We talked about it last week.” We? Jamie hadn’t been part of any conversation. Why was that? “This is what we want to read from now on. Smut. Sexy books about hot men doing nasty things to their women. Right, girls?”

  Two out of three of them indicated their agreement. The other member of the group was still hiding in the bathroom.

  “Really?” Jamie just didn’t get why they’d want to limit their choices. Sure, the sex scenes in the erotic books were hot. But she preferred reading a wide variety of books. Mysteries, thrillers, romances, literary novels. It was kind of like food. In her opinion, there was nothing better than Chunky Monkey ice cream. After a week straight of eating nothing else, though, even that would start to taste blah. “Wouldn’t you rather mix it up a little?”

  “No.” Kelsey’s expression softened. “I’m sorry, Jamie, but we all agreed. We want to read more books like this one. What’s so wrong with it, anyway?”

  Jamie shrugged. “I just couldn’t buy the plot. It was too unrealistic.”

  “It’s not supposed to be realistic. These books are all about fantasy,” Kelsey explained.

  “Whose fantasy?” Jamie asked.

  “Yours. Mine. Everyone’s.” Kelsey swept her arm in a wide arc.

  “No, not mine.” Jamie shook her head emphatically. “I have no desire whatsoever to have a threesome. Not with anyone. And I don’t think I’m the only one who feels that way, either.”

  “I think you want to, deep down inside,” Kelsey said. “The problem is, you haven’t found the right men.”

  Kelsey was right. Kind of. After reading that book, she did, sort of, wonder what it would feel like to be with two men. But that whole threesome thing would always remain a secret fantasy. Unlike her best friend, she’d been raised in a strict Baptist home. And although she’d been living on her own for years and hadn’t gone to church in as many, she still clung to a few of her former religion’s attitudes.

  However, she drank alcohol, sometimes to excess.

  Also, she loved dancing and would admit her moves on the dance floor would inspire her mother to fall to her knees and pray for her salvation.

  But when it came to men, and specifically sex, she was still fairly conservative.

  Unlike the few friends she kept in touch with from her former church, she’d had sex outside of marriage. But she hadn’t had sex with many men, certainly not with someone she hadn’t dated for at least a couple months.

  And most definitely not with two men at once.

nbsp; That was why these books made her squirmy. Sex was treated so casually, as if it were no big deal sleeping with one, or more, strangers. And yet…reading some of the sex scenes made her almost wish she could just let herself be free. As anyone could tell you, that wasn’t such a simple thing to do. She couldn’t push a button and poof, zap away all those values and prejudices and fears. She knew, without any doubt, that if she even kissed two men within a few hours of each other, she’d be overcome with guilt.

  In the back of her mind, she’d condemn herself as a sinner.

  Sipping her cola, Jamie returned her focus to the conversation.

  “So, if you could pick two men to have a ménage with, who would they be?” Kelsey asked the group.

  Tara, who’d just returned from the bathroom, answered first. “That’s a no-brainer. I’d pick Johnnie Depp and Brad Pitt. And I’d make Johnny wear his pirate costume.”

  “No, let’s keep it real,” Kelsey said, shaking her head. “Can we pick men who are at least semi-attainable?”

  Immediately two faces popped into Jamie’s mind.

  “A girl can dream, can’t she?” Tara scrunched up her face. “Fine. Have it your way. But this is going to take some thought. Come back to me.”

  Samantha volunteered, “If it’s just for sex, I’d go for the guy who cuts my parents’ lawn. His body is ohmygod hot. And the other one would be my little sister’s swim instructor. The swim instructor might even have boyfriend potential. He’s single.”

  “Nice. Swimming does good things for a man’s body,” Brooke said as she munched on a chip. Everyone agreed with that statement. “My dream ménage would be with my brother’s best friends. They’re both doctors. Rich and good-looking. And everyone knows doctors have great hands.”

  “Oh, I know!” Tara exclaimed, grinning. “I’d go with the two dance instructors at our community center. Beautiful men. Both of them. Bisexual. Yum. And imagine what they could do, thanks to all that flexibility.”

  Some interesting images flashed through Jamie’s mind. She had a healthy imagination. It came in handy sometimes.

  “I think I’d go with Dylan and Roberto,” Kelsey said. “They work for my folks on the ranch. Rodeo boys. I just love it when they get all dirty and sweaty. And wouldn’t it be fun to have a roll in the hay with two dirty boys? Mmmmm-mmm!”

  They all looked at Jamie.

  “I can’t think of anyone,” Jamie blurted.

  “Sure you can.” Samantha nudged her. “Come on. Who would it be? We’re just talking fantasy here.”

  “No, really.” This time, Jamie packed her mouth full of nacho chips, hoping it would keep her from having to answer.

  Kelsey picked up the book and started reading, “She let her weight shift backward until he was supporting her and reached down to place her hand over his. She pulled until his fingers slid out of her pussy, moving them forward to her clit. And, with her index finger positioned on top, showed him exactly how to touch her. She saw stars—”

  “Okay! I’ll tell you if you stop reading that darn book.” Jamie drained her glass.

  Looking very pleased with herself, Kelsey set the book facedown on the table, open to the page she’d been reading aloud. “We’re listening.”

  Her cheeks were hot. Jamie wondered if her friends could tell. They were all looking at her with expectant faces. “There are these two guys at the gym…”

  “Ooooh. Gym rats,” Samantha said, rubbing her hands together. “Tell us more.”

  “Yes, more,” Brooke urged, leaning forward. “How I love a man with a hard body.”

  Jamie hugged a throw pillow to her chest and combed her fingers through the gold fringe trim. “I don’t know their names. They’ve helped me here and there with the equipment but we’ve never had a conversation. They both have very dark complexions. One has long hair. He pulls it into a ponytail when he works out, but when he isn’t, it frames his face in sexy waves.” A chorus of oohs and ahhs filled the room. “The other one has slightly shorter hair, cut in a messy shag, and it’s streaked with gold highlights. Both have very square jaws, high cheekbones and very dark, sensual eyes.” All the girls shifted closer, their interest glittering in their eyes. “They kind of look alike in the face. It’s possible they may be related. Let me tell you, they make going to the gym pure heaven.”

  “What gym is that?” Kelsey asked. “I’m joining tomorrow.”

  Everyone laughed. Kelsey had never stepped foot in a gym. She was curvy and luscious and feminine and she’d said more than once she liked her body the way it was.

  Samantha flung an arm over Jamie’s shoulder. “Now see? Was that so hard?”

  “Not really, I guess. Because it’ll never happen.”

  “Never say never,” Kelsey warned her.

  Jamie fiddled with the pillow again. “No, in this case I think I’m safe saying never. Seriously, I’d die from guilt if I even made out with two guys at once, let alone had sex with them. And anyway, they barely know I exist.”

  “Maybe they notice you more than you think,” Brooke piped in. “You have a killer body. They’re men. Men like killer bodies…or do you think they’re gay?”

  “No, I don’t think they’re gay.” Jamie nibbled on another chip. “I don’t know how to explain it. They just don’t seem to notice me. Maybe where they work they see a lot of hot women? Or maybe they’re dating someone? Or have so many beautiful women throwing themselves at their feet, they don’t need to go looking for a woman?”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” Samantha released her shoulder, scooping up the book Kelsey had been reading and flipping through the pages. “So, what’re you doing next week? You’re on vacation, right?”

  Glad someone had finally changed the subject—halleluiah!—Jamie responded, “I’m hanging around the house, getting stuff done I don’t normally have time for. And I’m going to my folks’ place to give them a hand for a couple days.”

  “Again?” Kelsey asked, looking disappointed. “Didn’t you help your dad hang drywall last year?”

  “Yes, I did. I don’t make sixty thousand a year like some people. I can’t take a trip every year.” Smiling, she gave Samantha an elbow in the rib cage. “Two years ago, we all went to Vegas, remember?”

  “Sure, but you could at least do something for yourself this week,” Kelsey said. “Even if it’s something small.”

  “Like what?” Jamie asked.

  “I like to go to a spa and get pampered for a day,” Brooke said.

  “That’s a silly idea. Why would I do that?” Jamie headed to the kitchen to refill her empty glass. Returning, she explained, “I just got my hair cut last week. Fingernail polish wouldn’t stay on my nails for more than a day. And what use would I have for a pedicure? I wear steel-toed boots every day.”

  “You don’t wear steel-toed boots everywhere, do you?” Tara asked.

  “No, but—”

  “Girls, I’m out of time.” Brooke pushed to her feet, giving everyone an apologetic smile. “Gotta head out. I’m meeting my sister at the mall in an hour. I’m helping her register for her wedding.”

  “Have fun with that.” Tara gave her a little wave.

  “You know me, shopping is my life.” Brooke winked, grabbed the book and headed toward the door. “This month’s choice is Tara’s.”

  Standing, Tara said, “I don’t have a book picked yet. I’ll email the title by next weekend.”

  Jamie had a feeling, after today, next month’s selection was probably going to be even smuttier than the last one. Probably about seven-foot-tall aliens kidnapping innocent women and forcing them to have sex.

  The other three members followed Brooke’s lead. After five minutes of goodbyes, Jamie’s apartment was empty and eerily quiet.

  She shoved her copy of this month’s book club selection, Lust’s Temptation, under the couch and picked up a comfort read before heading out to her little balcony.

  This was the life. A great book. Peace and quiet. The freedom to live the
way she wanted, to read what she wanted, to watch what she wanted on TV, to eat and drink what she wanted.

  She was free.

  She was independent.

  She was content.

  Chapter Two

  Jamie’s life sucked.

  Today was the first day of her vacation. She wasn’t supposed to be sitting outside her apartment complex’s office at three in the morning, waiting for somebody to show up.

  Lucky her. The neighbor in 2B had been cooking meth. His freaking lab blew up. The wall between his apartment and Jamie’s now had a hole big enough to drive a Hummer through. And there was about an inch of water on the floor. Her carpet squished when she walked.

  What timing.

  Her phone rang. Kelsey.

  Kelsey owned rental properties all over town. With any luck, one of them would be empty and she’d have a temporary place to stay. She hit the button. “Thank God you called back! I need a favor.”

  “What’s going on?” her friend mumbled.

  Sitting on the concrete curb in front of the complex’s office, Jamie kicked a stone. It skittered across the road. “My apartment blew up and I need a place to stay for a few days.”

  “It what?”

  She kicked another stone. “Long story short, my neighbor decided he was going to cook his own illegal drugs instead of buying them. He didn’t know what he was doing. And now you could say there are only three apartments on my floor—two one-bedroom units and one really big two-bedroom one.”

  “Oh, honey. I’m sorry.”

  Jamie glanced at her building, currently surrounded by police and fire personnel. “This is not what I was envisioning for my vacation.”

  “No worries. I’ll hook you up.”

  “Thank you!” Jamie dropped her head, combing her fingers through her hair.

  “Did you lose everything?”


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